List of featured images/2010

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Star image.

These are featured images, which have been identified as the best examples of OpenStreetMap mapping, or as useful illustrations of the OpenStreetMap project.

If you know another image of similar quality, you can nominate it on Featured image proposals.


Week 1
(4–10 Jan.)
DOP Lauf Kreuzung.jpg
English 15 cm high res aerial imagery with 0.5 m positional accuracy, of Lauf in Germany (map) donated by the local municipality. See DE:Luftbilder aus Lauf. edit
Week 2
(11–17 Jan2025-01-11Error: Invalid time.)
Cyclemap hill shading.png
English The cycle map now has hill-shading edit
Week 3
(18–24 Jan2025-01-18Error: Invalid time.)
English Earthquake Response WikiProject Haiti. edit
Week 4
(25–31 Jan2025-01-25Error: Invalid time.)
Tulcea norc.png
English Based on the second batch of tracks and panoramic images from, the Romanian contributors organized Virtual Mapping Party Romania 2009 (still in progress). In the image you can see the progress in Tulcea after a few days work. edit
Week 5
(1–7 Feb2025-02-01Error: Invalid time.)
English Nothing left to map? Try underground pipelines, deduced from manholes, wall markers and open pit construction work. edit
Week 6
(8–14 Feb2025-02-08Error: Invalid time.)
World Bank Haiti Situation Room.jpg
English Large printouts of OpenStreetMap on the walls of the World Banks Situation Room for the Haiti Earthquake response.[1] These maps are serving as the basic infrastructure information for response and rebuilding activities. edit
Week 7
(15–21 Feb2025-02-15Error: Invalid time.)
English A JOSM plugin lets you record GPS traces by driving an early 90s sports car in WMS imagery land. edit
Week 8
(22–28 Feb2025-02-22Error: Invalid time.)
OpenOrienteeringMap of Ayala Center, Makati 2010-01-29.png
English OpenOrienteeringMap rendering of Ayala Center edit
Week 9
(1–7 Mar2025-03-01Error: Invalid time.)
English is a simple renderer written in Perl that can be used to create maps in SVG, PNG and PDF format. edit
Week 10
(8–14 Mar2025-03-08Error: Invalid time.)
Tah heatmap june2009.jpg
English Map detail throughout the world (red = more complex maps) edit
Week 11
(15–21 Mar2025-03-15Error: Invalid time.)
London map updates 2009 2010.jpg
English Map showing parts of London that have been updated in the last year (from OSM Mapper) edit
Week 12
(22–28 Mar2025-03-22Error: Invalid time.)
English Isometric 3D Map of Czech Republic – screenshot of Kralupy nad Vltavou (see the same place by OSM Carto). edit
Week 13
(29 Mar – 4 Apr2025-03-29Error: Invalid time.)
OSM Workshop at FEATI University 1.jpg
English OpenStreetMap Workshop at FEATI University in Manila, Philippines. An OSMer is teaching geodetic engineering students how to operate the GPS units and the cake slices for the field mapping is in the foreground. edit
Week 14
(5–11 Apr2025-04-05Error: Invalid time.)
OSM By Night Helsinki 2010-03-12.png
English Helsinki by night – Hike & Bike Map ( with "By Night" overlay showing Helsinki, Finland. edit
Week 15
(12–18 Apr2025-04-12Error: Invalid time.)
English Promenade Gardens in Georgetown, Guyana. The paths among the trees and flowers in the public garden. edit
Week 16
(19–25 Apr2025-04-19Error: Invalid time.)
Example2 london.png
English TownGuide will render PDF maps with street & POI indexes edit
Week 17
(26 Apr – 2 May2025-04-26Error: Invalid time.)
Marikina Cake.jpg
English The OSM test of "free"-ness – can you bake it on a cake? Shown here: map from the Marikina Mapping Party edit
Week 18
(3–9 May2025-05-03Error: Invalid time.)
Oregon 300 survey points.png
English Survey points and topology, one of many map styles available for Garmin edit
Week 19
(10–16 May2025-05-10Error: Invalid time.)
ItoWorld flightRadar.jpg
English A frame from itoWorld's visualisation of flights after the volcano edit
Week 20
(17–23 May2025-05-17Error: Invalid time.)
OSM GWT train SC.jpg
English Simon Clayson sends word that OSM now powers the route-map on Great Western Trains edit
Week 21
(24–30 May2025-05-24Error: Invalid time.)
Ricajimarie mapkibera IMG 5608.jpg
English Mappers in the Kibera area of Nairobi. Mikel Maron is running a project called mapkibera there. edit
Week 22
(31 May – 6 Jun2025-05-31Error: Invalid time.)
Cloudmade mapzen.JPG
English Maps from with Housenumber-search and various maps-styles edit
Week 23
(7–13 Jun2025-06-07Error: Invalid time.)
English Encouraging locals to contribute local POI information. Pins on a map at Spacemakers Brixton mini mapping party edit
Week 24
(14–20 Jun2025-06-14Error: Invalid time.)
Indian Railway Network Coverage on OSM.png
English Visualization showing the edits on Indian Railway Network lines on OSM edit
Week 25
(21–27 Jun2025-06-21Error: Invalid time.)
Green Point Common OSM.svg
English Green Point Common in Cape Town, including the new Cape Town Stadium, one of the venues of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. See also the 2010 World Cup mapping project. edit
Week 26
(28 Jun – 4 Jul2025-06-28Error: Invalid time.)
English Participants of OSMit2010, the second Italian meeting on OSM held in Genoa from 3rd to 5th June edit
Week 27
(5–11 Jul2025-07-05Error: Invalid time.)
Gpsdrive 2.12svn cycle.png
English GpsDrive showing OpenCycleMap tiles of Balearic Islands edit
Week 28
(12–18 Jul2025-07-12Error: Invalid time.)
SOTM10 Chris Fleming.jpg
English State Of The Map 2010 in Girona edit
Week 29
(19–25 Jul2025-07-19Error: Invalid time.)
Kosice-bus stop.jpg
English Kosice bus/tram stop using OSM maps edit
Week 30
(26 Jul – 1 Aug2025-07-26Error: Invalid time.)
Participants graian alps mp.JPG
English Participants of Graian Alps Mapping Party, the second event on Italian mountain. We were guest of Gran Paradiso National Park at the hunting lodge of King edit
Week 31
(2–8 Aug2025-08-02Error: Invalid time.)
English Distribution of natural=tree nodes in Szczecin obtained from the city's cadastre bureau. (Project of the week/2010/Aug 01 is to add more) edit
Week 32
(9–15 Aug2025-08-09Error: Invalid time.)
Sinj osm map 800px.JPG
English Jhabjan's map of Sinj in Croatia, printed for tourism office. Aerial images were donated by local aerial club. edit
Week 33
(16–22 Aug2025-08-16Error: Invalid time.)
British isles osmarender August 2010.png
English 6 years after OSM was started, the British Isles are finally starting to look mapped edit
Week 34
(23–29 Aug2025-08-23Error: Invalid time.)
Hamburger Sommerdom 2010 Mapnik.png
English Hamburg has a large carnival three times a year for each 4 weeks. User mbuege maps all the attractions and fast food stands. edit
Week 35
(30 Aug – 5 Sep2025-08-30Error: Invalid time.)
OSM VE oagosto.jpg
English OpenStreetMap Merida, in Venezuela, meeting August 2010 edit
Week 36
(6–12 Sep2025-09-06Error: Invalid time.)
4636578697 6e85855407.jpg
English You don't need fancy gear to do mapping for OSM. Sometimes, all you need is a sketchpad, pen and some attention to detail. Here's seav's sketchpad of the Ortigas slice during the Ortigas-Mandaluyong Mapping Party. edit
Week 37
(13–19 Sep2025-09-13Error: Invalid time.)
Staffanstorp 1.png
English Building outlines in Staffanstorp, Sweden courtesy of the town council GIS. edit
Week 38
(20–26 Sep2025-09-20Error: Invalid time.)
8bit cities.png
English An 8bit-game-like map of New York City based on OSM data. edit
Week 39
(27 Sep – 3 Oct2025-09-27Error: Invalid time.)
English OSM map of Merida[2], Venezuela. Data by Fundacion GeoHorizontes de Venezuela. Data collected by HernanRamirez. edit
Week 40
(4–10 Oct2025-10-04Error: Invalid time.)
Marburg blind mapping.jpg
English Mapping Party in Marburg, Germany: Blind and seeing mappers discover a tactile model of Elisabethkirche with accessible GPS devices. edit
Week 41
(11–17 Oct2025-10-11Error: Invalid time.)
VLMW Group Photo.jpg
English Великие Луки Mapping Weekend banner: "We've come from different cities of Russia and Belarus to create the best map of Velikiye Luki in the world" edit
Week 42
(18–24 Oct2025-10-18Error: Invalid time.)
English One year after the French land cover import, 69% of the country is informed in land cover [3] edit
Week 43
(25–31 Oct2025-10-25Error: Invalid time.)
Axismaps closeup.jpg
English Typographic maps manually traced from OSM data edit
Week 44
(1–7 Nov2025-11-01Error: Invalid time.)
English Kite photography from up to 650 m / 2000 ft altitude (and a flying OSM advert) – some early results. Photographer: "Imagery will hopefully be served as tiles / WMS for use in editors" edit
Week 45
(8–14 Nov2025-11-08Error: Invalid time.)
English The Nike Grid game is using OSM maps for London (with some help from Stamen and OSM attribution) edit
Week 46
(15–21 Nov2025-11-15Error: Invalid time.)
English OSM maps used for political campaigning (Toronto) edit
Week 47
(22–28 Nov2025-11-22Error: Invalid time.)
English OSM maps in German, Norwegian and French editions of Wikipedia. (Example – select "Kart/carte" next to coordinates) edit
Week 48
(29 Nov – 5 Dec2025-11-29Error: Invalid time.)
English Viewing a map of Dublin City Centre in Adobe Illustrator - SVG file was produced by latest release of Maperitive edit
Week 49
(6–12 Dec2025-12-06Error: Invalid time.)
Hjerting josm bing.gif
English Animation of 2 hours' tracing of Bing imagery with JOSM. (Street names added from addr: nodes) edit
Week 50
(13–19 Dec2025-12-13Error: Invalid time.)
English A great day mapping for residents of Montreuil-le-Gast ([4]) (Brittany, France). The first time for many of us, but ultimately a great success! To be continued... edit
Week 51
(20–26 Dec2025-12-20Error: Invalid time.)
Extrusion in mapnik16.png
English Komяpa has found a way to render 3D buildings. Famous Ostankino tower (drawn by Hind) looks very real! Some more. edit
Week 52
(27 Dec. – 2 Jan.)
Urban accessibility map of Castelfiorentino.png
English The accessibility map of Castelfiorentino, Italy was made in the participatory process “Free Access for all”. Printable version, based on OSM data, can be downloaded for free. edit