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seamark:conspicuity |
Group: marine navigation |
Used on these elements |
Documented values: 1 |
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Status: in use |
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Seamark tagging
Seamark attribute index
This index lists the items in the S-57 & S-101 Attribute catalogues and their OSM tag names.
Each attribute has links to the page that (hopefully) describes the tagging of the objects that use that attribute. For unclear or missing tag instructions, the underlying tagging schema is described at seamark tagging schema.
A similar index of S-57/S-101 objects that use these attributes is at seamark objects
General attributes
Value types are:
- Enumeration
- single valued word or underscore-separated phrase.
- List
- Semicolon-separated list of enumerations.
- Integer
- Digit string without decimal point.
- Decimal
- Digit string with optional decimal point and fraction.
- Text
- UTF-8 text string.
Attribute | S-101 | Attribute key | Value type | Applicable objects | Definition |
Additional mark | addmrk | addition | List | Notice marks | Shape and position of an additional board on a notice mark |
Bank of the waterway | bnkwtw | bank | Enumeration | Notice marks | Bank of the river (waterway). |
Beacon shape | BCNSHP | shape | Enumeration | beacons | Describes the characteristic geometric form of the beacon. |
Buoy shape | BOYSHP | shape | Enumeration | buoys | The shape a buoy exhibits |
Building shape | BUISHP | shape | Enumeration | buildings | The specific shape of the building. |
Bunker vessel availability | bunves | availability | enumeration | Bunker stations | Indication of the availability of a bunker vessel. |
Buried depth | BURDEP | depth_buried | Decimal | Submarine cables, pipelines, etc. | The depth below the sea bed to which an object is buried. |
Call sign | CALSGN | callsign | Text | Radio stations | The designated call-sign of a radio station. |
Class of dangerous cargo | clsdng | danger_class | List | Anchorages, anchor berths, berths | Types of dangerous cargoes. |
Colour | COLOUR | colour | List | Lights and painted structures | The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light. |
Colour Pattern | COLPAT | colour_pattern | List | Painted structures | A regular repeated design containing more than one colour |
Communication channel | COMCHA | channel | Text | Signal stations | A channel number assigned to a specific radio frequency, frequencies or frequency band. |
Condition | CONDTN | condition | Enumeration | Any man-made structure | The various conditions of buildings and other constructions. |
Conspicuous, radar | CONRAD | reflectivity | Enumeration | Any man-made structure or natural feature | Relating to a features ability to be detected by radar. |
Conspicuous, visually | CONVIS | conspicuity | Enumeration | Any man-made structure or natural feature | Relating to a features ability to be clearly seen and identified |
Direction of impact | dirimp | direction | Enumeration | Notice marks | Direction of impact. |
Distance of impact, downstream | disipd | distance_down | Decimal | Notice marks | Downstream distance of the impact of an area, which is signed by notice marks. The distance is normally given on an additional mark left and/or right of the notice mark. |
Distance of impact, upstream | disipu | distance_up | Decimal | Notice marks | Upstream distance of the impact of an area, which is signed by notice marks. The distance is normally given on an additional mark left and/or right of the notice mark. |
Distance from notice mark, first | disbk1 | distance_start | Decimal | Notice marks | Minimum distance of the impact of an area, which is signed by notice marks. The distance is measured from the notice mark rectangular to the bank. |
Distance from notice mark, second | disbk2 | distance_end | Decimal | Notice marks | Maximum distance of the impact of an area, which is signed by notice marks. The distance is measured from the notice mark rectangular to the bank. |
Depth range value 1 | DRVAL1 | minimum_depth | Decimal | Any relevant object. | The minimum (shoalest) value of a depth range in metres. |
Depth range value 2 | DRVAL2 | maximum_depth | Decimal | Any relevant object. | The maximum (deepest) value of a depth range in metres. |
Elevation | ELEVAT | elevation | Decimal | Any man-made structure | The altitude of the ground level of an object, measured from a specified vertical datum. |
Estimated range of transmission | ESTRNG | estimated_range | Decimal | Any radio or radar transmitter | The estimated range of a non-optical electromagnetic transmission in nautical miles. |
Exhibition condition of light | EXCLIT | exhibition | Enumeration | Lights | The outward display of the light |
Function | FUNCTN | function | List | Buildings, Landmarks | A specific role that describes a feature. |
Function of a notice mark | fnctnm | function | Enumeration | Notices | Function of a notice mark. |
Height | HEIGHT | height | Decimal | Any man-made structure | The value of the vertical distance to the highest point of the object, measured from a specified vertical datum. |
Horizontal clearance | HORCLR | clearance_width | Decimal | Waterway obstacles | The width of an object, such as a canal or a tunnel, which is available for safe navigation. This may, or may not, be the same as the total physical width of the object. |
Horizontal length | HORLEN | length | Decimal | Waterway obstacles | A measurement of the longer of two linear axis. |
Horizontal width | HORWID | width | Decimal | Waterway obstacles | A measurement of the shorter of two linear axis. |
Height/length units | HUNITS | units | Enumeration | Distances & heights | This attribute encodes the units of measurement for heights and lengths. |
Information | INFORM | information | Text | Any object or group of objects | Any additional information of use to mariners |
Lifting capacity | LIFCAP | maximum_load | Decimal | Cranes, boat hoists, etc | The specific safe lifting capacity of an object. |
Light characteristic | LITCHR | character | Enumeration | Lights | The typical behaviour associated with the light |
Light visibility | LITVIS | visibility | Enumeration | Lights | The specific visibility of a light, with respect to the light's intensity and ease of recognition. |
Marks navigational - System of | MARSYS | system | Enumeration | Buoys, Beacons & Notices | The system of navigational buoyage a region complies with. |
Multiplicity of lights | MLTYLT | multiple | Integer | Lights | The number of lights of identical character that exist as a co-located group. |
Nature of construction | NATCON | construction | List | Any man-made structure | The building's primary construction material |
Nature of surface | NATSUR | surface | List | Ground, seabed & obstruction objects | The general material which the land surface or the sea bed is composed. |
Nature of surface qualifying terms | NATQUA | surface_qualification | List | Ground, seabed & obstruction objects | The nature of various forms of natural surface materials in terms of their size, morphology and consistency. |
Object name | OBJNAM | name | Text | All objects or groups of objects | The individual name of an object. |
Orientation | ORIENT | orientation | Decimal | Directional lights, navigation lines, tracks, etc. | The angular distance measured from true north to the major axis of the object. |
Periodic start date | PERSTA | period_start | Text | Any object with periodic operation or installation. | The start of the active period for a seasonal object (e.g., a buoy). |
Periodic end date | PEREND | period_end | Text | Any object with periodic operation or installation. | The end of the active period for a seasonal object (e.g., a buoy). |
Pictorial representation | PICREP | picture | Text | All objects | The URL of an external image file of the object. |
Product | PRODCT | product | List | Objects used for production, storage & transporting of commodities. | The various substances which are transported, stored or exploited. |
Radius | RADIUS | radius | Decimal | Anchor Berths | The vector extending from the centre to the periphery of a circular or spherical object. |
Radar wave length | RADWAL | wavelength | Text | Radar transponders | The distance between two successive peaks (or other points of identical phase) on an electromagnetic wave in the radar band of the electromagnetic spectrum. |
Restriction | RESTRN | restriction | List | Areas | The official legal statute of each kind of restricted area. |
Sector limit one | SECTR1 | sector_start | Decimal | Lights, radar beacons & transponders | The sector limit 1 specifies the first limit of the sector. The order of sector limit 1 and sector limit 2 is clockwise around the central object (e.g., a light). |
Sector limit two | SECTR2 | sector_end | Decimal | Lights, radar beacons & transponders | The sector limit 2 specifies the second limit of the sector. The order of sector limit 1 and sector limit 2 is clockwise around the central object (e.g., a light). |
Signal frequency | SIGFRQ | frequency | Integer | Radio or radar objects, fog signals | The frequency of a signal, in Hertz. |
Signal generation | SIGGEN | generation | Enumeration | Fog signals | The mechanism used to generate a fog signal. |
Signal group | SIGGRP | group | Text | Lights, radar beacons & transponders, fog signals | The number of signals, the combination of signals or the morse character(s) within one period of full sequence. |
Signal period | SIGPER | period | Decimal | Lights, radar beacons & transponders, fog signals | The time occupied by an entire cycle of intervals of light and eclipse. |
Signal sequence | SIGSEQ | sequence | Text | Lights, fog signals | The sequence of times occupied by intervals of light and eclipse for all 'light characteristics' except for occulting where the sequence of times is occupied by intervals of eclipse and light. |
Source | SORIND | source | Text | All objects | Information about source of data |
Source Date | SORDAT | source_date | Text | All objects | Publication date of source data |
Status | STATUS | status | List | All objects | The condition of an object at a given instant in time |
Textual description | TXTDSC | document | Text | All objects | The URL of an external document that relates to the object. |
Topmark/daymark shape | TOPSHP | shape | Enumeration | Buoys, Beacons | The shape a topmark or day mark exhibits |
Traffic flow | TRAFIC | traffic_flow | Enumeration | Routes, tracks, fairways, calling-in points | The direction of traffic flow |
Transshipping goods | trshgd | goods | List | Berths, terminals | List of goods which can be transshipped. |
Value of depth contour | VALDCO | depth | Decimal | Depth contours | The depth of a sea bottom contour relative to the chart datum. |
Value of sounding | VALSOU | depth | Decimal | Soundings | The value of the measurement of a sounding relative to the chart datum. |
Value of maximum range | VALMXR | maximum_range | Decimal | Radio & radar objects, fog signals | The extreme distance at which an object can be seen or a signal detected in nautical miles. |
Value of nominal range | VALNMR | range | Decimal | Lights | The nominal range at which an object can be seen or a signal detected in nautical miles. |
Vertical clearance, closed | VERCCL | clearance_height_closed | Decimal | Bridges | The vertical clearance of an object in closed condition (e.g., a closed lifting bridge) measured from the plane towards the object overhead. |
Vertical clearance | VERCLR | clearance_height | Decimal | Bridges, overhead cables & pipelines | The vertical clearance measured from the plane towards the object overhead. |
Vertical clearance, open | VERCOP | clearance_height_open | Decimal | Bridges | The vertical clearance of an object in opened condition (e.g., an opened lifting bridge) measured from the plane towards the object overhead. |
Vertical clearance, safe | VERCSA | clearance_height_safe | Decimal | Bridges, overhead cables & pipelines | The safe vertical clearance measured from the plane towards the object overhead. |
Vertical datum | VERDAT | vertical_datum | Enumeration | Objects above and below the water surface. | Vertical datum used for measuring elevations of points on the earth's surface. It is the datum to which both heights and soundings are referred. |
Vertical length | VERLEN | vertical_length | Decimal | Any object | The total vertical length of an object. |
Name of vertical river datum reference level | vcrlev | vertical_name | Text | Waterway gauges | Name of the water level vertical clearance values are referred to. |
Water level effect | WATLEV | water_level | Enumeration | Any object fixed or laying on the seabed. | The effect of the surrounding water on an object. |
Waterway distance | wtwdis | distance | Decimal | Distance marks. | The distance measured from an origin of a river or canal. |
Category attributes
Value types are:
- Enumeration
- single valued word or phrase.
- List
- Semicolon separated list of enumerations.
Attribute | S-101 | attribute key | Value type | Applicable Objects | Definition |
Category of anchorage | CATACH | category | List | Anchorages | Classification of an area where different use-types of vessel can remain static. |
Category of bridge | CATBRG | category | List | Bridges | Classification of structures spanning and providing passage over a gap or barrier, such as a river or roadway |
Category of berth | catbrt | category | List | Berths | Classification of berths in inland waterways. |
Category of bunker station | catbun | category | List | Bunker stations | Classification of bunker stations in inland waterways. |
Category of cardinal mark | CATCAM | category | Enumeration | Cardinal buoys and beacons | Cardinal marks are classified according to the quadrant of space they occupy. |
Category of cable | CATCBL | category | Enumeration | Overhead & submarine cables | Classification of the cable based on the services provided. |
Category of CEMT class | catccl | category | List | Inland waterways (waterway-axis or waterway-area) | Classification of CEMT classes of vessels that may use a waterway. |
Category of checkpoint | CATCHP | category | Enumeration | Checkpoints | Classification of a place where vehicles or travellers are stopped for identification or inspection |
Category of communication | catcom | category | Enumeration | Calling-in points, communications areas | Classification of radio communications. |
Category of crane | CATCRN | category | Enumeration | Cranes | Classification of machines used for hoisting and moving heavy objects |
Category of control point | CATCTR | category | Enumeration | Control points | Classification of control points. |
Category of distance mark | CATDIS | category | Enumeration | Distance marks | Classification of fixed and virtual distance marks |
Category of dumping ground | CATDPG | category | List | Dumping grounds | Classification of an area based on the type of waste being disposed of. |
Category of exceptional structures | catexs | category | Enumeration | Exceptional structures | Classification of exceptional navigational structures. |
Category of fishing facility | CATFIF | category | Enumeration | Fishing facilities | Classification of fishing facility provided based on different fishing methods. |
Category of fenceline | CATFNC | category | Enumeration | Fences/Walls | Classification of a physical boundary |
Category of fog signal | CATFOG | category | Enumeration | Fog signals | Classification of the various means of generating the fog signal. |
Category of fortified structure | CATFOR | category | Enumeration | Fortified structures | Classification of the different types of fortified structure |
Category of ferry | CATFRY | category | Enumeration | Ferries | Classification of the manoeuvrability of the ferry vessel, not the various types of ferry vessel. |
Category of gate | CATGAT | category | Enumeration | Gates | Classification of a structure that can be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or a passageway |
Category of harbour facility | CATHAF | category | List | Harbours | Classification of harbour use. |
Category of hulk | CATHLK | category | List | Hulks | Classification of an old or unseaworthy ship used for a new function. |
Category of installation buoy | CATINB | category | Enumeration | Installation buoys | Classification of fixed installation buoy. |
Category of lateral mark | CATLAM | category | Enumeration | Lateral buoys and beacons | Classification of lateral marks. |
Category of light | CATLIT | category | List | Lights | Classification of different light types. |
Category of landmark | CATLMK | category | List | Landmarks | Classification of prominent cultural and natural features in the landscape |
Category of marine farm/culture | CATMFA | category | Enumeration | Marine farms | Classification of an area of water devoted to the raising, breeding, or production of a specific aquatic animal |
Category of mooring/warping facility | CATMOR | category | Enumeration | Moorings | Classification of a place or structure to which a vessel can be secured |
Category of military practice area | CATMPA | category | List | Military practice areas | Classification of area by military use. |
Category of navigation line | CATNAV | category | Enumeration | Navigation lines | Classification of route guidance given to vessels. |
Category of Notice Mark | catnmk | category | Enumeration | Notice marks | Category of Notice Mark. |
Category of obstruction | CATOBS | category | Enumeration | Obstructions | Classification of objects that impede movement. |
Category of offshore platform | CATOFP | category | List | Platforms | Classification of an offshore raised structure. |
Category of oil barrier | CATOLB | category | Enumeration | Oil barriers | Classification of barriers used to prevent the unwanted spread of oil across the sea surface. |
Category of pilot boarding place | CATPIL | category | Enumeration | Pilot boarding places | Classification of pilot boarding place. |
Category of pipeline/pipe | CATPIP | category | List | Submarine & Overhead pipes. | Classsification of a pipe systems use |
Category of production area | CATPRA | category | Enumeration | Production areas | Classification of production area based on product |
Category of pile | CATPLE | category | Enumeration | Piles | Classification of pile, driven into the earth as a foundation or support for a structure |
Category of pylon | CATPYL | category | Enumeration | Pylons | Classification of the pylon based on the service its supporting. |
Category of radar station | CATRAS | category | Enumeration | Radar stations | Classification of radar station based on the services offered. |
Category of restricted area | CATREA | category | List | Restricted areas | The official legal status of each kind of restricted area. |
Category of radio station | CATROS | category | List | Radio stations | Classification of radio services offered by a radio station. |
Category of rescue station | CATRSC | category | List | Rescue stations | Classification of aid station based on life saving equipment. |
Category of radar transponder beacon | CATRTB | category | Enumeration | Radar transponders | Classification of radar transponder beacon based on functionality. |
Category of small craft facility | CATSCF | category | List | Small craft facilities | Classification of services and facilities for the small craft user |
Category of sea area | CATSEA | category | Enumeration | Sea areas | Classification of an area based on its physical characteristics. |
Category of seagrass | catseg | category | Enumeration | Seagrass | Classification of seagrass (submerged monocotyledonous plants, destinct from Weed/Kelp as pmacroscopic marine algae). |
Category of signal station, traffic | CATSIT | category | List | Traffic signal stations | Classification of station based on the traffic service provided. |
Category of signal station, warning | CATSIW | category | List | Warning signal stations | Classification of station based on the warning service provided |
Category of shoreline construction | CATSLC | category | Enumeration | Shoreline constructions | Classification of shoreline construction based on use. |
Category of special purpose mark | CATSPM | category | List | Special purpose buoys and beacons | Classification of an aid to navigation which signifies some special purpose. |
Category of recommended track | CATTRK | category | Enumeration | Recommended tracks | Classification of track based on defining navigational marks. |
Category of Traffic Separation Scheme | CATTSS | category | Enumeration | Traffic separation schemes | International classification of traffic separation scheme. |
Category of vehicle transfer | catvtr | category | List | Vehicle transfers | Classification of vehicle transfers. |
Category of waterway gauge | catgag | category | Enumeration | Waterway gauges | Classification of waterway gauges. |
Category of water turbulence | CATWAT | category | Enumeration | Water turbulence | Classification of an unstable sea state. |
Category of weed/kelp | CATWED | category | Enumeration | Weed/kelp | Classification of marine macroscopic algae (destinct from seagrass). |
Category of wreck | CATWRK | category | Enumeration | Wrecks | Classification of a wrecked or ruined ship. |
OSM seamark resources
- Seamark tag values(en)
- Seamark objects(en)
- Seamark attributes(en)
- Categories of objects(en)
- INT-1 cross reference(en)
- Inland waterway notice marks (CEVNI, Europe)(en)
- Inland waterway lateral marks (CEVNI, Europe)(en)
- Inland waterway notice marks (BNIWR, Brazil)(en)
- Inland waterway notice marks (PPWBC, Brazil/Paraguay)(en)
- Inland waterway notice marks (RIWR, Russia)(en)
JOSM presets & styles
External sources
- S-101 ENC/iENC registry (, the ENC Data Classification and Encoding Guide (DCEG) can be downloaded as zipped PDF, online access to symbols in Portrayal Register
- International nautical chart symbol legend (Chart INT-1, NOAA)
- Encoding Guide for Inland ENCs (, 2018), an international standard of the Inland ENC Harmonization Group is currently in development (IEHG Publication S-401, 2019)
- European Code for Inland Waterways (CEVNI), (UNECE, Fifth revised version 2015)
- European Code for Signs and Signals on Inland Waterways (SIGNI), (UNECE Resolution N0. 90, 2018)
- U.S. Aids to Navigation System – also details the Western Waters Marking System, Intracoastal Waterway system, and Uniform State Waterway Marking System