Draft:Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Pedestrian Working Group/Schema

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This is a work-in-progress draft of a full tagging schema for pedestrian infrastructure mapping developed by the Pedestrian Working Group. Questions? Email pedestrian@openstreetmap.us!

A work-in-progress draft of a quick-start guide for pedestrian infrastructure mapping is available here.


A tier-based system is used to communicate which features and tags are possible with various resources and necessary for which use cases, as follows, with further details below:

Icon Name Description Use Cases Required Resources
Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a bronze-colored background.
Bronze Basic geometry and essential tags Basic everyday pedestrian navigation (Older) Low-quality aerial imagery
Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a silver-colored background.
Silver Detailed geometry and tagging Accessibility-focused applications (Somewhat recent) Medium-quality aerial imagery and/or low-quality street-level imagery
Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a gold-colored background.
Gold Micromapping and advanced tagging Advanced routers and visualizations (Recent) High-quality aerial and/or street-level imagery or in-person survey

If, for example, you want to map pedestrian infrastructure so that it can be used for basic everyday routing and only have low-quality aerial imagery available, you would include only the features and tags marked with a PWG - Bronze.svg Bronze Tier symbol.

If you have access to high-quality imagery and want to map pedestrian infrastructure so that it can be used by accessibility-focused routers, you would include all features and tags marked with a PWG - Bronze.svg Bronze Tier symbol or a PWG - Silver.svg Silver Tier symbol.


Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a bronze-colored background.

Description: Basic geometry and essential tags are present to form an independent navigable pedestrian network consisting of sidewalks and crossings.


  • Sidewalks and crossings are mapped as separate ways.
  • Essential information about crossings is tagged, such as whether or not markings and signals are present.
  • Sidewalk presence tags on roadways are updated to use sidewalk:side=no/separate.
    • no is particularly important because it helps mappers and data consumers understand where it has been confirmed that sidewalks are not present.
    • Any existing properties of the sidewalks which were previously mapped on the roadway, such as sidewalk:left:surface=concrete, should be moved from the roadway to the sidewalks.


Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a silver-colored background.

Description: Detailed geometry and tagging is present to enable accessibility-focused applications and basic visualizations.


  • Sidewalk geometry at intersections is well-represented with ways added where necessary between curbs and sidewalk centerlines
  • Detailed information about features is tagged, such as curb types and surface materials.


Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a gold-colored background.

Description: Micromapping and highly detailed tagging is present, which enables router customization for various types of mobility-impaired users and for detailed representation of the environment for institutional use.


  • area:highway=footway - area representations of pedestrian features are mapped.
    • Note: Requires fallback representation of paths of travel as ways at centerlines!
  • Highly detailed tags may be present to enable use cases outside of routing for everyday users, such as informing policy-making decisions
  • Small features, such as call buttons and pedestrian signal lights may be mapped separately.


Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a diamond-colored background.

Description: Tags and mapping methods that are on the line or just outside of the PWG Schema's scope but still recognized. These tags may require specialized tools or expertise to survey or calculate, or are only regionally specific, extremely uncommon, or still in a proposed state and without widespread usage.


Tagging Guidelines


  • way Sidewalk Way Tagging:
PWG - Bronze.svg highway=footway + footway=sidewalk - Indicate sidewalk location
PWG - Silver.svg surface=* - Sidewalk surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=concrete - Concrete surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=asphalt - Asphalt surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence along crossing way
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present along the entire way
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present along the entire way
PWG - Diamond.svg tactile_paving:colour=* - Specify tactile paving color
PWG - Gold.svg lit=* - Lighting presence
PWG - Gold.svg width=* - Sidewalk width
PWG - Gold.svg incline=* - Incline along way (for hilly areas)
PWG - Gold.svg incline=up - Incline upwards along way
PWG - Gold.svg incline=down - Incline downwards along way
PWG - Diamond.svg incline=* - Specific incline values
PWG - Diamond.svg incline:across=* - Incline across way


  • node Crossing Way Tagging Only:
PWG - Bronze.svg highway=footway + footway=crossing - Indicate crossing location
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence along crossing way
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present along the entire way
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present along the entire way
PWG - Diamond.svg tactile_paving:colour=* - Specify tactile paving color

  • way Crossing Node Tagging Only:
PWG - Bronze.svg highway=crossing - Indicate crossing location
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence at curb nodes
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present at both curbs
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=partial - Tactile paving is present at only one curb
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present at either curb
PWG - Diamond.svg tactile_paving:colour=* - Specify tactile paving color

  • nodeway Crossing Node and Way Tagging:
PWG - Bronze.svg crossing:markings=* - Specify presence and type of markings
PWG - Bronze.svg crossing:markings=no - No markings
PWG - Bronze.svg crossing:markings=yes - Markings present, type unspecified
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:markings=zebra - Zebra markings
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:markings=lines - Lines markings
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:markings=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Bronze.svg crossing:signals=* - Specify presence and type of signalization
PWG - Bronze.svg crossing:signals=no - No signals
PWG - Bronze.svg crossing:signals=yes - Signals present, type unspecified
PWG - Diamond.svg crossing:signals=shared - Vehicle traffic lights only
PWG - Diamond.svg crossing:signals=dedicated - Dedicated pedestrian traffic signals
PWG - Gold.svg button_operated=* - Presence of push button for crossing
PWG - Gold.svg traffic_signals:arrow=* - Presence of tactile arrow
PWG - Gold.svg traffic_signals:vibration=* - Presence of vibration signals
PWG - Gold.svg traffic_signals:floor_vibration=* - Presence of surface vibration signals
PWG - Gold.svg traffic_signals:minimap=* - Presence of tactile minimap
PWG - Gold.svg traffic_signals:sound=* - Presence of acoustic signals
PWG - Gold.svg traffic_signals:sound=no - No acoustic signals
PWG - Gold.svg traffic_signals:sound=yes - Acoustic signals present
PWG - Diamond.svg traffic_signals:sound=locate - Acoustic signals present for finding button only
PWG - Diamond.svg traffic_signals:sound=walk - Acoustic signals present for walk permission only
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:island=* - Presence of pedestrian island
PWG - Silver.svg surface=* - Crossing surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=concrete - Concrete surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=asphalt - Asphalt surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Gold.svg width=* - Crossing width


  • node Curb Node Tagging:
PWG - Silver.svg barrier=kerb - Indicate curb location
PWG - Silver.svg kerb=* - Specify curb type:
PWG - Silver.svg kerb=raised - Raised curb
PWG - Silver.svg kerb=lowered - Curb ramp
PWG - Silver.svg kerb=flush - Flush curb
PWG - Silver.svg kerb=rolled - Rolled curb
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present
PWG - Diamond.svg tactile_paving:colour=* - Specify color of tactile paving
PWG - Gold.svg kerb:height=* - Specify (raised) curb height
PWG - Silver.svg kerb=no - Specify there is no curb
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present
PWG - Diamond.svg tactile_paving:colour=* - Specify color of tactile paving


  • way Traffic Island Way Tagging:
PWG - Silver.svg highway=footway + footway=traffic_island - Indicate traffic island location
PWG - Silver.svg surface=* - Traffic island surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=concrete - Concrete surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=asphalt - Asphalt surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Gold.svg lit=* - Lighting presence
PWG - Gold.svg width=* - Traffic island width
PWG - Gold.svg incline=* - Incline along way (for hilly areas)
PWG - Gold.svg incline=up - Incline upwards along way
PWG - Gold.svg incline=down - Incline downwards along way
PWG - Diamond.svg incline=* - Specific incline values
PWG - Diamond.svg incline:across=* - Incline across way
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present
PWG - Diamond.svg tactile_paving:colour=* - Specify color of tactile paving

Access Aisles

  • way Access Aisle Way Tagging:
PWG - Silver.svg highway=footway + footway=access_aisle - Indicate access aisle location
PWG - Silver.svg access_aisle:markings=* - Specify presence and type of markings
PWG - Silver.svg access_aisle:markings=no - No markings
PWG - Silver.svg access_aisle:markings=yes - Markings present, type unspecified
PWG - Silver.svg access_aisle:markings=zebra - Zebra markings
PWG - Silver.svg access_aisle:markings=ladder:skewed - Skewed ladder markings
PWG - Silver.svg access_aisle:markings=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Silver.svg surface=* - Access aisle surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=concrete - Concrete surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=asphalt - Asphalt surface material
PWG - Silver.svg surface=* - Any other applicable value
PWG - Gold.svg lit=* - Lighting presence
PWG - Gold.svg width=* - Access aisle width
PWG - Gold.svg incline=* - Incline along way (for hilly areas)
PWG - Gold.svg incline=up - Incline upwards along way
PWG - Gold.svg incline=down - Incline downwards along way
PWG - Diamond.svg incline=* - Specific incline values
PWG - Diamond.svg incline:across=* - Incline across way
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=* - Specify tactile paving presence along way
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=yes - Tactile paving is present
PWG - Silver.svg tactile_paving=no - Tactile paving is not present
PWG - Diamond.svg tactile_paving:colour=* - Specify color of tactile paving


  • way Roadway Way Tagging:
PWG - Bronze.svg highway=* - Indicate roadway location
PWG - Bronze.svg sidewalk:side=* (sidewalk:left=* | sidewalk:right=* | sidewalk:both=*)
PWG - Bronze.svg sidewalk:side=no - No associated sidewalk present
PWG - Bronze.svg sidewalk:side=separate - Associated sidewalk is present and mapped as separate geometry
PWG - Gold.svg maxspeed=* - Highway speed limit