OpenStreetMap 19th Anniversary Birthday party

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An early "Cake diagram" for the Mapchester mapping event

In 2023 the project birthday, the OpenStreetMap 19th Anniversary Birthday party will be celebrated on or around 9th August 2023 in cities all around the world!

Birthday events

Order by date and then by longitude in time order (from East to West). Use {{flagicon|country}}.

9 August

  • Nepal Birthday Celebration Mapathon/Tasking Manager Training with Birendra Open Source Club 5:00 PM NPT
  • Hungary Hungary/20230809 Birthday celebration with ice cream, fish and drinks and perhaps refresh a few POI on the free beach resort and along the shoreline of the Danube in Budapest.
  • United States Richmond, Virginia, USA - Toast to OSM's birthday at Triple Crossing Beer at 6pm EST
  • Indonesia Perkumpulan OpenStreetMap Indonesia - OSM 19th Birthday Wishes Creative Competition. A mini campaign for Indonesian OSM Mappers community to celebrate 19th OSM birthday. This event starts 9 August until 18 August 2023. See their social media for more information : Instagram or Twitter
  • Brazil OSM 19th Birthday Celebration by UmbraOSM. An online meet-up to map, talk about OSM and drink. It is planned to map the building of a suburb of São José dos Pinhais, PR, called Quississana. Join us on Meet Jitsi, starting at 20:00, GMT-3, São Paulo Time Zone. Join us also on Telegram.
  • France Grenoble groupe local : apéro pour fêter l'anniversaire d'OpenStreetMap, rendez-vous à partir 18h au Square.

10 August

  • Montrouge, France (next to Paris) - Toast to OSM birthday

11 August

  • Hungary Hungary/20230811 Birthday celebration with drinks, party games, a presentation about QGIS editing and perhaps a little indoor mapping in a nearby mall in the city centre of Budapest.

16 August

19 August

Related write-ups

Event Photos

This year we're celebrating the OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Birthday party!