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Hi, I'm roptat! I contribute since a few years. I enjoy hiking with a GPS and map features not on OSM yet. I do that usually on vacation, so I contribute sparsely ;).

I used to go to our local meetings in Rennes, France, when I was there. I contributed to the first few meetings in New Haven, Connecticut. I'm now in Toulouse.

Also feel free to ask any question :)

About Me
OSM Logo This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Mastodon user Roptat toots on Mastodon/Fediverse as Mastodon
GitHub logo Roptat has an account on GitHub as @roptat.
GitLab user Roptat has an account on GitLab as @roptat.
GitLab user Roptat has an account on GitLab as
Official gnu.svg Roptat uses a GNU-based computer.
Firefox Roptat prefers Mozilla Firefox.
JOSM Roptat submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
iD Roptat submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
StreetComplete Roptat submits data to OpenStreetMap using StreetComplete.
OsmAnd icon Roptat uses OsmAnd, mobile map viewing & navigation app.
Pole multi attachement.png Roptat is interested in micromapping.
weeklyOSM logo Roptat is part of the editorial staff of weeklyOSM.
Hiker Roptat
is a hiker.
Babel user information
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
eo-2 Ĉi tiu uzanto havas meznivelan scion de Esperanto.
ja-2 この利用者は中級日本語ができます。
Users by language


Here is a list of tools I know:


Data Usage

Quality Assurance

  • latest changes: Shows the changes in the last 7 days on a specific region.


Here is a list of maps I know that use OSM data:

Notes and TODO list

  • Clean places of worship. A lot of them are from a very imprecise import, see this query. Most of them are correct (at least they seem to be) but a lot are still in random places (in the middle of a road, on a building that's tagged differently, or in the middle of nothing).
  • Actually, the import was not about churches or places of worship, but more categories, see USGS_GNIS. This query tries to find imported features with the gnis:feature_id tag that were not modified since the import or shortly after, so mostly nodes that are not accurate (and maybe even gone), but not nodes that were modified after that date, which have probably been replaced manually to a better location.
  • Some `leisure=park` from gnis are named “Historic District”, which typically means they are actually historical places, so to be tagged with `heritage=*`. It seems that in a lot of cases, they are listed in nhrp, for instance for New Haven. Follow Key:heritage#United_States. The original document might be found here for instance. If it is published before 1989 w/o a copyright notice, it’s in the public domain, so it's usable in OSM. Make sure to check the copyright notice before using such a document! This list is also interesting.