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Public-images-osm logo.svg maxspeed:type = construction
UK traffic sign 670V50.svg
The speed limit is set by a temporary order shown by signs.
Group: restrictions
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)


See also


Status: undefined

The speed limit is set by a construction sign, must be combined with maxspeed=*.

This tag allows systematic return to permanent limits once the work is completed.

Note that some mappers and/or regions prefer to use source:maxspeed=*.

Important note: only use this if the speed limit is likely to be in force for months or longer (i.e. major construction rather than short-term work) - see the guidance Don't map temporary events and temporary features.

See comparisons:

See also

  • maxspeed:type=sign - The speed limit is set by a permanent sign.
  • maxspeed:type=* - listing of other values, including implicit values for when there is no sign
  • source:maxspeed=* - an alternative way of tagging the type of speed limit
  • Default speed limits - listing of part of legal situation regarding speed limits, specifically what the default is without explicit signage