Colombia/Project/2015 Salgar landslide
General Information | |
2015 Salgar Colombia landslide |
For Aid Organizations
Map and Data Services
About OpenStreetMap
OpenStreetMap offers an online map (and spatial database) which is updated by the minute. Various tools and services allow data extracts for GIS specialists, Routable Garmin GPS data, Smartphone GPS navigation, and other device-compatible downloads. With an internet connection, regular syncing is possible with open access to the community contributed data as it comes in, with OpenStreetMap's bulk data downloads ideal for use offline. In addition, maps can also be printed to paper.
Browse the Area of Interest to get a feel for the data that is currently available. Different map styles including an Humanitarian style can be selected on the right side, and some data may not render (appear) on the map, but could be exported from the underlying database (See export section below).
Paper Maps
- OCHA Poster Map (A0)
- MapOSMatic Salgar urban area
Salgar Urban Area. Updated 11/06/2015.
Poster size Maps and normal sized paper atlases of custom areas can be printed:
- FieldPapers Paper Maps with grid for field survey or general navigation purposes,
- MapOSMatic Large Paper Maps with grid, street index and POI, good for command centers, hospitals, etc.
Exporting OpenStreetMap data
See Downloading data for instructions on getting large scale map data. See Shapefiles if you need this format to export to GIS tools.
- Add additional data sources here...
With the availibility of Small communication devices, Navigation Offline data proves to be very useful to the humanitarians deployed in foreign countries. We support the humanitarian NGO's using navigation data and invite them to give us feedback on the utilization of these devices in the context of field deployment.
- Add additional data sources here...
Usage of OSM data for Humanitarian Missions
- Example CartONG Map
- Please post links/reports here...
About This Mapping Project
The HOT Activation Working Group contact is activation at
Humberto Yances, HOT and Local OSM community member is currently monitoring this situation.
Support Team
Russell Deffner is helping with communication via email and the english text of this wiki.
Other Responses including Digital Humanitarian Network
- International Disaster Charter (OCHA & UNGDR) under discussion
- Add other links here...
For Mappers
- HOT Coordinator(s) monitoring
How You Can Contribute

» LearnOSM Task Manager tutorial
Short demo video featuring task 1090
» Short demo video featuring task 1018
Nepal Images of houses, villages, highways
» Gallery 1 Pre and Post-Disaster
» Gallery 2
Learn to Map
- Most of our volunteer needs are for remote OSM contributors, visit to get started.
- Additional guidance for tagging in the area can be found at Colombia
Mapping Priority
Please refer to this video for mapping instructions. There are offsets in the area of interest for Bing imagery, please refer to this video to learn how to make proper adjustments
Please map all landslides hazards using this tags: hazard_type=landslide and geological=mass_movement
Task Manager projects
The following projects have been set-up on the OSM Tasking Manager (Tareas instance). The complete list of HOT projects for this 2015 Salgar, Antioquia, Colombia event are all listed (alongside others) on :
Job No. | Location | What to map | Imagery expiration | Task Mapping Status | Task Validation Status |
Task#13 | Salgar | Roads, buildings and waterways. | N/A | Completed | Archived |
Task#14 | Salgar | Roads, buildings and waterways. Peaks, valleys and ridges. | N/A | Completed | Completed |
Response maps
- A uMap of the area is here: [2]
Available Imagery
Pre-Distaster Imagery
Federación Nacional de Cafeteros
New imagery with high resolution (20cm/px) is avaible thanks to Federación Nacional de Cafeteros.
Bing is the 'default' Imagery available for OSM (default option in most editors). The Bing imagery coverage for the area is good, alternative imagery sources may be provided in the Task Manager Jobs, and/or described below.
There are offsets in the area of interest for Bing imagery, please refer to this video to learn how to make proper adjustments
Mapbox provides a good alternative if there are clouds or just for a second view.
Post-Disaster Imagery
International Charter
Under analysis between OCHA & UNGRD if Charter will be activated
Iniciative undergoing
- 21/05/2015:[Drone Aerial Pictures offer] Jorge Luis Rodriguez, Geodrone SAS Manager offer drone for aerial pictures, requires support for travel expenses. This is his message send to talk-co list: "Actualmente soy el gerente de una empresa de asesoría y consultoría en vehículos aéreos no tripulados, GeoDrone S.A.S, y queremos poner a disposición de la OCHA, OpenStreetMap, UNGRD, nuestros plataformas y equipo de trabajo, que comprende Drones o UAVs de tipo Ala fija, Multirotor, y personal calificado en las áreas de geomática, fotogrametría y percepción remota. Nosotros podemos destinar 3 personas de nuestro personal técnico, para el levantamiento de las imágenes aéreas junto con las plataformas necesarias, así mismo el post-procesamiento de la información que se adquiera en campo. Lo único que requerimos, es el apoyo por parte de ustedes en cuanto al desplazamiento y la estadía en el lugar de la zona afectada."
- 22/05/2015: Thanks to Creative Commons Foundations support, transport is now possible from Medellín to Salgar, post-disaster aerial pictures are planned to be taken this weekend.
- 23/05/2015: Task could not be acomplished because close of aerial space due President of Colombia visit. OSM Colombia community maintain focus and is looking for new resources for logistics to rerun.
- 15/06/2015: Succesfuly around 15 Ha. of imagery were taken using UAV thanks to Geodrone SAS and Fredy Rivera from Querty. More aerial pictures to come.
Lessons learned: Predisaster imagery requires to map high elements as power/communication towers, so UAV flights could be better planned. Bests practices and firts mapping results will be shared at 16/06/2015 crisis coordination room, with aid and goverment institutions.
- 25/06/2015: 3D rendering published from one of the disaster areas.
Potential Datasources
Imports sources
Third Party Data Imports - Coordination Page ABORTED!
Historical Maps
- Provide links to historical maps of the impacted area here...
Mapathon events
Bing/Mapbox imagery
- Salgar Crisis Mapping Workshop, 30/05/2015, Bogotá DC, Colombia, hosted by HackerSpace Bogotá.
- Convergentes Community of Practice adds to mapping activities at Salgar
- Workshop: Crisis Cartography with OSM, 30/05/2015 2PM. Casa Tres Patios, Carrera 50A #63-31, Prado, Medellín, Colombia. Invites Coordinated by @kleper
New imagery events
- Crisis Mapping Workshop, Bogotá, Cl. 44#8-50 ap. 201. 13/06/2015. 12 pax.
Others Crisis Mapping Events
- OSM Humanitarian Mapping Workshop, june 4, 2015.
Past Events
- See previous Humanitarian Mapping Colombia#Projects
Other Links
GPX Tracks
- Equipo Puentes de la Esperanza share this waypoints
- Equipo Puentes de la Esperanza tracks on field 21/05/2115
OsmAnd files
This files can be used in OsmAnd mobile app for on field rescue activities:
- Colombia 22/05/2015
On field pictures
- Flickr published pictures from 23/05/2015 visit.
- Mapillary published pictures from 23/05/2015 visit.
Legal staff about risk & disaster management in Colombia
- LEY 1523 DE 2012 (Abril 24) Por la cual se adopta la política nacional de gestión del riesgo de desastres y se establece el Sistema Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres y se dictan otras disposiciones
- DECRETO 1807 DE 2014 (Septiembre 19) Por el cual se reglamenta el artículo 189 del Decreto-ley 019 de 2012 en lo relativo a la incorporación de la gestión del riesgo en los planes de ordenamiento territorial y se dictan otras disposiciones.
- RESOLUCIÓN 1907 DE 2013 (diciembre 27) MINISTERIO DE AMBIENTE Y DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE Por la cual se expide la Guía Técnica para la formulación de los Planes de Ordenación y Manejo de Cuencas Hidrográficas.