![]() | Documentation of how this tag is used is at amenity=monastery |
amenity=monastery | |
Proposal status: | Proposed (under way) |
Proposed by: | dieterdreist |
Tagging: | amenity=monastery |
Applies to: | nodes, areas, relations |
Definition: | To map a monastery and subtypes of it |
Statistics: |
Draft started: | 2011-06-03 |
RFC start: | 2022-06-26 |
Vote start: | * |
Vote end: | * |
Monastery denotes the building, or complex of buildings, that houses a room reserved for prayer (e.g. an oratory) as well as the domestic quarters and workplaces (including gardens) of monastics, whether monks or nuns, and whether living in community or alone (hermits).
Tags for the whole site
Main tags
The main tag to map a monastery is amenity=monastery.
Suggested subtags are
- religion=*
- denomination=*
- community=* see below for a list of suggested values.
General tags that might be useful to put them additionally:
Monastics, mendicants or canons regular
- monastery:type=monastery to tag a place operated by a community of monastics
- monastery:type=convent to tag a place operated by a community of mendicants
- monastery:type=canonry a place operated by canons regular. not sure if this should be a subtype of monastery, maybe an attribute which can be combined with churches would be better.
- monastery:type=commandry to tag a place operated by Military order
- monastery:type=hermitage to tag a hermitage.
- ? to tag a palce operated by clerks regulars Clerks Regular
Religious rank
- religious_rank=abbey An abbey is a monastery, canonry or (rarely) convent under the authority of an abbot or an abbess, who serves as the spiritual father or mother of the community.
- religious_rank=archabbey An archabbey is similar to an abbey but under the authority of an archabbot or an archabbess.
Holy or sacred places
Monks or nuns
If you want to be explicit about the gender of the community you can use these subtags:
- community:gender=male for a community of males
- community:gender=female for a community of females
How to structure your mapping / Where to apply the tags
There are several possible ways to map a monastery. Below is a description where the main tags might be applied to.
Obviously a very poor representation yet already usefull would be to add a simple node for the whole complex and associate the above mentioned tags to it.
Closed way/multipolygon
An area surrounding the main place is a better choice then a node. This area can be either a closed way or a collection of outer ways that form a multipolygon relation (with or without holes). This way of mapping is already widespread for other features so that it could be evaluated easily by most current applications.
Site relation
Alternatively you could also apply the tags to a site relation. In this case it is suggested you use site=monastery.
Mapping individual parts
A monastery often consists of standard parts. Here is a suggestion how to map some of these individual parts:
Some building typology
- building=church like any other church, in the case of active service this should be accompagnied by amenity=place_of_worship and subtags. Also have a look at service_times=*.
- building=chapel see church for comments.
- building=cloister a rectangular open space surrounded by covered walks or open galleries, with open arcades on the inner side, running along the walls of buildings and forming a quadrangle or garth. Sometimes has another meanings - the building around, or even the space which is private for monks. Should probably found anouther term.
- building=chapter_house
- building=dormitory place to sleep (either a hall or a corridor with cells)
- building=kitchen
- building=infirmary
- building=oratory see chapel
- building=refectory "dining room"
- building=smithy
- building=stable
- building=balneary
- building=pigsty
- ...
Outside areas
- leisure=garden with garden:type=monastery and possibly a garden style (e.g. garden:style=kitchen and garden:style=herb_garden).
Agriculture and forestry
Other parts
If the site is enclosed you are encouraged to map this, e.g. with barrier=wall or barrier=fence and to map the openings as well (barrier=gate).
Operating communities
This is a list of currently documented catholic communities that operate monasteries. It is a subpage of User:FrViPofm. Some other non catholic communities are also listed on the draft User:FrViPofm/Community. Feel free to add more of them if they are missing. These values should go under the community=* key.
In OSM [1] | Other form[2] | Common name[3] | Official name | Other tags | See also | Note | |
↥AA |
Augustiniani ab Assumptione
↥ASC |
Sorores Adoratrices Pretiossimi Sanguinis
Congregatio Adoratricum Sanctissimi Cordis Iesu de Monte Martyrum |
Congregatio Beatae Mariae Virginis |
↥CM |
Congregatio Missionis |
↥CMF |
↥CO |
↥CRM |
Clerici Regulares Sancti Pauli
↥CS |
MSCS • |
↥CSJ |
↥CSJo |
Congregatio Sanctis Josephis |
↥CSSp |
↥ErCam |
Congregatio Camaldulensis Ordinis Sancti Benedicti
OSBCam • |
↥FDC |
Institutum Fratrum instructionis christianae de Ploërmel |
↥FMA |
f.m.a. |
Congregatio Filiarum Mariae Auxiliatricis |
↥FMB |
↥FMH |
↥FMM |
[1] | |||
↥FSC |
Institutum Fratrum Scholarum Christianarum
↥FSA |
F.S.A. |
Filiarum a Sancta Anna
↥FSJ |
↥IVE |
↥MAP |
Sorores Missionariae S.Caroli Borromaei, Scalabrinianae
CS • |
↥OCart |
↥OCC |
↥OCD |
Ordo Cisterciensis strictioris observantiae
↥OFM |
↥OFMCap |
↥OFMConv |
Ordo Fratrum Minorum Conventualium
↥OFS |
Ordo Hospitalarius Sancti Ioannis de Deo
↥OM |
↥OMI |
↥OP |
Ordo praedicatorum |
↥OPraem |
↥OSA |
Ordo eremitarum sancti Augustini |
↥OSB |
↥OSBCam |
Congregatio Camaldulensis Ordinis Sancti Benedicti
↥OSBOliv |
Congregatio Sanctae Mariae Montis Oliveti
↥OSC |
Ordo Sancti Pauli Primi Eremitæ
Ordo Sanctissimi Salvatoris Sanctae Brigittae |
Ordo Sanctissimae Trinitatis redemptionis captivorum
↥OVM |
Ordo Visitationis Beatissimae Mariae Virginis |
↥PFJ |
↥PSA |
↥PSE |
↥PSJ |
↥PSS |
↥RMI |
Religiosas de María Inmaculada
↥RSV |
Congregatio Religiosorum S. Vincentii a Paulo
↥SCC |
Congregatio Sororum Christianae Caritatis |
↥SDB |
Societas Sancti Francisci Salesii
↥SFA |
↥SJ |
Societas Jesu
↥SM |
Societas Mariae
↥SMM |
Societas Mariae Montfortana
↥SOC |
OCSO • |
↥SSA |
S.S.A. |
Sororum Sanctae Annae
S.S.A.M. |
SS.CC. |
Sacrorum Cordium |
↥SSF[4] |
Society of St Francis |
OFM • |
↥SSJE[4] |
Society of St John the Evangelist |
↥SSpS |
Congregatio Servarum Spiritus Sancti |
↥TOR |
Tertius Ordo Regularis
Congregatio Sororum Ursulinarum a Sacro Corde Iesu Agonizantis |
- ↑ typo : We should use the Catholic Door notation wihout dots and without underscore, with capital letters for first letters, and lower cases for other letters, e.g. 'OFMCap'
- ↑ For some orders or congregation, there are several official or in-use forms , e.g. : O. Cit., S.O.C. for the cistercians, f.e.c. or f.s.c. for the Lasalians, They can be put here.
- ↑ For local congregations or communities the main name is put in bold
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 denomination=anglican
Please leave comments on the discussion page.
See Also
- User:FrViPofm/Community a current proposal to tag the operating communities with some value suggestions (these have been linked into this proposal)
- historic=monastery you are encouraged to use this for former monasteries (a complex that once was built or used as a monastery and might now be abandoned or used for a different purpose). Do not use amenity=monastery for inactive monasteries.
not yet started!