New Zealand

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New Zealand, Oceania

latitude: -41.6, longitude: 174.5
Browse map of New Zealand 41°36′00.00″ S, 174°30′00.00″ E
Edit map
External links:
Use this template for your locality
New Zealand is a country in Oceania at latitude 41°36′00.00″ South, longitude 174°30′00.00″ East.
Flag of New Zealand New Zealand Mapping Project,
the home of New Zealand on the OpenStreetMap wiki.
Hello! Welcome to the project for mapping efforts in New Zealand!
You can find here national events, ongoing projects, map status and mapping guidelines, as well as links to other pages directly related to the mapping of New Zealand.
You may also find a list of contacts and mappers involved with the OpenStreetMap community in New Zealand.

Welcome to the New Zealand mapping project page - this page is dedicated to helping OSM mappers working on adding content in New Zealand.

If you notice a problem on the map and don't have time to fix it or are not sure what needs to be done, then please leave a note in the relevant sub-section, so that other people can help resolve it.

Alternatively, Notes is a great way of simply leaving notes on a map, without having to get into editing, or registering.


OSM Auckland meetings

Meetings currently suspended. Would you like to start meetings in Auckland?

See OSM Auckland for more info.

OSM Wellington meetings

I'm organising a Wellington OSM meet up. All are welcome to attend

See OSM Wellington for more info.


Other regional OSM groups

Maybe you are interested in building the offline community in other locations around New Zealand?

We (OSM Auckland mappers) are willing to assist - feel free to get in contact via the nzopengis list, or here.

Regional projects

North Island

See North Island

South Island

See South Island

Including... 2011 Christchurch earthquake - resources and mapping coordination of this current disaster

Chatham Islands

  • This data was added as a test of the LINZ bulk import
OSM map: Chatham Islands
See LINZ Chatham Islands import status
  • All roads, which have been named. Road type is unknown

Other Islands

  • Kermadec Islands
Coastline only so far.
[1], [2], [3]
  • Sub-Antarctic islands
  • Mayor Islands
  • Motiti Island
  • Bare Island
  • Three Kings Islands
  • Bounty Islands
  • The Snares
  • Antipodes Islands
  • Auckland Islands
  • Campbell Islands
  • Moutohora Island

Data import projects

See New Zealand data import projects


See New Zealand sub-projects


Department of Conservation

Huts are tagged with a reference to the DOC asset ID using ref:doc=*. See the DOC page for further information.


Some tags we may need to create, for satisfactory mapping of New Zealand

-- see discussion about this in the comments section of the bivouac_pnt layer in Rob's LINZ-2-OSM web app. --Hamish Dec 2010


as NZ territory is across the international date line, data for the entire country needs to be downloaded in two pieces:

North and South Islands

on any system with wget installed (most GNU/Linux and BSD systems have wget by default, it can be installed on windows), this code will download an excerpt of the planet.osm file, containing data for new zealand's north and south islands

wget -O new_zealand.osm \*[bbox=165.9,-47.9,179.0,-34.0]

alternatively, use this as the download link:*[bbox=165.9,-47.9,179.0,-34.0]
  • There is a weekly extract for New Zealand hosted on Cloudmade, currently (2010-05) the compressed version is 28.2MB.

Chatham Islands

  • Populated by the LINZ data bulk import
wget -O chathams.osm \*[bbox=-177.4,-44.5,-175.7,-43.5]

Other areas

See the LINZ#Areas wiki section for more.

Place names

  • Here is a page for discussion of New Zealand/Place names, including Māori localization and what to call populated places of varying sizes.

Issues with alignment of Bing imagery

a number of OSM users are reporting poor accuracy of the Bing images - alignment is out by up to 20m in some areas of the world (e.g. Milford Sound out by approx 60m). The intention of the table below is to collect information regarding the accuracy of the images in New Zealand. It may be useful to carry out the same checks at different zoom levels

See also: True_Offset_Process and Talk:Bing for further discussions regarding accuracy of Bing imagery. Where available, large numbers of GPS traces can be used to correctly align the imagery, for example in JOSM using the Imagery plugin (see, however this offset may only be valid for a few hundred metres, at which point the alignment may drift by > 5m, and re-alignment using GPS traces will be necessary.

The alignment issue is inherent in aerial or satellite photography. Due to the different terrain heights as they present themselves to the camera lens and the curve of the earth this produces a 2D image that is not possible to get exactly aligned on all four sides. When the image has to be aligned to other images that are stitched together to make up the full background canvas it is quite commonly the case that they do not line up completely. As cameras get higher resolution and can take in more terrain in one photo this problem gets reduced but never eliminated. See for more information about how this is corrected. Unless imagery is orthorectified, these problems always occur. Enzedrail 21:45, 2 January 2012 (UTC)

see comments re. suitability in the Talk side of this wiki page ("Discussion" tab at the top of this page)
province city/town/suburb item latitude according to GPS longitude according to GPS latitude according to Bing longitude according to Bing latitude error longitude error zoom level
auckland parnell artwork in the domain

Quality controls