Proposal:Contact line

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detailed contact line
Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: reDoubleYou
Tagging: electrified:contact_line=*
Applies to: way
Definition: There are different electrification systems within the overhead contact lines.

Rendered as: hidden, maybe OpenRailwaymap or similar
Draft started: 2024-12-23


This proposal suggests introducing the new Key electrified:contact_line for capturing the type of overhead contact lines.


At the moment, it can be maped, how a track is electrified by the described values of electrified. One of them is electrified=contact_line. But there are various types of overhead contact lines. This diversity can't be mapped by the exiting tags. Replacing the existing tag electrified=contact_line by the values listed below would not be expedient, as this change would involve extensive adjustments to the existing database. The aim is therefore to concretise the already mapped value electrified=contact_line with the tagging proposed below.


specification of the type of the contact line

Key Value Description Photos
electrified:contact_line trolley-type simple, so called trolley-type contact wire without a continuous catenary wire, just the contact wire J35 985 Bf Ploče.jpg
catenary overhead contact lines with catenary suspension, consisting of one (or two) supporting catenary wires located above the contact wire(s) Overhead lines JR West 001.JPG
rail overhead conductor rail installation (soffit conductor rail or conductor rail with clipped-in contact wire) Bahnhof Berlin Potsdamer Platz Deckenstromschiene.jpg

details for catenary overhead contact lines

In the case of a catenary system (proposed to be tagged with electrified:contact_line=catenary), there are different types and characteristics of catenaries that can be mapped by the following tagging:

Key Value Description Photos
catenary simple simple catenary system with messenger wire and contact wire connected with dropper wires Simple catenary.png
stiched catenary systems that consist in comparison to the "simple" system described above of additional Y-wires at catenary masts Y simple catenary.png
compound catenary systems that consist in comparison to the "stitched" system described above of additional auxiliary messenger wire Konpaunto catenary.png
catenary:muffled yes if the catenary has dampers Kasen damper.JPG

Also at catenaries there is usually one contact wire and one catenary wire in the catenary system. However, there are also designs in which there are two contact wires or two catenary wires. It is proposed to map these cases with the following tags and the known values of wires=*. Note that it is proposed to not map catenary:contact_wire=single, catenary:auxiliary_wire=single or catenary:messenger_wire=single as the value single is assumed by default.

Key Value Description Photo
catenary:contact_wire double added, if the catenary system has a doubled contact wire Twin simple catenary.png
catenary:auxiliary_wire double added, if the catenary system has a doubled auxiliary messenger wire I've never heared about that, but we are prepared of that
catenary:messenger_wire double added, if the catenary system has a doubled messenger wire Overhead line 007.JPG

It is also possible to combine these tags to represent the existing infrastructure.

Applies to

The proposed tag applies to ways way that are tagged with electrified=contact_line.


Photo Tagging

Overhead line keiyo line.JPG

Overhead line 007.JPG


No changes at OSM carto rendering.

Features/Pages affected


Please comment on the Proposal_talk:Contact_line.