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Public-images-osm logo.svg place_of_worship = lourdes_grotto
Yvoir Grotte ND de Lourdes R01.jpg
A Lourdes Grotto is a replication of the original Grotto of Massabielle near Lourdes, France, where Maria is said to have appeared to a local girl. Such replications consist of a (usually man-made) cave or cave replica, sometimes lifesize, sometimes just a few decimetres high, with a statue of Maria inside.
Group: religion
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
  • name=* to use a name, if it has one different from the local equivalent "lourdes grotto"
  • description=* a description, if applicable
  • year=* the year the grotto is erected.
  • subject:wikipedia=*
Status: in usePage for proposal

A Lourdes Grotto is a replication of the original Grotto of Massabielle near Lourdes, France, where Maria is said to have appeared to a local girl. Such replications consist of a (usually man-made) cave or cave replica, sometimes lifesize, sometimes just a few decimetres high, with a statue of Maria inside.

Lourdes grottos were once very common, but there are still several hundreds found in Belgium, France, Spain and Germany with many others in other countries.


This is a subtag of amenity=place_of_worship which should be tagged, as should all tags that are applicable with that tag, such as religion=*, denomination=* and service_times=*.

Further tags used in combination with this tag could be:

  • name=* to use a name, if it has one different from the local equivalent of "lourdes grotto". Example:
  • loc_name=* Optional: the common local name, which will often be the local equivalent of "Lourdes grotto"
  • description=* a description, if applicable
  • year=* the year the grotto is erected.
  • tourism=attraction If the lourdes grotto is an established tourist attraction (up to the mapper's judgement call.), please indicate so.

If the edifice is built to resemble a real grotto, in a real or fake cliff face, a combination with man_made=grotto can be used.

The tag should mostly be tagged as a node. For the largest grottos that are built standalone, an area can be tagged. If built into an existing cliff face, a way can be used.


See also
