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PoliMappers Adventures 2017 mapping event logo.

What are the PoliMappers’ Adventures ?

PoliMappers is going to publish on its social media channels a simple challenge everyday from 1st to 25th of December, with the purpose of contributing to OpenStreetMap while having fun. The idea is inspired by the traditional Advent calendar.

How to participate ?

  1. Follow the group on our social media channels.
  2. Read the instructions for the mapping mission of the day.
  3. Important : add #polimappersadventures in your changeset comment when you modify the OpenStreetMap database.
    (If you are a member of PoliMappers, please also add the hashtags #youthmappers #polimappers #polimappersadventures23.)


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
November 26 – 🌓
November 27
November 28
November 29
November 30
December 1 – 🕋 🎗️
A new year of adventures also means learning something new about OSM on Learn OSM. If you want to map using what you learned today, add #polimappersadventures to the comment of your changesets!
December 2 – ☯️
What happens if you would like to map and you don't have your computer? You use your smartphone! Download and learn how to use MapSwipe! With one simple click you can map! Learn more about it: https://mapswipe.org/en/
December 3 – 🌕
Are you a beginner mapper or simply still looking for a guiding light on OSM? So it is time to start mapping! Find a street lamp and map it using the tag : highway=street_lamp
December 4
Have you already decorated your XMas tree? It’s time to try to map one of them in #OpenStreetMap with the tag : natural=tree. Try to add also its genus, leaf type and species!
December 5 – 🤝
Give humanitarian help! Log in with your OpenStreetMap account and contribute to a HOT task!
December 6
Fix and close an issue/note. You can find them by activating the notes layer at zoom level 9 or higher on the OSM map.
December 7 – ✈️
Are you getting crazy buying presents? Remember to tag the shop where you go using the tag : shop=*!
December 8 – ☸️
It's time to rest and enjoy the Christmas atmosphere, perhaps even in company while chatting a bit in the calm of a nice park. Find a bench nearby and map it with your favourite editor with the tag : amenity=bench!
December 9 – 🕯️
Do you know the history behind the name of the streets of your hometown? With MapComplete you can play with wikidata tags on #OpenStreetMap and learn more about the etymology of your city!
December 10 – 🌗 ⛓️
Our next task shows you another way to use images for mapping with Pic4Review https://pic4review.pavie.info/#/missions, choose one mission and start mapping!
December 11 – ⛰️
Looking for something new to map in your city? You can contribute by adding to OpenStreetMap bike parkings with the tag : amenity=bicycle_parking
December 12 – 🕎 🕊️
Make sure to know when your favorite POIs are open! Map the opening hours using the tag opening_hours=*. Try the MapComplete themes: it can make it even funnier!
December 13
Are you always outdoors looking for mappy adventures? Maybe you could enjoy updating OSM with some good mobile app! Have you ever tried GoMap, Every Door or Vespucci?
December 14
Take photos with Mapillary or KartaView! Download them on your smartphone and use them with iD editor to map features on OpenStreetMap!
December 15
Visit your city and map the building levels using the tag : building:levels=* and explore the results with a [3D map]!
December 16
Find a building or an entrance and map the house number and the name of the street it is on! Use the tags documented in: addr=*. Check the guidelines for your country!
December 17
December 18 – 🌑 🚣
December 19 – 🎅
December 20 – 🤝
December 21 –
December 22
December 23
December 24 – 🎄
December 25 – 🎅
December 26 – 🌓
December 27
December 28
December 29
December 30
December 31 – 🎊
January 1 – ⛓️
January 2 – 🌕
January 3
January 4
January 5
January 6 – 👑


Do I have to participate in all the activities ?

It is not mandatory to participate everyday. ;-)

Are there other ways to contribute ?

The wiki is not complete and some pages in English are not available in other languages. Below is a list of useful pages to be translated: