Zh-hant:Overpass API/Overpass QL

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Overpass QL ("Overpass檢索語言(Overpass Query Language)"的簡稱)是第二套為Overpass API創建的檢索語言,第一套是Overpass XML。Overpass QL是 程序式 指令式,採用 C語言語法撰寫的程式語言。

這wiki頁面將會提供Overpass QL的完整技術參考文獻。要察看實用範例集合,請參照Overpass API by Examplewiki頁面。如果沒有技術背景你可以發現這一頁相當容易親近。

Language overview


Overpass QL原始碼被分為聲稱,而每個聲稱的結尾有分號;。 Statements are executed sequentially by a  process, and each statement run changes the process's execution state.

Execution state

The Overpass QL execution state consists of:

  • the default set _ (a single underscore)
  • other named sets, if created by the user
  • a  stack, during the execution of Overpass QL block statements

