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Gpsmapedit mit osmkarte.png
Author: Konstantin Galichsky
License: Proprietary (shareware: 45 $ / 39 €)
Platform: Windows
Version: 2.1 update 78.18 FIX1 (2024-03-16)
Languages: English, Armenian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tatar, Turkish, and Ukrainian
Programming language: C++
Feature Value
Map Display
Add POIs yes
Edit / Delete POIs yes
Add way
Edit geometries
Edit arbitrary tags of existing OSM objects yes
Edit relations
View notes
Create notes
Edit notes
Work offline
Support imagery offset DB
Upload to OSM yes
CanVec Routable Map

GPSMapEdit is an editor for maps in the Polish format, popular in Russia.


It's a shareware program. To display maps in the Garmin file format .img you don't need to buy the program. Ported on various versions of Windows (using the native Win32 API) or under Wine, its source code (of version 1.0), is available for personal use, it cannot be used to publish derived versions without authorization from the author.


This software is designed for visual authoring of maps, and allows inserting custom POIs and speedcams for: Garmin POI Loader, iGO, TomTom OV2, Navitel Navigator, CityGuide.

It supports various cartographic formats compatible with GPS/WGS84 coordinates: Polish format, Garmin MapSource/BaseCamp, Lowrance MapCreate, CityGuide (navigation software for Windows Mobile, Android, Symbian, iPhone), Navikey 7 Ways, Navitel Navigator 3.x, ALAN Map 500/600, Holux MapShow, Google Earth.

The program may also load and convert GPS-tracks, waypoints and routes in various formats: GPX, KML/KMZ, Garmin, iGO 8, iGO Primo, Lowrance, Magellan, Nokia, OziExplorer, ALAN, Holux.

Other supported file formats are: bitmap images (JPEG 2000, JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EXIF), popular data files (CSV, XLS, DBF, MDB), and others (ECW, MrSID, KML/Google Maps, ESRI shapefile, MapInfo MIF/MID).

See also