GOPR emergency points import
This page refers to the import of emergency/rescue points of the polish Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue Service (GOPR), Karkonosze Group.
As of October 2024 there are only few rescue points in Poland present in the OSM database.
The goal of the import is to add the missing rescue points in Karkonosze Mountains/Poland to the OSM database.
On the ground, rescue points are marked with signs showing the point number and emergency telephone numbers, similar to the example shown below:
GOPR via email has shared its data and allowed to use it in OSM under ODbL.
Dedicated upload account:
The import has been discussed on the Polish OSM forum.
The data has been shared as 6 separate Excel files, each for every part of the Karkonosze Mountains.
That data has a collection of elements, one for each rescue point.
Each element has the keys:
- ref - the reference number of the point;
- description - additional description of the location of the point,
- lat - the latitude of the point;
- lon - the longitude of the point.
Import process
Basically 3 steps will be made for the import of the data:
- changing dataset key names in valid OSM key names;
- adding other keys,
- importing all the punctual elements of the dataset as nodes in OSM using OpenData plug-in.
The first step will be made using Excel, the others with JOSM.
In the first step, for each point:
- the "Lp" (liczba porządkowa) will be changed to ref=* ,
- "Koordynaty" will be split into lat and lon columns for latitude and longitude respectively ,
- "Nazwa" will be changed to description=*,
In the second step, for each point, the keys will be added:
- emergency=access_point
- highway=emergency_access_point
- emergency_telephone_code=985;112
- operator=GOPR
- source=Grupa Karkonoska GOPR
After step two the ready *.osm file would look like as here.
In the last step an upload of the points as nodes will be executed in bunches of no more than 100 elements using the JOSM's TODO plugin in order to carefully cope with the data and revert them easily using JOSM's Reverter plug-in, should something go wrong.
People involved
- data preparing & import process - szydzio via import-account
Problems and improvements
I expect some problems with the import like e.g.:
- some points may already be present in the OSM database - prior to the upload the points of the area will be downloaded first using the following Overpass syntax:
[out:xml][timeout:90][bbox:{{bbox}}]; ( nwr["emergency"="access_point"]; nwr["highway"="emergency_access_point"]; ); (._;>;); out meta;
- existing points will be left unchanged, no duplicates will be uploaded
After the import uploaded data will be checked with Achavi changeset viewer. Should the result be different than expected, the changeset will be reverted.
The changesets were uploaded as follows: