Power networks/Quality Assurance

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This page gather quality assurance processes concerning power networks.

Electrical power networks

This section lists the points to check on the electrical network and the corresponding Overpass queries.

Non duplicate substation

Substations are usually mutually exclusive. We shall not find a substation within an other one.

Overpass query

try it yourself in overpass-turbo
/* This query requests all duplicates substations (2 substations in the same place) */
( way[power=substation](area.substation)->.connectedsub
  ((.connectedsub; - .substation;);.duplicatesub;) -> .duplicatesub; );
.duplicatesub; out geom;

Unsuitable value for "power" tag

Example of unsuitable values : power=transition ; yes ; station ; roof_pole ; proposed ; "tower;pole" ; "pole;transformer"

Valid values : https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Template:Map_Features:power

See also Taginfo : https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/power#values

Especially, Tag power=station is deprecated value and should be replaced either with plant, with generator or with substation : https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:power=station

Overpass query

try it yourself in overpass-turbo
/* Identify features with invalid power tag value */
out geom;
try it yourself in overpass-turbo
/* Generated by the overpass-turbo wizard for: “power=station” */
out geom;

Line connection with portal

If power=portal is a way, the node that connect a power=line must be power=insulator

Geometry type checking

Geometry types
Tag Node Way Area Relation
power=line - way - -
power=substation node - area -
power=portal node way - -
power=transformer node - - -
power=insulator node way - -

Tag:power=portal must be a node or a way

See : power=portal

Tag:power=transformer must be a node

See : power=transformer

There might be some confusion with power=substation

Tag:power=substation must be a node or an area

See : power=substation

Voltage coherence on power lines

Two end-to-end connected power lines on a power=tower must have same voltage.

Only use of a power=transformer might change the voltage.

Number of cables coherence on power lines

Two end-to-end connected power lines on a power=tower must have same number of cables.