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Pour les organisations humanitaires
Cartes, données et services
A propos d'OpenStreetMap
OpenStreetMap offers an online map (and spatial database) which is updated by the minute. Various tools and services allow data extracts for GIS specialists, Routable Garmin GPS data, Smartphone GPS navigation, and other device-compatible downloads. With an internet connection, regular syncing is possible with open access to the community contributed data as it comes in, with OpenStreetMap's bulk data downloads ideal for use offline. In addition, maps can also be printed to paper.
Browse the (example) Activation Area to get a feel for the data that is currently available. Different map styles including an Humanitarian style can be selected on the right side, and some data may not render (appear) on the map, but could be exported from the underlying database (See export section below).
Cartes papier
Poster size Maps and normal sized paper atlases of custom areas can be printed:
- FieldPapers Paper Maps with grid for field survey or general navigation purposes,
- MapOSMatic Large Paper Maps with grid, street index and POI, good for command centers, hospitals, etc.
Jeux de données OpenStreetMap
See Downloading data for instructions on getting large scale map data. See Shapefiles if you need this format to export to GIS tools.
- Add additional data sources here...
Cartes OpenStreetMap routables pour terminaux mobiles
With the availibility of Small communication devices, Navigation Offline data proves to be very useful to the humanitarians deployed in foreign countries. We support the humanitarian NGO's using navigation data and invite them to give us feedback on the utilization of these devices in the context of field deployment.
- Add additional data sources here...
Données OSM en réponse humanitaire
- Example CartONG Map
- Please post links/reports here...
A propos de ce projet de cartographie de crise
Histoire de ce PCC DMP/Activation
Reactivité de la communauté OSM
- INSERT DATE - describe activity before response here...
- Add statistics or links to data regarding mapping progress here...
Couverture media
- Provide link to article/media here...
Autres réponses humanitaires (Réseau humanitaire numérique inclus)
- Provide relevant links and responses here...
For Mappers
- Example: HOT Coordinator(s) requesting remote mapping assistance for estimated 2 week mapping response
Comment contribuer
Apprendre à cartographier
- Most of our volunteer needs are for remote OSM contributors, visit to get started.
- Add additional guidance for tagging in the DMP/Activation area here...
Tâches cartographiques prioritaires
- Please choose from highest priority first
- Experienced mappers are also asked to participate in validating completed tasks. Information on validating can be found here
Job No. | Priority | Location | What to map | Imagery Source | Task Mapping Status | Task Validation Status |
Example Project | Urgent | Gampaha West | Roads | Bing | In Progress (60%) | In Progress (54%) |
Example Project | Moderate | Attanagalla | Detailed | Bing | In Progress (26%) | In Progress (2%) |
Example Project | Complete | Kelani Various | Buildings | Various | Complete (100%) | Complete (100%) |
Sources d'imagerie satellite à disposition
Source d'imagerie OSM par défaut
Bing provides a global imagery data source that is the 'default' Imagery available for OSM (default option in most editors).
Digital Globe
Digital Globe provides a global imagery data source and should be compared to Bing.
Mapbox provides a global imagery source and should be compared to Bing (typically use Bing for alignment if available and not instructed otherwise).
Sources d'imagerie alternatives
Comment ajouter des sources d'imagerie alternatives
In many cases better imagery is available than the default; when possible we set up a remote link directly via the Tasking Manager, so there is nothing to do, the iD editor and (as long as enabled) JOSM will automatically add the imagery.
Additionally, with JOSM, it's relatively easy to add special imagery if the license is appropriate for tracing into OSM. For more details see JOSM Imagery Help
Autres sources de données potentielles
Add potential data sources here...
Cartes anciennes
- Provide links to historical maps of the impacted area here...
- Add your event here...
Anciens Events
- Add past mapping events/projects in the impacted area here...
Autres liens
- Provide relevant links here...