Emergency facilities and amenities

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Logo. Feature: Emergency facilities and amenities
One example for Feature: Emergency facilities and amenities
Facilities and amenities related to emergency services.



amenity=*, healthcare=*, emergency=*

For the mapping of amenities and facilities related to emergency services and other amenities related to emergencies the following tags are useful.

Medical rescue

The entries listed here are related to medical emergencies. For other healthcare related tags, see Healthcare.

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information sign

amenity=emergency_service was previously used for the German Technisches Hilfswerk. This tag is now deprecated, see emergency=disaster_response for more details.


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Rescue stations

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information sign

information sign

emergency=ses_station is deprecated. See emergency=disaster_response for a potential replacement.

Assembly point

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Other structures

Note: there is also the de facto tag prefix emergency:* for facilities that take on special functions in an emergency but are normally used for other things.

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This table is auto-generated. See Template:Taglist for a documentation on it.