Changeset by Comparison Visualization

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Changeset by Comparison Visualization - Visualise a changeset on a map.

Is a tool which exist within a group of tools which can be found under (Overview of the ResultMaps @ and is functional strong connected to a map "Latest OSM Edits per Tile" ( which shows areas of recent map changes.


Use a bookmarklet to conveniently access the tool! By clicking on the bookmarklet (or opening it via a keyword) while visiting a changeset page such as 18986223, you will get a new tab/window with the analysis page for that changeset.

javascript:(function(){ id=location.href.match(/www\.openstreetmap\.org\/changeset\/(\d+)/); if(id!=null){''+id[1]);} else{alert('This is not a valid OSM changeset page.')} })()

(Credits to Eugene and The knife)

Differences to other changeset viewers

  • disadvantage: changesets are only able to visualize within the approximately last month (30 days)
  • advantage: function to step through different changesets of one user by hiting for and back button

See also
