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Series M of the MUTCD is for marker signs.

M1: Route Markers

Main article: United States roads tagging/Routes
Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD M1-1 (2 digits).svg M1-1 Interstate Route (1 or 2 digits) ref=I 22 on the way
type=route route=road network=US:I ref=22
MUTCD M1-1 (3 digits).svg M1-1 Interstate Route (3 digits) ref=I 495 on the way
type=route route=road network=US:I ref=495
MUTCD M1-2.svg M1-2 Off-Interstate Route (1 or 2 digits) ref=I 22 Business on the way
type=route route=road network=US:I:Business:Loop ref=22
Business Loop 205.svg M1-2 Off-Interstate Route (3 digits) ref=I 205 Business on the way
type=route route=road network=US:I:Business:Loop ref=205
MUTCD M1-3.svg M1-3 Off-Interstate Route (1 or 2 digits) ref=I 70 Business on the way
type=route route=road network=US:I:Business:Spur ref=70
Business Spur 385.svg M1-3 Off-Interstate Route (3 digits) ref=I 385 Business on the way
type=route route=road network=US:I:Business:Loop ref=385
MUTCD M1-4 (2 digits).svg M1-4 U.S. Route (1 or 2 digits) ref=US 40 on the way
type=route route=road network=US:US ref=40
MUTCD M1-4 (3 digits).svg M1-4 U.S. Route (3 digits) ref=US 798 on the way
type=route route=road network=US:US ref=798
MUTCD M1-5.svg M1-5 State Route (1 or 2 digits) ref=* 18 on the way
type=route route=road network=US:* ref=18
ref=* prefix on the way depends on the state
West Virginia uses this marker for county routes, not state routes
Ellipse sign 297.svg M1-5 State Route (3 digits) ref=* 297 on the way
type=route route=road network=US:* ref=297
ref=* prefix on the way depends on the state
West Virginia uses this marker for county routes, not state routes
Clinton County 16.svg M1-6 County Route (1, 2, or 3 digits) ref=CR 16, CH 16, or C-16 on the way
type=route route=road network=US:*:Clinton ref=16
MUTCD M1-7.svg M1-7 Forest Route (1, 2, or 3 digits) ref=FH *, FR *, or FFH * on the way
type=route route=road network=US:NF:* ref=*
MUTCD M1-8.svg M1-8 Bicycle Route rcn_ref=18 or lcn_ref=18 on the way
type=route route=road cycle_network=US:* ref=18 plus network=rcn or lcn
MUTCD M1-8a.svg M1-8a State or Local Bicycle Route lcn_ref=44 or rcn_ref=44 on the way
type=route route=road cycle_network=US:* ref=44 plus network=lcn or rcn
MUTCD M1-8b.svg M1-8b Non-Numbered Bicycle Route (2 lines) lcn=yes or rcn=yes on the way
type=route route=road cycle_network=US:* name=Queens Trail plus network=lcn or rcn
MUTCD M1-8c.svg M1-8c Non-Numbered Bicycle Route (3 lines) lcn=yes or rcn=yes on the way
type=route route=road cycle_network=US:* name=Taughannock Heritage Trail plus network=lcn or rcn
MUTCD M1-9.svg M1-9 U.S. Bicycle Route ncn_ref=23 on the way
type=route route=road network=ncn cycle_network=US:US ref=23
MUTCD M1-10.svg M1-10 Eisenhower Interstate System type=route route=road network=US:I
MUTCD M1-10a.svg M1-10a Eisenhower Interstate System type=route route=road network=US:I

M2: Junction Markers

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
Jct plate.svg M2-1P Junction ref=* on the cross street
MUTCD M2-2.svg M2-2 Combination Junction (2 route signs) ref=US 47;SR 3 on the cross street ref=* prefix varies by state

M3: Cardinal Direction Markers

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
North plate.svg M3-1P North Roadway has role Role north in a route relation or the route relation has direction=north
destination:ref=* North on a ramp
See Route directions
East plate.svg M3-2P East Roadway has role Role east in a route relation or the route relation has direction=east
destination:ref=* East on a ramp
See Route directions
South plate.svg M3-3P South Roadway has role Role south in a route relation or the route relation has direction=south
destination:ref=* South on a ramp
See Route directions
West plate.svg M3-4P West Roadway has role Role west in a route relation or the route relation has direction=west
destination:ref=* West on a ramp
See Route directions

M4: Route Marker Auxiliaries

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
Alternate plate.svg M4-1P Alternate ref=* Alternate or * Alt
network=*:Alternate modifier=Alternate
destination:ref=* Alternate or * Alt on a ramp
Alt plate.svg M4-1aP Alt ref=* Alt or * Alternate
network=*:Alternate modifier=Alt
destination:ref=* Alt or * Alternate on a ramp
By-pass plate.svg M4-2P By-Pass ref=* Bypass or * Byp
network=*:Bypass modifier=Bypass
destination:ref=* Bypass or * Byp on a ramp
Business plate.svg M4-3P Business ref=* Business or * Bus
network=*:Business modifier=Business
destination:ref=* Business or * Bus on a ramp
Truck plate.svg M4-4P Truck ref=* Truck hgv=designated
network=*:Truck modifier=Truck hgv=designated
destination:ref=* Truck hgv=designated on a ramp
To plate.svg M4-5P To destination:ref:to=*
End plate.svg M4-6P End N/A
Temporary plate.svg M4-7P Temporary ref=* Temporary or * Temp
network=*:Temporary modifier=Temporary
destination:ref=* Temporary or destination:ref=* Temp on a ramp
Only tag if long-term
Temp plate.svg M4-7aP Temp ref=* Temp or * Temporary
network=*:Temporary modifier=Temp
destination:ref=* Temp or destination:ref=* Temporary on a ramp
Only tag if long-term
MUTCD M4-8P.svg M4-8P Detour ref=* Detour
type=route route=detour network=*:Detour modifier=Detour
destination:ref=* Detour on a ramp
Only tag permanently signed detour routes
MUTCD M4-8a.svg M4-8a End Detour N/A
MUTCD M4-8b.svg M4-8b End N/A
MUTCD M4-9L.svg M4-9L Detour N/A
MUTCD M4-9R.svg MUTCD IM M4-9R.svg M4-9R
MUTCD M4-9aL.svg M4-9aL Bike/Pedestrian Detour N/A
MUTCD M4-9aR.svg M4-9aR
MUTCD M4-9bL.svg M4-9bL Pedestrian Detour N/A
MUTCD M4-9bR.svg M4-9bR
MUTCD M4-9cL.svg M4-9cL Bike Detour N/A
MUTCD M4-9cR.svg M4-9cR
MUTCD M4-10L.svg MUTCD M4-10L (IM).svg M4-10L Detour N/A
MUTCD M4-10R.svg MUTCD M4-10R (IM).svg M4-10R
MUTCD M4-11.svg M4-11 Emergency Route destination=A on the roadway
type=route route=detour to=A
MUTCD M4-11a.svg M4-11a Emergency Route destination=A on the roadway
type=route route=detour to=A
MUTCD M4-11bP.svg M4-11bP Emergency Route To destination=* on the roadway
type=route route=detour to=*
MUTCD M4-11cP.svg M4-11cP Emergency Route To destination=* on the roadway
type=route route=detour to=*
MUTCD M4-12.svg M4-12 End Emergency Route type=route route=detour relation ends
MUTCD M4-14P.svg M4-14P Begin N/A
Cashier Symbol.png M4-17 Toll Collector Symbol barrier=toll_booth self_service=no
Exact Change Symbol.png M4-18 Exact Change Symbol barrier=toll_booth self_service=only payment:cash=yes payment:change=no

M5: Advance Turn Arrow Auxiliary Signs‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD M5-1PL.svg M5-1PL Advance Turn Arrow (90-degree angle)‎ N/A
MUTCD M5-1PR.svg M5-1PR
MUTCD M5-2PL.svg M5-2PL Advance Turn Arrow (45-degree angle) N/A
MUTCD M5-2PR.svg M5-2PR
MUTCD M5-3PL.svg M5-3PL Advance Turn Arrow (Roundabout) N/A
MUTCD M5-3PR.svg M5-3PR
MUTCD M5-4P.svg M5-4P Lane Designation destination:ref:lanes=*
MUTCD M5-5P.svg M5-5P Lane Designation destination:ref:lanes=*
MUTCD M5-6P.svg M5-6P Lane Designation destination:ref:lanes=*

M6: Directional Arrow Auxiliary Signs‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD M6-1PL.svg M6-1PL Directional Arrow N/A
MUTCD M6-1PR.svg M6-1PR
MUTCD M6-2PL.svg M6-2PL Directional Arrow N/A
MUTCD M6-2PR.svg M6-2PR
MUTCD M6-2aPL.svg M6-2aPL Directional Arrow N/A
MUTCD M6-2aPR.svg M6-2aPR
MUTCD M6-3P.svg M6-3P Directional Arrow N/A
MUTCD M6-4P.svg M6-4P Directional Arrow N/A
MUTCD M6-5PL.svg M6-5PL Directional Arrow N/A
MUTCD M6-5PR.svg M6-5PR
MUTCD M6-6PL.svg M6-6PL Directional Arrow N/A
MUTCD M6-6PL.svg M6-6PR
MUTCD M6-7PL.svg M6-7PL Directional Arrow N/A
MUTCD M6-7PR.svg M6-7PR

M10: Scenic Area

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD M10-1.svg M10-1 National Scenic Byway
Route list
MUTCD M10-1aP.svg M10-1aP National Scenic Byway
Route list
File:MUTCD 10-2.svg M10-2 Byway Identification name=Old Shore Road on the route relation
File:MUTCD 10-2aP.svg M10-2aP Byway Identification (plaque) name=Old Shore Road on the route relation
File:MUTCD 10-3.svg M10-3 State Scenic Byway System
File:MUTCD 10-3a.svg M10-3a State Scenic Byway System – Simple Graphic and Byway Identification
File:MUTCD 10-3bP.svg M10-3bP Scenic Byway scenic=yes on the roadway or route relation

M11: National Historic Trails

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
File:MUTCD 11-1.svg M11-1 National Historic Trail – Identification type=route route=road network=US:NHT name=Oregon Trail Route list
File:MUTCD 11-1aP.svg M11-1aP National Historic Trail – Historic Route
How to distinguish the historic route from the auto tour route?
File:MUTCD 11-1bP.svg M11-1bP National Historic Trail – Crossing type=route route=road network=US:NHT on the original alignment crossing the modern alignment
File:MUTCD 11-1cP.svg M11-1cP National Historic Trail – Auto Tour Route
How to distinguish the historic route from the auto tour route?
File:MUTCD 11-1dP.svg M11-1dP National Historic Trail – Distance Include the next 25 miles (40 km) of roadway within a type=route route=road network=US:NHT relation

External links