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Public-images-osm logo.svg camera:direction
The orientation of a surveillance camera. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: man made
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: in use

This tag allows one to specify the direction that a camera is pointing toward.


The possible values are similar to the "Angles and cardinal directions" values for the direction=* key:

Value Description
<number> The given number specifies the heading in degrees from 0 to 359 for which direction the camera faces, where 0 is equal to northward, using clockwise rotation.
<abbreviation> One of the cardinal directions, ordinal directions, or secondary intercardinal directions, specified as its abbreviation using uppercase characters [NWSE], e.g. NE means north-east. See the image below for all possible values and their meaning.
<value>-<value> Two of the above values, separated by a hyphen, indicates a range that the camera may turn. The sense of rotation is always clockwise. That is, 90-270 or E-W means that the camera can turn to view anything in a 180 degree span covering the south, between pointing east and pointing west, but could not point to the north. Whereas 270-90 or W-E would mean that the camera can turn to view anything to the north between east and west, but could not point to the south. The values 0-359 and 0-360 both mean the same thing: that the camera can point in any direction.


A single number or abbreviation may only indicate a typical direction for the camera points in. That is, while a camera marked as camera:type=fixed will likely always have a single value, cameras which are camera:type=panning or camera:type=dome might have either a single value for a typical direction (with the full range of motion not specified), instead of a range that indicates the full set of possible directions that it could be pointing.


Value Meaning
45 Camera typically points toward the northeast.
NE Camera typically points toward the northeast.
WSW Camera typically points toward the west-southwest.
315-45 Camera can point anywhere between northwest and northeast.
NW-45 Camera can point anywhere between northwest and northeast.
0-359 Camera can point in any direction.
0-360 Camera can point in any direction.