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Public-images-osm logo.svg landform
Specifies the type of natural=landform. Generally duplicates far more used tags. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: natural
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 2


Useful combination
See also
Status: importedPage for proposal

The key landform=* was created for use with the tag natural=landform to specify the type of landform during the CanVec import. However, most values of landform=* can be represented by much more common tags.

The only other documented tags are landform=dune and landform=dune_system, which duplicate the existing tag natural=dune.

The key natural=* is an established tag for landforms, and natural=* is presently much more commonly used for landforms.


The key landform=* was added to features with natural=landform, mainly areas mapped as closed ways. There are slightly under 7000 uses of landform=* in this way, as of 9/2019.

Rarely landform=* has used by itself. There are 57 uses without natural=* as of 9/2019

CanVec Import

The tag natural=landform and key landform=* were created for the CanVec import to be used for elements classified as landform in that data set containing various geological forms as well as landcover types. Most of these are generally represented by other tags in OpenStreetMap, therefore you should consider the alternative taggings:


Value Description Picture Alternative tags Count
landform=beach Duplicate of common tag natural=beach natural=beach
landform=cliff Duplicate of common tag natural=cliff natural=cliff
landform=dune_system Hills or ridges of loose sand, piled up by the wind, with little or no vegetation. Dunas-natal.jpg
landform=esker Esker; A narrow, sinuous, steep-sided ridge composed of sand or gravel deposited by a glacial stream. Esker (PSF).png natural=esker - less common, natural=ridge - much more common
landform=glacial_debris Wide meaning, may include areas of till, eskers and moraines. Usage has not increased since 2016. natural=esker, natural=till or geological=moraine
landform=moraine Moraine; glacially formed accumulation of unconsolidated glacial debris Manang site (54).JPG geological=moraine - more common, also see natural=ridge
landform=ridge Duplicate of common tag natural=ridge natural=ridge

See Also
