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Buildings or other structures that are listed due to their historical significance. Show/edit corresponding data item.
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Status: de facto

listed_status is used in the United Kingdom to describe the official listed status of a building or other structure, usually due to their historical significance. The tag value is the official designation, not one made as a judgement by a mapper! General information about listed buildings can be found at wikipedia:Listed building.

Note: Tag values include a capital letter and a space character (not an underscore).

National listing


In England the responsibility for administering and maintaining the register of nationally significant heritage assets lies with Historic England. The register is published as an online resource as The National Heritage List for England (NHLE). There are three levels of listing buildings:

  • listed_status=Grade I - Grade one buildings of exceptional interest.
  • listed_status=Grade II* - Grade two star buildings are particularly important buildings of more than special interest.
  • listed_status=Grade II - Grade two buildings are of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them.

Descriptions as from section 7 of the principles of selection for listing buildings document from the Department for Culture Media and Sport.

There are additional objects listed in the NHLE: Scheduled Monument, Protected Wreck Site, Park and Garden, Battlefield, World Heritage Site, Certificate of Immunity, Building Preservation Notice. These may also use the listed_status tag.

If you know the Historic England reference number, then this can be tagged using HE_ref=*. You may also wish to add heritage:operator=Historic England and heritage=2 (where 2 denotes a national status). There is also limited use of ref:GB:nhle=* (1000-odd elements at time of writing).


The register of listed buildings in Wales is maintained by Cadw. It includes the same three levels for buildings as England:

  • listed_status=Grade I - Grade one buildings of exceptional interest.
  • listed_status=Grade II* - Grade two star buildings are particularly important buildings of more than special interest.
  • listed_status=Grade II - Grade two buildings are of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them.

The key for the listed status identifier is ref:GB:cadw=* which does not match the pattern of HE_ref=*.

Northern Ireland

  • listed_status=Grade A - Special buildings of national importance including both outstanding grand buildings and the fine, little altered examples of some important style or date.
  • listed_status=Grade B+ - Special buildings that might have merited A status but for relatively minor detracting features such as impurities of design, or lower quality additions or alterations. Also buildings that stand out above the general mass of grade B1 buildings because of exceptional interiors or some other features.
  • listed_status=Grade B1 - Special buildings of more local importance or good examples of some period of style. Some degree of alteration or imperfection may be acceptable
  • listed_status=Grade B2

Descriptions from NI Direct:


  • listed_status=Category A - Buildings of national or international importance, either architectural or historic, or fine little-altered examples of some particular period, style or building type."
  • listed_status=Category B - Buildings of regional or more than local importance, or major examples of some particular period, style or building type which may have been altered.
  • listed_status=Category C - Buildings of local importance, lesser examples of any period, style, or building type, as originally constructed or moderately altered; and simple traditional buildings which group well with others in categories A and B.

Descriptions from Historic Scotland:

The key HS_ref=* has been used in ways analogous to HE_ref=* in Scotland, but usage is not very extensive. Key:heritage#United Kingdom suggests ref:GB:hs=*.

Locally listed buildings

Around half of all local planning authorities have produced lists of locally important buildings and sites. A local listing is different from a national listing in that it does not affect the requirements for planning permission. However, local listing provides a way of identifying local heritage assets to be taken in to consideration when undertaking strategic planning for the area.

For local listings, some local authorities subdivide their list into categories or grades, whilst others do not. Some example values are:

  • listed_status=local - Used when a local authority does not provide subcategories in their list.
  • listed_status=local_grade_B - A Grade B locally listed building (heritage:operator=Birmingham_City_Council; heritage=6)

Isle of Man

Although not part of the UK, this key is also being used in the Isle of Man to denote registered buildings. Information about all the registered buildings on the Isle of Man is available on the Is my building registered? page Isle of Man Government site, and the content is provided under the Open Government License (OGL).

The key is used in combination with ref:registered_building=* and url:registered_building=* to provide more information.

See also

There is a page Proposed features/heritage for tagging heritage structures which, if followed requires the following tags:

  • heritage=* (denotes a national status).
  • heritage:operator=Historic England (the organisation that set the listed status).
  • operator=* (if the building/structure is run as a tourist site use this tag to specify who operates it - may differ from who set the listed status).

Possible tagging mistakes

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
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