This is the description of the initiative to map bike lanes called ciclovías, mainly in Bogotá, including detours and turn restrictions on the map.
Cities where this project has been used:
The Spanish version of this article is more updated.
Description of ciclovías
Definition from the page of the Mayor's Office.
"The Bogota Ciclovía currently provides its service between 07:00 am and 02:00 pm, during Sundays and holidays year-round throughout the main roads of the city, joined segments together it now forms a 127.69 kilometer long circuit that covers all the sectors of the city."[1]
The ciclovías, or as some call it in English, "Open Streets" is an activity that was originally created in the city of Bogotá in the 70's, based on similar experiences held in a few other cities around the world. Currently, the ciclovía in Bogotá is now used by an average of 1.5 million people each week with access to over 120 km of closed-down streets. The same idea has already been applied in other cities and smaller towns throughout the rest of Colombia, as well as in many cities in many other countries world-wide.
In Bogotá there are several different concepts for cycleways[2]:
- Ciclovía: Main road normally for automobiles which restricts the use of motor vehicles on Sundays and holidays during well defined morning hours, allowing citizens to participate in outdoor activities, such as riding a bicycle or jogging. These are usually very well defined with road signs deterring other traffic from accessing these during the activity's hours. These must normally be entered by the proper use of tags (restriction:conditional) on otherwise normal ways.
- Cycle path/ciclorruta: Permanent path for bicycles or the like, which usually have some sort of obstacle or barrier and which, in certain cases, may be shared ways with pedestrians. If there exists any form of physical barrier, these may be entered as a separate way drawn in OR if it faithfully follows the same road used by other vehicles, may be entered with the proper road tagging:
- Bicycle lane/bicicarril: Permanent bicycle lane or similar, where a previous "car lane" has been designated for this use, usually only defined by painted signs. These are to be entered by the proper use of tags (restriction:conditional) only (not to be drawn in separately).
- Shared bike lane/Ciclorruta compartida: Normal car (or bus) lanes, where bicycles usually have priority over other vehicles; usually defined by painted signs. These are to be entered by the proper use of tags (restriction:conditional) only (not to be drawn in separately).
The ciclovía in Bogotá has 3 major sections, each one formed by several sub-sections:
- Norte - North
- N1 - Boyacá Norte.
- N2 - Avenida Pepe Sierra and Avenida Córdoba.
- N3 - Carrera 7 Norte.
- N4 - Carrera 9, Calle 147 and Calle 170.
- N5 - Carrera 60 and Calle 72.
- Centro - Center
- C1 - Boyacá Sur.
- C2 - Carrera 50.
- C3 -Carrera 7 and Carrera 6 Sur.
- C4 - Calle 26 Oriental.
- C5 - Calle 26 Occidental.
- C6 - Parkway and Parque Nacional.
- Sur - South
- S1 - Bosa Soacha connection.
- S2 - Yomasa.
- S3 - Calle 17 Sur and Calle 39 Sur.
- S4 - Carrera 24.
- S5 - Avenida Guayacanes.
Map of ciclovías
Map of the Bogotá ciclovía in IDRD.
To map the ciclovías, first of all a relation, including all the road segments of the highways it conforms, must be created. This should include all of the roads (or segments) on which during the ciclovía timeframe, no other motor vehicle traffic is usually allowed to drive on. Dependent on each specific case, these restrictions may be aplicable to the entire road segments, or vehicle type access restrictions to specific lanes only.
The rest of the tagging is to be applied to objects impacted by detours, or turn restrictions.
Since multiple tagging suffixes are being used, the JOSM editor will currently generate validation alerts, which can be ignored. This is due to JOSM does not recognizing some of the tag combinations we are using for this. However, they have already been consulted with various people within the community, so they are valid by a general consensus.
Cyclable sections
In order to map the ciclovías in Bogotá, the following tags are to be used within a relation.
For the elements/objects which form a part of the relation, please check the "Individual highway segments" section.
- Generic:
- name=* - The name of the ciclovía without abbreviations. For example: Ciclovía Avenida Pepe Sierra - Avenida Córdoba. It is preceded with the word "Ciclovía" followed by the ciclovía code provided by the IDRD, followed by a hyphen, then finilazing with the name of the ciclovía.
- route=bicycle - Element of the relation.
- type=route - Relation type.
- Ciclovía values:
- network=lcn - The type of local ciclovía network.
- operator=IDRD - Being this the entity responsible of controlling access only for bicycles and pedestrians during the ciclovía time period.
- ref=* - on the IDRD page you can consult the codes for each ciclovía segment, which were previously listed in this article.
To see the sections already mapped, the following query can be used:
Individual highway segments
A ciclovía relation is formed by several normal highway segments on which the ciclovía goes on (nor the detours, nor any turn restrictions derived from this activity form a part of the ciclovía relation). This following list covers all of the tags to be used on road segments where access to motor vehicles is temporarily restricted and are, in turn, allowed to be used exclusively by bicycles and pedestrians (understanding that these restrictions may apply to complete road segments, or be limited to one or more lanes). These road segments should be mapped as follows:
- Generic values for highways
- Car access restrictions:
- motor_vehicle:conditional=no @ (Su,PH 07:00-14:00)
- bicycle:conditional=yes @ (Su,PH 07:00-14:00)
- foot:conditional=yes @ (Su,PH 07:00-14:00)
- oneway:bicycle:conditional=no @ (Su,PH 07:00-14:00)
- Restrictions when the highway is shared between cars and ciclovía:
bicycle:conditional=yes @ (Su,PH 07:00-14:00)
- On oneway highways:
- On oneway highways, which convert into 2-way (for bicycles and pedestrians, in this particular case) during :
oneway:bicycle:conditional|no @ (Su,PH 07:00-14:00)
oneway:lanes:conditional=yes|no @ (Su,PH 07:00-14:00)
Vehicle diversion/detour sections
The affected highway sections where there are car detours should have these tags:
- Generic values for highways:
- Restriction, however depending on the cases of the next section, this could be different.
- motor_vehicle:conditional=yes @ (Su,PH 07:00-14:00)
Restrictions per lanes, for examples when one lanes goes the other direction during ciclovía:oneway:lanes:conditional=yes|-1 @ (Su,PH 07:00-14:00)
Turning restrictions
Roads that lead to or cross a ciclovía must be modified to include turning restrictions. In order to be able to map the segments correctly, it is recommended to split the road segments, at most up to the previous or next corner of the restriction node. This prevents to have relation members that span several blocks, which, if modified, can damage the constraint. These restrictions may seem somewhat redundant and unnecessary, but they strengthen the mapping of the ciclovía, and prevent routers from generating a route through the ciclovía corridors during their schedule.
- No right turn. This is the most frequent case, and applies to any street that leads to the ciclovía. In this case, it should be stated that you cannot turn right during ciclovía hours.
- Relationship:
- Members:
- From: The road that ends or crosses the ciclovía.
- Via: The node that shares the from with the ciclovía.
- To: Ciclovía segment.
- Example: Carrera 12 with Calle 147.
- No left turn. Occurs on one-way roads that normally allow left turns.
- Relationship:
- Members:
- From: The road that ends or crosses the ciclovía. This route is normally one way.
- Via: The node that shares the from with the ciclovía.
- To: Ciclovía segment.
- Example: Carrera 13 on Calle 147.
- Just go straight. This is to reinforce the mapping and prevent the routing system from offering the option of turning cars during the ciclovía.
- Relationship:
- Members:
- From: Origin street, which allows turning when there is no ciclovía.
- Via: Node union.
- To: The ciclovía.
- Example: Carrera 12 with Calle 147.
- You cannot go straight. Applies to car lanes that cannot continue because they become ciclovía.
- Relationship:
- Members:
- From: Origin street.
- Via: Node union.
- To: The ciclovía.
- Example: Calle 147 coming up from the highway on Carrera 19.
- Only turn right. Applies to carriageways that can go straight or turn right
- Relationship:
- Members:
- From: Shared street between ciclovía and cars.
- Via: Node union.
- To: Road that leaves the ciclovía.
- Example: Carrera 9 exiting at 147th Street. Links (entrances) to ciclovía.
- Link-type roads that reach a ciclovía must be marked with
motor_vehicle:conditional=no @ (Su,PH 07:00-14:00)
, which avoids being used during the ciclovía.
As part of this project, these mapping guidelines or assumptions have been made:
- When a lane of the road is shared between ciclovía and cars, said lane:
- It is one way if it has a different entrance and exit. For example, you enter this lane at one corner, and exit at the next corner.
- It is two-way if the entrance and exit are the same, and your destination is a gas station, parking lot, etc.
- All roads that lead to a ciclovías must have a turn restriction.
Mapping issues (Cases)
(This wiki table can be edited here)
Nombre/name | No ciclovía: Lunes a Sábado/Monday to Saturday | Ciclovía: Domingos en la mañana/Sunday morning | Etiquetas usadas/Used tags | Ejemplos/Examples |
1. Sin cambios de vías / No route changes. | De izquierda a derecha. Ignorando giro en U / From left to right. Ignoring the U-turn. | Calle 170, que usa la cicloruta actual. | ||
2. Restricción sin desvío para automóviles / Restriction without car detours. | De izquierda a derecha / From left to right. | Avenida Córdoba. | ||
3. Restricción con carril lateral (costado izquierdo) en doble sentido / Restriction on side lane (left side) in doble way. | De izquierda a derecha / From left to right. | Puente calle 116 con autopista. | ||
4. Restricción con un carril permitido / Restriction with one lane still allowed. | De izquierda a derecha / From left to right.
Estación de gasolina sobre la 116 cerca de la Boyacá. | ||
5. Restricción con un carril permitido en contravía / Restriction with one lane still allowed in opposite direction. | De izquierda a derecha / From left to right.
Entrada conjunto calle 116 con avenida Córdoba. | ||
5a. Restricción con un carril permitido en doblevía / Restriction with one lane still allowed in two-way. | De izquierda a derecha / From left to right.
Entrada conjunto calle 116 con avenida Córdoba. | ||
6. Giro a la derecha ahora atraviesa ciclovía / Right turn now traverses the ciclovía. | De izquierda a derecha / From left to right.
Vía horizontal no tiene cambios / Horizontal highway does not have changes. |
Calle 116 con Carrera 53 | ||
7. Giro a la izquierda normalmente es prohibido / Left turn is normally prohibit. | De izquierda a derecha / From left to right. | Avenida Boyacá con 163. | ||
8. Ciclovía está solo sobre el carril derecho / Ciclovía is only on the right lane. | De izquierda a derecha / From left to right.
Calle 116 llegando a la Avenida Boyacá. | ||
9. Los carros se cruzan antes de la esquina para girar a la izquierda / On the both-ways highway, the cars crosses themselves before turning into the left. | ToDo | |||
9a. Los carros se cruzan antes de la esquina para girar a la izquierda. La otra vía es doble / On the both-ways highway, the cars crosses themselves before turning into the left. The other way is two ways. | ToDo
De izquierda a derecha / From left to right. |
Calle 116 con 13. | ||
10. La ciclovía está en el carril izquierdo y los carros a la derecha. Pero los carros atraviesan la ciclovía para girar a la izquierda / The ciclovía is at the left lane, and the cars at the right lane. But the cars crosses the ciclovía to turn left. | ToDo | Avenida Boyacá con calle 127B. | ||
11. La ciclovía de una carril pasa a todos los carriles, y los carros pasan de 2 carriles a ir en contravía en la otra vía. Se cruzan las vías / The ciclovía changes from only one lane to all lanes, and the cars changes from 2 lanes to go the opposite highway. The ways are crossed. | ToDo | Avenida Boyacá con calle 134. | ||
12. Cicloruta doble sentido en el centro ahora es de un solo sentido / Ciclorruta in the middle is for both-ways, but now it is only one-way. | ToDo | Carrera 7 con calle 106. | ||
13. Glorieta con carril más central para ciclovía | ToDo | Glorieta calle 100 con NQS, Carrera 15, Carrera 9. |
We are using the following hashtag for all our commits: #CicloviaBogota
We also use as a "source" the following link:
In order to carry out this project, the following steps have been followed:
- Preparation.
- Obtained cycleway maps on the Internet and other relevant information on the local ciclovías.
- Searched for other data sources of ciclovías or detours. In this case, the IDRD map and the IDECA maps.
- Officially requested data from the authorities in charge. A "right to petition" was made to have access to the deviations.
- Riding through the ciclovías on bicycle taking geo-referenced photos. 360 photographs to for a more accurate analysis of the environment.
- Took geo-referenced pictures while driving in a car through the detours caused the cilcovías. In some cases particular mapping conditions can be identified.
- Mapping process.
- Created a master relation, which includes the entire ciclovía network. The ciclovía is divided into 3 sectors (North, Center, South), and each sector is formed by several sub-sectors (all indicated at the beginning of this article). This master relation is composed of other relations. It has no segments as such.
- Selected all the ciclovía segments/ways that form a part of a ciclovía section and created a relation for each. This relation indicates the name of each section.
- Added all required generic tags to all the members of the relations, as if the ciclovía were blocking all the lanes on the entire ciclovía road.
- Made a virtual tour of the "ciclovía" through Mapillary, to identify the particular sections that needed to be mapped.
- Added lanes, directions, and mapping features, as explained above.
- Identify, then match each particular scenario in the described cases and map them accordingly with the pertaining tags. This will require to split ways in the proper location, in order to add the specific tags on only the road segments which require it.
- Take the virtual tour of the "detours", and identify cases.
- Each detour case, will require mapping them according to the cases described above.
- As you work, describe on this Wiki page exactly which segments have been completed, on the following spreadsheets (bellow): Mapped sections.
- Review turn restrictions, and add all conditional restrictions where appropriate.
Mapped sections
Once the project is finished, it is necessary to ensure that the data is still valid. In order to achieve this, the following queries can be executed in Overpass turbo (example for Bogota) to download the mapped data set.
- Bicycle lane segments -
- Bicycle lane restrictions -
With these two queries we can download exactly the map objects modified for this project.
GitHub project
Based on the Overpass queries, a script was created to extract this data from OSM and compare it to a previous version. If there are differences, it emails some people:
See more
- History of the ciclovía -
- lanes=* and Lanes.
- Key:turn
- Key:change
- Files associated with the images in this article and possible cases in JOSM:
- Question about case 4 -
- Question about case 9 -
- Question about case 9a -
- Designated value Tag:access=designated.
- Key:access.
- Conditional restrictions.
- Key:oneway.
- Key:oneway:bicycle.
- Talk:Conditional restrictions#Adding Lanes iteration to Conditional restrictions.23Evaluation of conflicting restrictions.3F.
- This project is already listed in TagInfo.
- Explanation in Wikipedia:
- Organized activity.
- ↑ -gov-co-ciclovia-bogotana-ciclovia-program
- ↑