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Public-images-osm logo.svg maxspeed:type
UK National Speed Limit Sign.jpg
One of two ways to specify the type of speed limit Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: annotations
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 15
Useful combination
Status: in use

maxspeed:type=* describes how a speed limit has been set into force. It should be accompanied by a maxspeed=* tag (don't forget to add all other vehicle maxspeed sub-tags that differ if you do add it, or you'd actually be adding incorrect data to the map!), although omitting maxspeed=* and relying on data-consumer-side parsing of actual speed limits is preferred by some (in cases where exact value of km/h or mph is not explicitly signed).

maxspeed:type=* is only in used in certain regions of the world, such as the United Kingdom. In other regions for consistency and simplicity of practice the tag source:maxspeed=* should be used instead, which serves the same function in those regions.


This tag can be used to information about the type of speed limit specified in maxspeed=*. More specific, the tag informs about the method how given speed limit had been set into force. This can be, as example

In cases where traffic signs had been mapped separate from ways as individual nodes or are missing at all, this tag maxspeed:type=sign informs that current speed limit on a way had been set into force by a traffic sign.

The tag maxspeed:type=* is useful in cases where actual speed limit had been tagged as a hard value like maxspeed=120 which is or was valid by law at time of editing. But law might be changed at some time and maximum allowed speed given by law as well. As long as value of a maxspeed tag had not been changed or should not be changed from a numeric value to preferred context related value like maxspeed=NL:motorway, tag maxspeed:type=* may help to identify such cases by automated procedures.

While usage of maxspeed:type=* is growing, in history tag source:maxspeed=* had been used for similar purpose by same semantics. See Speed limits for more information.


The tag maxspeed:type=sign may indicate that applicable speed limit may be shown as traffic sign.

The tag maxspeed:type=* with value <country_code>:<context> may indicate that applicable speed limit may be shown as related symbol or icon, especially for rural or urban areas.

How to use

If a set of attributes of a way containing the tag maxspeed=* should be extended by tag maxspeed:type=*:

  • In cases of an applicable traffic sign using a numeric value for a speed limit: Add tag maxspeed:type=sign
  • In cases of an applicable law limits maximum allowed speed limit: Add a tag maxspeed:type=* with value <country_code>:<context>



Main article: DE:Key:maxspeed:type

Values for Germany:

Type Tags Taginfo
Zeichen 274-60 - Zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit, StVO 2017.svg maxspeed=*
Zeichen 274.1 - Beginn einer Tempo 30-Zone, StVO 2013.svg maxspeed=*
maxspeed:type=DE:zone* or zone:maxspeed=DE:*
Zeichen 325.1 - Beginn eines verkehrsberuhigten Bereichs, StVO 2009.svg maxspeed=walk[1]
Zeichen 244.1 - Beginn einer Fahrradstraße, StVO 2013.svg maxspeed=30
Zeichen 310-50 - Ortstafel (Vorderseite) mit Kreis, StVO 1992.svg maxspeed=50
Zeichen 311-50 - Ortstafel einseitig, StVO 1992.svg maxspeed=100
Zeichen 330.1 - Autobahn, StVO 2013.svg maxspeed=none


Values for the European part of the Netherlands:

Type Tags Taginfo
Nederlands verkeersbord A1.svg maxspeed=*
Nederlands verkeersbord A1 30 Zone.svg maxspeed=*
maxspeed:type=NL:zone* or zone:maxspeed=NL:*
Nederlands verkeersbord G5.svg maxspeed=15
Nederlands verkeersbord H1.svg maxspeed=50
Nederlands verkeersbord H2.svg maxspeed=80
Nederlands verkeersbord G3.svg maxspeed=100
Nederlands verkeersbord G1.svg maxspeed=130


Values for Poland (note that some values listed here are barely used):

Type Tags Taginfo
PL road sign B-33-50.svg maxspeed=*
PL road sign B-43-30.svg maxspeed=*
maxspeed:type=PL:zone* or zone:maxspeed=PL:*

PL road sign D-40.svg maxspeed=20
PL road sign D-42.svg maxspeed=50
PL road sign D-7.svg maxspeed=120 or maxspeed=100
PL road sign D-9.svg maxspeed=140

United Kingdom

Value When to use Accompanying tags Taginfo
maxspeed:type=sign Where there are signs stating a speed limit (a number in a red circle). Tag either:
maxspeed:type=GB:nsl_restricted Where there is an implicit 30 mph speed limit, due to the road having street lights. Used in England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Tag maxspeed=30 mph and lit=yes or lit=24/7
maxspeed:type=GB-WLS:nsl_restricted Where there is an implicit 20 mph speed limit, due to the road having street lights. Used in Wales. Tag maxspeed=20 mph and lit=yes or lit=24/7
maxspeed:type=GB:nsl_single Where the road is a single carriageway and subject to the national speed limit (a white sign with a diagonal black line). Tag maxspeed=60 mph
maxspeed:type=GB:nsl_dual Where the road is a dual carriageway and subject to the national speed limit (a white sign with a diagonal black line). Tag maxspeed=70 mph
maxspeed:type=GB:motorway Where the road is a motorway and subject to the national speed limit (a white sign with a diagonal black line). Tag maxspeed=70 mph and highway=motorway or highway=motorway_link
maxspeed:type=GB:zone20 Where there are explicit signs consisting of a red circle with "20" inside and the word "ZONE" underneath. Used in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Should not be used in Wales. Tag maxspeed=20 mph
maxspeed:type=GB:zone40 Where there are explicit signs consisting of a red circle with "40" inside and the word "ZONE" underneath (40mph zone signs used on Dartmoor are of a slightly different design). Tag maxspeed=40 mph
maxspeed:type=construction Where there is a temporary speed limit associated with long-term road works. Tag either:

Implied maxspeed values

GB:zone20 GB:zone40 sign
maxspeed=20 mph
maxspeed=30 mph
maxspeed=40 mph
maxspeed=50 mph
maxspeed=60 mph
GB:nsl_restricted GB-WLS:nsl_restricted GB:nsl_single GB:nsl_dual GB:motorway
Cars, motorcycles, and car-based van up to 2 tonnes MLW 20 mph 40 mph 20 mph 30 mph 40 mph 50 mph 60 mph 30 mph 20 mph 60 mph 70 mph 70 mph
Buses, coaches, minibuses up to 12m and goods vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes MLW 20 mph 40 mph 20 mph 30 mph 40 mph 50 mph 50 mph 30 mph 20 mph 50 mph 60 mph 70 mph
Towing caravans, trailers, or articulated. Includes cars, motorcycles, and goods vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes MLW 20 mph 40 mph 20 mph 30 mph 40 mph 50 mph 50 mph 30 mph 20 mph 50 mph 60 mph 60 mph
Goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes MLW 20 mph 40 mph 20 mph 30 mph 40 mph 40 mph 40 mph 30 mph 20 mph 40 mph 50 mph 60 mph

Source: User:Jamicu/UK_Speed_Limits

See also

Main: Speed limits and discussion at Talk:Speed limits
  • source:maxspeed=* - Records the source for a speed limit, either a sign, a context (default limit) or a speedlimit zone
  • zone:maxspeed=* - Used to mark streets which are part of a maxspeed zone
  • zone:traffic=* - Describes if a public road is in a specific trafficzone
  1. This value is implicitly specified through highway=living_street and doesn't need to be added.