Deprecated features follow-up

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To follow-up the evolution of deprecated objects, please use one of the following field in this table:

Status Meaning
yes The task is completed: the tag is properly supported
no The task hasn't been started
In progress The task is in progress: the request to the proper support of the tag has been made but it hasn't been implemented yet
Planned after 2021-01-31 The task should only be completed after a given date
Unknown Is any task required? If not, replace with N/A.
N/A Non applicable / no action needed

Here is a model of tables and advice to follow-up efficiently the deprecation process. It should be added directly on the deprecated tag wiki page.

Transition Plan Model

Please copy and paste this model below to a deprecated tag wiki page and replace with the proper tags and linksː

PROPOSAL_PAGE → e.g. Proposal:Multiple schools on one ground
PROPOSAL_DATEvote end date from the proposal page, e.g. 2021-05-21
OLD_KEYdeprecated tag's key, e.g. landuse
OLD_VALUEdeprecated tag's value, e.g. school. Can be empty, then remove it.
OLD_ITEMdeprecated tag's data item, e.g. Q17542
NEW_KEYe.g. landuse
NEW_VALUEe.g. education. Can be empty, then remove it.
NEW_ITEMe.g. Q17555

Deprecation follow-up

Deprecation vote

This tag has been formally deprecated by a community vote on PROPOSAL_DATE.

Transition stats


Please help the community to transition from OLD_KEY=OLD_VALUE to NEW_KEY=NEW_VALUE with the following tasks:


Task English Every other language Comment
Update OLD_KEY=OLD_VALUE wiki page Unknown Unknown
Update NEW_KEY=NEW_VALUE wiki page Unknown Unknown
Update the deprecated features page Unknown N/A
Update every other mentioning the OLD_KEY=OLD_VALUE tag (listed here) excluding users & discussion pages Unknown Unknown
Update deprecated OLD_KEY=OLD_VALUE data item Unknown N/A
Update approved NEW_KEY=NEW_VALUE data item Unknown N/A
Update Changelog Unknown N/A
[Please add any documentation that might be relevant] N/A N/A
How to use this table?


See for more details about the tools using this tag.

Mission Task OLD_KEY=OLD_VALUE tag deprecated NEW_KEY=NEW_VALUE tag supported URL of the request Comment
For every editorː change preset Update JOSM preset Unknown Unknown Please replace this cell with the specific URL of the request made on
Update iD preset Unknown Unknown Please replace this cell with the specific URL of the request made on
Update Vespucci preset Unknown Unknown Please replace this cell with the specific URL of the request made on
For every Q/A toolsː suggest to enforce the proposal Create a JOSM/Validator preset Unknown N/A Please replace this cell with the specific URL of the request made
Create a NSI preset Unknown Unknown Please replace this cell with the specific URL of the request made on
Other toolsː suggest to enforce the proposal Update Organic Maps preset Unknown Unknown Please replace this cell with the specific URL of the request made on
[Please add any editor, tool, search engine, router, render or other project that might be relevant] N/A N/A N/A N/A
How to use this table?


See to find out which renders are using this tag.

Mission Task OLD_KEY=OLD_VALUE tag deprecated NEW_KEY=NEW_VALUE tag supported URL of the request Comment
Render Update OSM Carto render Unknown Unknown Please replace this cell with the specific URL of the request made on
Update XX render Unknown Unknown Please replace this cell with the specific URL of the request made
[Please add any render that might be relevant] N/A N/A N/A N/A
How to use this table?


The following section is an example of an on-going transition plan to switch a tag from car=* to motorcar=*, voted on 2020-01-31.

The values and comments are purely fictional and reflect an imaginary progress for the purpose of this proposal.

Deprecation vote

This tag has been formally deprecated by a community vote on 2021-05-21.

Transition stats


Please help the community to transition from car=* to motorcar=* with the following tasks:


Task English Every other language Comment
Update car=* wiki page yes yes
Update motorcar=* wiki page yes no Only french has been translated
Update the deprecated features page yes N/A
Update every other page mentioning the car=* tag (listed here) excluding users & discussion pages no no
Update car data item yes N/A
Update motorcar data item yes N/A
[Please add any documentation that might be relevant] N/A N/A
How to use this table ?


See to find out the tools using this tag.

Mission Task car=* tag deprecated motorcar=* tag supported URL of the request Comment
For every editorː change preset to enforce the proposal Update JOSM preset yes In progress Missing a proper icon
Update iD preset yes yes
Update Vespucci preset no no
Update OSM Contributor preset yes yes
For every Q/A toolsː suggest to enforce the proposal Create a JOSM/Validator preset yes N/A
Create a NSI preset N/A N/A
Other toolsː suggest to enforce the proposal Update Organic Maps preset no no Please replace this cell with the specific URL of the request made on
Use motorcar in every relevant NSI entries N/A N/A
[Please add any editor, tool, search engine, router or other project that might be relevant] N/A N/A N/A N/A
How to use this table ?


See to find out which renders are using this tag.

Task car=* tag deprecated motorcar=* tag supported URL of the request Comment
Update Standard tile layer render Planned after 2021-01-31 yes
Update CyclOSM render Planned after 2021-01-31 yes
[Please add any render that might be relevant] N/A N/A
How to use this table ?

The above overall section have been added on a new "Deprecation transition plan" section on the car=* page after the deprecation approval vote.

Other examples