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Schnaittach, Germany
Schnaittach, Germany
Slippy map:


This article or section may contain out-of-date information: Updates in the German language version of this page do not reflect in the English language version (the version that you're currently reading).
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)

NOTE: As of 2021-03, seems to redirect to, which only covers Germany.

Goal of this project is to generate an optimized map based on OpenStreetMap. Fire stations, hydrants, water tanks, and ponds used for firefighting (suction points) should be shown highlighted.

Besides the online map an easy export for paper prints or for fast viewing on different media shall be made available. Also an export of fire hydrant positions as GPX file shall be created.


The map is usually updated every 2-3 days. Hence you can expect new edits to be displayed within about 1-5 days.

Example (Schnaittach)

The community of Schnaittach (in Germany) and the surrounding area has complete coverage of fire hydrants and other fire-fighting sources. Thus, this area in OpenFireMap can be used as reference.

Location of fire hydrants in Schnaittach (as of August 2015)

Internet domain and history

The domain has been registered by Wankmann.

A first version was created by T-i in September 2010. Based on the conversations at the Nürnberger Stammtisch it was initiated by Markus in a Zurich mapping party. The domain until end of 2011 showed this map.

In December 2010, a worldwide fire station-related Project of the Week was conducted. Statistics about created objects can be found there.

In October 2011 the matter "firemap" was once again discusses at the OSM Stammtisch in Nürnberg. Alternative development is done by a small group since then. Based on a new firemap layer was created. Since January 2012 the domain points to there.

Presentation on the map

Fire stations show up at zoom 11 onwards, while fire hydrants and some water sources used for firefighting show up at zoom 14 onwards. Symbols used change on different zoom levels.

Object Fire Station Pillar Type Fire Hydrant Underground Fire Hydrant Wall type Fire Hydrant Other/Unknown Fire Hydrant Types Water Tank Ponds used for firefighting
Zoom Level Bereichswache 40, Frankfurt-Ostend.jpg Ofm ofhydrant.jpg Ofm hydrantenschild.jpg
Berlin hydrant 20050211 p1000517.jpg
Mh Wandhydrant im Kaufhaus.jpeg Berlin hydrant 20050211 p1000517.jpg Ofm loeschwasserbehaelter.jpg Dry hydrant.jpg
Ofm saugstelle.jpg
7 Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered
8 Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered
9 Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered
10 Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered
11 Ofm fire station 11.png Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered
12 Ofm fire station.png
No ref
Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered
13 Ofm fire station.png
Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered Not rendered
14 Ofm fire station.png
Ofm hydrant 15.png Ofm hydrant 15.png Ofm hydrant 15.png Ofm hydrant 15.png link=‎ link=‎
15 Ofm fire station.png
link=‎ Ofm hydrant 15.png Ofm hydrant 15.png Ofm hydrant 15.png Ofm hydrant 15.png Ofm hydrant 15.png
16 Ofm fire station.png
Ofm hydrant p 17.png Ofm hydrant u 17.png link=‎ link=‎ link=‎ link=‎
17 Ofm fire station.png
Ofm hydrant p 17.png
Ofm hydrant w 17.png Ofm hydrant 17.png
Ofm water tank 17.png
Ofm openwater 17.png
ggf. unlimited
18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
TAG amenity=fire_station emergency=fire_hydrant fire_hydrant:type=pillar emergency=fire_hydrant fire_hydrant:type=underground emergency=fire_hydrant fire_hydrant:type=wall emergency=fire_hydrant fire_hydrant:type=unknown emergency=water_tank emergency=fire_hydrant fire_hydrant:type=pond
Fire hydrants (Map, zoom 17)

Further details:

  • Fire stations (shortcuts with max. 5 characters with tag ref=*)
  • in zoom level 17:
    • fire hydrant diameters
    • content of water tank
    • restrictions on water intake


Available base layers - goal

  • Mapnik
  • Mapnik transparent (pale)
  • Black/white map
  • Gray/white map
  • No background

View in zoom levels 1 to 10

We didn't yet find an optimal solution for those zoom levels (so nothing is rendered yet). Possible display as transparent dots or code for clustering hydrants maybe is implemented later.


Where hydrants are already mapped

A list of hydrants added (in Germany) can be found here (in German).

Adding hydrants

You can find instructions for entering hydrants at the OpenFireMap HOWTO page. Many firefighters use that as practice: reading maps, find hydrants, check them, clean them - and add them into OSM. Great for apprentices. as seen on a smartphone

Mobile version

There is a mobile version (Beta) for smartphones. The blue cross indicates the current location, while the blue circle shows its accuracy. It can be viewed at


(not yet implemented)

Export to a different medium:


Printout for use in the field.

Printout for the fire station house.

PDF should be suitable for professional printing.


Graphics output for fast use if no online connection is available.


Select a region and export hydrant's locations into a GPX file.


Hydrants in zoom level 8 to 11

Clustering hydrants in lower zoom levels as in -- Stephankn
So it is easier to check where hydrants are already mapped...

More information for firefighters

  • access roads
  • bridge height
  • building entrance, house number, access road for paramedics
  • last check of hydrant, check report, "Vorschieber" open/closed, normal pressure, ideas from Tanker
  • etc.

Tube length

A transparent circle (= tube length) around each hydrant (starting at z=15) would be cool, standard radius 80m. With that it would be visible where additional hydrants are necessary.

Same for fire stations (radius 2km).

This is the code for variable radius

Popup in z=17

In z=17 relevant POIs/areas should be clickable, showing a popup with all data from the DB. Gets complicated with a more complex data schema. You can see where data are missing.


If you have questions about, please contact Wankmann or send an email to info (at)

For the latest news, you can follow X (Twitter) user @OpenFireMapX (Twitter) user.

Create your own Map

In case you want to create your own OpenFireMap or use it as a template for a new specialized map, please have a look at the OpenFireMap installation page.

See also