Draft:Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Pedestrian Working Group/Guide
![]() | This schema document is still under active construction - consider other Wiki pages to be more authoritative in cases of conflicting information! |
This is a work-in-progress draft of a quick-start guide for pedestrian infrastructure mapping developed by the Pedestrian Working Group.
A work-in-progress draft of a full tagging schema for pedestrian infrastructure mapping is available here.
Anatomy of a Sidewalk
Our end-goal is mapping for a sidewalk network for navigation.
A tier-based system is used to communicate which features and tags are possible with various resources and necessary for which use cases, as follows, with further details below:
Icon | Name | Description | Use Cases | Required Resources |
Bronze | Basic geometry and essential tags | Basic everyday pedestrian navigation | (Older) Low-quality aerial imagery | |
Silver | Detailed geometry and tagging | Accessibility-focused applications | (Somewhat recent) Medium-quality aerial imagery and/or low-quality street-level imagery | |
Gold | Micromapping and advanced tagging | Advanced routers and visualizations | (Recent) High-quality aerial and/or street-level imagery or in-person survey |
If, for example, you want to map pedestrian infrastructure so that it can be used for basic everyday routing and only have low-quality aerial imagery available, you would include only the features and tags marked with a Bronze Tier symbol.
If you have access to high-quality imagery and want to map pedestrian infrastructure so that it can be used by accessibility-focused routers, you would include all features and tags marked with a Bronze Tier symbol or a
Silver Tier symbol.
Mapping Guidelines
Connectors (exact tagging schema pending)
highway=? + ?=? - Connecting sidewalk centerlines and curb nodes, bridging representational mapping of centerlines and literal mapping of curb locations.
Included below are the Bronze Tier and
Silver Tier tags, which represent a good level of detail to aim for while balancing the amount of work required to map pedestrian infrastructure in detail.
For a full listing of tags and their tier classifications, refer to the full schema here.
crossing:markings=* - Specify presence and type of markings
crossing:markings=no - No markings
crossing:markings=yes - Markings present, type unspecified
crossing:markings=zebra - Zebra markings
crossing:markings=lines - Lines markings
crossing:markings=* - Any other applicable value
crossing:signals=* - Specify presence and type of signalization
crossing:signals=no - No signals
crossing:signals=yes - Signals present, type unspecified
crossing:signals=shared - Vehicle traffic lights only
crossing:signals=dedicated - Dedicated pedestrian traffic signals
crossing:island=* - Presence of pedestrian island
surface=* - Crossing surface material
highway=crossing - Indicate crossing location
tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence along crossing way
tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present along the entire way
tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present along the entire way
highway=footway + footway=crossing - Indicate crossing location
tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence at curb nodes
tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present at both curbs
tactile_paving=partial - Tactile paving is present at only one curb
tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present at either curb
tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence
tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present
tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present
highway=footway + footway=traffic_island - Indicate traffic island location
Access Aisles
highway=footway + footway=access_aisle - Indicate access aisle location
access_aisle:markings=* - Specify presence and type of markings
access_aisle:markings=no - No markings
access_aisle:markings=yes - Markings present, type unspecified
access_aisle:markings=zebra - Zebra markings
access_aisle:markings=ladder:skewed - Skewed ladder markings
access_aisle:markings=* - Any other applicable value
surface=* - Access aisle surface material
highway=* - Indicate roadway location
sidewalk:side=* (sidewalk:left=* | sidewalk:right=* | sidewalk:both=*)