OpenStreetMap 12th Anniversary Birthday party

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12th birthday cake at the Bangalore party

This year the project birthday, the OpenStreetMap 12th Anniversary Birthday party was celebrated on Saturday, 13th August 2016 in cities all around the world!

Birthday events

Kigali, Rwanda

When: Saturday, August 13th. 9.00 am - 1.00 pm

Where: Klab, Telecom House

What: OpenStreetMap Rwanda is celebrating the 12th Aniversary of OSM by mapping Mpazi River Catchment. Join us here 

Copenhagen, Denmark

When: Saturday, August 13th. 10 am - 4 pm

Where: Ballerup Library

What: Maptime Copenhagen is celebrating the 12th Anniversary of OSM with an introduction to OSM editing, a photo walk with Mapillary and mapping of Maputo, Nairobi and Lesotho.

Join us here:

Moscow, Russia

An outdoor mapping party on 13th of August. See details and sign up at RU:Московская встреча в Долгопрудном.

Nashua, New Hampshire, USA

When: Saturday, August 13th, We will be setting up by 10:00 AM, and staying until 3:00 PM.

Where: Greeley Park cookout area in Nashua

What: Celebrate OSM's birthday with a cookout at Greeley Park in Nashua. If you're not familiar with Greeley Park, the picnic/cookout area is right about at (42.7807, -71.4669). Contact user:rozzin to coordinate. If you have not confirmed your attendance with user:rozzin, please consider bringing some food to share.

London, UK

BBQ in London

When: Saturday, August 13th. 1pm til late

Where: Harry's garden in Archway north London

What: A BBQ for all folks celebrating OpenStreetMap's birthday whether you're an old timer mapper or just finding out about it

Bangalore, India

The Mapbox team in Bangalore have already baked their cake! Details of the party to follow

Dublin, Ireland

#osm_ie are so happy with being 12 that we have donated the day to #MapLesotho and will do some work on this hotosm task and sync with our Danish Cousins, and other friends who want to join in from various locations.

When: Saturday August 13th 10am to 4pm

Where: Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2.

What: #MapLesotho and advanced tagging with Mapillary

Essen, Germany

Many cakes at the SommerCamp in Essen

When: Saturday, August 13th. 10 am - 10 pm

Where: Linux Hotel

What: OSM SommerCamp is a hackweekend and a "several days Stammtisch". We will discuss, program , map and on Saturday night we will have a barbecue.

Join us here: SommerCamp 2016

Teyateyaneng, Lesotho

Lioli hospitality will recieve #MapLesotho to meet in the camptown of Teyateyaneng, the town of the quick-sands. See the wiki project Lesotho protocols here. Mappers will work on either Maseru City if you want to use the Mapillary tools or Berea if you want to do detailed tracing, and please map the towns if you can see them.

When: Saturday, August 13th; 10 am - 4 pm

Where: Berea District Council Offices

What: Regular Mapathon, Re thuse ho rala Lesotho!

Tunis Tunisia

Who : OpenFab Tunisia, Nomad08 and Freeeways

When : Saturday, August 13th; 9 am - 6 pm

Where : Rosa Luxomburg Foundation - North Africa Office

What : Celebrating the 12th OpenStreetMap Birthday by presenting some usecases and with workshops (Contribution, Leafletjs, Personnalisation )

Fukushima, Japan

Ikiya cooked another superbly decorated birthday cake to celebrate in Fukushima, Japan

Your city

OpenStreetMap is a volunteer driven project, and that goes for event organisation too. This means if you'd like to celebrate OpenStreetMap's birthday where you are… you just need to make a little plan, and add the details to this list!

This year we're celebrating the OpenStreetMap 21th Anniversary Birthday party!