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Proposal status: Proposed (under way)
Proposed by: GA Kevin
Tagging: sensory_friendly=*
Applies to: node way area
Definition: To provide a sensory friendly indication and sensory-friendly hours where applicable.

Rendered as: hidden
Draft started: 2025-01-08
RFC start: 2025-01-08


To provide a sensory friendly indication and sensory-friendly hours where applicable.


Sensory Processing Sensitivity accommodations have become an important part of an ever-increasingly inclusive world. Many retailers, businesses, and offices have started to implement "sensory friendly" hours to cater to the needs of these individuals, such as Walmart's Sensory-Friendly Hours. People who have autism and similar conditions can have Sensory Issues that would benefit greatly by shops, cafes, and other destinations having clear sensory level information and when (where applicable) sensory-friendly hours exist.

Previously, Key:sensory had been proposed (and approved) for use in playground contexts surrounding items that produce a sensory reaction such as visual, tactile, audible, and smell. Usage of this tag is minimal however the utility of it should be retained. Similarly, the Proposal:Quiet hours had some great groundwork for the sensory friendly hours aspect but did not include sensory level information, source, or other relevant information that those who have sensory processing sensitivity may find useful.

Sensory was chosen over quiet or other options due to the scientific research in this area using the term sensory, despite many retailers using the term "Quiet Hours" to also include visual stimuli.


Tag Tagged On Options Description Example
sensory_friendly=* node way area yes


Used to communicate if a particular node way area is sensory friendly and in what way. sensory_friendly=smell;hearing
sensory_friendly:opening_hours=* node way area Use opening_hours=* syntax Describes if something has designated sensory friendly hours. sensory_friendly=hearing

sensory_friendly:opening_hours=Mo-Su 08:00-10:00

source:sensory_friendly=* node way area signed/URL String Describes the source of the sensory-friendly information. sensory_friendly:opening_hours=Mo-Fr 07:00-09:00; Sa 12:00-14:00


For complex or rare circumstances, the standard conditional restrictions can be applied. A description may also be warranted if a sensory friendly feature is not easily understood by the sense it stimulates. It is recommended to use sensory_friendly:description=* in such cases.

Changes based on community feedback

Community feedback in the forum has been robust and fruitful on this topic. It is clear the need for sensory information is popular however the original proposal aimed to do too much. As such the following tags have been removed from the proposal and should not be considered part of this proposal moving forward:

These changes reflect a narrowing of scope from the initial indicator, levels, and hours, to be simply an indicator and hours where applicable. The levels of sensory stimuli is an important key, and may be brought forward in the future, but will remain out of scope for this initial proposal.

Additionally, the following changes have been made to better clarify their intention and simplify their use:

Further Refinements

Features/Pages affected

External discussions


Please comment on the discussion page.