This is now a "sub-wiki" to California/Railroads, from which it was split off due to length. As this subordinate wiki remains large (>100 kilobytes) even after that split (and continues to grow), this wiki may split, too (again, into Northern and Southern, most likely).
- Main article: California/Railroads. See also California/Railroads/Active for freight rail (as opposed to passenger rail), noting that significant portions of this have split into distinct wiki: Northern California Active Rail and Southern California Active Rail.
California Passenger Trains, expressed as route=train, route=subway, route=light_rail, route=tram and route=monorail relations, with active, regular passenger rail traffic. There are also railway=funicular, railway=narrow_gauge, railway=miniature and amusement park rail.
Passenger Trains tables are "believed complete" and "largely correct," though the Tourism section has several text-based-only notations saying these routes are "being researched." If you find a train (relation link, Review Status...) that needs to be added, updated or improved, whether to the map or to this wiki, please do so!
A subset of California's freight mainline and branch rail support passenger traffic with route=train relations. These offer passenger=national (long distance, usually overnight), passenger=regional (medium distance "intercity," both interstate and intrastate) and passenger=suburban ("commuter rail") passenger services. All national-network Amtrak™ route=trains have passenger=* tags, with a value of either international, national or regional (but not suburban, urban or local). Additionally in California, route=subway, route=light_rail, route=tram, route=monorail and route=funicular relations are found. Often blurred with passenger=suburban route=trains (spanning multiple counties, usually characterized as "heavy rail") is larger-city-scale route=light_rail, often tagged passenger=urban. California route=light_rail and route=tram relations always have passenger=* tags (usually urban and local, respectively) and while commuter route=trains are tagged passenger=suburban, not all route=trains have a passenger=* tag, as some tourism/heritage/museum trains do not (on rail tagged usage=tourism). But if so — as some tourist lines do offer a modicum of useful local passenger service, simply by being a passenger line serving their stations — these route=trains are tagged passenger=local.
Passenger trains' tracks, stations and platforms are properly collected into route=train relations, or relations tagged route=subway, route=light_rail, route=tram or route=monorail when those are the underlying rail infrastructure. A convention in this wiki: public_transport:version=1 routes are in table column headers as type=route and public_transport:version=2 routes are in table column headers as type=route_master. However, if a table has a type=route_master column AND a type=route column, the latter are not public_transport:version=1 routes, they are the member route relations of the type=route_master super-relation.
Passenger train routes in the following national, regional, suburban, urban and local sections and tables are "mostly Complete," at least to a rudimentary stage of public_transport:version=1. Let us continue to improve these data to public_transport:version=2, with a type=route_master super-relation, fully directional routes and all platforms. See Capitol Corridor℠ routes, which emerge as public_transport:version=2 examples — but while these relations have stations and platforms, more platforms are needed. For a model v2 route with exemplary station and platform members see 1405414 1405414 of the Maryland Transit Administration. A goal is for all passenger train routes to become fully compliant with public_transport:version=2, each identically-tracked train with its own route and precise platform locations. If you find a train, route (relation link, Review Status...) that needs to be added, updated or improved, whether to the map or to this wiki, please do so: Map Your Train Ride!
California's State Transportation Authority (CalSTA) calls "intercity" what OSM (here) calls "regional" rail. Likewise, CalSTA calls "regional" what OSM (here) calls "suburban" or "commuter" rail. The connotations of "urban" rail by both CalSTA and OSM are about the same.
Amtrak operates intercity passenger trains in the contiguous United States: many intrastate / interstate passenger=regional trains and all interstate, passenger=national (long distance, overnight), highspeed=yes trains and passenger=international trains (serving Canada); see the full OSM Amtrak wiki table. Two subsets are here as routes serving California, five passenger=national routes by Amtrak proper, and three passenger=regional routes operating jointly between Amtrak and three "more local/less statewide" so-called "joint powers authorities," partly funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Division of Rail as an entity known as Amtrak California:
Amtrak (passenger=national) trains serving California (AMTK)
type=route_master | passenger=* | type=route | Status and Notes |
California Zephyr℠ 905830 ![]() |
national | EMY→CHI: 6 8440301 ![]() CHI→EMY: 5 8440320 ![]() |
EMY-CHI ![]() ![]() CHI-EMY ![]() ![]() |
Coast Starlight® 10322757 ![]() |
national | LAX→SEA: 14 12074397 ![]() SEA→LAX: 11 2812900 ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Southwest Chief® 4720714 ![]() |
national | LAX→CHI: 4 904839 ![]() CHI→LAX: 3 4720713 ![]() |
CHI-LAX ![]() ![]() LAX-CHI ![]() ![]() |
Sunset Limited® 10322739 ![]() |
national | LAX→NOL: 2 10946017 ![]() NOL→LAX: 1 297142 ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Texas Eagle® 10322739 ![]() |
national | SAS→CHI: 22 12180535 ![]() LAX→CHI: 422 12180533 ![]() CHI→SAS: 21 2795760 ![]() CHI→LAX: 421 12180534 ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Try OpenPublicTransportMap (OPTM): it displays passenger rail in route=train relations. At closer zooms, OPTM also displays route=light_rail, route=subway, route=tram, route=monorail, route=funicular, route=bus, route=trolleybus, route=aerialway and route=ferry with colors similar to ORM. Please compare and contrast ORM (rail infrastructure) and OPTM (passenger routes) with OSM's Transport layer which rather simply displays "any and all rail" (railway=*), though not disused or abandoned rail, and at closer zooms, route=bus. Here was another rail renderer which displayed rail-based passenger routes with their colour=* or color=* tag (no longer functional).
Colors are Amtrak passenger=national routes = blue. As California's national Amtrak routes are all lengthy overnight trains, these are assigned darker (web safe) blues: California Zephyr (DarkBlue), Coast Starlight (MidnightBlue), Southwest Chief (#000066), Sunset Limited and Texas Eagle (Navy).
Amtrak California (passenger=regional) trains (CDTX)
The Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Board (CCJPB) consists of two representatives from each of the eight counties in The Capitol Corridor: Placer, Sacramento, Yolo, Solano, Contra Costa, San Francisco, Alameda and Santa Clara, represented by Placer County Transportation Planning Agency, Sacramento Regional Transit District, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, Solano Transportation Authority, and the Yolo County Transportation District. The CCJPB is also supported by the two metropolitan planning organizations in The Capitol Corridor – the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Sacramento Area Council of Governments.
The LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency (LOSSAN) “is composed of elected officials representing rail owners, operators, and planning agencies along Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner corridor between San Diego and San Luis Obispo. The objective of the agency is to coordinate planning and programs that increase ridership, revenue, reliability, and safety on the coastal rail line from San Luis Obispo to Los Angeles to San Diego.”
The San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA) enables local and regional agencies throughout most of the San Joaquin Corridor (Bakersfield - Fresno - Modesto - Stockton - Sacramento - Oakland) to assume the administration and management of Amtrak's existing San Joaquin Rail Service from Caltrans' Division of Rail.
Caltrans, through its Division of Rail, provides support to California statewide intercity (passenger=regional) rail services via CCJPB, LOSSAN and SJJPA. This support includes planning and financial assistance for capital and operating expenses, consistent with its mission to “provide and promote intercity passenger rail services while improving, expanding, and integrating all rail service into California's transportation system." As a result of the "more local" administrations of CCJPB/LOSSAN/SJJPA and newer model of Caltrans funding, "Amtrak California" branding and livery is less prominent.
type=route_master | passenger=* | type=route | Status and Notes |
Capitol Corridor℠ 2845553 ![]() |
regional | SJC→SAC: 524;528;532;538;542;546;548;724;728;732;738;744;748 9601565 ![]() OAC→SAC: 550 9601559 ![]() OKJ→SAC: 520;522;530;534;540;544;720;734;736;746 9601564 ![]() SJC→ARN: 742 8472909 ![]() OKJ→ARN: 536 9601563 ![]() SAC→SJC: 521;523;525;527;537;543;547;723;727;737;741;743;747 9601566 ![]() SAC→OAC: 531;535;549;733 9601560 ![]() SAC→OKJ: 541;545;551;553;745;749;751 9601562 ![]() ARN→SJC: 729 8472908 ![]() ARN→OKJ: 529 9601561 ![]() |
EB ![]() ![]() WB ![]() ![]() |
Pacific Surfliner® 10322750 ![]() |
regional | SLO→SAN: 774 11897311 ![]() GTA→SAN: 768 11897309 ![]() 796 11897307 ![]() LAX→SAN: 564;580;584;1564;1584 11897306 ![]() SAN→SLO: 777 2812898 ![]() SAN→GTA: 763 11897308 ![]() 785 11897310 ![]() SAN→LAX: 579;593;767;1767 11897305 ![]() |
NB ![]() ![]() SB ![]() ![]() |
San Joaquins℠ 4668744 ![]() |
regional | OKJ→BFD: 710;712;714;716;718 4668743 ![]() SAC→BFD: 702;704 4713797 ![]() BFD→OKJ: 711;713;715;717;719 4668742 ![]() BFD→SAC: 701;703 2856113 ![]() |
NB ![]() ![]() SB ![]() ![]() |
Colors for Amtrak California passenger=regional routes = orange (color of California poppy, state flower), ocean blue and khaki (appearing as light golden/sandy yellow). California's state colors are blue and gold.
There is a nascent (Phase 0 completed, Phase 1 was 2022-2023) initiative called Link21 apparently sponsored by Capitol Corridor and BART interests, though with wide public input and participation by Bay Area transportation agencies. It envisages a circa-2040 San Francisco Bay Area "Megaregion" rail network with physical infrastructure and service improvements including a (second trans-bay, in addition to BART) Link21 Rail Tunnel connecting San Francisco's Salesforce Transit Center (future California High Speed Rail terminus) with the East Bay (crossing San Francisco Bay easterly and northward to cross BART's M-Line, east of West Oakland, continuing north to Emeryville on UP's Martinez Subdivision). It was denoted here.
High Speed Rail (passenger=regional) trains, under construction or planned
California High Speed Rail (CAHSR)
In June 2015, California began construction of the USA's first dedicated high-speed rail, centered around Fresno (abbreviated CAHSR). Expensive and controversial, CAHSR is the nation's largest public works project. Original Phase 1 envisioned San Francisco - Los Angeles - Anaheim, though this is now scaled back with a new governor. New Phase 1 (known as the Central Valley Segment, CVS) is Merced - Fresno - Bakersfield, 171 miles. 119 miles of CVS right-of-way from Madera (S of Merced) to Shafter (N of Bakersfield, at Poplar Avenue) are under construction to complete CVS. Segments of this infrastructure are ways tagged railway=construction + construction=rail + usage=main + highspeed=yes + name=Construction Package #. Largely complete in OSM, now tracking construction; OpenRailwayMap (ORM) displays CAHSR railway=construction as red dashed lines for Madera - Fresno - Shafter and CAHSR railway=proposed as red dotted lines in the far N and S of the CVS, S of Merced and N of Bakersfield (was San José and Burbank).
In February 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom’s first State of the State Address (SotSA) scaled back CAHSR, redefining the project. Newsom said California will focus on finishing rail now under construction. Original Phase 1 (including Central Valley to Silicon Valley and Bakersfield to Burbank) estimated completion by 2029, or 2033 should all of Original Phase 1 fund. Read High-Speed Rail Authority CEO Brian Kelly’s post-SotSA Statement here: “The Governor has called for setting a priority on getting high speed rail operating in the only region in which we have commenced construction — the Central Valley. We are eager to meet this challenge and expand the project’s economic impact in the Central Valley. Importantly, he also reaffirmed our commitment to complete the environmental work statewide, to meet our 'bookend' investments in the Bay Area and Los Angeles and to pursue additional federal funding for future project expansion. We welcome this direction and look forward to continuing the important work on this transformative project.” The Authority's 2023 Project Update Report (February 28, 2023) states a goal is to open the CVS for initial "CAHSR Interim" revenue service (Merced - Madera - Fresno - Kings/Tulare - Bakersfield) by "the end of 2030" with a "25% schedule contingency — creating a 'schedule envelope' 2033" (based on FRA guidance). As of the 2023 Project Update Report and because of yet-to-be-identified construction funding, neither Phase 1 North (Merced - Gilroy - San José - San Francisco) nor Phase 1 South (Bakersfield - Burbank - Los Angeles - Anaheim) have scheduled opening dates; updates are welcome here. Base cost estimate to complete (Original) Phase 1 is $106,163,000,000, with a low of $88,545,000,000 and a high of $127,933,000,000. As of December 12, 2024, funding is ~$24,300,000,000, ~66% state, ~34% federal, $13,595,827,931 spent of ~$35,000,000,000 for Phase 1 CVS. This is ~$10,632,000,000 short of full funding, counting on ~$4,262,000,000 in '25 & '26 federal infrastructure grants to be awarded to help close this gap, with the remaining ~$5,557,000,000 to come from California's own cap & trade funds (~$2.733 billion for FY'24-'25 expenditures alone).
Environmental clearance is required for design work to be completed, then (funded) construction bids can be sought, won and construction can begin. Original Phase 1 environmental clearance is largely complete: the Authority has completed 94% on ~434 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles, while Los Angeles - Anaheim (Tonga Subdivision's ~31 miles, the final 6% of Original Phase 1) is due by 2025-Q4, completing all ~465 (~499) miles of Original Phase 1's environmental clearance (a stated goal in the 2023 Project Update Report). ~465 infrastructure miles include Bay, 4th & King, Pacheco, Sierra, Desert and Tonga Subdivisions plus the "to Merced" southerly segment of Capital Subdivision: 144 + 1 + 5 + 151 + 133 + 31 = ~465 miles. As service "to Merced" includes through-the-wye Pacheco Subdivision and double-traversal of Capital Subdivision "to and from" Merced, traveling 40 miles on the (otherwise more directly, skipping Merced) 6 miles between CP Merced and CP Divide, add 34 miles to an Original Phase 1 route serving Merced: ~499 route miles on ~465 infrastructure miles. By late 2030 (2033 at the latest), initial "CAHSR Interim" revenue service (Merced - Madera - Fresno - Kings/Tulare - Bakersfield, 171 miles) is scheduled to run one-way in 82 or 83 minutes, trainsets completing round-trips (Merced - Bakersfield - Merced) in under 3 hours, not counting any stopover / "turn-around" / train cleaning / train servicing time in either Merced or Bakersfield.
An excellent "Systemwide Alignment Schematic" is available detailing CAHSR Subdivision boundaries, stations, speed limits, control points, MOWFs, yards and specific track configurations for Original Phase 1. As these data are public domain (meet OSM's ODbL requirements), let's incorporate even more sensible elements of them into our map! (e.g. tunnels, bridges, viaducts as description=Tunnel #1, et cetera). During 2022-3 on CVS' active construction segments, many landuse=construction polygons, related roadwork and other construction mapping has emerged along this rail corridor, from Madera to Fresno to Shafter. New and updated OSM mapping is encouraged as construction continues and eventually completes.
CAHSR's enabling legislation (up to and including 2008's Proposition 1A) requires that Original Phase 1 be completed and "in service" before construction begins on Phase 2 (Merced - Sacramento & Los Angeles - San Diego). Phase 2 segments are medium- to longer-term-future oriented and (like Phase 1 North and Phase 1 South) have no projected date for completion.
Name | route=railway | Route | Notes |
CAHSR Phase 1, as newly proposed: CVS as "early operating segment" | Initial Capital Subdivision (Wye at CP Divide north to Merced) 14757833 ![]() Sierra Subdivision 7739486 ![]() |
Merced - Central Valley Wye - Madera - Fresno - Kings/Tulare - Shafter - Bakersfield | What is now Sierra Subdivision was the "Original Phase 1" relation, as CAHSR has scaled back to the 2019-Q2-defined "Phase 1 CVS." With Governor Newsom's scaled back CVS' "early operating segment" (171 miles) and initial construction (119 miles) underway, more specific OSM updates are welcome. 119 miles of Madera - Fresno - Shafter are tagged railway=construction as "Construction Packages" (public works contracts; here, CP1, CP2-3 and CP4). The northerly 34 miles (Merced - Central Valley Wye - Madera) and southerly 18 miles (Shafter - Bakersfield) are tagged railway=proposed as these are funded for design (a $41 million Madera-to-Merced extension design contract to Stantec Consulting Services Inc. and a $44.9 million Shafter-to-Bakersfield extension design contract to HNTB, both scheduled to be completed), but have not yet gone to solicit construction bids. Here, no newer CPs have yet been offered for bid nor won by any specific construction contractor, so change tags on these 34 and 18 miles from railway=proposed to railway=construction after design work is known to have completed, construction bids are won and construction begins (mid-2025?) by tagging new CPs as they are known to be under construction with CP5, CP6, etc. in name=* tags of railway=rail elements. Taken together (34 + 119 + 18 = 171 miles), these ways are believed correctly tagged and why this row is green, though, please more precisely tag any incorrectly tagged railway=construction or railway=proposed segments if known to improve OSM data as more up-to-date. Not all auxiliary tracks, sidings, crossovers, bridges, viaducts, cuttings, embankments, etc. are properly denoted in the ways, as some may be unentered, under construction or completed: please update! Construction Package 4 (CP4) sees "substantial completion" with track-laying to begin, CP1 and CP2-3 are expected in 2026, full track and signals in 2027, CVS expected to enter testing with train delivery in 2028. Station construction is expected to commence in 2026, completing in 2029. 2029 is also scheduled for completion of CVS as "early operating segment" infrastructure proper, completion of Static Testing and completion of Dynamic Testing. Following completion of Trial Running, the Authority's "highest goal" is to begin CVS / "early operating segment" (Merced - Fresno - Bakersfield) revenue service by "late 2030" (2033 at the latest, given the FRA contingency). Merced is CAHSR Phase 1 "early operating segment's" northern terminus to correspond with extensions to ACE route=trains, partially funded (as newly-branded Valley Rail) to reach ACE's / Valley Rail's planned Merced southern terminus circa 2026. This segment includes CAHSR's Sierra Subdivision (Bakersfield - Wye at CP Divide) and the southern portion of its Capital Subdivision (Wye at CP Divide - Merced). |
CAHSR Phase 1 North, as originally proposed | Planning relation 9466656 ![]() Bay Subdivision (stub) 15570754 ![]() Pacheco Subdivision 15570755 ![]() 4th & King Subdivision 15573877 ![]() |
(Merced) - Central Valley Wye - Gilroy - San José - San Francisco | The northerly remainder of what was Phase 1 after the Initial Operating Segment was shortened as it was newly proposed in early 2019. Tagged railway=proposed, because of the project's redefinition and funding levels, timing moves to more medium-term (after the "early operating segment" opens for revenue service between 2030 and 2033). From Merced to and including the wye itself and westerly to Gilroy is new alignment (there will be tunneling), then from Gilroy northwards, CAHSR shares UP Coast Subdivision and JPBX Peninsula Subdivision to San José and San Francisco: CAHSR's / Caltrain's CalMod project (the "northern bookend") has completed electrification between Tamien Station (south of San José Diridon Station, near UP/JPBX ownership change) and San Francisco, fully environmentally cleared for CAHSR. CalTrain now offers fully electrified passenger service between San Francisco and Tamien stations, achieving 110 MPH (177 km/hr) speeds with its Express service, allowing CAHSR to share "blended service" here. From San Jose - Gilroy - Wye is environmentally cleared, this segment awaits completion of design, then construction bidding happens and actual construction can commence. Gilroy - Wye segments are now included in the Bay Subdivision relation (stub): eventually, rail infrastructure elements north of Gilroy with improved specificity now approximately represented in the Planning relation should introduce into the Bay Subdivision relation, then as the Bay Subdivision completes with actual CAHSR infrastructure elements in OSM (essentially, ways tagged railway=construction or railway=rail rather than railway=proposed), the Planning relation deprecates and should be deleted. This segment includes CAHSR's Bay, Pacheco and 4th & King Subdivisions. |
CAHSR Phase 1 South, as originally proposed | Planning relation 9466653 ![]() Desert Subdivision (stub) 15573920 ![]() Tonga Subdivision (stub) 15573919 ![]() |
Bakersfield - Burbank - Los Angeles - Anaheim | The southerly remainder of what was Phase 1 after the Initial Operating Segment was shortened as it was newly proposed in early 2019. Tagged railway=proposed, because of the project's redefinition and funding levels, timing moves to more medium-term (after the "early operating segment" opens for revenue service between 2030 and 2033). S of Bakersfield to Palmdale and from Lancaster to CP Sheldon (Pacoima, N of Burbank) is new alignment (there will be tunneling), then shares (as "southern bookend" plans to electrify continue on) UP Valley Subdivision from Burbank to CP Fletcher and again as new alignment through Elysian Park three miles to Los Angeles Union Station. Finally, parallel alignments along River, San Bernardino, (except around Norwalk/Santa Fe Springs) and Orange Subdivisions complete the route to ARTIC in Anaheim. Bakersfield - Los Angeles segment is environmentally cleared, Los Angeles - Anaheim completing in 2025. The "southern bookend" of California High Speed Rail is underway with Phase A of the “Link Union Station” project, completion expected in 2028. Metro CEO Stephanie Wiggins called this "a key funding milestone for the [high speed rail] bookend project here in Southern California." Phase B (Segment 4, to complete the Concourse Area) remains unfunded. Regarding further completion of the "southern bookend," it remains to be seen how far along an electrification project prepares right-of-way adjacent to and including Metrolink Green and Yellow lines from Burbank to Glendale to Los Angeles. This segment includes CAHSR's Desert and Tonga Subdivisions (stubbed at their respective termini); when Subdivision relations complete with actual CAHSR infrastructure elements, the Planning relation deprecates and should be deleted. |
CAHSR Phase 2 North | 9466655![]() |
Merced - Modesto - Stockton - Sacramento | Medium- to longer-term-future oriented. Believed fully though quickly and roughly entered into OSM. Displayed as red dotted lines at zoom levels ≥11 in ORM. There is no projected date for completion, however, by 2030 the Authority intends to advance this segment to 30% design so that construction can continue to progress if and when funding is provided. This segment includes the northern portion of CAHSR's Capital Subdivision (north of Merced). |
CAHSR Phase 2 South | 9466654![]() |
Los Angeles - San Bernardino - Riverside - San Diego | Longer-term-future oriented. Geographically unknown in places, there remain a number of alignments under consideration. Only partially entered into OSM (precise route data in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego Counties are not fully known and hence, less complete). Around West Covina, Temecula/Murietta and Escondido/Rancho Bernardo/Mira Mesa displayed as red dotted lines at zoom levels ≥11 in ORM. Might be removed from OSM, as Phase 2 South appears unfunded (barely funded?) into the foreseeable future. Call this the roughest of sketches, only "partially there" or even "barely there" in OSM. There is no projected date for completion, however, by 2030 the Authority intends to advance this segment to 30% design so that construction can continue to progress if and when funding is provided. This segment includes CAHSR's San Jacinto Subdivision. |
Brightline West
Brightline West is going to be a high-speed line between Las Vegas and Rancho Cucamonga. The project was originally intended to be build in two phases, what is still reflected in the track names in OSM, but as it is going to be built at once now there is only one relation. After groundbreaking happened in 2024 service is expected to begin in 2028 after the Olympics.
Name | route=railway | Route | Notes |
Brightline West | 14039872![]() |
Las Vegas - Victor Valley - Hesperia - Rancho Cucamonga | The route is in OSM but still quite rough. The maintenance facilities and connections to other railroads are completely missing. |
High Desert Corridor
This HSR line is intended to connect Palmdale with Victorville, creating a link between CAHSR and Brightline. It is in an early planning state far from being fully specified, shovel ready or funded for construction so it does not yet fulfill the criteria to be mapped as an under construction or even as a proposed railroad.
Commuter (passenger=suburban) trains
Largely connecting suburbs of multiple counties in their networks, passenger=suburban "commuter" trains are shorter-distance than passenger=regional intercity trains, but longer-distance and faster than passenger=urban and passenger=local trains. These route=train (ACE, Caltrain, COASTER, Metrolink, SMART) and route=subway (BART) relations are tagged passenger=suburban: "Trains that have frequent schedules to satisfy the needs of work commuters...largely state-run/city-run services for connecting a metropolitan area to its central city." These (usually "heavy rail") trains are publicly-owned and operated by multiple California counties as "joint powers authorities," except COASTER, publicly-owned but serves only San Diego County and ACE, where tracks are leased from UP and operations are contracted (by a multi-county JPA) to Herzog Transit Services. Some (ACE extensions to Modesto and Merced branded as Valley Rail, Metrolink Antelope Valley northwards...) could grow lengthy enough to become newer passenger=regional services, especially as in the future these might include express ("skip stop") trains to more quickly connect their most-distant endpoints.
BART / Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
- Main article: Bay_Area_Rapid_Transit
BART is a largely-electrified rapid transit system in the San Francisco Bay Area: six lines (mostly heavy rail, all of it electrified, with some short monorail and Diesel Light Rail segments) on 131.4 miles (211.5 km) of track with 50 stations (21 surface, 14 elevated, 15 subway) in five counties. Systemwide, there are approximately 32 miles (51 km) of aerial track; 70 miles (115 km) of track at grade and about 28 miles (45 km) of subway track. Most BART infrastructure is FTA-defined "heavy rail" tagged railway=subway, so BART is in the "Commuter" section, as BART's systemwide geographic span is similar to other Commuter rail networks in California, including BART's newer infrastructure like Coliseum – Oakland International Airport line (railway=monorail) and BART to Antioch extension (railway=light_rail, FTA-defined "Diesel Light Rail"). All lines are tagged network=BART and the network-wide relation is 8477436 8477436.
BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project intends to complete in 2036, adding four new stations to the Green and Orange lines: 28th Street / Little Portugal, Downtown San José, Diridon and Santa Clara in a subway alignment, achieving (with Caltrain & Amtrak correspondences at Diridon and Santa Clara) much more frequent Bay Area rail service that "rings the bay."
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | Status |
Richmond – SFO/Milbrae | Subway | 2851513![]() |
Complete public_transport v2. Needs public_transport=platform locations added. 44.6 km. | |
Berryessa/North San José – Daly City | Subway | 7.5-minute headways on weekdays | 2851729![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. Needs public_transport=platform locations added. 78.6 km. BART extends southward from the Berryessa/North San José station as "Silicon Valley Rapid Transit Corridor Project (Phase II)" sponsored by VTA. See Phase II, below. |
Berryessa/North San José - Richmond | Subway | 7.5-minute headways on weekdays | 2851514![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. Needs public_transport=platform locations added. 74.3 km. BART extends southward from the Berryessa/North San José station as "Silicon Valley Rapid Transit Corridor Project (Phase II)" sponsored by VTA. See Phase II, below. |
Dublin/Pleasanton – Daly City, Dublin/Pleasanton – MacArthur (Sundays) | Subway | 2851730![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. Needs public_transport=platform locations added. 63.0 km. At Millbrae, connects to Caltrain, a passenger=suburban-to-passenger=suburban correspondence. The BART to Livermore Extension project is a proposal to extend the BART rail line by 8 km along I-580 from the existing Dublin/Pleasanton Station to a new station in the vicinity of the Isabel Avenue interchange. BART staff developed conceptual engineering and a project-level Draft Environmental Impact Report, available for public review. Anticipated opening of the completed extension and new BART station is 2026. | |
SFO/Millbrae – Antioch | Subway, Light Rail | 2827687![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. Needs public_transport=platform locations added. 85.6 km. At Millbrae, connects to Caltrain, a passenger=suburban-to-passenger=suburban correspondence. At Pittsburg/Bay Point, change trains (on the unified Yellow Line) by walking across a platform to transfer between fully-electrified BART and "diesel light rail." | |
Coliseum – Oakland International Airport (OAK) | Monorail | 6-minute peak headways, 10-20 minutes off-peak | 4829982![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. Awesome! 5.0 km. |
Berryessa/North San José – Santa Clara (Phase II) | Subway | 7873796![]() |
BART Silicon Valley Extension Project Phase II extends BART's Green and Orange Lines 26 km from Berryessa/North San José to San José (via 28th Street / Little Portugal, Downtown, Diridon) and Santa Clara (the latter two stations correspond with Caltrain, Diridon with Amtrak and proposed California High Speed Rail), with 8 km of single-bore underground subway infrastructure through Downtown San José below Santa Clara Street. Complete revenue service (to terminus in Santa Clara) is expected in 2036. Phase II was in Design and Engineering during 2020-1, infrastructure in OSM is a relatively rough sketch: proposed or under construction as a route=railway towards a public_transport PTv1 route=subway (no longer under construction when completed), then a segment of Green and Orange PTv2 route relations. |
Caltrain / Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (JPBX)
Caltrain offers three services (Express, Limited, Local) from San Francisco through the San Francisco Peninsula to San José and commuter trains (morning, late afternoon) from and to Gilroy. It services over 30 stations in three counties on 77 miles (124 km) of track. At Millbrae, connects to BART, a passenger=suburban-to-passenger=suburban correspondence. At San José Diridon, connects to ACE (to Stockton, becoming Valley Rail), another passenger=suburban-to-passenger=suburban correspondence, as well as corresponding with Amtrak™ passenger=regional and passenger=national services, making Diridon Station a major rail hub. Electrification between San Francisco - Tamien Station (CalMod project) is complete as the "northern bookend" of CAHSR Phase I as Caltrain now (2024-Q4) offers fully electrified passenger service achieving 110 MPH (177 km/hr) speeds on its Express (was Baby Bullet) service's Class 6 track, to be shared in "blended service" with California High Speed Rail, debuting passenger revenue service circa 2030. There are medium-term plans (mid-2030s?) to extend Caltrain passenger=suburban service south of Gilroy to Monterey County (Pajaro/Watsonville, Castroville/Monterey, Salinas), corresponding with planned light rails in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, with possible Capitol Corridor passenger=regional service extending south to Salinas (late-2030s?) to correspond with Amtrak™ Coast Starlight passenger=national service south to San Luis Obispo, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego Counties. Salinas and Gilroy become key correspondences in a statewide rail network, as are San José Diridon and Bakersfield today and Stockton and Merced becoming with the emergences of Valley Rail and California High Speed Rail.
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | Status |
Caltrain Express | Train | 7XX | 9604090![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. Stops at fewest stations. This service can travel at speeds up to 110 MPH (177 km/hr). |
Caltrain Limited | Train | 3XX Limited 3 4XX Limited 4 5XX Limited 5 |
9604091![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. To differentiate the complicated stopping patterns of each route, relation names may contain two arrow styles: "San Francisco => Hillsdale" means that the train may skip stops between the two stations, while "San Francisco +> Hillsdale" means the train makes all stops between them. |
Caltrain Local | Train | 1XX Local 2XX Weekend Local |
9604092![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. Stops at virtually every station. Some stations are only occasionally used, such as Broadway only on weekends, and Stanford only during special events. |
Note: Caltrain's so-called "6-trains" are not trains at all, they are "bus bridges" which are in the Schedule as 6XX "train" routes to temporarily replace train service with bus service (see Rail replacement bus service). These are used when there are unanticipated or planned closures, accidents or construction.
SMART / Sonoma-Marin Area Rapid Transit (SMART)
Sonoma-Marin Area Rapid Transit (as SMART) uses Diesel Modified Units for motive power on infrastructure tagged railway=rail + usage=branch.
Larkspur north to Sonoma County Airport (46 miles / 73 km) is the currently-active portion of the 70 mile / 113 km "Larkspur to Cloverdale" corridor for this passenger=suburban service between Sonoma and Marin counties, known as SMART Phase 1. This enables passenger connections via Larkspur Ferry Terminal to San Francisco Ferry Terminal, Gate C (pedestrians walk 100 m to Muni E, F; 200 m to California Street Cable Car; 250 m to BART Embarcadero). Northerly, SMART offers SMART passengers free bus service from Sonoma County Airport station to Windsor, Healdsburg and Cloverdale. SMART Phase 2's 3 mile northern extension from Sonoma County Airport to Windsor is expected Spring 2025 and to Healdsburg and Cloverdale by 2027, completing passenger service on the entire corridor.
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | type=route | Status |
Larkspur - Sonoma County Airport SMART | Train | 1-34 (weekdays), 51-60 (weekends) | 9599558![]() |
SCA-LAR 6090093![]() LAR-SCA 9599557 ![]() |
Complete public_transport:version=2 — Awesome! |
ACE / Altamont Corridor Express, becoming part of Valley Rail (HTSX)
The ACE corridor serves 10 stations in three counties (San Joaquin, Alameda, Santa Clara) over 86 miles (138 km) of track, from Stockton to San José. Service is managed by the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission (SJRRC), with operations contracted to Herzog Transit Services using AAR assigned reporting mark HTSX on tracks owned by Union Pacific (UP) and a few miles of Caltrain (JPBX) tracks. At San José Diridon, connects to Caltrain, a passenger=suburban-to-passenger=suburban correspondence. News in 2017 reported southeastern expansion from Stockton through the Central Valley to Modesto/Ceres, +30 miles (+48 km) and Merced, +35 miles (+57 km), now branded as "Valley Rail." With news of these extensions (bringing line distance to 241 km/150 miles, over the 160 km/100 miles fuzzy threshold between suburban/commuter and regional rail) and newer service north of Stockton to additional cities including Lodi, Elk Grove and Sacramento (sharing the latter with Amtrak California), ACE grows from a single "commuter" passenger=suburban line into what may become California's fourth passenger=regional rail service (complementing Amtrak California's current three). With the Valley Rail Project (including improvements to San Joaquin passenger=regional service), ACE will become two-line service linked at Stockton: existing passenger=suburban ACE line to San José and developing lines southeasterly serving Modesto/Ceres (ACE Extension Phase 1) and Merced (ACE Extension Phase 2) by 2026, plus Stockton northerly to Sacramento later. Thus, ACE begins a merge/blend into Valley Rail. Merced is a key Bay Area link as the present northern terminus for (the Central Valley Segment of) Phase 1 of California High Speed Rail, expected to begin revenue service in late 2030 (2033 at the latest).
In October, 2023, a base order of $80 million for the first four trainsets (with options for up to 25 additional trainsets that can be used throughout California) was made with Stadler Rail, Inc. to deliver the first zero-emission, hydrogen intercity (passenger=regional) passenger trains in North America, furthering California’s standing as a world leader in clean transportation, expected to primarily operate between Merced and Sacramento on Valley Rail services that will also connect with the early high-speed rail service between Merced and Bakersfield. These hydrogen trains will also be demonstrated on corridors throughout the state in coordination with intercity (passenger=regional) and regional (passenger=suburban) rail partners.
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | type=route | Status |
ACE | Train | 1-10 | 9599550![]() |
SKT-SJC 2845552![]() SJC-SKT 9599549 ![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2 |
As Valley Rail, ACE Extensions to Modesto and Merced (south) and Sacramento (north) | Train | ? | not yet defined | 9466950![]() |
Estimated; please update rail elements that are more complete/accurate. Planned improvements / extensions as part of the Valley Rail Project include better connections for San Joaquin Valley travelers with the Sacramento Area and extends ACE service from Stockton to Modesto, Merced and eventually Sacramento. New stations include North Lathrop, Manteca, Ripon, Modesto, Ceres, Turlock, Livingston/Atwater and Merced south of Stockton and Lodi, Elk Grove, City College, Midtown, Old North Sacramento and Natomas/Airport (in the Sacramento Extension; both ACE and San Joaquins) north of Stockton. Initial Valley Rail trains are anticipated to operate by 2025, with completion expected by the end of 2027, intending to eventually harmonize with Phase 1 CAHSR revenue service by late 2030. |
Metrolink / Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCAX)
Metrolink is a commuter rail network by authority of five counties in Southern California as SCRRA (reporting mark SCAX). Six counties are serviced if Oceanside at the end of the Orange line is counted (San Diego County is not part of SCRRA). Metrolink offers seven service lines and 64 stations operating on 388 miles (624 km) of track, about 534 route miles (859 km).
Los Angeles County Metrolink-Metro and Metrolink-Amtrak® correspondences are:
- LA Union Station (All Metrolink trains, Metro B Line Red, Metro D Line Purple, Metro E Line Gold, Metro J Line Silver, Amtrak® California Zephyr™, Coast Starlight™, Pacific Surfliner®, Southwest Chief™ and Sunset Limited™ / Texas Eagle®),
- Burbank Airport South (Metrolink Green, Amtrak® Pacific Surfliner®),
- Cal State LA (Metrolink Maroon, Metro J Line Silver),
- Chatsworth (Metrolink Yellow, Metro G Line Orange, Amtrak® Pacific Surfliner®) and in San Diego County
- Oceanside (Metrolink Orange, Amtrak® Pacific Surfliner®, COASTER, SPRINTER).
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | Status |
Ventura County Line (Yellow) | Train | 100s, 900s, A700s† § | 10563421![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. 71.7 miles (115.5 km). Supplements Amtrak Pacific Surfliner passenger=regional Rail 2 Rail® service with all local stops. Chatsworth corresponds with Metro G Line Orange, Amtrak. |
Antelope Valley Line (Green) | Train | 200s § | 10563422![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. 82 miles (132.1 km). Burbank Airport South station corresponds with Amtrak® Pacific Surfliner®. |
San Bernardino Line (Maroon) | Train | 300s | 10563420![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. 63.6 miles (102.4 km). Cal State LA station corresponds with Metro J Line (Silver). |
Riverside Line (Purple) | Train | 400s | 10563419![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. 70.7 miles (113.8 km). |
Orange County Line (Orange) | Train | 600s, A500s†, A700s† | 10563418![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. 87.1 miles (140.2 km). Supplements Amtrak Pacific Surfliner passenger=regional Rail 2 Rail® service with all local stops. Oceanside corresponds with Amtrak® Pacific Surfliner®, COASTER, SPRINTER. |
91/Perris Valley Line (Blue) | Train | 700s • | 10563416![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. 85.5 miles (137.6 km). |
Inland Empire/Orange County Line (Red) | Train | 800s | 10563417![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. 100.2 miles (161.4 km). |
† Trains prefixed with A are Amtrak California Pacific Surfliner passenger=regionals in Shared Service through Amtrak's Rail 2 Rail® program.
• A $35 million Metrolink station in Placentia to serve 91/Perris Valley Line's north Orange County passengers was believed to have started construction, revenue service was expected in 2022, but the projected completion date of construction remains unclear, one estimate being "late 2028."
§ A CAHSR station is planned to be built a short walk from North Burbank's Metrolink station.
The "southern bookend" of California High Speed Rail has begun with the $423.3 million funding of Phase A of the “Link Union Station” project, completion expected in 2028. Metro CEO Stephanie Wiggins called this "a key funding milestone for the [high speed rail] bookend project here in Southern California." Phase B (Segment 4, to complete the Concourse Area) remains unfunded. Regarding further completion of the "southern bookend," it remains to be seen how far along an electrification project prepares right-of-way adjacent to and including Metrolink Green and Yellow lines from Burbank through Glendale to Los Angeles.
COASTER / North County Transit District (NCTC)
COASTER offers service along the San Diego County coastline, from Oceanside to San Diego. It services 8 stations on 41 miles (66 km) of track. Owned by North County Transit District (NCTD), operated by Bombardier Transportation (since 2016). At Oceanside, connects to Metrolink Orange, a passenger=suburban-to-passenger=suburban correspondence.
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | type=route | Status |
COASTER | Train | 398 | 10563415![]() |
NB 2271832![]() SB 10588005 ![]() |
Public_transport v2. Supplements Amtrak Pacific Surfliner passenger=regional Rail 2 Rail® service with more local stops. |
Cross Valley Corridor (proposed)
Cross Valley Corridor is an 80-mile (130 km) proposed passenger rail service in California's Central Valley to connect Visalia, Hanford, Porterville and other nearby cities anchored by California High Speed Rail's planned Kings-Tulare Regional Station. In middle planning stages, it will not open for revenue service until at least the 2040s, so it is far too soon to enter into OSM as a route=train relation. Infrastructure (as route=railway relations) will include Exeter, Goshen and Hanford Subdivisions, all part of California/Railroads/Active/Northern#San_Joaquin_Valley_Railroad_(SJVR) owned by Genesee & Wyoming, as well as a short (~1 km) segment through Goshen of UP's Fresno Subdivision, where SJVR now has trackage rights.
North Valley Rail (proposed)
The North Valley Rail Project will bring passenger rail service northward from the Natomas area in Sacramento (linking ACE/Valley Rail) to the City of Chico in Butte County, with stops in Plumas Lake, Marysville-Yuba City, and Gridley. Bus connections will link Oroville with the proposed Gridley station, and the Natomas station with the Sacramento International Airport. The right-of-way will be existing trackage of the Union Pacific's Sacramento Subdivision. The Lead Agency is the Butte County Association of Governments (BCAG), a Joint Powers Agency of the County of Butte, the cities of Biggs, Chico, Gridley, and Oroville and the Town of Paradise. Initial revenue service is expected to begin in 2028 (two daily roundtrips), expanding to four daily roundtrips in 2031.
City, Light Rail (passenger=urban) trains
Most California route=light_rail relations are tagged passenger=urban (as are heavily-travelled route=tram relations; it is usually correct to tag route=tram and route=monorail relations with passenger=local due to shorter distances — please use discretion). Some (underlying infrastructure) members of railway=light_rail (e.g. Muni) are ways tagged route=tram (or vice versa). Note that OpenRailwayMap (ORM) displays railway=monorail infrastructure as light_rail (green), while OpenPublicTransportMap (OPTM) displays monorail explicitly. Two lines are FTA-defined "heavy rail" (Los Angeles' Metro B Line (Red) and Metro D Line (Purple)): these route=subways are included in this City, Light Rail section as part of LA Metro's single-county network of trains. LA Metro's rail is largely above-ground route=light_rail (Downtown sections are underground), but also include these two exclusively route=subway routes and an aerialway route=monorail route (LAX Airport Metro Connector, in later construction phases as of 2025-Q1). SMART had similar odd tagging of light_rail + suburban, now tagged "suburban train." This OT query might help visualize: all relations in California tagged route=light_rail and passenger=urban, noting exclusion of LA Metro's B Line (Red) and D Line (Purple), as they are not tagged route=light_rail, but being exclusively underground, are tagged route=subway, more "rapid transit" or "Metro" (FTA-defined "heavy rail").
San Diego County surfs an edge between whether underlying infrastructure used mainly by light rail should be tagged railway=rail or railway=light_rail: electrified San Diego Trolley lines (elements of Blue and Orange) and Escondido Subdivision elements (SPRINTER, Diesel Modified Units / DMUs) are tagged railway=rail, even as both railway systems predominantly support route=light_rail passenger services (during the day and evening), while also supporting freight service at night / in the very early morning hours (0200 - 0330). This caused / causes some vacillation on tagging between Escondido and Oceanside, while on San Diego Trolley lines, many segments of Blue south of Old Town and most segments of Orange to Santee remain tagged railway=rail + usage=branch where freight service is shared with light_rail passenger service. Consistent tagging on both of these systems maybe has / maybe has not settled, but the confusion is understandable as there are elements of SPRINTER which are "not typical light rail" (e.g. using DMUs instead of electric motive power), while San Diego Trolley's Blue and Orange lines frequently get confused by many OSM editors because of the mixed traffic. Unambiguously, San Diego Trolley's Green Line is exclusively passenger=urban railway=light_rail, with no freight traffic, temporally-separated or otherwise.
Sacramento Regional Transit District (SCRT)
RT operates a light rail system spanning the Sacramento area that is currently the eleventh busiest in the United States. Similar to San Diego Trolley in its largely-street-running-in-Downtown tram-like character, this wide-area urban system is denoted railway=light_rail throughout. There have been edits which tag "strictly tram as tram" (as Muni L, N in western suburbs of San Francisco) causing some vacillation between railway=light_rail and railway=tram.
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | Status |
Blue Line | Light Rail | 533 | 9248096![]() |
Complete v2 route. |
Gold Line | Light Rail | 507 | 9248098![]() |
Complete v2 route. |
Green Line | Light Rail | 519 | 9248097![]() |
Complete v2 route. |
Plans are underway (as of 2024-Q1) to complete environmental review for an extension of the Green Line to Sacramento International Airport. The way in OSM is tagged railway=proposed proposed:railway=light_rail.
San Francisco Muni / Metro (MUNI)
Muni / Metro combines light rail, tram, historic streetcar, cable cars and a Central Subway into San Francisco's passenger rail network, providing rail-to-rail connections with BART, Caltrain and (circa 2030) California High Speed Rail. Some segments are light rail in dedicated right-of-way, some are street-running tram-like trains, some are substantially tunneled or underground. Market Street Railway is a partner on E and F Lines, restoring historic streetcars. Underlying infrastructure is either railway=light_rail or railway=tram, not railway=subway, even for underground segments, which are tagged tunnel=yes plus a negative-value layer=* tag. All Muni / Metro rail routes are tagged passenger=urban.
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | Status |
E Embarcadero | Tram | 5953002![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2, though needs more and better public_transport=platform members. Infrastructure from Embarcadero to 4th & King is railway=light_rail named "Muni Metro" as it is shared with Muni Metro N, S, T. | |
F Market & Wharves | Tram | 63224![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2, though needs more and better public_transport=platform members | |
J Church | Light Rail | 63222![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2, though needs more and better public_transport=platform members | |
K Ingleside-Third Street | Light Rail | 3433320![]() |
Largely or possibly complete; public_transport v2. | |
L Taraval | Light Rail | 3435879![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2, though needs more and better public_transport=platform members. Some segments travel over railway=tram. | |
M Ocean View | Light Rail | 3435882![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2, though needs more and better public_transport=platform members | |
N Judah | Light Rail | 3435884![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2, though needs more and better public_transport=platform members. Some segments travel over railway=tram. | |
S Castro Shuttle | Light Rail | 6071918![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2, though needs more and better public_transport=platform members | |
T Ingleside-Third Street | Light Rail | 8826111![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. The "Central Subway" extension to Chinatown-Rose Pak is complete. It is possible not all trains or times are reflected as opening schedules initiate, please double-check platforms and that all opening_hours=* are correct. | |
59 - Powell/Mason Cable Car | Tram | 3433159![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2, though needs more and better public_transport=platform members (at sidewalks and medians) | |
60 - Powell/Hyde Cable Car | Tram | 3433160![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2, though needs more and better public_transport=platform members (at sidewalks and medians) | |
61 - California Cable Car | Tram | 1958845![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2, though needs more and better public_transport=platform members (at sidewalks and medians) |
VTA Light Rail / Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCCT)
VTA Light Rail serves San José and northern Santa Clara County with 41 miles (65 km) of light rail network on three lines (Blue, Green and Orange). Downtown San José and other segments can be considered tram-like (street-running trains) though the system is denoted railway=light_rail throughout. With BART service to Milpitas station, VTA Orange Line allows BART connections to Caltrain at Mountain View, providing contiguous "rings the bay" passenger rail service on three networks: BART (change trains to VTA Orange at Milpitas), VTA (VTA Orange from Milpitas to Mountain View) and Caltrain (change trains from VTA Orange to Caltrain at Mountain View), BART again from Caltrain at Millbrae (to Milpitas or elsewhere).
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | Status |
Baypointe - Santa Teresa (Blue) | Light Rail | 901 | 9897510![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2; please "double-check review" for track/station node order. |
Winchester - Old Ironsides (Green) | Light Rail | 902 | 9897509![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2; please "double-check review" for track/station node order. An extension is planned to this line from the Winchester station southward to Vasona, but no date is set; construction is dependent on VTA Board of Directors' final approval of funding/financing plan. Two new stations are planned: one at Vasona (Phase 1), another at Hacienda (Phase 2). |
Alum Rock - Mountain View (Orange) | Light Rail | 90? | 10561837![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2; please "double-check review" for track/station node order. With BART's completed Silicon Valley Phase 1, this line from Alum Rock station northward and westward to Mountain View connects BART at Milpitas to Caltrain at Mountain View. Construction is underway extending Orange light rail from Alum Rock station southward to Eastridge as tagging on these largely viaduct and bridge segments went from railway=proposed to railway=construction, revenue service expected in 2028. Trains will run primarily on elevated tracks along the center of Capitol Expressway crossing Capitol Avenue, Story Road and Tully Road with new stations at Story (, Ocala?) and Eastridge. As of 2025-Q1, there are neither engineering plans nor any known funding source to extend this light rail from Eastridge further south into southern San Jose. |
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority / LACMTA / MTA / Metro (LACM)
Los Angeles Metro, rail portions of which are also known as Metro Rail, operates combined rail rapid transit (subway, light rail, monorail at LAX by 2026) in Los Angeles County. Metro operates eight rapid transit lines: six light_rail/subway (dedicated right-of-way) and two bus rapid transit (on abandoned rail right-of-way: old Pacific Electric Red Car line and old Burbank Line plus I-110; Metro G Line (Orange) and Metro J Line (Silver), respectively, see Transitways). All Metro rail and Busway rapid transit routes are tagged passenger=urban. Rail service offers 10, 12, 15 or 20 minute headways, depending on line and time-of-day.
2016 news described planning to "close a regional transportation gap" linking Metro C Line (Green)'s eastern Norwalk terminus to Metrolink's Norwalk/Santa Fe Springs (Metrolink Blue/91, Metrolink Red, Metrolink Orange) in addition to
Present Los Angeles County Metro-Metrolink and Metrolink-Amtrak® correspondences:
- LA Union Station (Metro A Line Blue, Metro B Line Red, Metro D Line Purple, Metro J Line Silver, all Metrolink trains, Amtrak® California Zephyr™, Coast Starlight™, Pacific Surfliner®, Southwest Chief™ and Sunset Limited™ / Texas Eagle®),
- Burbank Airport South (Metrolink Green, Amtrak® Pacific Surfliner®),
- Cal State LA (Metro J Line Silver, Metrolink Maroon),
- Chatsworth (Metro G Line Orange, Metrolink Yellow, Amtrak® Pacific Surfliner®) and in San Diego County
- Oceanside (Metrolink Orange, Amtrak® Pacific Surfliner®, COASTER, SPRINTER).
2017 news revealed a plan, and a 2018 SCAG update of the Norwalk C Line (Green) Extension Study, while paused as of April, 2018, is in the process of identifying and evaluating feasible alternatives for this potential 2.8 mile rail link. It could be 2052 before this Extension opens for revenue service.
2019 news indicated that by the 2028 Summer Olympics, four light_rail and four Busway rapid transit lines will be added, totaling 16 rapid transit lines. Some planned lines and assigned letters are: Arroyo Verdugo / L Line; North San Fernando Valley / N Line; Sepulveda Pass / Q Line; Vermont / R Line and West Santa Ana (from Downtown Los Angeles to Artesia) / S Line.
Continuing updates as Metro grows and reconfigures should track each other both in the map and in this wiki section, especially to accommodate new lines before the 2028 Summer Olympics. New line between Pacoima and Van Nuys has begun as the East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project.
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | Status |
Metro A Line (Blue) | Light Rail | 801 | 6585129![]() |
Not-quite-complete, public_transport v2. Azusa (APU/Citrus College) - LA Union Station - Downtown Los Angeles - Long Beach. The child relations for each direction are missing platforms and benefit by including these members, please. Map Your Train Ride! 20 km long, construction began in October 2017 on Phase 2B of the Foothill Extension Project, connecting Azusa's APU/Citrus College eastern terminus further eastward to Montclair Metrolink along with six new stations. Anticipated date for commencement of revenue service from Azusa's APU/Citrus College to Pomona is circa Summer 2025, then Claremont and Montclair circa early 2026. Metro currently has no plans to extend this line further eastward to Ontario International Airport. |
Metro B Line (Red) | Subway | 802 | 8219357![]() |
Not-quite-complete, public_transport v2. Union Station - North Hollywood. The child relations for each direction are missing platforms and benefit by including these members, please. Map Your Train Ride! |
Metro C Line (Green) | Light Rail | 803 | 7935053![]() |
Not-quite-complete, public_transport v2. Norwalk - Redondo Beach. The child relations for each direction are missing platforms and benefit by including these members, please. Map Your Train Ride!
Crenshaw / LAX to connect Metro E Line (Gold) at Expo/Crenshaw to Metro C Line (Green) at Aviation/Century near LAX under construction, partial service now with K Line (Pink, below). Metro C Line (Green) begins a new operational pattern (the "C-3" one-year pilot study) near LAX, northerly and southerly. The southern branch of Metro C Line (Green) will operate with Redondo Beach trains continuing through El Segundo and Aviation/LAX, east to Willowbrook/Rosa Parks (becoming a modified Metro C Line (Green) and perhaps Metro ? Line (Olive)). The partially-complete Crenshaw / LAX Project blends westbound Metro C Line (Green) trains from Norwalk turning north after Aviation/LAX along Aviation Blvd. to terminate at Expo/Crenshaw, "partially new" Metro C Line (Green). |
Metro D Line (Purple) | Subway | 805 | 7935318![]() |
Not-quite-complete, public_transport v2. Union Station - Wilshire/Western. The child relations for each direction are missing platforms and benefit by including these members, please. Map Your Train Ride!
Section 1 (of 3) of the Metro D Line (Purple) Subway Extension is under construction, revenue service scheduled 2025-2027. From the current terminus at Wilshire/Western, this 15 km westward extension includes seven new stations, three in Section 1: Wilshire/La Brea, Wilshire/Fairfax and Wilshire/La Cienega. Section 2 extends further westward with two more stations: Wilshire/Rodeo in downtown Beverly Hills and Century City/Constellation (construction began in 2018). Phase 3 will extend to Westwood/UCLA and Westwood/VA Hospital, construction began in 2019. |
Metro E Line (Gold) | Light Rail | 806 | 6584634![]() |
Not-quite-complete, public_transport v2. Santa Monica - Culver City - Downtown LA - Atlantic (East LA). The child relations for each direction are missing platforms and benefit by including these members, please. Map Your Train Ride! |
Metro K Line | Light Rail | 807 | 14669757![]() |
Not-quite-complete, public_transport v2. K Line connects Metro E Line (Gold) at Expo/Crenshaw (its northern terminus) south to Metro C Line (Green) at Aviation/Century near LAX, where Metro C Line (Green) now continues to its southern terminus at Redondo Beach. See Metro C Line (Green) above and below for re-routing notes about Metro ? Line (Olive). With completion of Airport Metro Connector (early 2026), a new infill 96th Street Transit Station will allow transfers to Airport Metro Connector to LAX terminals. A future phase might extend this segment (a re-routed Metro C Line (Green)) north to Metro D Line (Purple) near or at Wilshire/La Brea, then to a new northern terminus at North Hollywood to connect with Metro B Line (Red). |
Metro ? Line (Olive) Re-routing ("C-3") | Light Rail | ? | 8215031![]() |
Under construction as a type=route relation, not a master relation. After completion of Crenshaw / LAX Project (initially, K Line), Metro C Line (Green) begins a new operational pattern (C-3) near LAX, northerly and southerly. The southern branch of Metro C Line (Green) will operate with Redondo Beach trains continuing through El Segundo and Aviation/LAX, east to Willowbrook/Rosa Parks (may become Metro ? Line (Olive)). The nearing-completion Crenshaw / LAX Project blends westbound trains from Norwalk to Aviation/LAX (remaining Metro C Line (Green)), then turning north along Aviation Blvd. to terminate at Expo/Crenshaw, becoming the new Metro C Line (Green). |
Airport Metro Connector | Monorail / Automated People Mover | ? | 6666780![]() |
Somewhat incomplete stub relation, not a master relation, alignment is fairly accurate, may need additional double-tracking in places. In 2018, the Airport Commission approved a 30-year $5 billion construct-and-operate contract. The nearing-completion Crenshaw / LAX project (to become what might be described as "a northern branch" of Metro Green Line, becoming the "new" Metro C Line (Green)) will involve westbound Metro C Line (Green) trains turning north after Aviation/LAX, traveling along Aviation Blvd. This will allow transfers to the fully-automated people mover Airport Metro Connector at a new infill 96th Street Transit station, transporting riders to LAX terminals 1-8 and the Rental Car Center. Upon completion (early 2026), remove construction=* tags and assure all stations are present and correct. |
San Diego Trolley, Inc. (SDTI)
The San Diego Trolley is a light rail system operating in the metropolitan area of San Diego and serves 62 stations, with 65 miles (105 km) of routes. Infrastructure in the Downtown area can be considered tram-like (street-running trains) though the system is denoted railway=light_rail throughout. The relation column (Route Master) points to a type=route_master relation, even though the children relations are more v1 than v2: they are missing many platforms, except for Orange, which is fully v2. Please, Map Your Train Ride!
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | Status |
Sycuan Green Line | Light Rail | 530 | 9946502![]() |
Incomplete; public_transport v2; missing many platforms, though has some. |
Orange Line | Light Rail | 520 | 9946503![]() |
Complete public_transport v2, awesome! |
SDG&E Silver Line | Light Rail | 9946498![]() |
Incomplete; public_transport v2; missing many platforms, though has some; please fill in Trains column. Rolling stock are restored vintage/historic/heritage streetcars. Limited service: only Tu Th, 0952-1352 and Sa Su, 1052-1522. | |
UC San Diego Blue Line | Light Rail | 510 | 7572438![]() |
Somewhat complete; public_transport v2, however, additional platforms still need to be added to the two child relations (north and south). The (newer) Mid-Coast infrastructure (from Old Town to La Jolla) needs its electrified=* tags properly set. |
Since 2011, a new Purple Line is planned (for 2035) to expand this Trolley network. In addition to the small "inner loop" Downtown (Silver Line), a $15.56 billion project might extend southward from Sorrento Valley and La Jolla through Kearney Mesa into Mid-City, Orange Line correspondence at Euclid, central Chula Vista and terminating in San Ysidro (back to itself on Blue Line) to form a large "outer loop" of Blue and Purple. The way is in OSM tagged maxspeed=110 mph, name=Purple Line, operator=MTS, proposed=subway, proposed:railway=subway and railway=proposed, an unusual set of tags, though these make sense seeing as how SDMTS changed initial categorization of this corridor from light rail to heavy rail. Early planning phases of a subway ("metro" or "rapid transit" or "heavy rail, high-speed" or "partly underground"), Class 6 rail. How much of it will be below ground versus how much of it will be ground-level or aerial track? How will it be electrified? These and other design aspects are presently (2024-Q1) unknown to OSM. Improve if you can!
SPRINTER / North County Transit District (NCTD)
SPRINTER is a light rail system operating between Oceanside and Escondido in northern San Diego County. It services 15 stations on 22 miles (35 km) of track with 30 minute headways. SPRINTER is not electrically powered, using Diesel Modified Units (DMUs) for locomotion by NCTD's contract operator, Bombardier Transportation. Due to its shared right-of-way with freight trains serving Escondido industrial customers, SPRINTER platforms had to be set back from the tracks a sufficient distance to provide enough room for what were Watco / Pacific Sun employees riding on the sides of freight cars. (BNSF is believed to now own the right-of-way). The passenger trains are not FRA-compliant for operation in association with freight trains and therefore freight operations on the route are not permitted during passenger operations (they are temporally separated). For this reason some publications refer to this line as light rail but it does not conform with the usual understanding of that term. However, OSM tags the elements of the Escondido Subdivision which are used by SPRINTER with railway=light_rail rather than railway=rail + usage=branch (these latter two tags remain on track used exclusively by BNSF (was Watco / Pacific Sun) at night / early morning hours to serve industrial customers SE of the Escondido Transit Center). There have been edits which tag "rail as rail" (not light_rail) causing some vacillation between railway=rail and railway=light_rail. The FTA categorizes this "diesel light rail."
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route | Status |
SPRINTER | Light Rail | 399 | 12417807![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2; yeah! |
Arrow / SBCTA Redlands Passenger Rail (SCAX)
A 9 mile (14.5 km) passenger service rail extension called Arrow on the San Bernardino-Redlands Passenger Rail Corridor opened by SBCTA (part of Metrolink) in 2023. Extending Metrolink service to the San Bernardino Transit Center, this service uses 3 diesel modified units and 1 electric modified unit plus 1 Metrolink locomotive-hauled coach on BNSF trackage as host railway (low-volume temporally-separated freight service by BNSF continues on a portion of the host route=railway subdivision). Stops include Downtown San Bernardino, Tippecanoe Avenue, Esri Station, Downtown Redlands and University of Redlands. A potential further phase would expand trackage in a loop to Highland and San Bernardino International Airport before returning to downtown San Bernardino. Perhaps this moves to Metrolink section / table depending on how and whether Arrow retains identity or becomes more Metrolink-branded (as "Metrolink Arrow?" or "Arrow Express?"); to be determined.
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | Status |
(Metrolink) Arrow: San Bernardino Transit Center - University of Redlands Station | Train | 3 DMU + 1 EMU: SNB -> Tippecanoe Avenue -> Esri Station -> Downtown Redlands -> University of Redlands (and return to SNB with same stops) | 14728552![]() |
Tagged passenger=urban despite being a route=train because of the short length (9 miles). |
OC Streetcar / Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA), under construction
A 4.15-mile (6.68 km) tram line under construction in Orange County, California, w:OC Streetcar will serve 10 (at opening), 11, or 12 stations (perhaps in later phases), its termini at Santa Ana (Regional Transportation Center) and Garden Grove (Harbor Transit Center), operated by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) as a curbside, street running system in Santa Ana, while west of Raitt Street will be in dedicated rail right-of-way (part of railway=abandoned Paramount Industrial Lead from old Pacific Electric Red Car early-20th century transit). Revenue service expected in (August?) 2025.
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route | Status |
OC Streetcar | Tram | ? | 8438643![]() |
Under construction; entered as a route=railway, not a route=light_rail or route=tram. As revenue service begins, please change railway=construction tags to railway=tram, and create new railway=tram public_transport:version=2-compliant relations tagged passenger=urban. |
Airport-style Monorail, People Mover, Automated Guideway Transit (passenger=local) trains
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) categorizes these as People Mover or Automated Guideway Transit, which include monorail and light rail guideways. Some underlying infrastructure (for example, SMF APM) is railway=tram. Note that OpenRailwayMap (ORM) specifically displays railway=monorail infrastructure as light_rail (green) and OpenPublicTransportMap (OPTM) displays route=monorail distinctly.
AirTrain (San Francisco International Airport, SFO) (????)
A free-of-charge, fully automated people mover at San Francisco International Airport (SFO), connecting terminals, BART, the rental car center and most parking garages. This system is "landside," (outside of SFO's "sterile area"), so after this transportation system's use, departing airline passengers require TSA screening to enter "airside" (the secure area of the airport).
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route | Status |
Blue | Monorail | Headways every 4 minutes, 24/7 | 6043603![]() |
Incomplete; public_transport v2, needs some fine tuning re: Long-Term Parking station and Hyatt stop |
Red | Monorail | Headways every 4 minutes, 24/7 | 6043605![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2 |
Coliseum – Oakland International Airport, "BART to OAK line" (BART)
A BART-ticketed, fully automated people mover at Oakland International Airport (OAK), connecting terminals and BART at Oakland Coliseum (OAC) station.
Service Line | Route | Trains | type=route_master | Status |
BART to OAK line Coliseum – Oakland International Airport (OAK) |
Monorail | Headways every 6 minutes peak, 10-20 minutes off-peak | 4829982![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. Awesome! |
SMF Automated People Mover (Sacramento International Airport) (????)
An elevated automated people mover at Sacramento International Airport. Moves passengers between Central Terminal B (landside) and Concourse B (airside).
Service Line | Route | Tram | type=route | Status |
SMF Automated People Mover | Tram | On-demand? Regularly-scheduled headways? | 8796239![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1 |
Los Angeles International Airport, LAX "Airport Metro Connector" (LACM), under construction
See Airport Metro Connector; to serve Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). This is substantially an elevated railway=monorail. Now (2025-Q1) in later phases of construction, revenue service is expected by early 2026.
Inglewood Transit Connector (????), planned
Inglewood plans a $1B automated people mover as an elevated proposed:railway=monorail to link Metro Rail's Crenshaw Line's Downtown Inglewood station with Inglewood's developing sports and entertainment district (The Forum, SoFi Stadium), scheduled to open by the 2028 Summer Olympics. The 1.6-mile-long single segment segment of railway=proposed is entered as a logical stub.
Tourism, museum, heritage and historic (possibly passenger=local) trains
Underlying railway=* infrastructure elements are tagged usage=tourism. It may be correct to tag these route=train, route=tram and route=monorail relations with passenger=local due to shorter distances, though please use discretion: distinctly "excursion" services shouldn't get this tag, but some tourism services may provide a measure of local-oriented passenger transportation and can rightly be tagged with passenger=local. Here is an Overpass Turbo query which may be helpful. Note that OpenRailwayMap (ORM) specifically does NOT display railway=rail infrastructure tagged usage=tourism or railway:preserved=yes, however, OSM's Carto (Standard) layer does display these.
Service Line | Reporting Marks | Route | type=route | Status |
Skunk Train | SERA | Train | 4710759![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1 on California Western Railroad |
Santa Cruz Beach Train | SCBG | Train | 3487689![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1 on Santa Cruz Big Trees and Pacific Railway |
Napa Valley Wine Train | NVRR | Train | 5149956![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1, on Napa Valley Railroad, terminal stations only. Newer (2016) Quattro Vino service stops at four wineries, these stops/stations/platforms are not entered. |
Sacramento RiverTrain | SERA | Train | 6142319![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1 on Sierra Northern Railway. |
Sierra Railroad Dinner Train | SERA | Train | 6804127![]() |
Possibly complete; public_transport v1 on Sierra Northern Railway. Only Oakdale station is entered, there may be more stations or halts, though if not, this is complete. |
Fillmore & Western Trains | FWRY | Train | 6804311![]() |
Possibly complete; public_transport v1. There are lunch, dinner, mystery, holiday, school and excursion trains. Station set may need improvements. |
California State Railroad Museum | SSRR | Train | 6142388![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1 on Sacramento Southern Railroad |
Southern California Railway Museum Trains | OERM | Train, tram | 6804882![]() ![]() 6804883 ![]() ![]() |
Tram: complete public_transport v1. Train: Complete public_transport v1. An electrified 2.5 km railway=tram line connects to South Perris Metrolink, tagged passenger=local + a 1 km dual-gauge loop at the museum. |
Western Railway Museum Trains | WRM (?) | Train, tram | 6805161![]() ![]() 6805160 ![]() ![]() |
Complete; both relations are rough public_transport v1. Rio Vista - Bird's Landing (being electrified for railway=tram excursions further south?), tagged passenger=local and Rio Vista - Montezuma. Both relations may need better tagging and members. |
Golden Gate Railroad Museum | GGMX | Train | 6142178![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1 on Niles Canyon Railway |
Golden State demonstration passenger trains | SDAX | Train | 5758542![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1, on SDAE Desert at Pacific Southwest Railway Museum in Campo (San Diego County) |
Placerville and Sacramento Valley Railroad Trains | ???? | Train | 6801615![]() |
What are believed to be correct tracks and stations are entered, please double-check. Somewhat complete; public_transport v1. It appears there is passenger excursion service between Hampton (station) and White Rock, Hampton (station) and Carson Creek/Malby Crossing (both closed as of 2018-Q1 due to construction) and as Latrobe Limited (now boarding in White Rock due to construction in Folsom). |
El Dorado Western Railroad Trains | EDW (?) | Train | 6801616![]() |
What are believed to be correct tracks and stations are entered, please double-check. Somewhat complete; public_transport v1. No route=trains are known. |
Roaring Camp & Big Trees Narrow Gauge Railroad (Steam Train) | RCBT | Train | 5927779![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1 on railway=narrow_gauge |
Port of Los Angeles Waterfront Red Car | PLAX | Tram | 4786115![]() ![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1 on railway=tram. Tagged passenger=local. Believed to have closed in 2015; please confirm. |
Angel's Flight | ???? | Funicular | 6723222![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1. Urban railway=funicular. |
Disneyland Railroad | DLRR | Train | 1796774![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1 on railway=preserved; requires park admission fee. Apply tourism=theme_park? |
Disneyland Monorail | DLMS | Monorail | 1721168![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1 on railway=monorail; requires park admission fee. Apply tourism=theme_park? |
Redwood Valley Railway | RVRY | Train | 6804565![]() |
Complete; public_transport v1 1/4 scale (gauge=381) suburban park railroad on railway=miniature, rides last about 12 minutes |
Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad | ???? | Train | 6804634![]() |
Complete; public_transport v2. Suburban park railroad on railway=miniature. |
Please clarify/improve the following underlying railway=* infrastructure tagged usage=tourism (and tourism=theme_park?) as route=railways, creating passenger-oriented route=train, route=tram or route=monorail relations from these elements as they are known, then move them to the table above. This (second) table lists routes with passenger service (but specifics of it are unknown) and is meant to convey relations where only the underlying rail infrastructure data are known, these are to be "grown into" complete passenger route=*s with a Route column value like train, light_rail or tram (not railway) to be moved into the (first) table above.
Service Line | Reporting Marks | route=* | type=route | Status |
Amador Central Railway | AMC (?) | Railway | 6274402![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation, eastern segments abandoned. Used for recreational "speeders" and historical/educational purposes by Recreational Railroad Coalition Historical Society and Amador County Historical Society. No route=trains are known. |
Cal Expo | ???? | Railway | 8090907![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a small amusement/theme_park rail on railway=tram. No route=tram relations are known. |
Getty Center Tram | ???? | Railway | 8090967![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a short museum rail on railway=tram. Unknown what route=trams to enter. |
Pacific Coast Railroad (Santa Margarita) | ???? | Railway | 6773665![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a short loop on railway=narrow_gauge. Unknown what route=trains to enter. |
California Trolley and Railroad Corporation | CTRC | Railway | 6139041![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a short loop on railway=narrow_gauge. Unknown what route=trains to enter. CTRC restored for operation a number of historic trolley cars at History Park at Kelley Park (San José) and the Happy Hollow line extension allowing trolley service to the Japanese Friendship Garden and the Happy Hollow Zoo. |
Poway–Midland Railroad | ???? | Railway | 8090098![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a short loop on railway=narrow_gauge. Unknown what route=trains to enter. |
Calico and Odessa Railroad | GTCX (?), C&OR (?) | Railway | 8090136![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a short loop on railway=narrow_gauge. Unknown what route=trains to enter. |
Casa de Fruta Railroad | ???? | Railway | 8090138![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a short loop on railway=narrow_gauge. Unknown what route=trains to enter. Part of a small rural roadside fruit stand/amusement theme_park. |
Ardenwood Historic Farm Rail | ???? | Railway | 8090954![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a short park rail on railway=narrow_gauge. Unknown what route=trains to enter. |
Sonoma TrainTown Railroad | ???? | Railway | 8153354![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a short park rail on railway=miniature, gauge=381 (approximately 1/4 scale). Unknown what route=trains to enter. |
Yosemite Mountain Sugar Pine Railroad | YMSP | Railway | 8091009![]() |
Complete (?) trackage as a route=railway relation for a short (2.8 km) rail on railway=narrow_gauge. No route=train relations are known. |
Griffith Park & Southern Railroad | ???? | Railway | 8100133![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a short park rail on railway=miniature, gauge=190, about 1/8 scale. Unknown what route=trains to enter, though believed to be named "Los Angeles Live Steamers Railroad." |
Travel Town Railroad | ???? | Railway | 8100132![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a short park rail on railway=miniature, gauge=190, about 1/8 scale. Unknown what route=trains to enter, is the railway or the passenger service named "Travel Town Railroad?" |
Jolly Trolly | ???? | Railway | 8129284![]() |
Complete trackage as a route=railway relation for a short park rail on railway=miniature. Unknown what route=trains to enter. |
The Grove Trolley | ???? | Tram | The single way![]() |
Complete trackage as a railway=tram at Farmer's Market in Los Angeles, no route=railway relation entered. Unknown what route=trains to enter. |
Santa Barbara Zoo Train | ???? | Narrow Gauge | The single way![]() |
Complete trackage as a railway=narrow_gauge at Santa Barbara Zoo, no route=railway relation entered. Unknown what route=trains to enter. |
Oakland Zoo Narrow Gauge Rail | ???? | Narrow Gauge | The single way![]() |
Complete trackage as a railway=narrow_gauge at Oakland Zoo, no route=railway relation entered. Unknown what route=trains to enter. |
Tom's Farms Train Ride | ???? | The single way![]() |
Complete trackage as a railway=narrow_gauge for a short theme park rail loop (ride), no route=railway relation entered. Unknown what route=trains to enter. | |
Enchanted Railroad | ???? | The single way![]() |
Complete trackage as a short railway=miniature for a theme park (Descanso Gardens, La Cañada Flintridge) rail loop (ride), no route=railway relation entered. Unknown what route=trains to enter. | |
Swanton Pacific Railway | ???? | 8129284![]() |
Complete (though discontiguous) trackage as a short railway=miniature in Swanton. Unknown what route=trains to enter (or if trains even run). Believed heavily damaged in the CZU Lightning Complex fire of 2020, slowly being restored? | |
Guajome AGSEM Railroad | ???? | The single way![]() |
Complete trackage as a short railway=miniature for the Q-Short Track Railroad (Guajome Park Academy, Vista) rail loop (ride), no route=railway relation entered. Unknown what route=trains to enter. | |
Goleta Short Line | ???? | 10601254![]() |
Complete trackage as a short railway=miniature at a park in Goleta for the South Coast Railroad Museum. Unknown what route=trains to enter. | |
Howarth Park Kiddie Railroad | ???? | The single way![]() |
Complete trackage as a short railway=miniature at Howarth Memorial Park in Santa Rosa. Unknown what route=trains to enter. | |
Pixieland Express | ???? | The single way![]() |
Complete trackage as a short railway=miniature at Willow Pass Community Park in Concord. Unknown what route=trains to enter. | |
Agnew Tram | ???? | Funicular | The single way![]() |
Rural diesel-powered railway=funicular to provide access to waterways of Southern California Edison. |
Gem Tram | ???? | Funicular | The single way![]() |
Rural diesel-powered railway=funicular to provide access to waterways of Southern California Edison. |
Descanso, Alpine and Pacific Railway | SDAX | Railway | 8090208![]() |
Partial infrastructure elements of railway=narrow_gauge, but no route=train exists. Donated to the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum at Campo Railroad Park, now (2018-Q1) being dismantled and moved there. |
Western Pacific Railroad Museum | WPRM, FRRX | A single service=yard way![]() |
Incomplete; it is unclear what tracks near Portola make up the route=railway(s) used for WPRM excursions and the "Run A Locomotive" program operated by Feather River Rail Society. No route=trains are known. | |
Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum | ???? | A single railway=narrow_gauge way![]() |
Incomplete. No route=trains are known. | |
Laws Railroad Museum | ???? | A single railway=preserved way![]() |
Incomplete; little is known. No route=trains are known. | |
Disneyland | ???? | Various railway=narrow_gauge ways in a major amusement/theme_park | Not sure how complete OSM considers these: infrastructure elements but no route=railways nor route=trains. Note that both Disneyland Railroad and Disneyland Monorail are already in the table above; this is a placeholder for the remaining rail-oriented rides. | |
California's Great America | ???? | Various railway=narrow_gauge and railway=monorail ways in a major amusement/theme_park | Not sure how complete OSM considers these: infrastructure elements but no route=railways nor route=trains. Placeholder for the remaining rail-oriented rides. | |
Knott's Berry Farm | ???? | Various railway=narrow_gauge ways in a major amusement/theme_park | Not sure how complete OSM considers these: infrastructure elements but no route=railways nor route=trains. Placeholder for the remaining rail-oriented rides. | |
Magic Mountain | ???? | Various railway=narrow_gauge ways in a major amusement/theme_park | Not sure how complete OSM considers these: infrastructure elements but no route=railways nor route=trains. Placeholder for the remaining rail-oriented rides. | |
Seaside Railway at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Vallejo) | ???? | railway=light_rail and various railway=monorail ways in a major amusement/theme_park | Not sure how complete OSM considers these: infrastructure elements but no route=railways nor route=trains. Placeholder for the remaining rail-oriented rides. | |
Legoland Carlsbad | ???? | Various railway=narrow_gauge ways in an amusement theme_park | Not sure how complete OSM considers these: infrastructure elements but no route=railway nor route=train. Placeholder for the passenger rail route. | |
Gilroy Gardens | ???? | Various railway=narrow_gauge ways and Bonfante Railroad Train Ride and Sky Trail Monorail in a small amusement theme_park west of Gilroy | Not sure how complete OSM considers these: infrastructure elements but no route=railway nor route=train. Placeholder for the passenger rail route. | |
Pixieland Express | ???? | A railway=narrow_gauge in a small amusement theme_park in Concord | Not sure how complete OSM considers these: infrastructure elements but no route=railway nor route=train. Placeholder for the passenger rail route. | |
Neverland Ranch Park | ???? | Various small private railway=miniature ways | Not sure how complete OSM considers these: infrastructure elements but no route=railway nor route=train. Placeholder for the passenger rail route. |
Being researched are Central Park Bianchi Train in San Mateo, Emerald Hills Railway in Redwood City, Glendale (Brand?), Golden Gate Live Steamers in Berkeley, Kennedy Park Train in Hayward, Lemos Farm Rail in Half Moon Bay, Little Puffer at San Francisco Zoo, Confusion Hill Mountain Train Ride (north of Leggett, south of Piercy), Nut Tree and Redwood Valley Railway in Berkeley.
YOU would be most welcome to continue and even complete such research!
Color semantics
About the (status) colors in the (Route) Name and Service Line columns
Amtrak routes all have "no color" in their type=route_master column because they are completed v2 routes.
Green means that the route's TIGER data in OSM are fully reviewed. This strongly implies that all other relation attributes are correct, but this isn't always strictly true; see Notes/Status column. Green does not conflict with active public_transport:version=* v1-v2 growth. Go!
Yellow means "only partially reviewed" ; additional volunteer work is needed to enter or correct additional route data (railway and/or train) into OSM. Yellow may also mean a route has a volunteer entering data, yet route ambiguities persist about what is actually correct.
Red means that "something" (often very little) is known about the route, so it is useful to put a row in the table about it as a placeholder, but it likely may be too early to create a route relation: route data are unknown, incomplete or route attributes are significantly missing.
About the (branding) colors in passenger=* and passenger-oriented Route columns
For route=train, route=subway, route=light_rail, route=tram these displayed (web) colors are intended to reflect real-world colors denoted by the transportation authority network, such as in printed, painted or otherwise visually branded materials directly associated with a particular route. For the Amtrak routes, a goal is towards more state/national agreement and completion. An initial example is that for Amtrak Cascades service in Washington state and Oregon, OSM's Amtrak wiki table and Mapzen's former transit-colours renderer (no longer functional) both display a closely matching shade of green, which in turn (by intention) better match livery of rolling stock found only on those tracks by that line and class of service. Similar early harmony among Amtrak and California/Railroads is underway, e.g. Capitol Corridor as orange, color of California poppy, the state flower and Pacific Surfliner as ocean blue. Color harmony, in motion.
About the colors and symbols in the Status and Notes column of Amtrak routes
Color and symbol legend: status of each route is indicated by a symbol, which describes the type of feature, and a color, which indicates the completeness of that feature in OSM. For more details, see Wiki Help. Meaning of symbols:
Symbol | Meaning |
![]() |
Route status |
![]() |
Stops status |
The visual symbols are concise, and while originally designed for bus stops, also work well for train routes.
The codes 0-4 are a logical progression, but they do not all have to be used in sequence. It is perfectly acceptable to go from 0 (nothing on map) to 3 (everything done in opinion of one editor). However, there should never be a jump to level 4. r=4 should only appear after r=3, and the same with h=3 & h=4, as this implies the relation has been checked by both the editor who completed it (level 3), and a second editor (level 4). Given these are different people, a jump up to level 4 from anything other than 3 is not possible.
In this wiki, this symbology is used as relations indicate where public_transport:version=1 is becoming version 2. The route_master column eventually will be fully populated with v2 relations (v1 routes upgrade to v2), the type=route_master column data acting as "entry point" into these Amtrak routes, type=route column linking to "directional" child relations.