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Public-images-osm logo.svg generator:type
Typ der Energieerzeugung Beschreibung auf dieser Wikiseite bearbeiten Beschreibung im zugehörigen Datenelement bearbeiten
Gruppe: Energie
Für diese Elemente
kann auf Punkte angewendet werdenkann auf Linien angewendet werdenkann auf Flächen (und Multipolygon-Relationen) angewendet werdensollte nicht auf Relationen angewendet werden (außer Multipolygon-Relationen)
Dokumentierte Werte: 14
Sinnvolle Kombinationen
Status: akzeptiertPage for proposal

Dieses Attribut zeigt den Typ des Generators.

Ausführliche Liste DE:Key:generator:type Werte
Source / method Type value Description Output
2020 stBN powergensource nuclear.svg nuclear fission PWR The Pressurized water reactor (PWR) is the most common type of nuclear reactor. PWR is the type involved in the Three Mile Island accident. electricity
BWR-1 to BWR-6 The Boiling water reactor (BWR) is the second most common type of nuclear reactor. BWR-3 is the type involved in the Fukushima disaster. electricity
PHWR The Heavy water reactor (PHWR) is a nuclear reactor, commonly using unenriched natural uranium as its fuel, that uses heavy water (deuterium oxide D2O) as its coolant and neutron moderator. electricity
GCR The Gas-cooled reactor (GCR) is a nuclear reactor that uses graphite as a neutron moderator and carbon dioxide (helium can also be used) as coolant. electricity
FBR The Fast breeder reactor (FBR) is a nuclear reactor with a fast neutron spectrum that generates more fissile material than it consumes. electricity
RBMK-1000, RBMK-1500 The RBMK is a type of nuclear reactor which was built in the Soviet Union. RBMK-1000 is the type involved in the Chernobyl disaster. electricity
VVER The VVER reactor is a type of Russian PWR used by many countries. electricity
CANDU The CANDU reactor is a type of Canadian pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR). All current reactors in Canada are of the CANDU type. electricity
CPR-1000 The CPR-1000 is a Chinese PWR. electricity
EPR The European Pressurized Reactor (EPR) is a new type of PWR. Four EPR units are under construction, in Finland, France and China. electricity
fusion tokamak Tokamak is a kind of fusion reactor using magnetic fields to confine plasma in a torus. electricity
stellarator The Stellarator is another magnetic confining plasma chamber to sustain fusion reaction as for producing power. electricity
ICF The Inertial Confinement Fusion is currently a concent intending to sustain fusion reaction by using laser for heating and compression a deuterium or tritium target. electricity
cold-fusion The Cold fusion is a process which aims to sustain nuclear fusion at room temperature. electricity
2020 stBN powergensource wind.svg wind wind_turbine horizontal_axis Horizontal-Achsen Windenergieanlagen (HAWT) haben die Hauptrotorwelle und elektrischen Generator an der Spitze eines Turms, und müssen in den Wind gerichtet werden electricity
vertical_axis Vertikalrotor electricity
2020 stBN powergensource water.svg hydro water-storage francis_turbine Francis-Turbine electricity
kaplan_turbine Kaplan-Turbine electricity
pelton_turbine Pelton-Turbine electricity
hydrodynamic_screw Wasserkraftschnecke electricity
water-pumped-storage francis_turbine Francis-Turbine electricity
run-of-the-river francis_turbine Francis-Turbine electricity
kaplan_turbine Kaplan-Turbine electricity
pelton_turbine Pelton-Turbine electricity
2020 stBN powergensource water.svg tidal barrage kaplan_turbine Kaplan-Turbine electricity
stream horizontal_axis Gezeitenstromgenerator mit einer horizontalen Achse, der mit Hilfe Gezeitenkraft Strom erzeugt. electricity
vertical_axis Gezeitenstromgenerator mit einer vertikalen Achse, der mit Hilfe Gezeitenkraft Strom erzeugt. electricity
2020 stBN powergensource water.svg wave - - Wave power plants extract energy from ocean waves using a variaty of different methods and generator types. electricity
2020 stBN powergensource water.svg geothermal - steam_turbine Dampfturbine electricity
heat_pump Wärmepumpe
2020 stBN powergensource sun.svg solar thermal steam_turbine Dampfturbine electricity
solar_thermal_collector Sonnenkollektor steam
photovoltaic solar_photovoltaic_panel A Photovoltaic system power plant produce electricity coming from panels designed to convert sub light power in electrcity. electricity
Bahnpirat-power source-coal.svg coal combustion steam_turbine Dampfturbine electricity heat
steam_generator steam
Bahnpirat-power source-gas.svg gas combustion steam_turbine Dampfturbine electricity heat
gas_turbine Gasturbine electricity
combined_cycle Gas-fired power generator using a Combined cycle gas turbine (using a steam turbine to extract energy from the exhaust heat of the gas turbine). electricity
reciprocating_engine Verbrennungsmotor, Blockheizkraftwerk electricity heat
steam_generator Gas-fired steam generator. steam
Bahnpirat-power source-biofuel.svg biomass combustion steam_turbine Dampfturbine electricity heat
steam_generator Biomass (solid) fired power generator producing steam. steam
gasification bioreactor Bioreaktor biogas
anaerobic_digestion bioreactor Anaerobe Abbau von Biomasse biogas
Bahnpirat-power source-biofuel.svg biofuel combustion reciprocating_engine Verbrennungsmotor, Blockheizkraftwerk electricity heat
steam_generator Biofuel (liquid like vegetables oil) fired power generator producing steam. steam
Bahnpirat-power source-biofuel.svg biogas combustion gas_turbine Gasturbine electricity heat
steam_generator Biogas-fired power generator producing steam. steam
reciprocating_engine Verbrennungsmotor, Blockheizkraftwerk electricity heat
Bahnpirat-power source-oil.svg oil combustion steam_turbine Dampfturbine electricity heat
steam_generator Oil-fired power generator producing steam. steam
Bahnpirat-power source-oil.svg diesel combustion reciprocating_engine Verbrennungsmotor, Blockheizkraftwerk electricity heat
steam_generator Diesel-fired power generator producing steam. steam
Bahnpirat-power source-oil.svg gasoline combustion reciprocating_engine Verbrennungsmotor, Blockheizkraftwerk electricity heat
steam_generator Gasoline-fired power generator producing steam. steam
Bahnpirat-power source-waste.svg waste combustion steam_turbine Dampfturbine electricity heat
steam_generator Waste-fired power generator producing steam. steam

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