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Public-images-osm logo.svg ref:IE:nm
Granard Motte.png
Reference number for National Monuments in Ireland.
Group: references
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Status: imported

ref:IE:nm may be used for National Monuments in the Republic of Ireland for a reference number issued by the National Monuments Service.

Unfortunately, the National Monuments Service seems to only publish a list[1] of those under state care[2][3], but some National Monuments have a black information board or the silver Fógra sign which can enable the mapper to identify them as such. See below in gallery.

How to map

Add ref:IE:nm=* to the site or building which represents the National Monument. Use the number provided on the list below or, if you cannot ascertain the number, use ref:IE:nm=unknown.

If the date of the protection order is known, you can add ref:IE:nm:po=* in the pattern NO/YEAR to verify the status as National Monument, especially for the ones not on the official list.


The types of monuments range from Bronze Age barrows (archaeological_site=tumulus) over Iron Age hillforts (fortification_type=hillfort), ogham (historic=ogham_stone) and standing stones (megalith_type=menhir) and medieval castles and ecclesiastical sites to early modern houses and Georgian buildings.


See also


  1. List by county with downloadable pdfs
  2. Email sent January 2023, reply pending.
  3. Personal conversation with Head of Archaeology, Michael MacDonagh, 2023-02-07.