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Stapel bakstenen - Pile of bricks 2005 Fruggo.jpg
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Chave (K) Valor (V) Comentário Foto
material wood Madeira. Snohomish, WA - log pavilion 03.jpg
material concrete Concreto/betão. Concrete barrier at Nørre Vorupør.jpgConcrete fence.jpg
material metal Unspecified metal. It is better to use a more accurate value if you know what metal it is. Galvanized metal wall.jpgChain-link-Fence.jpg
material steel Aço. HK Central Murray Road Hutchison House entrance stairs stainless steel fences Nov-2012.jpgStainless Steel Railings and the Pier, Teignmouth - - 646827.jpgBollards in Haringey London England 2.jpg
material stone Pedras. Bumthang - Mauer aus Rundsteinen.JPG
material reinforced_concrete Concreto armado/betão armado. BarreiraNewJersey.JPG
material plastic Plástico. HK West Kln Austin Road West Sidewalk n Traffic Control 1.JPGJiminyPicketVinylFence.jpg
material brick Tijolo. Old Brick Wall - - 1459733.jpgShrine near Chabahil stupa.jpg
material bronze Bronze. Pomnik Anonimowego Przechodnia.JPG
material granite Granito. 'Zonnetafel - Valthe.jpgMarktplatz, aurich.jpg
material brass Latão. Astoria, OR, Prop 9-1-13 (10004012325).jpg
material glass Vidro HK IFC Roof Podium Garden Glass Sculpture purple tile mosaics.JPGCove Fort County Cork Titanic Memorial Garden Main Glass Memorial.JPG
material sandstone Arenito. Abdeckstein.jpgThe sandstone gate of Galgotias University..JPGTypical local red sandstone wall - - 228300.jpg
material rock Rocha. PTK Monument Poznan.JPG
material aluminium Alumínio. Skulptur i aluminium vid Blackebergs centrum.JPG
material copper copper. Hermannsdenkmal 2012 040.jpgSangerhausen, Spengler-Museum, Kupferkanne.jpg
material soil Soil, earth. Often used in combination with man_made=embankment. Stagnogley.JPG
material marble Mármore. White marble fence @ Temple of Heaven in Beijing - panoramio.jpgDetail of carved marble column base - Maharani Ki Chhatri, Jaipur (4609882817).jpg
material limestone Calcário. Jerusalem Western Wall stones.jpgSwabian memorial stone. Ship and rail. - Nagytétény, Budapest.JPG
material tufa Tufa and/or travertine - a soft sedimentary rock formed by the chemical precipitation of calcium carbonate minerals from fresh water, typically in springs, rivers, and lakes, especially in karst around waterfalls Kalktuff-Block Schloss-Tuebingen 2.jpgBanditaccia Tomba Dei Capitelli.jpg
material dry_stone Dry stone, stones laid without any mortar to bind them together. Dry stone globe.jpg
material andesite Andesito. Zenepavilon, a Család szobor és a Faluház, 2019 Erdőkertes.jpgBolivia-72 - Back view - Gate of the Sun (2217309605).jpg
material adobe Adobe
Tijolo feito de terra e materiais orgânicos.
material iron Ferro. PikiWiki Israel 9971 iron sculpture garden in ganei-tikva.jpg
material cast_iron Cast_iron. Bremer Schachtdeckel.jpg
material wrought_iron Wrought_iron. Wrought iron railing.jpgStorgatan 14 wrought iron fence Goteborg.jpgCounty Hall, wrought iron gate, 2017 Nyíregyháza.jpg
material sheet_metal Sheet_metal.
material ceramic Ceramic.
material terracotta Terracotta.
material sand Areia. Sand Sculpture Taiwan 2011.jpg
material plaster Gesso. Sculpture, plaster (AM 53811-1).jpg
material slate Ardósia. Slate garden wall Blackwell House - - 930728.jpg
material bamboo Bambusholz. Construction maison bambou.jpg
material metal_grid Metal grid (depending on the model also called wire mesh or wire grid, comparable is also perforated metal) is a specific type of material=metal. It is often used for seats and backrests of benches, sometimes also for outdoor tables. Bench metal grid.jpg
material basalt Basalto. Базальтове.jpg
material weathering_steel Weathering steel, sometimes called COR-TEN steel, are steel alloys that obtain a distinctive stable rust-like exterior when exposed to the weather. Typically used as building cladding and in abstract sculptures. Stadtarchiv Essen.jpg
material tyres Pneus. Tyre building.jpg
material rammed_earth Taipa. Paderne Morrish Castle 26 Nov 2007 (6).JPG
material trachyte Trachyte. Selters-Trachyt.jpg
material greywacke Greywacke. Moehnesee wall 05.JPG
material fieldstone Fieldstone. Feldsteinmauerwerk Giesensdorf.jpg
material muschelkalk Muschelkalk. Relief von Christus als Weltenrichter an der Christuskirche Flensburg-Mürwik, Oktober 2011, Bild 02.JPG
material palm_leaves Bambusoideae. Palmera001.jpg
material epoxy Epoxy, a family of resins that may replace wood or concrete to mould or cast several industrial, urban, or domestic appliances
material masonry Masonry is not a material. Please use other values.
material definido pelo usuário Todos os valores comuns de acordo com Taginfo

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.Esta tabela é um modelo wiki com uma descrição em português da tradução do artigo em inglês. Editável aqui. Mais valores podem ser encontrados em Taginfo

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Existem etiquetas de material semelhantes no OpenStreetMap. Veja as descrições deles se não conseguir encontrar o material que deseja marcar.