Proposal:Emergency=lifeboat station

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Proposal status: Obsoleted (inactive)
Proposed by: Fizzie41
Tagging: emergency=lifeboat_station
Applies to: node way area relation
Definition: Lifeboat / Marine Rescue station.

Draft started: 2022-11-22


To officially approve the currently "in use" emergency=lifeboat_station tag to show the buildings and base areas, of those groups that are dedicated to the rescue of vessels and / or sailors in distress, usually in Open or Coastal waters, but also sometimes in inland waters such as lakes and rivers. These groups may also be involved in rescue operations in littoral areas such as coastal cliffs, mud flats etc.

Rescues are usually carried out by boat, but other alternative means can also be used.

Some examples of these groups include the British RNLI, USCG Auxilliary, Australian Volunteer Coast Guard, Volunteer Marine Rescue & many others.

These groups may be made up of paid professionals, volunteers only, or a combination of the two. This tag does not distinguish between them.

For those groups primarily intended for the safety and rescue of swimmers, surfers, and other water sports participants, see emergency=lifeguard

Tag proposed to be approved

Tags to be Deprecated

As part of this proposal, the following established "in-use" tags, which are all more or less duplicates of emergency=lifeboat_station, should be deprecated & their existing usage merged under this tag:

Together with the undocumented tag

as well as several others with only a handful of uses each.

Meaning of "Deprecated"

Specifically, in this context the term deprecated means:

  • The deprecation template will be added to their various wiki pages
  • Where necessary, new pages will be created and marked as deprecated
  • These tags will be added to Deprecated features
  • Data consumers are recommended to support these tags until such time as they are no longer in use

Tags proposed to be deprecated
emergency=marine_rescue amenity=lifeboat_station amenity=lifeboat


Currently, Lifeboat / Marine Rescue bases are mapped with a number of different tags, with the documented pages all having very similar descriptions and meanings. As can be seen, these tags have all been used a similar number of times (~250 – 450), but on checking, in the vast majority of cases, usually two, & sometimes more, of these tags have been used together on the same POI e.g

which makes them more awkward to map, doesn't give a true indication of mapping numbers, and also breaks the principles of,_one_OSM_element.

I am therefore proposing that emergency=lifeboat_station be accepted as the default tag for these bases, that the other similar tags be marked as deprecated, and their current usage be merged into the accepted lifeboat_station tag.

How to Map

For buildings / areas that operate as a lifeboat / rescue station, draw an area around the building, and tag them as emergency=lifeboat_station. If the station includes multiple buildings, possibly in separate locations e.g. an administration building / crew quarters, a radio room / observation tower and also a boatshed, use the same tag on each of them, and consider joining them in a relation as type=site.

If a single building is shared by multiple users, add a node inside the mapped building and tag it as emergency=lifeboat_station.

This tag can also be added to such facilities as fire-stations that also have a water-rescue role e.g.

Tags used in combination

  • name=* - the common name of the feature e.g. RNLI Tower Lifeboat Station
  • operator=* - e.g. Royal National Lifeboat Institution (spelt in full in local language)
  • operator:wikidata=* - the Wikidata ID code for the Operator
  • opening_hours=* - Most groups will be available on a call-out basis 24/7, but if part of the station (e.g. the radio room or an observation tower) is open during the day, then include those times, either daily e.g. Mo-Su 05:00-18:00, or the time of year that they are there e.g. Oct-Apr Sa-Su 06:00-17:00. If the station is only operational for part of the year, consider also tagging them with seasonal=* (e.g. summer)
  • phone=* - contact phone number for the group
  • fax=* - contact fax number for the group
  • seamark:type=rescue_station - denotes a Rescue Station ***

NB *** The various seamark categories should be included as they are intended to render in various nautical charts.

Other possible tags to include

  • seamark:radio station:callsign=* - the designated radio call-sign of a rescue station (if different to the Station name) ***
  • seamark:radio station:channel=* - which radio channels the group's radio-room monitors e.g. VHF 16,67,73,82; 27MHz 88,91 ***
  • seamark:rescue_station:category=* - type of facilities each station has e.g. radio station, on-land or moored lifeboat, first-aid room ***
  • lifeboat = offshore / inshore - depending on whether the station is equipped for Blue Water rescues, or close coastal / inland assistance only
  • lifeboat:class = if Class of lifeboat known e.g. RNLI_Severn

For those groups primarily intended for the safety and rescue of swimmers, surfers, and other water sports participants, see emergency=lifeguard

Possible Rendering

This tag could possibly render with the same pink background / brown icon colour scheme as currently used for Police & Fire Stations, together with an "SOS" icon?

Pages affected

Pages affected
Page Action
* Emergency_facilities_and_amenities Edit
* emergency=lifeboat_station Change status from "In-use" to "Authorised"
* emergency_service=water Create page
* emergency=marine_rescue Mark as deprecated & merge use
* amenity=lifeboat_station Mark as deprecated & merge use
* amenity=lifeboat Create page, mark as deprecated & merge use

External Discussions


Please comment on either the discussion page, tagging list [1], or Community forum [2].


Instructions for voting
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  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. For obvious reasons! :-) --Fizzie41 (talk) 03:23, 15 December 2022 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal. A proposal that includes non-boats (helicopters) in a tag value mentioning lifeboats only is asking for confusion. Additionally, with "This tag could also be extended to cover such facilities" it's not clear if it covers facilities other than rescue stations --Pnorman (talk) 07:48, 15 December 2022 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Something B (talk) 13:40, 15 December 2022 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal. The proposal bans the tagging of moored lifeboats with amenity=lifeboat by including it in the list of deprecations, without suggesting/creating a replacement. Jnicho02 (talk) 13:45, 15 December 2022 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal. non-boats (helicopters) in a tag value mentioning lifeboats only is confusing. using emergency=* for coordination offices does not make sense (it is not used for coordination offices in the health sector). duplicating tags on all elements of a site relation is a mistake, it leads to having more stations than there are in reality. type in seamark:type is a meaningless suffix and a useless duplicate of the main tag and it's unclear if we also vote on that or not, the mooring lifeboat is depreciated but doesn't get a "correct" value Marc marc (talk) 13:49, 15 December 2022 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal. Did you forget to change to emergency=water_rescue ? emergency_service=water is not clear, and it should not be "approved" alone before emergency_service=*. The abandoned Proposed_features/Emergency_service#Definition has lifeguard and non-military coast guard mixed up with it. Is service_branch=* similar to military_service=* needed for maritime police and firefighting, cf police=* and fire_service=*? A emergency_service=water_rescue should be used for all, not only "volunteer groups that assist Emergency services". This definition seems self-contradictory on whether they are emergency services. --- Kovposch (talk) 16:20, 15 December 2022 (UTC)
  • I abstain from voting but have comments I have comments but abstain from voting on this proposal. "Rescues are usually carried out by boat, but other options, such as helicopters and jet-skis, are sometimes also used." - is it irrelevant fluff (that should be removed) or a proposal to mark helicopter-only water rescue as lifeboat station Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 07:36, 16 December 2022 (UTC)
  • I oppose this proposal I oppose this proposal. Does not help for my water rescue stations in Berlin that have their boats mooring elsewhere. --Polarbear w (talk) 12:36, 21 December 2022 (UTC)