JOSM/Plugins/Kendzi3D/tutorial/windows and entrances

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Windows and entrances

Tags involved:

building=yes (*)


relations type=building


Simple case

Building described using single outline. All windows or entrances are described as points on this outline.

Kendzi3d windows 1.png

tags on nodes



Crystal Clear app clean.png Kendzi3d implemented

Points on outline and buildings with many levels

With building with many levels it can be assumed that windows are repeated on each building level. Otherwise node with tag window should have directly assigned level.

Kendzi3d windows 2.png

Possible solutions for assign levels to windows

  • tag level=1,2,5,11-15 it is used currently, but it doesn't allow to setting up different tags for windows on different levels eg. width or height
  • relation type=clone:level with tags from and to. It is allow to "copy" object like windows from level described in tag "from" to level described in tag "to" (similar to levels but using relation)
  • relation type=clone:height with tags every and repeat. It is allow to "copy" object like windows "every" number of meters and coping is repeated "repeat" Crystal Clear app clean.png Kendzi3d implemented

  • relation type=window It allow to describe all attributes of window in relation. So different shapes and sizes of windows can be described using one NODE and multiple relations

Kendzi3d windows 3.svg

Building as relation

It allow to describe single walls in building. Each wall can have individual color or material. Each wall can have setup number of windows column.

relation type=multipolygon, ways as walls

Kendzi3d windows 4.svg

Crystal Clear app clean.png Kendzi3d implemented