Médecins Sans Frontières

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Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders in English, is an independent humanitarian organisation that provides medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare.

Usage of OpenStreetMap data

MSF is using OpenStreetMap data in almost all of its maps. Several of their maps can be found on Reliefweb. MSF staffers are also large users of mobile apps using OpenStreetMap, such as OsmAnd and Organic Maps. You can read some of their user stories on the Missing Maps blog.

Contributions to OpenStreetMap

MSF contributes to OpenStreetMap under the flag of the Missing Maps Project. The organisation relies mostly on volunteer mappers and does not have an internal mapping team that systematically updates OpenStreetMap as part of their job. We welcome everyone to contribute to our mapping projects, see Category:Missing Maps mapper - OpenStreetMap Wiki & Humanitarian OSM Team/Interested OSM Users - OpenStreetMap Wiki for individuals supporting MSF mapping activities.

The coordination of all MSF its mapping is done by 2 FTE positions based at MSF UK & MSF Czech Republic. For any question on MSF's activities around OpenStreetMap, please email us at missing[dot]maps[at]london[dot]msf[dot]org

Editing the map

Most remote mapping happens through the HOT Tasking Manager. Find all MSF projects here. In every MSF project clear instructions adapted to the context are provided.

Field data is collected with help of different tools: Osmand, Organic Maps, Kobotoolbox, Field Papers, etc.

We use the hashtags #MSF #missingmaps or tag source=MSFsurvey for all our projects. For every individual activity an additional unique hashtag is used as well (see below).


In 2016 MSF launched MapSwipe. Currently MSF is part of the MapSwipe governance team, but the app is managed as a collaboration between multiple Missing Maps stakeholders.

Financial contribution

MSF was sponsor for 2 State of the Map conferences.

  • State of the Map 2016 in Brussels, Belgium
  • State of the Map Asia 2019 in Dhaka, Bangladesh

MSF contributes every year as well financially to the HOT Tasking Manager and the MapSwipe Open Collective.

Community building

MSF tries to bring mappers together everywhere they work. From the organisation and support to mapathons and trainings in Moscow, Singapore and Prague - to mapping sessions and events with mapping communities in Freetown, Dhaka and Rio de Janeiro.

Ensuring Data Quality

Data produced must meet high quality standards. For remote mapping we rely on volunteer mappers to do a first data validation and feedback to the initial mappers. Once this validation is completed a third pass validation of the data is done by MSF staff. Field data editing is in all cases reviewed by MSF staff experienced in OSM mapping.

MSF has also been taking the following initiatives to promote data quality:

  • Curating MSF validation teams on the HOT Tasking Manager: MSF has two volunteer validation teams on the HOT Tasking Manager (HOT TM): MSF validators (by request) and MSF Building Validators Squad (invite only). If the MSF Missing Maps coordination team is aware of upcoming mapathons that do not have validators in the group, they announce those mapathons and their assigned HOT TM projects to the teams, who kindly support with live validation. MSF's goal is to have live validation during all mapathons organised.
  • Organising validation mapathons and having validation trainings/groups during mapathons mapping MSF projects: Live validation is often not sufficient to cover all validation needs. MSF hence also invests in the organisation of specific validation mapathons.
  • Experience sharing amongst validators and experience mappers: MSF is engaged and built links with a small community of dedicated, experienced contributors to help provide feedback for new mappers and validate our projects during and after mapathons. At some of our mapathons, notably the MM London mid-month mapathons, most Missing Maps CZ SK mapathons and MSF validation mapathons, we do validation training and validators share experience and tips. These sessions help improve the quality and consistency of OSM data, as well learn new workflows and improve their overall understanding to the validators.
  • Sponsoring two HOT Data Quality interns: in Fall 2022, as well as mentoring and keeping in touch with them into 2023. Sadly the program run by HOT was discontinued.
  • Engaging a Data Quality consultant: in Fall 2023 & Fall 2024 MSF hired someone from the validator team on a temporarily base to help with the "last mile". The consultant helped with more difficult urgent projects and provided validation to new mappers and some of the bigger mapathons.
  • Clear project instructions: In every MSF project on the HOT TM or any other tool clear instructions adapted to the context are provided.
  • Creating & sharing relevant resources how to support high quality mapping: MSF has an internal Missing Maps Resource Hub with textual and visual resources including tutorials and guides on how to support the mapping during a mapathon. As much as possible these materials are also shared publicly via the Missing Maps website or other channels.
  • Training and community building of internal MSF Missing Maps champions - mapathon organisers: MSF has through the years also organised in-person training of trainers, the latest was a 3-day in September 2023, during which JOSM and validation were introduced, and followed up with an online JOSM intermediate training.

Activity Overview

Find in below table MSF's mapping projects.


Status Start date Planned end date Country Location Purpose Type Project page or number Hashtag (in addition to #MSF #missingmaps) Results
Ongoing 2025-03 2025-07 South Sudan Twic County Since March 2022, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is providing humanitarian and medical assistance to displaced people within Twic County in South Sudan. Hand in hand with the Ministry of Health MSF provides comprehensive care, from outpatient consultations to emergency and maternity care. The numbers of patients received reflect the alarming extent of healthcare needs for people in the host communities and those who have been displaced. A detailed map of Twic County does not exist, so please help MSF by identifying where exactly the people in the region are living. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager: roads, residential areas, buildings in the whole county. HOT TM campaign: [1] #TwicCounty
Ongoing 2025-02 2025-03 Tajikistan Kulob Improvement of map to support TB activities in the town and district. Direct editing of OpenStreetMap based on local knowledge. No project. #kulob
Ongoing 2024-12 2025-01 Sudan Tawila district & town Support to MSF colleagues working in the city for planning health activities. In April 2023, intense fighting broke out across Sudan. The violence has trapped millions of people in the middle of an unexpected conflict and hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee their homes while access to essential services such as healthcare has become increasingly difficult. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager: roads & residential areas & buildings in town. [2][3] #tawiladistrict


Ongoing 2024-12 2025-01 Sudan Tawila city Support to MSF colleagues working in the city for planning health activities. In April 2023, intense fighting broke out across Sudan. The violence has trapped millions of people in the middle of an unexpected conflict and hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee their homes while access to essential services such as healthcare has become increasingly difficult. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager: buildings. [5] #tawila
Ongoing 2024-09 2025-01 South Sudan Leer Prone to heavy flooding and recurrent insecurity, Leer County in South Sudan is an isolated and difficult place to live. MSF, which began its work in Leer in 1989, continues to be one of the few organisations offering medical care in the area. Please help the MSF teams by updating the map of Leer town and surroundings. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking manager: buildings and roads; and direct editing landcover/landuse. #leer
Ongoing 2024-11 2024-12 Malawi Blantyre and Chiradzulu Districts Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) are working in Blantyre, Malawi to prevent and manage Cervical Cancer, since 2019. Outreach screening for Cervical Cancer is one of the many facets of the project that provides comprehensive cancer care across prevention, medical and surgical management as well as palliative care. MSF teams in Malawi are providing aid to women in the region via Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) screening trucks. These are trucks which have an inbuilt Gynaecology Consultation room. MSF would like to ask for help mapping roads in Blantyre, so the teams know where the populations they can reach with the VIA trucks are, and which populations need are cut off from accessing screening facilities. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking manager: roads. [1] #malawiroads
Ongoing 2024-10 2024-12 Sudan Darfur In April 2023, intense fighting broke out across Sudan. The violence has trapped millions of people in the middle of an unexpected conflict and hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee their homes while access to essential services such as healthcare has become increasingly difficult. The mapping is supporting MSF teams working in the region. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking manager: buildings. See here whole campaign and instructions. #darfur https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=11/13.0417/22.8722
Ongoing 2024-08 2024-10 Chad Mile camp, Touloum camp, Iridimi camp, Dougui camp in the east of Chad Mapping refugee settlements to support the activities of MSF and other organiations working in the camps Remote mapping - direct editing on OpenStreetMap Direct editing, no HOT TM project #mile #touloum #iridimi #dougui
Ongoing 2024-04 2024-10 Nigeria Sokoto Since 2014, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has been supporting aid in Sokoto, Nigeria. Particularly the Sokoto Noma Hospital, with a programme of activities for people affected by Noma, including Noma survivors and their families. Noma, a neglected and little-known non-contagious disease, mostly affects children under five living in poverty.

Four times a year, a team of international surgeons, anaesthesiologists and nurses travel to Sokoto Noma Hospital to operate on Noma survivors. The hospital, run in collaboration with the Nigerian Ministry of Health, also focuses on community outreach, active case finding in the region, health promotion and mental health support. Better maps are needed in particular to support these community health activities.

Remote mapping via HOT Tasking manager: mapping buildings, roads and waterways See here whole campaign and instructions #sokoto24
Ongoing 2024-03 2024-12 India Mizoram State Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is supporting local communities as well as those who have been temporarily displaced to Mizoram state in India following the conflict in Myanmar. These provinces where MSF works in Mizoram state are amongst the most impoverished of the districts in North-eastern India. Water, health care and sanitation needs are quite high, and infrastructure was already very weak for the host population before the influx of thousands displaced people into the villages.

MSF aims to provide free and quality medical and mental health care to the communities in the area, while responding to any medical-humanitarian emergency that may occur in Mizoram State. Activities include mobile medical clinics, mental health support, water and sanitation support and distributions of non-food items such as kitchen utensils & blankets.

Remote mapping via HOT Tasking manager: mapping buildings, roads and residential areas. [6] #mizoramstate
Ongoing 2024-09 2024-12 Mauritania Bassiknou MSF teams are currently doing an explo to understand the needs of the population living in the Bassikounou district in the south east of Mauritania. To improve their understanding of population numbers and to plan for a health survey they are asking support from you to help mapping all buildings in the district. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager: buildings See here whole campaign and instructions. #BassiknouDistrict
Ongoing 2024-02 2024-12 Papua New Guinea Jiwaka province Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is starting a new project to support survivors of gender based violence in the Jiwaka Province in Papua New Guinea. The team managed to visit some areas, but discovered as well that the area is very poorly mapped. For this reason the MSF team in Papua New Guinea has now requested for Missing Maps volunteers to map the area. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager. See here whole campaign and instructions. #JiwakaProvince
Ongoing 2023-07 2024-12 Chad N'Djamena This project concerns the entire city of N'Djamena and its neighbourhoods. The purpose is to use the geographic data to determine whether the workers' neighbourhood is in an area at risk of flooding or not. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager. See here whole campaign and instructions. #ndjamena2023
Ongoing 2023-04 2024-05 Democratic Republic of the Congo Masisi territory In this area of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, MSF is providing medical support to the population who is suffering from ongoing violence. Improved maps will support the MSF team in a variety of activities: from security management, over disease outbreak management to the planning of primary health care activities. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager. See here whole campaign and instructions. #masisi23
Ongoing 2023-01 2024-12 Malawi Mangochi district Cholera last broke out in Malawi in 2016. The disease re-appeared in March 2022, primarily affecting districts around Lake Malawi. Please help mapping the area to support MSF its activities. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager. See here whole campaign and instructions. #mangochidistrict


Status Start date End date Country Location Purpose Type Project page or number Hashtag Results
Complete 2024-11 2025-03 Haiti Cité Soleil, Port-au-Prince Since the assassination of the Haitian President in 2021, the people of the capital Port-au-Prince have been struggling to survive as armed gangs, police, and civilian self-defence brigades fight in the streets of the city. While maintaining functioning medical structures during these clashes is a challenge, MSF is continuing to provide care and is treating people with gunshot and stab wounds, severe burns, and victims of road accidents in several medical facilities across the capital. Support the MSF teams by mapping all buildings in the area. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking manager: buildings. [7] #citesoleil [8]
Complete 2023-05 2025-01 Chad Tandjile, Bere, Dafra and Donomanga Sous-préfectures Chad is a largely semi-desert country that is home to more than 17 million people. Despite being rich in resources, it suffers from inadequate infrastructure and internal conflict. The country is embroiled in a chronic health crisis, with repeated epidemics and nutrition crises, and some of the highest rates of infant, child and maternal deaths in the world. MSF teams focus on supporting women, children, and the large number of refugees from conflicts in neighbouring countries.

Epidemics of measles are recurrent in Chad and measles are a leading killer of young children. Vaccination coverage is weak countrywide and many families, even those in urban areas, struggle to access paediatric care if their child falls sick. In spring 2023 a mass measles vaccination campaign took place in the Tandjilé region in Chad. The mapping data was however of such low quality and was not of great help. We ask thus your support to map the area so it can be used for any future intervention in the region.

Remote mapping of villages (residential landuse and buildings) via HOT Tasking Manager. See here whole campaign and instructions. #tandjile2023
Complete 2023-04 2024-12 Nigeria Maiduguri Maiduguri is the capital of Borno State, in the northeast of Nigeria. Many of MSF its patients have come to the city to escape armed conflict and insecurity in the region. Currently MSF sees an unprecedented numbers of malnourished children in need of lifesaving treatment being brought into their health care centres. To implement a new mobile clinic strategy, MSF would like to have a better overview where patients are coming from. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager. #14729


  • south west Maiduguri: [9]
  • Hajj camp: [10]
  • Muna camp: [11]
Complete 2024-03 2025-01 Democratic Republic of Congo IDP camps, West Goma Over the past year, violent armed clashes, linked to the resurgence of the March 23 movement (M23), have led to massive levels of displacement in the eastern province of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). With this mapping task MSF asks your assistance to map the camps and their surroundings in Goma where thousands of people found refugee. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking manager: buildings. See here whole campaign and instructions.

Umap here.

Complete 2024- 11 2025- 01 Nigeria Silame LGA & Wurno LGA Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has been providing aid in northwest Nigeria since 2014, addressing the neglected malnutrition crisis, assisting people displaced by violence​ or running programs to improve maternal and child health. In the Sokoto Noma Hospital, MSF is supporting people affected by noma, including survivors and their families. Noma is a neglected, non-contagious disease that predominantly affects children under five living in poverty. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking manager: buildings. [1] [2] #SilameWurno
Complete 2024-05 2024-08 South Sudan Fangak county In Jonglei State in South Sudan MSF runs a hospital in Old Fangak, providing primary and secondary healthcare, conducting outreach activities and responding to emergencies. Since April 2023, over 500 cases of acute jaundice syndrome have been detected at the Old Fangak hospital. An Hepatitis E epidemic was officially declared by the Ministry of Health in September. MSF began vaccinating in December, but one of the biggest challenges of this vaccination is access to populations in a territory partly covered by water. Please help us finding all villages in the region, it will allow MSF teams to actually go there and reach as much as people with their activities. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking manager: residential land use & buildings [32][33][34] #Fangak [35]
Complete 2024-01 2024-08 Malawi Blantyre & Chiradzulu Mapping villages to support health promotion activities in Blantyre and Chiradzulu. Field data collection + editing afterwards via MapRoulette. [36] #BlantyreChiradzulu [37]
Complete 2024- 11 2024- 12 Sudan Zalengei Supporting MSF teams map Zalengei Hospital and the hospital grounds Remote mapping: directly editing on OSM via JOSM None #zalengei https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/12.903330/23.476308
Complete 2024-07 2024-10 Bangladesh Camp 14 - 15 - 16 , Kutupalong Supporting the MSF teams working in the camp, especially support to logistics. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager: buildings, roads. 1 #camp14&15 Camp 14-15-16:


Complete 2024-08 2024-09 Chad Koukou Angarana The end of August 2024 the town of Koukou Angarama in the East of Chad was flooded. The MSF team based in the town is struggling to understand the impact that the flooding made. Improving the map will help them to understand the situation better. Remote mapping: directly editing and via HOT Tasking manager #17549 #KoukouAngarana Koukou Angarana: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/12.00845/21.65671
Complete 2024-03 2024-08 South Sudan Bentiu In Bentiu every year floods occur and recently the region has known as well an influx of refugees fleeing the conflict in Sudan. MSF work already for years in the region and uses OpenStreetMap to support all daily activities. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager. #16409#16618 #Bentiu Bentiu: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=13/9.27283/29.80453
Complete 2023-04 2024-04 Equatorial Guinea Bata On February 13, 2023 the health ministry of Equatorial Guinea has declared a Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) outbreak. MSF is in the country to support and asks your assistance by improving map data in the country. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager. See here whole campaign and instructions. #hemorrhagicfevergnq
Complete 2023-06 2024-05 Sudan West Darfur For almost two months, El Geneina, West Darfur’s capital in Sudan, has seen intense fighting. After nearly two months of blockade people are now desperately trying to escape the area. El Geneina is located approximately 35 kilometres from the Chadian border, around 15,000 Sudanese refugees have already reached the Chadian town of Adré the last weeks. Please help us map the areas around El Geneina and Adré to support our MSF teams working in the region. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager. See here whole campaign and instructions. #westdarfur2023
Complete 2023-08 2024-01 Chad Moissala In 2019-2020 the MSF team in Moissala, Chad organised a community and population estimation survey in the health district of Moissala to support a new maternal and child health programme. Thanks to the mapping of Missing Maps volunteers the technique of spatial sampling could be used to conduct the survey, and an accurate population estimation that was based on combining the survey data and building footprint data was made possible.

Now, several years later, MSF teams are still working in the region and have requested for Missing Maps volunteers to update the building footprint data so they can update their population estimations and plan health activities accordingly.

Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager. See here whole campaign and instructions. #moissala2023
Complete 2023-09 2023-02 Nigeria Gummi LGA MSF is organising a survey in November and would like to use the building data to do spatial sampling. The area was mapped already last year, but in the mean time more recent imagery became available. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager. #15540 #gummi2023
Complete 2023-11 2024-06 Kenya Homa Bay County MSF has been working in Kenya since 1987, providing medical services including treatment for HIV, TB and non-communicable diseases. In Homa Bay MSF is working on ensuring continuity of care for people with chronic diseases. MSF operates in Homa Bay’s state-run hospital where around 250 patients from all over the region are admitted every month. MSF works as well to enhance community initiatives by proposing differentiated care models based on a person-centered approach. Better maps will serve the MSF team to improve the understanding of patient origin and will facilitate and rationalize home visits to chronic disease patients. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking Manager. See here whole campaign and instructions. #homabay2023
  • Homa Bay County: [39]
Complete 2024-03 2024-04 Chad Djokoro and environs Thousands of people amassed at Chad’s eastern border areas seeking refuge from a raging conflict in neighbouring Sudan. MSF teams are covering hundreds of kilometres on rough roads to run mobile clinics for Sudanese refugees and the host community. Sadly some parts of the region do not have good maps and MSF does not know the exact location of all the villages in the region. Remote mapping via HOT Tasking manager: mapping buildings and residential land use. [40][41][42] #Djokoro