Marco Geoestadístico Nacional (MGN)

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The National Geostatistical Framework (Marco Geoestadístico Nacional in Spanish) consists of geostatistical areas divided into three disaggregation areas.

Rural Basic Geostatistical Areas
Urban Basic Geostatistical Areas

Within these levels of disaggregation, are the geographical areas containing the minimum observation units of the Population and Housing Census of 2010 (settlers and settlements) which are:

The geostatistical boundaries are conventional boundaries exclusive of the National Geostatistical Framework, which delimit the territory in geostatistical areas which adhere when possible to the political-administrative boundaries.

It's important to note that the state and municipal boundaries in the current geostatistical cartography are being adjusted to the political-administrative boundaries, however most of them are geostatistical boundaries, that means they are usually delineated over natural and cultural physical features,d these being permanent and readily identifiable in the field; and sometimes when they do not exist in the field, mainly in urban areas, the limits of AGEB and peripheral blocks are plotted using visuals.

Natural physical features: rivers, streams, canyons, hills, and so on.
Cultural Physical features: avenues, streets, walkways, roads (highways, dirt paths and gaps), electric, telephone telegraphic lines, pipelines and so on.
Visual: Visual: imaginary line joining two identifiable fixed points on the ground.
Coastal limits will not be marked with geostatistics symbology, but will be indicated with a solid line, following the contour of the coast.

Code assignation within the National Geostatistical Framework

List of states and their INEGI number
Clave de entidad Nombre de la Entidad Federativa
01 Aguascalientes
02 Baja California
03 Baja California Sur
04 Campeche
05 Coahuila de Zaragoza
06 Colima
07 Chiapas
08 Chihuahua
09 Ciudad de México
10, Durango
11 Guanajuato
12 Guerrero
13 Hidalgo
14 Jalisco
15 México
16 Michoacán de Ocampo
17 Morelos
18 Nayarit
19 Nuevo León
20 Oaxaca
21 Puebla
22 Querétaro
23 Quintana Roo
24 San Luis Potosí
25 Sinaloa
26 Sonora
27 Tabasco
28 Tamaulipas
29 Tlaxcala
30 Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave
31 Yucatán
32 Zacatecas

The identity of each area of the National Geostatistical Framework is unique and is expressed with numerical codes that allow us to identify with a geostatistical reference whether an entity it's at the state, municipal, AGEB, locality or block level.

Such reference is composed by an ordered series of geostatistical codes compliant with a structure based on the level of disaggregation of the geostatistical areas referenced and it does not repeat throughout the country; the order of these codes is as defined as follows:

Full or concatenated key with from State down to block
For Urban Areas For Rural Areas
EE = State (represented with two digits 00).
MMM = Municipality (represented with three digits 000).
LLLL = Locality (represented with four digits 0000).
AAA-A = AGEB (represented with three digits a dash and a verifier digit 000-0).
NNN = Block (represented with three digits 000).

MGN Admin levels and OSM

Given the widespread use of the geostatistical levels defined in the MGN and their compatibility with the official administrative levels in Mexico, it's of primary importance to keep the definitions of such levels compatible with OSM admin levels. MGN data is not only used for statistical purposes, it's heavily used for research, both at national and international investigations, urban policy, natural resources, environmental policy, disaster response and routing among other uses. The MGN is also used to keep the geographic data referenced with a permanent key (or code) so that any updates to the datasets released by the INEGI could be easily referenced by that same key no matter the government entity that generates the data, thus making a really important objective that of keeping consistency between MGN and OSM datasets through the inclusion of MGN Keys in any import project.

An additional benefit of the use of the MGN within OSM is that all government entities that release geographic data in Mexico are required by law to release that data MGN geo-referenced. This is a legal framework that empowers the OSM community greatly since cross-referencing OSM and government issued data (not only INEGI's) will be easier, not only for research purposes but for actionable street level information such as disaster response, environmental protection and so on.

MGN Dataset

The latest release of the MGN Dataset is the version 6.2, officially named MARCO GEOESTADÍSTICO 2014 VERSIÓN 6.2, it consists of digital files in shape file format, representing:

  • 32 state geostatistical areas (AGEE)
  • 2,457 Municipal Geostatistical Areas (AGEM)
  • 17,465 basic geostatistical areas (AGEB)
  • 296,228 Territorial Integration points
  • 350 Island Territory (Islands) polygons
  • Layer of "Economic Keys 7000" (Commercial stablishments)
  • Layer of "Economic Keys 8000" (Commercial stablishments)
  • Layer of "Arrival Points 9000" (transport network ports)

State and municipal boundaries are composed in some of its segments, of political and administrative boundaries and they are mostly geostatistical.

Several lines of the state limits were matched with the ones published in the document "Atlas of the Current Situation of the Interstate Political-Administrative Division of Mexico" This document is the result of a compilation and analysis of official sources, of the Congress, the State congress and other sources that describe such limits.

The data is delivered as a .zip (~2.6GB) of the entire country of Mexico which contains a .zip for each state. Each state has a corresponding number(id) prefixing the name of the state (ex. 01_aguascalientes). The state .zip contains 3 directories:

Directory Contents
catalogos PDF and .txt files describing the data sets
conjunto de datos "Data Sets" .shp files
metadatos Metadata information

There are 13 different data sets within conjunto de datos for each state (information describing them can be found in contenido.pdf in catalogos and below).

The data set containing road data is Ejes de vialidad which will be identified by the id prefixing the letter "e" (ex. 01e.shp). Data source site: MGN data set

  • Search the MGN datasets at the INEGI website
MGN dataset Entidades Federativas Municipios localidades_urbanas localidades_rurales localidades_urbanas_y_rurales_a
2018-12 32 2.463 4.563 46.285 50.848
Filenames and Content of the MGN datasets Nombre y Contenido de los Archivos Vectoriales (prefix ee = state id)
filename Descripción (es) Description (en) type OSM import
eeent Áreas geoestadísticas estatales State boundaries area Mexico's_Administrative_Divisions_Import_Project
eemun Áreas geoestadísticas municipales Municipales boundaries area Mexico's_Administrative_Divisions_Import_Project
eea Áreas geoestadísticas básicas urbanas Basic geostatistical urban areas area
eear Áreas geoestadísticas básicas rurales Basic geostatistical rural areas area
eel Polígono de localidades urbanas y rurales amanzanadas Polygon data of urban and rural areas amanzanadas area
eelpr Localidades puntuales rurales Node of local towns point
eeti Territorio insular Insular territory
eem Polígonos de manzana
eefm Frentes de manzana
eee Ejes de vialidad road data Mexico_Road_Name_Import_Project
eecd Caserío disperso
eesia Servicios e información complementaria de Tipo área

(áreas verdes, camellones, glorietas)

Services and additional information of Type area

see table below for available types of services

eesil Servicios e información complementaria de Tipo línea

(ríos, ferrocarriles, corrientes de agua)

Services and additional information of Type line

see table below for available types of services

eesip Servicios e información complementaria de Tipo puntual

(palacios municipales o ayudantías, parques o jardines)

Services and additional information of Type point

see table below for available types of services

eepe Polígono externo area
eepem Polígono externo de manzana area
eeue Unidades económicas
Content and Types of Services (in datasets eesia, eesil & eesip, see above)
DATO GEOGRÁFICO (es) Geographical Object (en) GEOMETRÍA CAPA
Camellón Área SIA
Cuerpo de Agua Body of Water Área SIA
Pista de Aviación Aviation Track Área SIA
Acueducto Aqueduct Línea SIL
Camino Path Línea SIL
Canal Channel Línea SIL
Carretera Highway Línea SIL
Corriente de Agua Water stream Línea/Área SIL/SIA
Instalación Portuaria Port facility Línea / Área SIL / SIA
Lindero Boundary Línea SIL
Paso a Desnivel Overpass Línea SIL
Puente Bridge Línea SIL
Túnel Tunnel Línea SIL
Vía Férrea Railroad track Línea SIL
Aeródromo Civil Civil Aerodrome Punto/Área SIP / SIA
Cementerio Cemetery Punto / Área SIP / SIA
Centro Comercial Mall Punto SIP
Centro de Asistencia Médica Medical Assistance Center Punto / Área SIP / SIA
Escuela School Punto / Área SIP / SIA
Estación de Transporte Terrestre Ground Transportation Station Punto / Área SIP /SIA
Infraestructura Urbana Urban Infrastructure Punto SIP
Instalación de Comunicación Communication Installation Punto SIP
Instalación de Servicios Installation of Services Punto / Área SIP / SIA
Instalación Deportiva o Recreativa Sports or Recreation Facility Punto / Área SIP / SIA
Instalación Diversa Miscellaneous installation Punto / Área SIP / SIA
Instalación Gubernamental Government Installation Punto SIP
Instalación Industrial Industrial Installation Punto / Área SIP / SIA
Lote Baldío Vacant lot Punto SIP
Mercado Market Punto SIP
Plaza Square Punto / Área SIP / SIA
Pozo Water well Punto SIP
Restricción de Paso a Peatones y/o automóviles. Restriction of passage to pedestrians and / or cars. Punto / Línea SIP / SIL
Subestación Eléctrica Electric Substation Punto / Área SIP / SIA
Tanque de Agua Water tank Punto SIP
Templo Temple / Church Punto / Área SIP / SIA
Zona Arqueológica Archaeological area Punto / Área SIP / SIA


All the versions of the MGN Dataset as well as its related documentation are available at: [1]