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Author: nrenner/achavi/graphs/contributors GitHub
License: MIT License (free of charge)
Platform: Web
Status: Active
Version: (2018-03-30)
Source code: nrenner/achavi GitHub
Programming languages: JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Feature Value
Map Display
Display map yes
Map data vector
Source online;cache
Rotate map yes
3D view
Shows website
Shows phone number
Shows operation hours
Routing no
Create route manually
Calculate route
Create route via Waypoints
Routing profiles
Turn restrictions
Calculate route without Internet (Offline routing)
Routing providers
Avoid traffic
Traffic Provider
Navigate no
Find location
Find nearby POIs
Navigate to point
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance
Keep on road
Lane guidance
Works without GPS
Navigate along predefined route
Make track no
Customizable log interval
Track formats
Fast POI buttons
Upload GPX to OSM
Monitoring no
Show current track
Open existing track
Altitude diagram
Show POD value
Satellite view
Show live NMEA data
Show speed
Send current position
Add POIs
Edit / Delete POIs
Add way
Edit geometries
Edit arbitrary tags of existing OSM objects
Edit relations
View notes
Create notes
Edit notes
Work offline online;offline
Support imagery offset DB
Upload to OSM

achavi (Augmented OSM Change Viewer) displays OpenStreetMap changes based on the Overpass API Augmented Delta (adiff) query and the returned Augmented Diff format.


Changeset Viewer

Achavi's changeset viewer, can be used to see the contents of a changeset displayed on a map. A very similar tool is OSM History Viewer.

This feature can easily be accessed via the two available services of WhoDidIt (the "[A]" link in the popup after you click a highlighted rectangle).


  • Does not work with changesets older than September 2012, see Overpass API attic data restriction and screenshot on Display_of_changesets_before_09.2012.
  • Changesets from the last few minutes won't appear. The Overpass API needs to sync first.
  • The changeset feature is rather experimental and has some known issues.
  • For large (big map section) changesets visualization not done, e.g. example changeset occasional information message appears: says: "osmDiff: runtime error: Query run out of memory using about 2048 MB of RAM."

Browser extensions

Browser add-ons to jump from OSM changeset page to achavi:



Use a bookmarklet to conveniently access the tool! By clicking on the bookmarklet (or opening it via a keyword) while visiting a changeset page such as 18986223, you will get a new tab/window with the analysis page for that changeset.

javascript:(function(){ id=location.href.match(/www\.openstreetmap\.org\/changeset\/(\d+)/); if(id!=null){''+id[1]);} else{alert('This is not a valid OSM changeset page.')} })()

(Credits to Eugene and The knife)

Augmented Delta ("adiff") Viewer

Achavi can also display the results of your custom Augmented Diff query. Drag&drop a file onto the map or use the url parameter:
  • The results should be in a valid adiff xml format.
  • Do not forgot to add the full geometry to each object with the geom parameter of the out action.
  • If your custom url does not use secure connection (https) then you also need to change the url of the achavi to http.

See also

Notes and references