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Public-images-osm logo.svg ref:HU:edid
Used for the Hungarian road toll system for vans and trucks. Show/edit corresponding data item.
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HU:ed direction=*

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Status: imported

Hungary has launched a use-proportional road toll system for vans and trucks over 3.5 tons in 2013. The exact rules can be found in the law text (Nemzeti fejlesztési miniszter 25/2013. (V. 31.) számú rendelete). Appendix 1 enumerates the toll road sections. Use-proportional toll is established by a direct proportion between the fee and the section length, and by requiring a new ticket for each use (and for each direction). Contrary to the toll system for cars, there is no duration-based vignette, season ticket, or other bulk discount.


The edid key is used for unique identification of toll road sections. It can be found in the B column of the above mentioned Appendix 1. Its format is generally follows:

road u km k segment m (without breaks or spaces), like “M7u30k148m”
  • road is the common numbering of the road, that can be found on traffic signs, like “M7” or “42”. For shared routes (such as Road 6 and Road 7 at Érd, or M1+M7 at Budaörs) one of the roads. The trailing u character stands for út, that is, road in Hungarian.
  • km is the kilometre part of the starting segment of the section, as can be seen on roadside milestones.
  • segment is the metre part of the starting segment of the section. Leading zeros are generally not used (like “3u120k31m”) but it may appear (like in “381u47k077m”). It is typical for new bypasses that segments are not re-numbered therefore values over 1000 are present for the metre part (like “44u125k2983m”).

Generally, the road identifier is uppercase (e.g., “M1” for motorways). The separating “u”, “k” és “m” characters are lowercase. However, there are some governmental systems that convert section identifiers all-uppercase, this is why it is advised to use case-insensitive processing.

In Hungary, primary roads are hierarchically numbered; with the single-digit roads being the most important. Fast roads with 100+ km/h speed limit (motorways, trunk roads) are marked with the M prefix. However, edid cannot be used to determine if a road is fast road or a primary road with respect to the law (and the toll to be payed). In other words, roads starting with M are not necessarily fast roads (like M30u29k450m), and numbered roads may be fast roads as well (like 4u24k930m).


  • The direction of each toll section is important because one has to buy the tickets compared to it.
  • Section boundary may be placed to locations without an intersection or parting of ways, where there is only an administrative boundary of road operators.
  • Companies who automatically buy tickets using data from a GNSS-based on-board unit receive the endpoint coordinates of the toll sections. Note that these coordinates are somewhere near the exact location, and are not necessarily accurate.
  • Endpoints of a toll section may lay out of the state border of Hungary (like at Záhony) due to inaccurate government data.
  • It is also “normal” that section boundaries are not at the real merge lanes or exits of traffic junctions. Instead, they are at the geometric intersection of the roads, e.g., in the middle of an overpass, and on the motorway below. This creates a problem with cloverleafs where using the merging lane for 100 metres would require a ticket for the previous section of 10 kms, or leaving at the exit would require buying a ticket for the next section. Instead of moving the section endpoints to suit the reality, the lawyers introduced a so-called transit rule. (See the law for details.)
  • A given edid is only valid with the date. When a section is split (discovering a new exit, or building a new bypass), the first part keeps the former identifier - because the starting segment does not change - and the section length is reduced.