V・T・E![]() |
latitude: 71.59, longitude: -96.64 |
Browse map of Canada 71°35′24.00″ N, 96°38′24.00″ W |
Edit map |
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External links:
Use this template for your locality |
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Canada Mapping Project, the home of Canada on the OpenStreetMap wiki. |
Hello! Welcome to the project for mapping efforts in Canada! You can find here national events, ongoing projects, map status and mapping guidelines, as well as links to other pages directly related to the mapping of Canada. You may also find a list of contacts and mappers involved with the OpenStreetMap community in Canada. |
Canada (pronouced /ˈkænədə/) is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area. Canada's common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world.
This page is a starting point with information relating to Canadian mapping activity.
Provincial project pages: Ontario, Québec, British Columbia, Alberta, more…
City project pages: Toronto, Montréal, Calgary, Vancouver, Ottawa, more…
There is a mailing list set up for Canadian mappers. Most discussion about country-wide matters takes place there. Both official languages are welcome. Join the list here.
There is also a chat room for Canadian mappers on OFTC's IRC network: irc:// For more international discussions related to general mapping (in English only); you probably also want to join the main OSM channel at irc://
There is a Slack project: Invite link:
There is also a OpenStreetMap Canada Facebook page Please make sure everyone who indicates that they are a 'fan' to become an admin to the page, this way, all content of the page can be edited by everyone. (Just like OSM & the wiki)
There is also a website that includes a task manager for mapping in Canada
Collecting data
GPS tracks perhaps the best way to collect data. When you go out on trips, take along your GPS device and upload your traces to OSM. Be sure that your GPS device is set not to lock traces to the copyrighted data stored in the device; the purpose of collecting traces is to create new, unencumbered data. Photo mapping is an efficient way to create detailed maps.
Mapping parties are a great way to kick off mapping efforts in a sparsely-mapped area. By contacting other local area mappers, you can arrange to meet in a place that is convenient for everyone. When you meet with other mappers you can then learn first-hand the other techniques that are available, as with OSM, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
For those without a GPS, allows you to draw directly on a printed OSM map, scan it, and trace from it using an OSM editor.
Administrative Boundaries
- For boundaries of municipalities and neighbourhoods, see Canada admin level.
Name | Boundary | Notes |
Alberta | 391186![]() |
Edmonton |
British Columbia | 390867![]() |
Victoria |
Manitoba | 390841![]() |
Winnipeg |
New Brunswick | 68942![]() |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 391196![]() |
Northwest Territories | 391220![]() |
Nova Scotia | 390558![]() |
Nunavut | 390840![]() |
Ontario | 68841![]() |
Prince Edward Island | 391115![]() |
Québec | 61549![]() |
Saskatchewan | 391178![]() |
Regina |
Yukon | 391455![]() |
Importing government data
Since 2008, the federal government has released a wealth of geodata for use in OSM. The OSM community is at work completing the existing OSM content with the government data.
Initial efforts were based on simple feature data from GeoBase, which includes administrative boundaries, place names, roads, and bodies of water. This import was mostly done wholesale in areas with little previous OSM data. Before street names were added into the GeoBase data, street names from Statistics Canada were imported; this resulted in many incorrect street names because of the differing geometry between the two datasets.
Currently, the data source of choice for importing is CanVec from Natural Resources Canada, containing most of the GeoBase data, plus extras such as important buildings. NRCan is generating an OSM XML version of the CanVec 6.0 dataset, and the most populous areas are now available. These files can be imported using offline editors such as JOSM. Please only import areas and features you are familiar with. If you have any questions about how to import the data, ask on the list or channel.
Here are some other government sources that may contain additional data.
Toporama, a WMS service serving rasterized CanVec data, can be used as a background layer in OSM editors. To use it in JOSM's WMS plugin, use these links: [1] (more detailed), or [2] (less detailed). The GeoBase NHN WMS at [3] provides more detail for water features, such as water flow direction and water junctions.
show much of the same data as CanVec, though the geometry may be as much a 1.2 km off from reality in some areas. This can be worked around using a map rectifier such as JOSM's PicLayer or Map Warper.
Statistics Canada data is used to import street names where they are missing from the other data sets. It is advised to not copy the geometry; however, you can use the street names database as a reference.
Atlas of Canada, available using WMS, contains some features not in GeoBase, CanVec, or StatCan, but only at a scale of 1:7500000.
Ibycus Topo is a Garmin map compiled directly from source CanVec data (shp files) as well as GeoBase data (shp files). This is a free (dont sell) non-routable map which also includes great contours from CanVec. (contours are not included in OSM, so GroundTruth Planet Contour is used instead). This can be used as a supplement when using OSM Maps as an overlay. NOTE: The .typ file (tags) which was used for conversion is slightly different than the tags used in the OSM version. However, as this import process will take some time, end-users are welcome to use both maps for navigating, and users can 'pretend' that the CanVec data is already in OSM, while finding new features to add to OSM.
ILMB BC Digital Road Atlas (2007, Partially Attributed) -
Open Data - many municipalities have Open Data datasets suitable for importing now, this is a list of them
See also:
Canada-wide subprojects
If you have a goal that you are working towards or one that you would like to see get done (and are maybe willing to get the ball rolling) then add it to the list here, create a section where it can be coordinated and tracked, and a way of measuring progress.
Canada Post offices
See Canada/Railways
There were 16,284,235 "private dwellings" in Canada according to the 2021 sensus. OpenStreetMap contains only 7,507,000 building outlines (a ratio of 0.5, whereas you would expect a ratio higher than 1 because of office and industrial buildings, garages, etc.) as of January 2025, with about a million buildings added each year.
Building Outlines with Statistics Canada (deprecated)
Stats Canada has released building outlines under the federal government license. This is the associated import plan.
Building Canada 2020 Initiative and mapping project
Building Canada 2020 Initiative (BC2020i) was a community-led initiative with the vision to map all buildings in Canada on OpenStreetMap by the year 2020. The initiative has become Canada/Building_Canada_2020.
Simple information on buildings (geolocation, building footprint, full address and type of use) is of major societal value. This information, however, is often lacking in some areas or not completely accessible on a single open data platform. Creating a nation-wide, freely accessible and non-proprietary source of information on buildings will contribute to the development of the data infrastructures of the future, upon which a multitude of public and private projects could thrive.
Crowdsourcing buildings with Statistics Canada (deprecated)
This project appears to have become abandoned in late 2017 and/or has morphed into something approximated by Canada/Building_Canada_2020, above. Note Stats Canada is funded 1st April to March 31st. There is work being done in the background by Stats Canada and more open data buildings are expected to be released shortly. 2018/10/21
Custom Garmin maps
- Create a Garmin MapSource install file for Canada and/or provinces
- Using Lambertus routable maps, a National Install file is available on a monthly (or as needed) basis. Being hosted on osm_routable_mapsource_Canada_2_feb_2010.exe
- Create a combined transparent routable OSM/topo map for all of Canada using Groundtruth SRTM data and, the most current OpenStreetMap data. So that it can be installed to Garmin MapSource & Garmin IMG tiles for use to install onto your GPS device.
- The contour-only maps are currently (Feb 5th 2010) being generated, the files are being made available in the folder SRTM_GroundTruth_Canada These are all 10m contours, and about 100 megs each .zip file, and covering approximatly 2x2.5 NTS tiles (5 tiles at a OSM zoom level of 8. For example On OSM the box & the surrounding area.
The Garmin MapSource (Windows) Installer file for each province is available here
created from the OSM download of the outline of each province from .shp files are also available as well as pre-made .img tiles that you can install directly onto the device\
Trans Canada Trail

Status: Please note the copyright restriction. ALL route infrastructure must be actually navigated with GPS and/or imported from one of the data sources that have the same compatible license as OpenStreetMap. See Canada Import Status. Specific Trans Canada Trail segments are mapped as province-wide relations tagged as a national cycleway network — network=ncn — coalesced as a super-relation, only if the route infrastructure elements are end-to-end usable by a bicycle (see Cycle routes). Otherwise, the Trail segments should be mapped as "regular" trails with tags of highway=path, highway=footway, highway=track or highway=bridleway.
Common Trans Canada Trail symbols can be tagged using Key:wiki:symbol#Canada. Note that symbols may vary from one segment of the route to the next.
Outdoor Maps
4UMaps Topographic outdoor map for hiking and mountain biking
Canadian best practices
See Map Features for worldwide tagging guidelines, and Canadian tagging guidelines for those specific to Canada.
Canada has a wide range of data that can be imported. So if you are local and on the ground the best place to start is checking the interfaces between the imported data and the data that was in place before. Typically you'll find that imported CanVec data has been truncated at the interface with original OSM data so make sure that the roads that should be joined are. You may find roads traced in from satellite images are not quite in the right place. GPS traces can help here.
When you browse the slippy map on, note the + sign to the right. Zoom in first then click on it, and tick the data box. Note the Points of Interest (POI) that show on the left. Click on one these and you'll see the tag values for the POI including things like website that are in the database. This means tags such as phone=*, website=* etc are worth entering even though they don't immediately show on the map but are accessible if you want to order a take away. Note the warning that comes up about the number of POIs and the amount of data that must be transferred. Ideally we do not want to store redundant data so for an address we want addr:housenumber=*, addr:street=*, and addr:postcode=*. Cities typically are marked in OSM as a place and a boundary relation and anything in the city's boundary is assumed to be in the city. So when we search, we take the city information from the objects describing the city itself. Provinces and country are the same. Address interpolation is a useful way of keeping the number of POIs down but still allowing a search by house number.
![]() | The following paragraph may contradict consensus established on the mailing list; please discuss and try to rectify this. |
OSM has different methods of rendering. Some of these rendering systems can make use of French as well as English names. For bilingual areas such as Ottawa the convention is to enter the English name under name, and the French name under name:fr. Example name "Wilkie Drive" name:fr "promenade Wilkie". Renderers such as Maperitive can be set to display the French names as default.
Note also that most rendering systems will not show all the POIs on the map. The ones that are omitted can be shown by the use of "rules" but this is currently a little more complicated than casual users might like.
OSM is an electronic database that is converted or rendered into a visible map by programs. Programs are dumb but very fast. They work best with consistent tags so follow the Canadian tagging guidelines and the Map Features. For example cycle lanes should be labeled cycleway=lane to show up on + "Cycle Map". There are now some applications that work with the POIs, such as MapOSMatic, but in order to find the right ones the tags must be consistent. There are bots that are run on the data cleaning it up so it is not necessary to clean up existing tags, leave it to the bots.
Please add value by adding footpaths, specialist stores, playgrounds and parks. These are often missing from other maps.
Mapping cycleways
As explained in this discussion, here is what was proposed and should be implemented when possible for cycleways alongside roads in Canada:
- draw as a separate cycleway when there is a clear partial or complete separation (like a permanent parking lane, permanent/non seasonal bollards, fences, or concrete curbs only at intersections or along the whole way), or a clear change in surface (concrete or paving stones alongside an asphalt road).
- To the road itself, add cycleway=separate or cycleway:both=separate if cycleway is on both sides, or if only on one side, cycleway:left=separate + cycleway:right=no or the opposite cycleway:right=separate + cycleway:left=no).
- Also add the street name to the separated cycleway as name=* to allow better navigation with routing software (do not change the name of the street or add "Cycleway for STREET_NAME" or something similar: use the exact same name as the street it follows).
- add cycleway tags to the road itself when there is only paint all the way (barred area and/or solid/dashed/dotted lines, green/blue/red/... paint with no physical separation, or flex posts (in areas where they are usually removed during winter for snow removal and sometimes put back only late in the spring or in the summer), and no concrete/fence at intersections.
- Use cycleway:[right/left/both]=lane and add associated tags like:
- cycleway:[right/left/both]:buffer=* - value is either
, or the width of the barred area / buffer - see Key:cycleway:buffer, - cycleway:[right/left/both]:separation=no or cycleway:[right/left/both]:separation=flex_posts - see Proposal:Separation#Typical separation values, and
- cycleway:[right/left/both]:marking=* - see Proposal:Separation#Symbolic separation: marking.
- cycleway:[right/left/both]:buffer=* - value is either
- Use cycleway:[right/left/both]=lane and add associated tags like:
What's with the forests in Canada?
The squared off sections of forest in Canada are the result of the ongoing CanVec data import. CanVec tiles were broken up into squares called the NTS grid to better manage the data import. If you see a forest that's squared off with a empty section beside it, it's most likely that that grid has not been imported yet.
Open Data
Open Data catalogs can be found here Note not all Open Data aligns with the OpenStreetMap licence. In 2024 the OSM Licensing Working Group (LWG) approved quite a few new regional open data licenses. Taken from the OSM Foundation's wiki[1], the following licenses have been deemed compatible with OSM, and data under them can be imported.
- OGL Canada 2.0, compatible (reference missing)
- Ottawa Open Data License 2.0, compatible (see LWG minutes 2017-03-02)
- Sunshine Coast Regional District, based on Version 2 of the Open Government License - British Columbia, compatible (LWG internal correspondence)
- OGL 2.0 British Columbia, compatible (LWG internal correspondence)
- OGL 1.0 Regional District of Nanaimo (based on OGL 2.0 BC), compatible (LWG minutes 2024-03-04)
- OGL 1.0 Ontario, compatible (LWG minutes 2024-03-04)
- York Region Open Data License, compatible (LWG minutes 2024-04-08)
- OGL 1.0 Toronto, compatible (LWG minutes 2024-04-08)
- Open Government License 2.0 (Niagara Region), compatible (LWG minutes 2024-06-10)
- Open Government Licence 2.0 – City of Guelph, compatible (LWG minutes 2024-09-09)
Many of these licenses have an attribution requirement, which is generally contrary to OSM's licensing. However, on March 2, 2017, when the LWG approved Ottawa's license, they also determined "that the attribution requirements of the Ottawa ODL 2.0 can be met by adding the required text to the wiki contributor page and corresponding changeset source attribute values, and that there is no downstream attribution requirement.[2]"
City Name | License | Link to portal | Notes |
Town of Banff | Custom | [4] | |
City of Calgary | OGL - City of Calgary | [5] | |
City of Edmonton | OGL - City of Edmonton | [6] | updated in 2022, now follows Canadian OGL |
County of Grande Prairie | OGL-County of Grande Prairie | [7] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
Medicine Hat | n/a | n/a | Medicine Hat has removed its open data server, and appears to be re-selling AltaLIS free data: |
City of Red Deer | Custom | [8] | |
Strathcona County | OGL-Strathcona County | [9] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
City of Grande Prairie | OGL-City of Grande Prairie | [10] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
Calgary Region | Custom | [11] |
Nova Scotia
City Name | License | Link to portal | Notes |
Halifax Regional Municipality | OGL-CA | [12] | We have explicit permission to use data: |
British Columbia
City Name | License | Link to portal | Notes |
City of Chilliwack | Custom Data License | [13] | |
City of Kelowna | Public Domain | [14] | |
Township of Langley | OGL-Township of Langley | [15] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
City of Nanaimo | OGL-Nanaimo | [16] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
Regional District of Nanaimo | OGL 1.0 Regional District of Nanaimo | [17] | compatible (LWG minutes 2024-03-04) |
Regional District of Central Okanagan | ? | [18] | |
Regional District of North Okanagan | ? | [19] | |
City of Prince George | OGL-City of Prince George | [20] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
District of Saanich | OGL-District of Saanich | [21] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
City of Surrey | OGL-City of Surrey | [22] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
City of Vancouver | OGL-Vancpuver | [23] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
District of North Vancouver | OGL-North Vancouver (Legal link in top right corner) | [24] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
City of Victoria | OGL-City of Victoria | [25] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
City Name | License | Link to portal | Notes |
City of Brandon | Custom | [26] | Would have to ask if attribution on the page would fulfil the attribution requirement |
City of Winnipeg | OGL-Winnipeg | [27] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name being different |
New Brunswick
City Name | License | Link to portal | Notes |
City of Fredericton | Different license for different data, there are CC-BY and an unspecified Attribution license(address points) | [28] | |
City of Saint John | OGL-City of Saint John | [29] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name and licence text being different |
City Name | License | Link to portal | Notes | Date Checked |
Government of Ontario | Custom | [30] | Compatible, must assign attribution | 2024-03-04 |
Metrolinx | Ontario OGL | [31] | Identical license as Ontario's, but with "Metrolinx" appended to everywhere "Ontario" is used. | 2024-03-20 |
City of Brampton | Custom | [32] | So far incompatible (liability issues, may pass costs on to you if they get sued: Same issue with Ottawa's old license) | |
City of Burlington | Custom | [33] | So far incompatible (liability issues, may pass costs on to you if they get sued: Same issue with Ottawa's old license) | 2022-02-03 |
City of Hamilton | Custom | [34] | So far incompatible (liability issues, may pass costs on to you if they get sued: Same issue with Ottawa's old license) | 2022-02-03 |
City of London | Custom | [35] | So far incompatible (liability issues, may pass costs on to you if they get sued: Same issue with Ottawa's old license) | |
City of Mississauga | Custom | [36] | So far incompatible (liability issues, may pass costs on to you if they get sued: Same issue with Ottawa's old license) | |
City of Niagara Falls | Custom | [37] | So far incompatible (liability issues, may pass costs on to you if they get sued: Same issue with Ottawa's old license) | |
Town of Oakville | OGL 2.0 Custom | [38] | So far incompatible (liability issues, may pass costs on to you if they get sued: Same issue with Ottawa's old license) | 2022-02-03 |
City of Ottawa | OGL-CA | [39] | Currently under review/importing: | |
Region of Peel | [40] | Current status is on hold due to license(need to make sure they own all the rights): | ||
City of Greater Sudbury | OGL-CA v1.0 City of Greater Sudbury | [41] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name and licence text being different | |
City of Toronto | OGL-CA v1.0 - Toronto | [42] | Compatible after LWG approval | |
City of Welland | OGL-CA City of Welland | [43] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name and licence text being different | |
City of Windsor | OGL-CA v1.0 - The Corporation of the City of Windsor | [44] | Not accepted for import into OSM due to name and licence text being different | |
City of Guelph | OGL-CA | [45] | Compatible, must assign attribution[3] | 2024-10-28 |
Niagara Region | Mixed based upon dataset, 99% OGL-CA v2.0 based with city names attached | [46] | Most datasets not accepted for import into OSM due to including city/town name in licence text | |
Region of Waterloo | Region of Waterloo Open Data Licence v.2.0 | [47] | see also Waterloo region#Open Data | 2025-03-10 |
City of Waterloo | Waterloo Open Data User Licence | [48] | 2025-03-10 | |
City of Kitchener | Open Government License - The Corporation of the City of Kitchener | [49] | 2025-03-10 | |
City of Cambridge | Open Data Licence Version 2.0 - City of Cambridge | [50] | 2025-03-10 | |
Township of North Frontenac | used to be OGL-CA v1.0 | [51] | 2019-01-22 link to licence on open data page (which works) doesn't work | |
Haldimand County | Custom (on landing page) | [52] | Must assign attribution. Would have to ask if attribution on the page would fulfil the attribution requirement | |
Grey County | Custom | [53] | Must assign attribution. Would have to ask if attribution on the page would fulfil the attribution requirement | |
York Region | Custom | [54] | Very open license, no attribution, no legal carry over, etc |
Most of the cities and government agencies' open data is available on the Données Québec portal under a Creative Commons 4.0 license (mostly CC-BY 4.0)
City Name | License | Link to portal | Notes |
City of Gatineau | CC-BY 4.0 | [55] | Import ongoing (for address nodes) and with explicit permission: |
City of Montréal | CC-BY 4.0 | [56] | Import ongoing with explicit permission: |
City of Lévis | CC-BY 4.0 | [57] | Would need explicit permission from the city. |
City of Québec | CC-BY 4.0 | [58] | Would need explicit permission from the city. |
City of Sherbrooke | CC-BY 4.0 | [59] | Would need explicit permission from the city |
City Name | License | Link to portal | Notes |
City of Regina | Custom | [60] | Requires attribution. Would have to ask if attribution on the page would fulfil the attribution requirement |
City of Saskatoon | Custom | [61] | Very open license, no attribution, no legal carry over, etc |
City Name | License | Link to portal | Notes |
City of Whitehorse | Custom | [62] | Requires written permission for commercial uses and seeing as ODbL doesn't have a clause against it, we would need explicit permission |
North America – Countries and territories | |
The Bahamas · Antigua and Barbuda · Barbados · Belize · Canada · Costa Rica · Cuba · Dominica · Dominican Republic · El Salvador · Grenada · Guatemala · Haiti · Honduras · Jamaica · Mexico · Nicaragua · Panama · Saint Kitts and Nevis · Saint Lucia · Saint Vincent and the Grenadines · United States | |