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Major structure was split off from this wiki: for California's active freight rail, see California/Railroads/Active (and its sub-wiki), for California's active passenger trainsState Train.svg, see California/Railroads/Passenger.

Due to recent wiki and associated software upgrades, the map details are not-quite-correct. Please select "Transport Map" from the upper-right "layers stack" icon to see the railway routes as part of the USA's national-scale rail infrastructure. This is a "live" slippy map; it can be panned and zoomed.

California railroads operated over 6806 miles (10953 km) of track (including "trackage rights," rights obtained by one railroad to operate its trains over another railroad's tracks) and carried 3,405,000 originating carloads and 3,099,500 terminating carloads of freight totaling over 64.0 million tons and 94.9 million tons, respectively (2019 data). Class I railroads – the designation for major freight rail carriers – are represented in California by Union Pacific Railroad (UP) and BNSF Railway (BNSF). These two railroads have extensive rail networks connecting California with the rest of the nation, particularly corridors to the Southwest, Midwest, and Northwest. Including trackage rights, UP and BNSF operate over a total of 8657 km, about 79% of total rail in California. In addition to these major carriers, local markets in California may be served by the remaining 21%: smaller (usually freight-only) rail known as “short line” railroads, which serve a particular market, provide feeder service to the national freight rail network represented by UP and BNSF, perform switching and/or multimodal services and in a few cases (Caltrain, SPRINTER...) offer passenger services. California has no "Regional Railroads" (medium-sized, non-Class I line-haul railroads that have annual revenues of at least $40 million, or that operate at least 350 miles of road and revenues of at least $20 million, sometimes called Class II); all other rail in the state are (smaller-sized) short line railroads (sometimes called Class III).

Editing Railroads starting from TIGER data

Please read United_States/Railways#Editing_Railroads_starting_from_TIGER_data . This Overpass Turbo query identifies the scope of work yet to do by displaying unreviewed (or less reviewed) TIGER rail in California: as of 2023-Q4, ~2000 ways. This is <5% of all rail in the state (by count of ways), but this Review is still a substantial task yet to complete.

Current State of the Map (California/Railroads)

California/Railroads data are in a "later beta" state. This means California rail data from OSM's noisy 2007 TIGER import (plus good rail tagging since) have been reviewed, corrected and developed by many editors to a state of reasonable accuracy, yet still remain slightly rough. TIGER Review remains incomplete, minor errors remain in rail infrastructure and some routes (both route=railway and route=train) remain underdeveloped (as do several tables below which reflect this). However, "shining star examples" exist: Bakersfield Subdivision (route=railway), Antelope Valley Line (route=train), BART (route=subway system) and Amtrak's relation Pacific Surfliner (public_transport:version=2 route). (Please endeavor to continue completing the transition of route=trains from PTv1 to PTv2). These should be emulated for other routes of their type which remain incomplete or underdeveloped. As of 2018, TIGER-derived name tags such as name=Union Pacific and name=BNSF are corrected (to operator=* tags) on active rail in California, partially completing one phase of making best use of OSM's TIGER-derived rail data. Remaining TIGER-derived tags on disused and abandoned rail continue to improve. In short, TIGER rail data are much better and in many cases quite usable, yet work remains. For example, all route=railway relations should be re-checked against newer, richer, authoritative sources, so please continue to review and improve California rail data. Thank you!

At OpenRailwayMap (ORM)'s wider zoom levels z≤8, California is seen to have a structure of mainline (orange) and at z≥9 branch (yellow) rail, due to cohesive usage=* and name=* tags. Known active rail largely have correct name=* tags (except where unknown) and some correctly named rail may not yet be collected into a named route=railway relation. So, both of these tasks are important to complete. However, even without either of these data being in OSM, because of TIGER rail entry and especially because usage=* clearly displays in ORM, a largely correct California rail infrastructure is seen. (Without usage=* ORM displays no overlay on its Infrastructure layer). All tracks=* tags have been removed, as now "actual tracks" are modeled / represented.

At closer zoom levels z≥10, ORM displays additional usage=* tag values besides main and branch. At z≥11, railway=disused (as brown-gray) and railway=abandoned (as dashed brown-gray) display. OSM in California has a small amount of rail whose usage=* and/or name=* remain unknown, or are tagged railway=rail while they are truly railway=disused or railway=abandoned (or vice versa), but this isn't well known or correctly tagged in OSM. More work is needed on these railway=disused or railway=abandoned rail segments: accurately determining whether or not they are active and assigning proper name=* and usage=* tags. This remains a frontier of California/Railroads, as is fully complete cataloging of all usage=industrial rail (spurs), which at z≥10 ORM displays as brown. OSM remains incomplete in both of these regards, though 2019 improvements around Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors (a complex rail area) have contributed to industrial rail in California being substantially more complete. Still, distance to completion remains, especially at OGRE (see below).

Also at zoom level z≥10, railway=light_rail and railway=subway display in ORM as green and dark blue (respectively). Seven light rail systems are active in California: Los Angeles Metro, San Francisco Municipal Railway (Muni), San Diego Trolley, VTA in Silicon Valley, Sacramento RT Light Rail, North County Transit District's SPRINTER and Arrow east of San Bernardino. The eighth will likely be OC Streetcar (under construction, revenue service expected in mid-2025). Subways (underground, FTA-defined "heavy rail" tagged railway=subway) include Bay Area Rapid Transit (tagged passenger=suburban) and Los Angeles Metro's Red and Purple lines (tagged passenger=urban). Though some still contain minor OSM errors, these approach completeness, including planned extensions (ORM displays dotted for proposed, dashed for under construction). Further ongoing review and correction are welcome as these continue to expand and improve, especially in Los Angeles County in preparation for the 2028 Olympics. Importantly, more public_transport=platforms are needed, as well as including these in route relations, facilitating upgrades to public_transport:version=2. This is an excellent opportunity to build better community/volunteer efforts and better data with a Map Your Train Ride! approach (to platform locations and amenities): plant seeds (platforms), and green shoots (version 2 train routes) can and do grow!

Closer ORM zoom levels (z≥11) display railway=tram as pink (notably, San Francisco's Cable Cars). Trams are distinctly "streetcar," yet often share similarities with light rail. In San Francisco, Muni and Cable Cars are distinct with these tags (though, Muni E Embarcadero and F Market & Wharves are streetcar/tram), even as both systems have street-tracked cars: Muni light_rail (green) goes underground in many places, Cable Cars (pink) are exclusively above-ground, largely street-running. BART (dark blue) is partly underground in San Francisco and the greater Bay Area, while Caltrain (orange), especially with its Express service, is above-ground mainline commuter rail, with a few tunnels. (ORM denotes underground rail or tunnels with desaturated color). Trams are believed complete in California/Railroads and OSM, route=trams are tagged passenger=local. (ORM displays railway=narrow_gauge as chartreuse at zoom level z≥10. ORM does not display rail tagged usage=tourism at any zoom level).

In June 2015, California began construction of the USA's first dedicated high-speed rail, centered around Fresno. See here, as the project scaled back during 2019. ORM displays high-speed rail lines as red, these are now (2023) either dashed-red (under construction) or dotted-red (proposed: possibly funded and "out for bid," funding is being developed, or unfunded).


If you wish to improve California railroads in OSM:

  • Follow unreviewed California TIGER rail ways along their length, comparing them with your best data. These might be many things: a survey or GPS track, state agency (DOT, PUC) crossing data, aerial/satellite imagery, rail enthusiast lore that OSM has permission to use or personal rail knowledge that is "on the ground verifiable."
  • Find red or yellow route=railway relation table entries below or yellow entries in California/Railroads/Active tables and improve them: perform TIGER Review (see above) on rail segments (whether or not already gathered into a correctly-named route=railway relation). It CAN be tedious to stitch these relations together properly!
  • Using an Overpass Turbo query and/or ORM (railway=disused as brown, ~2460 ways and railway=abandoned as dashed brown lines, a larger dataset of ~5030 ways), find TIGER rail with incorrect status. Properly tag these with knowledge of whether they are truly disused, abandoned or active rail.
  • Clean up yards using more-recent aerial/satellite imagery or better knowledge. Currently yards are moderately correct, but can use improvement from newer real-world data or imagery. Please keep the Yards table on this wiki page updated as you do.
  • See the excellent source from Caltrans ca-rail-schematics-a11y.pdf (April, 2016 version or newer), a comprehensive hypertext detailing California passenger rail infrastructure. Add more track name, Control Point, milepost, maxspeed and other data to OSM.
  • Map Your Train Ride! Add public_transport=platforms to the route=train relation of your commute or other passenger train travel. It's easy: add a node or draw a small polygon representing the exact location of the platform, and tag with public_transport=platform, railway=platform and train=yes, light_rail=yes, subway=yes or tram=yes. You might also add it to the proper route=train relation(s) which should be found around that railway=station. For further guidance, see this diagram of "a simple railway station".

More work needs doing, including RailPort Oakland (especially its yards); OGRE needs review, better name=*-tagging and route=railway(s) created in OSM and this wiki (as they are learned or known, they might not even exist yet). While improvements were made in 2019-Q1 to RailPort Oakland rail and in Los Angeles County (especially Los Angeles Junction Railway and Pacific Harbor Line), these segments need similar additional review (better name=* tags and aggregation of named segments into route=railway relations, if/as known). "More work" includes updating yards. Eventually, all rail subdivisions (railway=* elements not tagged service=*) should be in properly named route=railway relations. California railroads are not 100% there yet, but do continue to appproach this subgoal (as of 2022-Q2). Another goal is for all route=train relations (California/Railroads/Passenger) to contain accurate relation memberships of properly named track infrastructure, also largely done, yet slightly incomplete. Other frontiers include maxspeed=*, railway=signal, Control Point (CP, sometimes a node tagged railway=junction) and railway=milestone tags, now only lightly extant. Much can benefit from review and/or improvement, especially TIGER Review and improving route=train and other passenger rail relations from public_transport:version=1 to public_transport:version=2. To each and every OSM rail contributor: thank you!


It would be very kind for more OSM volunteers to continue to build up this statewide "Yards" table (stub) with status on every single California rail yard. It is incomplete as there are dozens of rail yards in California.

Name Railroad Area Subdivision(s) Served TIGER Review Status
J. R. Davis Union Pacific Sacramento/Roseville Roseville Complete as of 2006/2007 USGS Ortho imagery. Need to shift a little to align with 2013 Bing imagery and add/modify a dozen or so new/changed tracks.
Los Angeles Intermodal Container Transfer Facility (LA-ICTF) and/or Union Pacific Long Beach ICTF Port of Los Angeles Railroads (?) or Pacific Harbor Line (?) Ports of Los Angeles & Long Beach Harbor Complete
Mira Loma Terminal ? Mira Loma Partially complete
Barstow BNSF Barstow Cajon, Needles, Mojave (terminus of all three) Partially complete
Commerce Eastern BNSF Commerce Partially complete
Sheila BNSF ? Partially complete
Hobart Yard BNSF Vernon Partially complete
San Bernardino Intermodal Facility BNSF San Bernardino Cajon, San Bernardino Partially complete
San Diego BNSF, SDIY San Diego San Diego Complete
Watson BNSF Wilmington Partially complete
La Mirada BNSF La Mirada Partially complete
Needles BNSF Needles Needles, Seligman (terminus of both) Partially complete
Pico Rivera BNSF Pico Rivera Partially complete
Richmond BNSF Richmond Stockton (terminus) Partially complete
Stockton Intermodal Facility BNSF Stockton Stockton Partially complete
Bakersfield BNSF Bakersfield Bakersfield, Mojave (terminus of both) Completely retraced Retraced by happy5214
Calwa BNSF Fresno Intermodal Facility Bakersfield, Stockton (terminus of both) Completely retraced Retraced by happy5214
Pittsburg BNSF Pittsburg Partially complete
Riverbank BNSF Riverbank Stockton Completely retraced Retraced by happy5214
City of Industry Intermodal Facility Union Pacific Industry Partially complete
West Colton Yard Union Pacific Bloomington Partially complete
Commerce Union Pacific Commerce Partially complete
Dolores (ICTF) Union Pacific ? Partially complete
Los Angeles Transportation Center Union Pacific Los Angeles Partially complete
Anaheim Union Pacific Anaheim Partially complete
Montclair Union Pacific Montclair Partially complete
Yermo Union Pacific Yermo Cima Partially complete
Railport - Oakland Union Pacific Oakland Completely rebuilt after TIGER entry Recent Bing imagery shows substantial rebuilding work to do in OSM
Stockton Union Pacific Stockton Partially complete
Fresno Union Pacific Fresno Fresno Completely retraced Retraced by happy5214
Bakersfield Union Pacific Bakersfield Fresno, Mojave (terminus of both) Completely retraced Retraced by happy5214
Martinez Union Pacific Martinez Partially complete
Milpitas Union Pacific Milpitas Partially complete
Portola Union Pacific Portola Partially complete
Lathrop Intermodal Facility Union Pacific Lathrop Partially complete
Lombard Union Pacific American Canyon Partially complete
Watsonville Union Pacific Pajaro (near Watsonville) Complete
Centralized Equipment Maintenance & Operations Facility Caltrain/Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board San José Appears complete
Willits NCRA, SERA Willits Complete
San Ysidro BJRR, SDIY San Diego's San Ysidro district (at the Mexico/US border) Complete

Railtrails and "Transitways"

A railtrail uses a (usually former, abandoned) railroad right-of-way (ROW) for equestrian, bicycle or hiking paths, preserving the ROW for possible future re-use as a railway while providing a useful service in the meantime. These are often tagged highway=cycleway or highway=footway depending on whether they prefer or allow bicycle or pedestrian traffic. It is OK to tag both railway=abandoned and highway=cycleway if it is the case that an abandoned railway became a railtrail (for bicycle use, for example). Where a (multi-use) pathway is designated for pedestrians but also allows bicycles, tag highway=footway and bicycle=yes. Sometimes (e.g. MBSST) a railtrail immediately parallels active or semi-active rail along its ROW.

Los Angeles Metro G Line Orange is nearly completely a railway=abandoned and also a type=route bus=designated. The ROW used to be Burbank Branch Line which provided passenger rail service from 1904 to 1920 and by Pacific Electric streetcars from 1938 to 1952. In OSM, "transitway" emerges: Metro G Line Orange is not railtrail, it is best considered "transitway" as the ROW is access=no and there are parallel segments for bicycles and pedestrians. Parts of Los Angeles Metro J Line Silver (also type=route bus=designated) superimpose upon segments of separately tagged railway=abandoned (now largely I-110), so Metro J Line Silver is also best considered "transitway." These two lines (Metro G Line Orange and Metro J Line Silver) are both additionally tagged passenger=urban to indicate they are high-speed/high-capacity, "rapid transit" bus routes, which link regional transit centers with dedicated (busway, freeway) lanes and limited stops.

California's 2018 Great Redwood Trail Act repurposes railroad right-of-way (ROW) from Eureka (Humboldt County) to the San Francisco Bay in Marin County for use as the "Great Redwood Trail" (rail-trail tagged ref=GRW). Identified presently as (to be?) railbanked segments are much of what are shown below as the formerly-NCRA-owned Willits Segment (except area around Willits Yard for CWR/SERA "Skunk Train" remains active for some light freight and mixed passenger traffic there) and all of formerly-NCRA-owned Eel River Block and Humboldt Bay Block. As this (GRW) project progresses beyond its beginnings in 2020, please update any known proceedings which either remove tracks or develop specific railtrail segments, adding railtrail-specific semantics accordingly (e.g. change to railway=abandoned + highway=cycleway or perhaps highway=path + foot=designated + surface=unpaved if left unpaved). Note that "to the San Francisco Bay in Marin County" implies that segments of parallel bicycle infrastructure (as in Larkspur) are to be included in this regional rail-trail, even as active rail (SMART) runs parallel in the ROW. NCRA's present status is not known, except that because the Act is now law, NCRA is in the process of being dissolved, or perhaps tasked with solely administrating the entirety of the railtrail; please clarify as this develops. When more finality is known, the table entries of Willits Segment, Eel River Block and Humboldt Bay Block may move to this (Railtrails) wiki section.

There are entries in the Abandoned tables (below) which contain significant segments of railtrail (usually bike/ped). It can be a bit of a coin-toss whether they should be here or there.

This table is incomplete. If you find a line (relation link, Review Status...) that needs to be added, updated or improved, whether to the map or to this wiki, please do so!

Name Relation Route TIGER Review Notes
Bizz Johnson Trail relation 2381165 Susanville west to Mason Station on BNSF's Gateway Subdivision Reviewed by stevea Regional hiking, bicycle trail. Also, route=mtb. Believed to be part of Quincy Railroad at one time.
Burbank Chandler Bikeway relation 10531957 Downtown Burbank - near North Hollywood Metro Station Reviewed by natfoot Tagged railway=razed
Great Redwood Trail relation 11320181 Starting in Ukiah, but envisioned to become >400 km long, from Arcata to possibly as far south as Larkspur. All new cycleway segments that are included are TIGER-free, so "yes" for now. However, as other rail corridor segments are added (Willits Segment, Eel River Block, Humboldt Bay Block), note that while all of Willits Segment has been TIGER Reviewed, Eel River Block and Humboldt Bay Block are not fully TIGER Reviewed. Paralleling the SMART (and Northwestern Pacific Rail) right-of-way(s), a new bike-ped rail-trail. An initial segment debuted in Ukiah in February, 2020.
Great Shasta Rail Trail relation 7645912 McCloud, easterly and southerly with Burney Branch Partially complete Tagged railway=abandoned from McCloud River Railroad, a rural forest mountain bike rail-trail.
Hammond Trail relation 6855097 McKinleyville Done Tagged railway=abandoned in parts, an oceanside mixed use (bike-ped) rail-trail. Ways are tagged Hammond Lumber Company Railway.
Joe Rodota Trail relation 9748790 Santa Rosa - Sebastopol Done Tagged railway=abandoned
Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail relation 9400673 Santa Cruz County (Under construction in phases. Eventually, Pajaro/Watsonville - Aptos - Capitola - Santa Cruz - Davenport) Done Immediately parallel to Santa Cruz Branch rail (with which it shares ROW) emerges mixed-use (pedestrian/bicycle) trail MBSST, also known as CycleNet 40. Now in early-phase construction, the first segment completed in May, 2019 around Santa Cruz Main Beach with a pedestrian/bicycle crossing parallel to the rail bridge over the San Lorenzo River mouth. Combining namespace conventions into one network=rcn ref tag, this displays in Cycle Map as a solid purple regional bicycle route labelled C40, the C being for the colloquially known "Coastal Trail."
Ojai - Ventura Bike Path relation 2790362 Ojai - Ventura Incomplete The significant segment is tagged railway=abandoned
Metro G Line Orange Busway relation 6256034 North Hollywood - Warner Center - Chatsworth Reviewed by stevea Relation members are tagged railway=abandoned. Tagged both a route=railway and "higher level" passenger=urban route=bus 901 relation 9282718 (incorporating these infrastructure elements).
Metro J Line Silver Busway relation 6749558 El Monte - Downtown Los Angeles - Gardena (Harbor Gateway Transit Center) - San Pedro No remaining TIGER tags Relation members are tagged railway=abandoned. Tagged both a route=railway and "higher level" passenger=urban route=bus 910 relation 8210399 and route=bus 950 relation 8210550 (superimposing on these infrastructure elements). Metro J Line Silver connects to all Metro Rail lines except Crenshaw/LAX Line (when it opens).
Sacramento Northern Railway (abandoned) relation 6290039 Sacramento - Rio Lindo - (lengthy gap) - Live Oak - East of Gridley - Thermalito Afterbay - Durham Needs TIGER review Part bikeway as Sacramento Northern Bike Trail, part railway=abandoned, with large segments/gaps unentered, though largely identifiable in Bing. Also in the Western Pacific section of the Abandoned tables below. Should this be split both here and there?
Virginia Corridor Bike Path relation 10627377 Meyers/Del Rio - McHenry - Staniford - Modesto Needs TIGER review Northern end is hazy as to how/where it connects with possibly active industrial rail (McHenry Industrial Lead): Stanislaus River Bridge? Add proper usage=* tags to segments where known, include a node tagged owner_change=* if known.

Disused lines

Lines, expressed as route=railway relations, that don't have regular traffic but with all infrastructure in place. Tracks are tagged railway=disused. Here is an Overpass Turbo query which may be helpful.

This table is believed only partially complete. If you find a line (relation link, Review Status...) that needs to be added, updated or improved, whether to the map or to this wiki, please do so!

Name Relation Route TIGER Review Notes
Almanor Railroad relation 6168040 Clear Creek Junction - Chester Western spurs are reviewed, most of this ~20 km line is not reviewed
Eagle Mountain Railroad relation 6289785 Ferrum (Yuma Subdivision) - Eagle Mountain Done Kaiser Steel closed the mine and railway in 1986. There were plans to revive the railway to serve a developing sanitary landfill at the mine site but these plans were cancelled after numerous lawsuits and decreased landfill demand due to urban recycling programs in California. There may be damage to tracks in places due to flooding/washouts.
Eel River Block relation 6636008 Willits - South Fork Needs TIGER Review All segments are tagged railway=disused. See NCRA.
Fresno Interurban District relation 3416898 Fresno - Riverbend Done Part is railway=disused and part is railway=abandoned.
Marine Railway The single way way is entered. Point Reyes Done A very short piece of rail on a pier
Newark Industrial Lead relation 6714344 San Francisco Bay (near Newark) - East Palo Alto Done The portion actually IN San Francisco Bay connecting to Redwood Junction Industrial Lead

Abandoned lines

Former railroad lines, whether still visible on the ground or not, correctly expressed as route=railway relations. Ways are usually tagged railway=abandoned, occasionally railway=disused or rarely railway=razed. Here is an Overpass Turbo query which may be helpful.

There are entries in the Railtrail and "Transitway" table (above) which contain significant segments of abandoned rail. It can be a bit of a coin-toss whether they should be here or there.

These tables are incomplete. If you find a line (relation link, Review Status...) that needs to be added, updated or improved, whether to the map or to this wiki, please do so!

Southern Pacific

Tag these with old_railway_operator=SP.

Name old_railway_operator=* Relation Route TIGER Review Notes
4th Street Line SP relation 6680513 Warm Springs Subdivision (San José near N 3rd St) - Coast Subdivision (San José near Capitol VTA) What is known and entered needs no additional TIGER attention Union Pacific (via Southern Pacific) abandoned this, not known when. Kind of patchy but largely believed correct. A small portion is active to serve Luther Industrial Spur.
Araz to Andrade SP relation 6773603 Yuma Subdivision - Andrade Seems OK for what it is Part of SP subsidiary Inter-California Railway, which continued through Mexico to Calexico
Alhambra to Pasadena SP relation 8221599 Alhambra - Pasadena No TIGER tags Missing some segments around Arroyo Seco Parkway
Coalinga Branch SP relation 3285459 Coalinga - Hanford Done
Colusa Branch SP relation 6452181 Colusa - Harrington Done, but relation is incomplete as more segments need to be added Abandoned by Southern Pacific Railroad in segments in 1973, 1976 and 1984. There remain abandoned segments (Hamilton - Colusa - Ordbend) not entered.
Eastside Line SP relation 3282316 Fresno - Reedly - Dinuba - Exeter - Lindsay - Porterville - Famoso (Fresno Subdivision/UP) Done Made up of Eastside Line and Exeter Subdivision segments.
Flanigan Industrial Lead SP relation 4510756 Susanville Union Pacific (via Southern Pacific) seems to have abandoned this, not known exactly when. Might have once been part of Quincy Railroad. The portion west of Susanville which connects to UP's Gateway Subdivision (near Mason Station, south Lassen National Forest) is named "Biz Johnson Trail" and may need better tagging as a rail-trail.
Kentucky House Branch SP relation 6673810 Lodi - Valley Springs - Kentucky House (near Calaveras) Union Pacific (via Southern Pacific) seems to have abandoned this, not known exactly when.
Kerman Branch SP The single way segment of track is entered. Kerman - Armona Done
Lick Branch SP relation 6680490 CP Lick (San Jose) - Guadalupe Ponds - Almaden Lake What VERY little is known needs no additional TIGER attention Union Pacific (via Southern Pacific) abandoned this, not known when. Current Bing trace is sketchy and only goes as far as Guadalupe Ponds, while part of this became VTA's Chynoweth - Almaden light_rail line.
McKittrick Branch SP relation 3983837 Buttonwillow - McKittrick Partly done An abandoned portion off the west end of the Buttonwillow Subdivision
Modoc Subdivision SP relation 8138485 South of Alturas (near Signal Butte) - south to the edge of Sierra Army Depot - Nevada state line Partly done An abandoned portion off the south end of UP's (active) Modoc Subdivision
Richgrove Spur SP relation 6858020 Richgrove - Trocha - Jovista Name is likely wrong
Springville Branch SP relation 3330021 Porterville - Worth quarry Done Shared with existing roads for some segments
Winters Branch SP relation 6790916 Esparto - south towards Winters Done May extend much farther south (to Winters), but all traces seem to be gone. Part of Vaca Valley and Clear Lake Railroad, which was acquired by SP.

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe

Tag these with old_railway_operator=AT&SF.

Name old_railway_operator=* Relation or Way Route TIGER Review Notes
Barnwell District AT&SF relation 6864469 Goffs - Barnwell - Leastalk (modern-day Ivanpah) - Ivanpah Mapped southeast of Leastalk, except for a segment in the Vontrigger Hills no longer traceable. Originally w:en:California Eastern Railway
Laton District AT&SF The single way segment of track is entered. Laton - Lanare Done
Oakland District AT&SF Relation not defined yet Richmond - Oakland Not done Much of this line was reused for the Richmond and Ohlone Greenways. What's left has been redeveloped, though parts can be seen on satellite/aerial imagery when inspected carefully. Do not map through built-up areas, as similar edits in Fresno have been reverted.
Porterville - Orosi District AT&SF relation 3231337 Minkler - Orange Cove - Lindsay - Exeter - Porterville - Terra Bella - Ducor - (gap) - Landco - Bakersfield Done Also contains Landco Subdivision
Randsburg District AT&SF The single way segment of track is entered. Kramer Jct. - Johannesburg An abandoned railroad for a mining operation which also saw passenger service 1898-1933
Riverview Spur AT&SF relation 7717108 Tosco - Riverview Farms Done Spur line from the Blythe Subdivision to Riverview Farm & Cattle during 1954-1982.
Searchlight District AT&SF relation 11974694 Barnwell - Searchlight Mapped near Barnwell Originally w:en:Barnwell and Searchlight Railway
Ultra Branch AT&SF The single way segment of track is entered Ducor - Ultra Done A 10 km industrial spur owned by Tulare Valley Railroad, operated by SJVR under contract to Cannella Chemical, its only customer. Abandoned in 2011 by STB Docket No. AB 397 (Sub-No. 7X). Formerly part of Porterville-Orosi District.
Visalia District AT&SF relation 2913863 Corcoran - Tulare - Visalia - Dinuba - Reedley - Calwa (S of Fresno) Appears to be done This is a MOSTLY abandoned railway, parts are disused, parts are rail-trail
Wahtoke District AT&SF relation 3285443 Reedley - Piedra Appears to be done
Woodlake Spur AT&SF way 214601814 Hillmaid - Woodlake Done

Western Pacific

Tag these with old_railway_operator=WP, or with old_railway_operator=SN if the line was part of the Sacramento Northern.

Name old_railway_operator=* Relation Route TIGER Review Notes
Concord to Pittsburg SN relation 9303374 Concord - Port Chicago - Pittsburg mapped by clay_c; please double-check
Dozier to Sacramento SN relation 6805052 Dozier - Sacramento Needs TIGER review Was old Sacramento Northern Railway
Oakland to Walnut Creek SN relation 9303375 Oakland - Moraga - Lafayette - Walnut Creek mapped by clay_c; please double-check
Sacramento Northern Railway (abandoned) SN relation 6290039 Durham - Live Oak Done on northern sections, but southern bikeway sections need review Absorbed by Western Pacific and abandoned. Also found in Rail Trail section.
San José Industrial Lead WP, UP relation 6680339 Berryessa/Bayshore - Kelley Park - Willow Glen - Vasona Branch Done Western Pacific (WP) to Union Pacific (UP) to abandonment or thereabouts; some segments are tagged railway=disused, railway=abandoned or railway=razed.
Sierra Northern ROW SN relation 6945799 Riverview - Willow Point - Coniston - Central - Greendale - Sorroca - Valdez Needs TIGER review Not known when this was abandoned. Slightly discontiguous, some segments are marked railway=razed. This was probably acquired by the Sierra Northern from the Sacramento Northern.
Vacaville SN relation 6746811 Willota - Vacaville Junction - Vacaville - Dixon? Incomplete

Other Class I railroads

Name old_railway_operator=* Relation Route TIGER Review Notes
Hambone - Lookout Great Northern (GN) relation 6741080 Hambone - Lookout Done BNSF abandoned rail, not known exactly when.

Independent / subsidiary railroads

Name old_railway_operator=* (where known) Relation Route TIGER Review Notes
Arcata & Mad River Railway AMR relation 6855096 Arcata - Glendale - Blue Lake Was never entered by TIGER An 11-km ROW believed to be owned by NCRA. A "surviving" and obviously-Bing-identifiable segment is the Mad River Bridge, there may be others.
Bodie & Benton Railway relation 6744925 Bodie Ghost Town - East of Mono Lake Needs TIGER review An abandoned 3 ft (914 mm) narrow-gauge railroad for a mining operation 1881-1917.
Carson and Colorado Railway relation 6744924 Lone Pine Subdivision near Ash Creek Road (Mono County) - Lone Pine - Bishop - Chicago Canyon - Mound House (Nevada) Needs TIGER review An abandoned 3 ft (914 mm) narrow-gauge railroad which may be in the process of restoration at Laws, California. Acquired by the Southern Pacific. Supports Laws Railroad Museum?
Death Valley Railroad DVRR The single way segment of track is entered. KMI Zeolite Mine - Ryan Done "Baby Gauge" Railroad, Pacific Coast Borax Company, tagged railway=disused
Epsom Salts Monorail The single way segment of track is entered. Trona - Owlshead Mountains An abandoned 45 km mining monorail to mine magnesium sulfate during 1924-1926.
Holton Inter-Urban Railway relation 6773364 El Centro - Holtville Needs TIGER review Largely if not completely railway=abandoned, not known exactly when. Scant/sketchy rail appearing in Bing imagery might or should be tagged railway=disused. Messy.
Long Bell Lumber Company Railroad relation 6741116 Tennant - Leaf A disjointed relation of what has been called "an ever-changing network of branches and spurs" An old industrial/logging railroad with little available data. Needs a lot of work!
McCloud Railway relation 6172147 (Mount Shasta/Main), relation 6741104 (Burney Branch) Mount Shasta - McCloud - (Burney) - Hambone Partly done Segments Mount Shasta, Yard and a short segment of Main east of McCloud were active for the Shasta Sunset Dinner Train (defunct since 2010). Now tagged railway=disused, please re-tag these railway=abandoned if rail and ties have been removed. The vast majority of railway (east of McCloud to Hambone at UP's Gateway Subdivision) is tagged railway=abandoned. Southerly spur Burney Branch is in a relation different from the previously identified segment. Both relations share members as part of mountain bike route (route=mtb) Great Shasta Rail Trail.
Pacific Coast Railway relation 6454615 Avila Beach - San Luis Obispo - Arroyo Grande - Nipomo - Santa Maria, Orcutt - Los Alamos - Los Olivos Partially complete An abandoned narrow-gauge (914 mm) railroad hauling freight and passengers from 1882-1941
Petaluma and Santa Rosa Railroad relation 6714512 Petaluma - Santa Rosa Incomplete Parts of this are now known as Joe Rodota Trail, a highway=cycleway. A discontiguous, confused route relation. The segments in Joe Rodata Trail have been TIGER Reviewed.
Picacho and Colorado River Railroad The single way segment of track is entered. Picacho State Recreational Area No TIGER tags A 4.5 mile narrow gauge railroad in Picacho that ran between a mine and a stamp mill during the 1900s decade. A segment is missing due to washouts.
Santa Rosa Branch ? relation 6714674 Santa Rosa - Sonoma - Schelleville Partially complete Parts are railtrail; should this be in the Railtrail section?
Sonoma Valley Branch ? relation 9296132 Sonoma - Schelleville Partially complete Parts are railtrail; should this be in the Railtrail section?
South Pacific Coast Railroad SPC relation 6773733 Zayante - Clems - Glenwood - Laurel - Wrights - Los Gatos Done No TIGER tags, but needs much work. Rumored to have continued to San Francisco Bay at Alviso (on what are now Vasona Industrial Lead and Coast Subdivision?). This is a very storied route and much data seem available but OSM must be cautious about what can be entered while adhering to our ODbL. Let's do a survey!
Stone Canyon Railroad relation 6730365 Camp Roberts - Stone Canyon quarry Done, though pretty rough Shared with existing roads for some segments
Sunset Railway SUN relation 6454668 SW end of Sunset Railroad - San Emidio - (Hazelton - Maricopa) - Taft - Fellows - oilfields Partially complete The segments from Taft through Fellows and NW to the oilfields are incomplete. Abandoned in stages in 1960, 1976 and early 2000s. Co-owned by SP and AT&SF.
Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad TT relation 6746903 Ludlow - Baker - Shoshone - Death Valley Jct. - Beatty (Nevada) - Goldfield (Nevada) Needs TIGER review An abandoned railroad for a borax mining operation 1907-1945
Visalia Electric Railroad VE relation 6698965 Strathmore - Lindsay - near Kaweah River Appears to be done Not much is known about this abandoned railway. It was a subsidiary of SP.


Name old_railway_operator=* Relation Route TIGER Review Notes
Alcoa Spur AT&SF? relation 6728052 Torrance - West Carson No additional TIGER attention needed, though may not be entire right-of-way (ROW) An old AT&SF ROW?
Alla relation 6729729 Redondo Beach Done
Alta Mesa Spur relation 6775796 Palo Alto Done Name is a guess. Considering how Foothill Expressway continues to Vasona Branch, may have once been a northern part of Vasona.
Barber to Paradise relation 6773660 Chico - Paradise Needs TIGER review Name is likely wrong
Calistoga Branch The single way segment of track is entered Calistoga Done Little is known
Camp San Luis Obispo relation 6773663 Camp San Luis Obispo Done Appears to have been a military spur to serve Camp SLO. Does not have name tags on track elements nor on the relation.
Carlotta NWP? The single way segment of track is entered Fortuna - Carlotta Done ROW believed to be part of NCRA
Coronado relation 6159489 San Diego (12th Street Junction) - Imperial Beach Looks good Owned by San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) as SDAE. Had some SDIY usage=industrial traffic (potash, salt) in the 1990s and early 2000s, then "the diamonds were removed," so, abandoned.
El Dorado Lime and Mineral Railroad The single way segment of track is entered Bullard - Spreklesville Done About 2+ miles of spur off the Placerville Branch
Fallbrook Branch relation 6714270 Stuart Mesa - MCAS Camp Pendleton - NWS Fallbrook Annex - Fallbrook Incomplete Partially military rail near southern portion, largely abandoned
Inglewood Branch relation 6729728 Marina Del Rey Done
Lakewood Industrial Lead UP relation 6698808 Long Beach Done Union Pacific abandoned this south of about Cover Street, not known when.
Larkspur to Tiburon NWP? relation 6794234 Larkspur - Reed - Tiburon Done Name is likely wrong. Believed to be old NWP ROW.
Milpitas Industrial Lead relation 6775759 Fremont Done A small segment seems to be a gravel rail-trail
Monterey Branch relation 6773687 Castroville - Monterey - Pacific Grove Needs TIGER review Part hike-and-bike trail. Likely could be tagged railway=disused as the rail itself is pretty rough: there is a sign at the at-grade Highway 183 crossing that says "Tracks out of service." Not known if (or when) abandoned or if merely disused. Publicly owned by Transportation Agency of Monterey County (TAMC).
Owens Lake Rail relation 6807727 Keeler - Swansea Done One segment through Keeler came from TIGER, the other was traced from USGS and Bing. Quite rough; very little is known.
Placerville (abandoned) relation 6801690 Placerville Needs TIGER review Parts of this are now known as El Dorado Trail, a highway=cycleway.
Redondo Beach Branch relation 6728023 Manhattan Beach - Redondo Beach Part of this is now a dirt running trail
Sandia Industrial Lead relation 6773363 Calipatria - Holtville Needs TIGER review Sketchy
San Anselmo to Sausalito NWP? relation 6794233 San Anselmo - Larkspur - Mill Valley - Sausalito Done Name is likely wrong. Believed to be old NWP ROW. Quite a bit of this is now repurposed as the multi-purpose (bike/ped) Mill Valley - Sausalito Path.
San Ramon Valley Branch relation 6730470 Concord - Pleasanton Done Largely has become the Iron Horse Trail (pedestrian/cycleway).
Tustin Branch relation 6728366 Tustin - Orange OK TIGER status
Venta Spur relation 6728070 Tustin - Woodbury Done Part running trail today
West Santa Ana Industrial Lead relation 6283261 Paramount - Bellflower - Cypress - Garden Grove - Santa Ana Done A discontiguous collection of mixed railway=disused and railway=abandoned ways

Color semantics

About the (status) colors in the Name column

Green means that the route's TIGER data in OSM are fully reviewed. This strongly implies that all other relation attributes are correct, but this isn't always strictly true; see Notes/Status column.

Yellow means "only partially reviewed" ; additional volunteer work is needed to enter or correct additional route=railway data into OSM. Yellow may also mean a route has a volunteer entering data, yet route ambiguities persist about what is actually correct.

Red means that "something" (often very little) is known about the route, so it is useful to put a row in the table about it as a placeholder, but it likely may be too early to create a route relation: route data are unknown, incomplete or route attributes are significantly missing.