Automated edits/Habi
contact:phone=* cleanup in Switzerland
I'm looking at and going through some values there
In General
- 6 nodes tagged with an (now) invalid number 11 years ago: 162341492 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- 19 public transport ticket machines in Bern 162341309 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
On Hydrants
These are a lot of those, leading to a lot of changesets. See for details
On post_boxes
Find them with variants of contact:phone=*, e.g. "8888", "888" or "88 88".
{{geocodeArea:Kanton Bern}}->.searchArea;
// query part for: “"contact:phone"="+41 848 888 888" and amenity=post_box”
node["contact:phone"="+41 848 888 888"]["amenity"="post_box"](area.searchArea);
out body;
out skel qt;
(Swiss) defibrillators with access=no
Many defibrillators in Switzerland are tagged with access=no AND some opening_hours value. The contra-intuitive access values (for a defibrillator) stem from a historically unclear default setting of the form field on the website and an import of many defibrillators from one large-scale operator of those in Switzerland.
The access=no value was removed in several batches, as precisely described here. The removal was done with pulling the data via Operpass Turbo queries into Level0, editing the data and uploading it with Level0. The changeset comments link to both here and the discussion in the community forum.
- Changeset 156083034 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) removed access=no on Lifetec-operated defibrillators tagged with any opening_hours-value
- Changeset 156129340 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) removed access=no on all Swiss defibrillators with indoor=no and opening_hours=24/7. At this time two defibrillators worldwide are remaining, these were not touched, even if one was initially added with the
- Changeset 156170689 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) removed access=no on all defibrillators (only Swiss ones found) with any opening_hours-value and während den Öffnungszeiten in the description
- Changeset 156170845 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) removed access=no on all defibrillators (only Swiss ones found) with any opening_hours-value and ffnungszeiten in the description
- Changeset 156220821 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) removed access=no on all defibrillators (only Swiss ones found) with any opening_hours-value
- Changeset 156260468 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) removed access=no on all defibrillators (only Swiss ones found) with description=während Öffnungszeiten verfügbar (meaning accessible when open). Many of those defibrillators have *no* opening_hours value.
(German) discussion happened here:
Free-text level values
Several defibrillators were added with level=EG (or some other free-text value matching the "[Ee][Gg]" regex), which is the German "translation" of level=0.
I corrected this in several batches:
- Defibrillators edited only by @defikarte_app with level=EG (via Overpass Turbo wizard "emergency=defibrillator AND level=EG and user:defikarte_app") and changed those in changeset 156853330 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Defibrillators edited only by @Lifetecag: changeset 157117088 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Defibrillators *touched* by @defikarte_app: changeset 157117341 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Defibrillators *touched* by @Lifetecag: changeset 157117463 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Defibrillators with level=EG (note the space): changeset 157664382 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Defibrillators with level=EG: changeset 157665090 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Defibrillators with level=Eg:
- Defibrillators with level=eg: changeset 157664648 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Defibrillators with level=Erdgeschoss: changeset 157956410 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Defibrillators with level=Erdgeschoss (note the space): changeset 157956514 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Defibrillators with Erdgeschoss-Variants: changeset 157956793 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Defibrillators with Parterre-Variants: changeset 158162250 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
level=$SomeNumber$. OG
- Changeset 157956219 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 157996683 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 157955642 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 157997423 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 157997612 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 157997781 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 157998072 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 157998110 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 157997068 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
Other, general data cleanup
- All Defibrillators with opening_hours=24/7 AND description=24h verfügbar (German for "24 h available", combination only found in Switzerland :) ); removed description in changeset 157867061 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) and
- All Defibrillators with any tagged opening_hours=* AND description=während Öffnungszeiten verfügbar (German for "available during opening hours", combination only found in Switzerland :) ); removed description in changeset 157868705 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) and changeset 157869733 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Removed "defibrillator:location=*=-" on all nodes tagged with it in changeset 163198474 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
Dive sites with website=
I noted that more than half of the 445 sport=scuba_diving nodes in Switzerland (+270) are tagged with a link to The Dive-Links webseite is non-functioning since at least November 2017:, today the URL points to a parked domain. The dive-spots have been imported historically (with permission), a large part of them has been added with a `verified` key, which is mostly still no, please check and del this tag.
The problem is not only Swiss-wide, but globally:, some discussion happened here:
In a first round I removed all the website keys from all the nodes tagged with verified=no, please check and del this tag. The search was performed with Overpass Turbo and the query
[out:xml]/*fixed by auto repair*/[timeout:25];
(._;>;); out meta;/*fixed by auto repair*/
This was exported to Level0, edited in a text editor and uploaded as changeset 155184104 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
Go Map!! local language fix
Go Map!! had an issue where setting the wheelchair properties of a POI set it with the local language of the iPhone of the user, e.g. wheelchair=Ja for a phone set to German or wheelchair=Yes for a Swiss-German user with an iPhone set to English. As well as other properties, namely access, backrest, indoor.
Here are the related issues on the GitHub presence of Go Map!!: and
I've been looking for some of those tags in Switzerland, Germany and Austria with (or and search-and-replaced them with the proper tags in JOSM. First I tried to list all those changesets here, but in the end I resorted to just comment on each of those changesets with a link to this page.
Ja → yes =
- Changeset 94630088 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 95615233 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 95615451 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 95615337 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 95615595 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Changeset 95615641 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
Nein → no
Eingeschränkt → limited
- Ja → yes: Changeset 95616561 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Nein → no: Changeset 95616317 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
- Eingeschränkt → limited: