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This changelog documents developments in the tagging proposal process.
For tags introduced by other mechanisms, see Status: de facto, Status: in use or search taginfo.
If you would like to learn more about the process of adopting of new tags please read: How to invent tags, Any tags you like, Non-proposed features
For tags introduced by other mechanisms, see Status: de facto, Status: in use or search taginfo.
If you would like to learn more about the process of adopting of new tags please read: How to invent tags, Any tags you like, Non-proposed features
This page provides information about recent community approved changes in object tagging strategies, for the benefit of downstream OSM data users. It is advised to continue supporting older versions for some transition time.
This page was introduced at the start of 2021; for earlier changes, please see
- the listing of approved proposals and deprecated features,
- or the categories for status "approved" or status "deprecated".
- Added
- Deprecated
- busway=lane – Deprecate busway=* for bus lanes in favour of lanes:bus=* and bus:lanes=*, respectively.
- busway:left=*
- busway:both=*
- busway:right=*
- busway=opposite – Deprecate busway=* for bus lanes in favour of oneway:bus=no
- busway=opposite_lane
- Added
- Added
- Deprecated
- Added
- Added
- hairdresser=barber: A type of hairdresser that traditionally specialises in cutting masculine styles
- gtfs:(gtfs column):(feed suffix)=*: The general format to link to a GTFS object, further described in GTFS.
- community_adopted=*: Tagging for when an individual or organization takes volunteer responsibility for cleaning or minor maintenance of a facility.
- Deprecated
- Added
- toilets:menstrual_products=*: Used to indicate if period products are available in a toilet
- Added
- emergency=disaster_response: A station where equipment and volunteers/paid members are based to work in an area affected by a natural or anthropogenic disaster
- Deprecated
- Added
- crossing:continuous=*: Whether a path continues uninterrupted across a road
- amenity=bicycle_wash: A place designed for washing bicycles
- Added
- historic=millstone: A large round stone used for grinding grain or other materials
- highway=cyclist_waiting_aid: Street furniture and devices for cyclists that are intended to make waiting at esp. traffic lights more comfortable
- footrest=* / handrest=*: To differentiate between different types of street furniture.
- side=*: To indicate the side of the way on which the waiting aid is located
- highway=ladder: Use for a ladder, a vertical or inclined set of steps or rungs intended for climbing or descending of a person with the help of hands
- Added
- platform_lift=*: Indicates the availability of platform lift for wheelchair users
- platform_lift:portable=*: States if the platform lift is moveable or not
- ramp:portable=*: States if the ramp is portable or not
- platform_lift:seat=*: States if the platform lift has a foldable seat or not
- Added
- playground=<values>: more values added, see Proposal
- line_arrangement=*: Consistently describe how lines bundles are arranged (vertical, horizontal, delta...) around a given support or way point
- Added
- crossing:whistle=*: Handle North American level crossing quiet zones & wayside horns – Indicates whether a train normally blows its horn at the level crossing
- Deprecated
- maxspeed:seasonal:winter=*: replaced by maxspeed:conditional=* @ winter
- Added
- man_made=charge_point: New feature to map individual charging devices at a amenity=charging_station location.
- kerb:approach_aid=*: approach aid of the public transport platform.
- announcement=*: Indicates whether there are announcements on a public transport platform.
- departures_board:speech_output=*: Indicates whether the departures board of a feature is capable of outputting it's contents as speech on demand.
- passenger_information_display:speech_output=*: Indicates whether a passenger information display is capable of outputting speech on demand.
- Changed
- amenity=charging_station: May represent one or a group of man_made=charge_point at a location.
- Added
- emergency=fire_service_inlet: An inlet that allows the fire brigade pump water into a building
- fire_mains=(yes/no/wet/dry)
- fire_sprinkler=(yes/no/wet/dry/pre-action)
- fire_service_inlet=*
- emergency=water_rescue
- emergency=air_rescue_service
- Deprecated
- emergency=dry_riser_inlet: replaced by emergency=fire_service_inlet + fire_mains=dry
- emergency=sprinkler_connection: replaced by emergency=fire_service_inlet + fire_sprinkler=yes
- amenity=lifeboat_station: replaced by emergency=water_rescue
- emergency=lifeboat_station: replaced by emergency=water_rescue
- emergency=marine_rescue: replaced by emergency=water_rescue
- emergency_service=air: replaced by emergency=air_rescue_service
- Deprecated
- industrial=gas: replaced by utility=gas
- street_cabinet=broadband: replaced by utility=telecom
- street_cabinet=gas: replaced by utility=gas
- street_cabinet=cable_tv: replaced by utility=television
- street_cabinet=communications: replaced by utility=telecom
- street_cabinet=power: replaced by utility=power
- street_cabinet=street_lighting: replaced by utility=street_lighting
- street_cabinet=telecom: replaced by utility=telecom
- street_cabinet=water: replaced by utility=water and utility=sewerage
- street_cabinet=water_management: replaced by utility=water and utility=sewerage
- Added
- parking:left=* / parking:right=* / parking:both=*: New schema for street parking: describes the parking position in the street.
- parking:both:orientation=* / parking:left:orientation=* / parking:right:orientation=*: describes the parking orientation of parked vehicles.
- parking:both:access=* / parking:left:access=* / parking:right:access=*: describes general access of parking lanes.
- parking:both:fee=* / parking:left:fee=* / parking:right:fee=*: describes whether there is a fee to park along a street.
- parking:both:maxstay=* / parking:left:maxstay=* / parking:right:maxstay=*: describes whether there is a maximum time to stay for parking along a street.
- parking:both:restriction=* / parking:left:restriction=* / parking:right:restriction=*: describes parking restrictions like no stopping, no parking or loading zones.
- parking:both:zone=* / parking:left:zone=* / parking:right:zone=*: the letter or code of a residential parking zone.
- parking:both:markings=* / parking:left:markings=* / parking:right:markings=*: describes whether a parking lane is marked.
- parking:both:direction=* / parking:left:direction=* / parking:right:direction=*: describes special rules on parking direction (back-in- or head-in parking).
- parking:both:staggered=yes: specify staggered parking on narrow roads.
- parking=on_kerb / parking=half_on_kerb / parking=shoulder: New parking values in case street parking is mapped separately.
- Deprecated
- parking:lane=*: Replaced by new street parking schema.
- parking:condition=*: Replaced by new street parking schema.
- site_type=*: Replaced by archaeological_site=*.
- Added
- pedagogy=*: Describes the pedagogical philosophy of an entity, especially schools and kindergartens.
- amenity=mailroom: A mailroom.
- model=*
- model:wikidata=*
- model:wikipedia=*
- Deprecated
- Added
- payment:coins:denominations=* and payment:notes:denominations=*: Coins and notes accepted at a POI.
- Added
- crossing:markings=*: Describes a style of markings on the ground where pedestrians cross a road.
- amenity=loading_dock: The entrance of a building used for loading and unloading goods vehicles.
- door:height=*: The height of a loading dock door.
- door:width=*: The width of a loading dock door.
- dock:height=*: The height of a loading dock platform.
- dock:width=*: The width of a loading dock platform.
- Deprecated
- door=loadingdock: replaced by amenity=loading_dock
- Added
- pitch:net=*: Indicates whether a net is available at a sports pitch.
- amenity=library_dropoff: A place where library patrons can return or drop-off books other than the library itself.
- Added
- aeroway=aircraft_crossing: A point where the flow of traffic is impacted by crossing aircraft.
- crossing:aircraft=*: The relative position of the aircraft to ground traffic at a aeroway=aircraft_crossing.
- Added
- artwork_subject=sheela-na-gig: Medieval to modern depiction of nude females exposing their genitals.
- Added
- transformer=main: For main transformers mounted in substations.
- windings:auto=yes: to specify a given transformer is an auto-transformer
- boundary=forest: Describes a boundary of an administered forest area, which may encompass also non-wooded sections such as glades, screes, or ponds.
- boundary=forest_compartment: A compartment that is a referenced area completely within a boundary=forest.
- Changed
- transformer=distribution: Now only used for standalone transformers on top of power poles, when they're not in a wider substation.
- transformer=auxiliary: Now used for both standalone transformers on top of power poles as well as mounted in substation.
- Deprecated
- transformer=traction: replaced by transformer=main
- transformer=auto: replaced by windings:auto=yes
- boundary=forestry_compartment: replaced by boundary=forest_compartment
- Added
- amenity=parcel_locker: electrical machines with lockers for picking-up parcels.
- parcel_pickup=yes/no: specifies whether you can pick up your parcels there.
- parcel_mail_in=yes/no/returns_only: specifies whether you can drop off your parcels there.
- refrigerated=yes: whether lockers are dedicated for receiving packages containing perishable goods and are refrigerated.
- defensive_works=*: for representing individual defensive structures mainly at historic/pre-modern fortifications.
- bicycle_rental=*: extends amenity=bicycle_rental tag, by providing information about the type of bicycle rental infrastructure.
- parking:condition:*:conditional=*: provides information about conditional restrictions for parking lane.
- parking:condition:*:maxstay=*: provides information about maximum allowed stay period for parking lane.
- parking:condition:*:reason=*: provides information about reason for a certain parking condition.
- Deprecated
- vending=parcel_pickup: replaced by amenity=parcel_locker + parcel_pickup=yes
- vending=parcel_mail_in: replaced by amenity=parcel_locker + parcel_mail_in=yes
- parking:condition:*:default=*
- parking:condition:*:time_interval=*: replaced by parking:condition:*:maxstay=*
- landuse=reservoir: replaced by natural=water + water=reservoir
- embassy=embassy: replaced by embassy=yes
- Added
- inlet=*: describes how a culvert or pipeline inlet is shaped or protected.
- ref:EU:bwid=*: identifier of public bathing sites held in European Environment Agency (EEA) database.
- url:bathing_water=*: a URL to the objects government information website, as in the EEA's dataset.
- Added
- outlet=*: marks a place where content of a closed duct (like a culvert, a tunnel or pipeline) is released.
- Added
- natural=fumarole: an opening in a planet's crust found in volcanic areas and geothermal fields, which emits steam and gases.
- foraging=*: to specify permission for harvesting materials from plants or fungi, especially edible ones
- boundary=border_zone: to mark areas near country borders that have special restrictions on movement.
- historic=creamery: tag for historic creameries where dairy farmers brought their milk churns for the milk to be skimmed
- Added
- Added
- cycle_barrier=*: structural design classification of bicycle barriers
- cycle_barrier:installation=*: information on whether a barrier can be removed or folded
- man_made=video_wall: a digital screen, typically constructed out of smaller LED panels.
- Added
- man_made=survey_point: a triangulation pillar, geodetic vertex, or other piece of fixed equipment used by topographers.
- survey_point:structure=*: denotes the structure of a survey point.
- survey_point:purpose=horizontal/vertical/both: denotes the purpose of a survey point.
- survey_point:datum_aligned=yes/no: denotes whether a survey point is aligned to the local geodetic datum.
- building=fire_lookout: a building that is or was originally built to be a fire lookout.
- emergency=fire_lookout: to indicate that a feature (e.g. building or tower) is used for fire spotting.
- Added
- man_made=stupa: a Buddhist dome-shaped structure with a spire on top originally built to contain relics.
- man_made=utility_pole: a pole used to support utility networks lines for telecom or power networks.
- Deprecated
- tower:type=stupa + man_made=tower: replaced by man_made=stupa
- communication=pole: replaced by man_made=utility_pole + utility=telecom
- telephone=pole: replaced by man_made=utility_pole + utility=telecom
- telecom=pole: replaced by man_made=utility_pole + utility=telecom
- pstn=pole: replaced by man_made=utility_pole + utility=telecom
- Added
- railway:signal:main:shape=* / railway:signal:distant:shape=*: description of shape for different kinds of railway:signal:*=*.
- post_office=bureau: full post office which is operated by the postal service provider.
- post_office=post_annex: (Full) Post office which is operated by private/ for the postal service provider.
- post_office=post_partner: a relay point in shops or amenities for a limited number of postal services like letters, parcels, packets provided as a complementary business.
- landuse=education: for ground occupied by (preferably more than one) educational amenities such as kindergartens, schools, universities, language, music, … schools.
- reusable_packaging:accept=*: indicates whether shop accepts that customers bring and use their own packaging to buy a product
- reusable_packaging:offer=*: indicates if shop proposes some reusable containers to their clients
- Changed
- Deprecated
- post_office:type=*: replaced by post_office=*
- landuse=school: replaced by landuse=education
- Added
- trailblazed=poles;cairns;symbols: refinement to existing trailblazed=yes to indicate how a trail/path is marked.
- trailblazed:visibility=excellent;good;intermediate;bad;horrible;no: to specify quality of marking.
- historic=tomb: structures where people have been buried.
- tomb=tumulus: a mound of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves.
- tomb=rock-cut: a burial chamber that is cut into an existing, naturally occurring rock formation.
- tomb=hypogeum: an underground tomb.
- tomb=war_grave: a burial place for members of the armed forces or civilians who died during military campaigns or operations.
- tomb=mausoleum: an external free-standing building constructed as a monument enclosing the interment space or burial chamber.
- tomb=columbarium: a place for the respectful and usually public storage of cinerary urns.
- tomb=crypt: a stone chamber beneath the floor of a church or other building.
- tomb=dolmen: a type of single-chamber megalithic tomb.
- tomb=pyramid: a structure whose outer surfaces are triangular and converge to a single point at the top.
- tomb=sarcophagus: a box-like funeral receptacle for a corpse, most commonly carved in stone.
- tomb=vault: a structural underground tomb that encloses a coffin to help prevent a grave from sinking.
- highway=busway: dedicated roadway for buses that maintain a high level of importance specifically for bus passengers, but are not meant to be used by motorists, pedestrians, or cyclists.
- place_of_worship=mass_rock: a rock, which serves as a place of worship in Ireland.
- Deprecated
- Added
- basin=evaporation: a pond or basin used to extract a precipitate (other than salt) from water.
- place_of_worship=holy_well: as an extension of amenity=place_of_worship. A place where Catholics collect "holy water" and celebrate the well's patron saint.
- emergency=lifeguard: permanent, or semi-permanent, location where a lifeguard will be while on duty.
- lifeguard=base: a building which lifeguards operate from, and where boats, equipment, vehicles etc. are stored.
- lifeguard=tower: an elevated tower used by lifeguards to watch and supervise swimmers.
- lifeguard=yes: for a water recreation feature with a lifeguard on duty, who may not be in a fixed location.
- office=lifeguard: a lifeguard administration office or building only.
- Deprecated
- reservoir_type=evaporator: replaced by basin=evaporation
- diplomatic=consulate_general: replaced by diplomatic=consulate + consulate=consulate_general
- emergency=lifeguard_base: replaced by emergency=lifeguard + lifeguard=base
- emergency=lifeguard_tower: replaced by emergency=lifeguard + lifeguard=tower
- emergency=lifeguard_platform: replaced by emergency=lifeguard + lifeguard=tower
- emergency=water_rescue_station: replaced by emergency=lifeguard + lifeguard=base
- Added
- healthcare=sample_collection: a standalone site or dedicated healthcare facility where samples of blood/urine/etc are obtained or collected.
- sample_collection=yes/no: for other facilities to specify whether or not samples are collected at the location.
- traffic_calming=mini_bumps: a traffic calming device similar to speed bump, but consisting of multiple smaller parts.
- historic=ogham_stone: stones bearing Ogham (the earliest Irish writing system) inscriptions.
- Added
- military=base: as an extension of landuse=military or building=* defines any military base. A military base is a facility, directly owned and operated by or for the military or one of its branches, which houses military equipment and personnel and facilitates training and operations.
- military_service=army;navy;air_force: specifies particular branch of service e.g. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines etc.
- healthcare=vaccination_centre: a healthcare facility specifically dedicated to administering vaccinations to individuals.
- amenity=place_of_mourning: a room or building where families and friends can come, before the funeral, and view the body of the person who has died.
- place_of_mourning=yes: presence of room(s) within some other amenity where families and friends can come, before the funeral, and view the body of the person who has died.
- man_made=guard_stone: a stone architectural element built onto or into the corner of a building or wall.
- man_made=pump: a device in charge of raising level or move liquids only.
- mechanical_driver=*: the motion source powering a pump.
- mechanical_coupling=*: mechanical power adaptation and transformation equipment linking a driver to a pump device.
- pump_mechanism=*: specifies the pump device mechanism that directly moves gases or liquids.
- man_made=tailings_pond: areas where waterborne tailings (byproducts of mining) are pumped and stored.
- Deprecated
- military=naval_base
- protect_class=25
- pump:type=*: replaced by pump_mechanism=* as definition of pump mechanisms for man_made=pump, man_made=water_well, man_made=petroleum_well, man_made=windpump.
- amenity=water: replaced by amenity=drinking_water
- reservoir_type=tailings: replaced by man_made=tailings_pond