Category:Pages with syntax highlighting errors

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The following pages display source code whose syntax should be enhanced using <syntaxhighlight>...</syntaxhighlight> (or <source>...</source>) but there was an error while parsing it:

  • Most often, a suitable identification of the programming language or syntax is missing in the lang="..." parameter of the tag (e.g. <syntaxhighlight lang="XML">...</syntaxhighlight> or <syntaxhighlight lang="HTML5">...</syntaxhighlight>), or the specified programming language is not supported.
    The list of supported languages is actually maintained separately of MediaWiki itself, in its "syntaxhighlight" extension using the GeSHi library.
    GeSHI itself was updated and simplified to use Pygments (it was tested with versions 1.6 and 2.0.2, this last version being provided by default with the GeSHI extension for MediaWiki), with the language lexers from Pygments, so now the MediaWiki extension only maintains a list of additional aliases to remap some languages to those known by Pygments (which supports more than 300 languages).
    If you don't know which one to use, try:
    • lang="html" for generic wikicode, or
    • lang="properties" for examples of use of templates with one line per parameter, or
    • lang="cpp" for Overpass API queries (and similar OSM query languages) (maybe Template:OverpassTurboExample suits your needs even better), or
    • lang="bash" for installation shell scripts or commands on Linux/Unix.
    Alternatively lang="text" and no highlighting will be performed (but it will render mostly like standard preformatted text in <pre>...</pre> which performs better).
  • In some cases, the source code is just too large to allow full expansion of highlighting styles in this wiki (limit reached on tag content size, now the size limit for the unformatted source code fragment is 100 KB). In these cases, the embedded source code will just be rendered as a plain preformated paragraph without any internal formatting. Most probably such large source code (or data) should better be hosted on an external open source (open data) repository (such as GitHub) where it will more easily viewed, updated and downloaded than on this wiki. If you want to keep it on this wiki, consider changing the surrounding tags into <pre>...</pre>.

Pages in category "Pages with syntax highlighting errors"

The following 96 pages are in this category, out of 96 total.