List of featured images/2018

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Star image.

These are featured images, which have been identified as the best examples of OpenStreetMap mapping, or as useful illustrations of the OpenStreetMap project.

If you know another image of similar quality, you can nominate it on Featured image proposals.


Week 1
(1–7 Jan.)
Watercolour on Mapzen Sevilla map.jpg
English Detail from a watercolour map of Seville, created by Andrew McGuire as a Christmas present for his wife. Hand-painted upon an OpenStreetMap base-map via Mapzen. edit
Week 2
(8–14 Jan2025-01-08Error: Invalid time.)
Jakarta village office maps.jpg
English As part of the InAWARE project by HOT in Indonesia, 500 framed OpenStreetMap maps were delivered to village offices around Jakarta, to help officials identify infrastructure in their area. Previously many such offices used rough hand-drawn maps. edit
Week 3
(15–21 Jan2025-01-15Error: Invalid time.)
What the Street - LA car parks.png
English Car parks take up a lot of space within our cities. What The Street visualises this and other uses of city space for cars, trains, and cycles using OpenStreetMap data. edit
Week 4
(22–28 Jan2025-01-22Error: Invalid time.)
OSM logo cookie cutter.jpg
English Christian Quest's latest creation is a 3D printed OpenStreetMap logo shaped cookie-cutter! edit
Week 5
(29 Jan – 4 Feb2025-01-29Error: Invalid time.)
Image manquante 2.svg
English No image was featured this week. edit
Week 6
(5–11 Feb2025-02-05Error: Invalid time.)
English A map of lighthouses all over the world mapped on OpenStreetMap, made by Arun Ganesh (planemad). See also the interactive map on MapBox. edit
Week 7
(12–18 Feb2025-02-12Error: Invalid time.)
Missing Maps London Feb 2018.jpg
English Sharing OpenStreetMap editing techniques at the regular Missing Maps Project event in London. edit
Week 8
(19–25 Feb2025-02-19Error: Invalid time.)
Karlsruhe Hack Weekend - Feb 2018.jpg
English Working on OpenStreetMap tech at the Karlsruhe Hack Weekend. edit
Week 9
(26 Feb – 4 Mar2025-02-26Error: Invalid time.)
Open Data Day2018Map.png
English This year Open Data Day will be celebrated on March 3rd and there are already 406 events registered all around the world. Many of them will have activities related to OpenStreetMap. smile Check out the map and participate in an event near you! edit
Week 10
(5–11 Mar2025-03-05Error: Invalid time.)
English Colorful exploration of OpenStreetMap buildings data on the MIT Campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. Map produced by Curran Kelleher [1]. edit
Week 11
(12–18 Mar2025-03-12Error: Invalid time.)
English Beautiful 3D visualization of Manhattan's OpenStreetMap data. Made by Matteo Prati using the open source software Blender. Check out other images in his website. edit
Week 12
(19–25 Mar2025-03-19Error: Invalid time.)
English Diversity of OpenStreetMap retail and services in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France. Orange tiles indicate a high diversity, while purple tiles indicate a low diversity. Image produced by Alessandro Venerandi. edit
Week 13
(26 Mar – 1 Apr2025-03-26Error: Invalid time.)
Touch Mapper Kartta kasissa.jpg
English Touch Mapper ( lets you create a 3D printed maps based on OpenStreetMap data. Tactile maps like this can be used for navigation by the blind. edit
Week 14
(2–8 Apr2025-04-02Error: Invalid time.)
Far east wall map.jpg
English A huge printed map in an office in Russia. Made by Dmitry Afonin with QGIS using OSM data. More photos and more maps. edit
Week 15
(9–15 Apr2025-04-09Error: Invalid time.)
English OpenStreetMap France (a local chapter of the OpenStreetMap Foundation) was present at “Les Journées du logiciel libre”, a free software event that was held on Lyon, France, on 24–25 March 2018. Picture by Sylvain Maillard. edit
Week 16
(16–22 Apr2025-04-16Error: Invalid time.)
2018 Gather sanitation event.jpg
English Calculating routing distances to sanitation facilities in Lusaka, Zambia. A project presented at Gather Data Dive. edit
Week 17
(23–29 Apr2025-04-23Error: Invalid time.)
English HOT Board Member Kuo-Yu slayer Chuang introducing the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team and Missing Maps Project to hundreds of participants in Taipei American School Mapathon. One of the biggest Mapathons ever held in Taiwan. edit
Week 18
(30 Apr – 6 May2025-04-30Error: Invalid time.)
English Thematic map of street names by gender in Digne-les-Bains (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France), made in the “Dessine ta ville” (Draw your city) workshop for the “Libre en fête 2018” event organized by Linux-Alpes ( edit
Week 19
(7–13 May2025-05-07Error: Invalid time.)
English OpenStreetMap on a public bus in Málaga, Spain. Spotted by Nick Doiron. edit
Week 20
(14–20 May2025-05-14Error: Invalid time.)
SOTM Poland 2018 montage.jpg
English State of the Map Poland 2018 took place last month in Poznań. edit
Week 21
(21–27 May2025-05-21Error: Invalid time.)
English City Maps – a coloring book for adults”, by Gretchen Peterson, is another very creative use of OpenStreetMap data. edit
Week 22
(28 May – 3 Jun2025-05-28Error: Invalid time.)
DE biergarten - 3D barplot.png
English A 3D barplot showing occurrences of biergartens within the OpenStreetMap data for Germany. This and a range of other visualisations were created with this Blender/Python project by Nikolai Janakiev. edit
Week 23
(4–10 Jun2025-06-04Error: Invalid time.)
OSMUK AGM 2018.jpg
English OSMUK held their first AGM recently, with an Open Data Manchester event alongside. edit
Week 24
(11–17 Jun2025-06-11Error: Invalid time.)
OSMUK AGM 2018.jpg
English OSMUK held their first AGM recently, with an Open Data Manchester event alongside. edit
Week 25
(18–24 Jun2025-06-18Error: Invalid time.)
FIFA World Cup 2018 Stadiums.png
English Our maps of the 12 venues of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. edit
Week 26
(25 Jun – 1 Jul2025-06-25Error: Invalid time.)
Juchitan building density map.png
English A map (on Carto Builder) showing building density after 2017 Mexico Earthquakes mapping efforts in Juchitán, Oaxaca, created with CARTO. edit
Week 27
(2–8 Jul2025-07-02Error: Invalid time.)
Amsterdam 3D Houdini PaleoPixels.jpg
English 3D rendering of Amsterdam by Paleo Pixels, who developed converter scripts to load OpenStreetMap data into the “Houdini” 3D software. edit
Week 28
(9–15 Jul2025-07-09Error: Invalid time.)
WikiMedia Internationalised Maps - Europe in Japanese.png
English The Wikimedia Foundation recently announced new support for internationalized map renderings. E.g. showing European place names in Japanese. edit
Week 29
(16–22 Jul2025-07-16Error: Invalid time.)
Moonbase city.jpg
English Arjan Schrauwen from Dutch graphics design firm Beeldkompaan has taken a chunk of New York OpenStreetMap buildings data to a new moonbase location. edit
Week 30
(23–29 Jul2025-07-23Error: Invalid time.)
Little Big City.png
English Little Big City, “Generating city on a little planet on the web”: a project by Yi Shen, using OpenStreetMap data via Nextzen vector tiles. edit
Week 31
(30 Jul – 5 Aug2025-07-30Error: Invalid time.)
State of the Map 2018 Milano day 1 53.jpg
English State of the Map 2018, the international OpenStreetMap conference, was held in Milan, Italy. edit
Week 32
(6–12 Aug2025-08-06Error: Invalid time.)
English Miriam Gonzales and Céline Jacquin, from the Mexican OpenStreetMap community, were interviewed by the TV UNAM (the TV channel of the main Mexico university). They talked about OSM, GeoChicas and humanitarian mapping. edit
Week 33
(13–19 Aug2025-08-13Error: Invalid time.)
Shop tags accumulation curves.png
English "Accumulation curves" showing the growth of shops data in the UK by SK53. This image shows a graph for each of the top shop types while his recent blog post compares and analyses growth shapes in various other ways. edit
Week 34
(20–26 Aug2025-08-20Error: Invalid time.)
2018 Dhaka birthday.jpg
English Celebrations of the OpenStreetMap 14th Birthday, and a mapathon taking place in Dhaka, Bangladesh. edit
Week 35
(27 Aug – 2 Sep2025-08-27Error: Invalid time.)
OSM Inspector.png
English OSM Inspector lets you find broken multipolygons now that the default map layer is less tolerant of rendering them. edit
Week 36
(3–9 Sep2025-09-03Error: Invalid time.)
Philippines node density increase from 2018-04-01 to 2018-07-01.png
English A visualisation of the increase in the node density in the Philippines from April to the end of June 2018 edit
Week 37
(10–16 Sep2025-09-10Error: Invalid time.)
OSM For the Dyslexic Prototype Map.png
English The OSM-for-the-dyslexic project ( is creating apps and map styles for use by dyslexic people. edit
Week 38
(17–23 Sep2025-09-17Error: Invalid time.)
Public Health Post - Boston discarded needle hotspots.jpg
English Public health researcher John F. Pearson created this map for a Public Health Post article, showing open data on discarded needle collections in Boston, Massachusetts, presented on an OpenStreetMap base map. edit
Week 39
(24–30 Sep2025-09-24Error: Invalid time.)
IMG 20180916 095408.jpg
English The community engaged in disaster preparedness/response mapping for Typhoon Ompong in the Philippines, including this mapathon event hosted by the Red Cross. edit
Week 40
(1–7 Oct2025-10-01Error: Invalid time.)
English State of the Map Latam 2018 took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was the 4th edition of that regional conference that gathers together the OpenStreetMap community of all Latin America edit
Week 41
(8–14 Oct2025-10-08Error: Invalid time.)
SOTM US 2018 (45092051972).jpg
English State Of The Map U.S. 2018 took place last weekend in Detroit edit
Week 42
(15–21 Oct2025-10-15Error: Invalid time.)
Herrenhausen Gardens JOSM.png
English The gloriously detailed mapping of the Herrenhausen Gardens in Hannover, Germany, shown here within JOSM editor, with the Mapillary plugin showing the view on the ground. edit
Week 43
(22–28 Oct2025-10-22Error: Invalid time.)
Karlsruhe hackweekendweekend-2018-10 01.jpg
English The Karlsruhe Hack Weekend October 2018 took place last weekend. A get-together of folks doing technical work on OpenStreetMap edit
Week 44
(29 Oct – 4 Nov2025-10-29Error: Invalid time.)
Sarting euYoutH OSM.jpeg
English Teachers from Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Romania and Germany met in Saarburg, Germany for week-long training session in humanitarian mapping and a first hackathon, to kick off a two year Erasmus+ project edit
Week 45
(5–11 Nov2025-11-05Error: Invalid time.)
English Mappers in Chiang Mai, Thailand, sometimes meet at the Shewe Cafe, which can serve you an OpenStreetMap cappuccino! edit
Week 46
(12–18 Nov2025-11-12Error: Invalid time.)
Pristina tourist map.png
English The city of Pristina in Kosovo, has adopted OpenStreetMap for their tourism maps, including this leaftlet. Read more on Stereo's diary edit
Week 47
(19–25 Nov2025-11-19Error: Invalid time.)
English State of the Map Asia 2018 last weekend brought together mapping enthusiasts in Bangalore from countries across the globe, for two days of interesting sessions and workshops. edit
Week 48
(26 Nov – 2 Dec2025-11-26Error: Invalid time.)
English Last week geocaching enthusiasts in Ljubljana were introduced to OpenStreetMap editing at a meetup held in the Ljubljana Rudnik volunteer fire brigade center. edit
Week 49
(3–9 Dec2025-12-03Error: Invalid time.)
Germany and Hungary postcode delivery route.png
English Bence Mélykúti blogged about Santa's Christmas delivery route and the fun he had with OpenStreetMap data for Germany and Hungary. edit
Week 50
(10–16 Dec2025-12-10Error: Invalid time.)
National Geographic Slovenija-using OSM-October 2018.jpg
English In the October 2018 issue of National Geographic Slovenija OpenStreetMap was used to illustrate the article about Šalek lakes. edit
Week 51
(17–23 Dec2025-12-17Error: Invalid time.)
Mapathon mamapa 12.12.2018.jpg
English Last week, MAMAPA organized a mapathon at Ideenw3rk -- a workspace inside the beautifully-renovated city Public Library -- in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Working in tandem, immigrants and locals mapped features together, while simultaneously practicing their German. edit
Week 52
(24–30 Dec.)
ItoWorld SNT logistics frame.png
English Ito World produced another spectacular Christmas animation, showing delivery routes over the OpenStreetMap road network for every address in the UK, for SNT logistics to deliver presents! (This is fictional. In fact Santa delivers presents by sleigh) edit