Ro:Potlatch 2

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Potlatch 2 este editorul OpenStreetMap disponibil dacă apăsaţi 'Edit'. Completely rewritten from the original Potlatch, its major new features include:

  • User-friendly tagging with customisable presets
  • WYSIWYG rendering
  • Vector background layers
  • A more flexible undo/redo system
  • OAuth support so you can deploy it on other websites

Places to use Potlatch 2

Potlatch 2
Licență: WTFPL
platformHelp translate this into Romanian!: web-based (Flash)
Limbaj de programare: ActionScript
Feature Value
Map Display
Show current track
Open existing track da
Altitude diagram
Show POD value
Satellite view
Show live NMEA data
Show speed
Send current position
Add POIs da
Edit / Delete POIs da
Add way da
Edit geometries da
Edit arbitrary tags of existing OSM objects da
Edit relations da
View notes
Create notes
Edit notes
Work offline cache
Support imagery offset DB
Upload to OSM da

Enter Potlatch 2 on the homepage by clicking 'Edit'.

Potlatch 2 is also deployed on a number of websites, some with significant customisations.

Cum poti folosi Potlatch 2

Feedback and bugs

  • You can view the current list of potlatch2 bugs on trac.
  • If you find a bug involving data loss or corruption, or a serious problem that would prevent you from using Potlatch 2, please report it on trac with the component "potlatch 2"
  • If you have any other bug, please report it on trac with the component "potlatch 2"
  • If there's something Potlatch 2 doesn't do which is essential to your mapping enjoyment, please report it on the Suggested enhancements page.
  • How to submit extra detailed bug reports (more complicated but very very helpful).
  • For historical interest, Closed issues.

Adauga Potlatch 2 pe siteul tau

Potlatch 2 can be hosted on any site, customised to your own requirements, and pointed towards OpenStreetMap. This allows you to deploy customised versions for (say) cycle mappers, individual countries, or whatever you like. See Deploying Potlatch 2 for instructions.

Get involved!

There's lots of ways to get involved with Potlatch 2 development, very few of which need any coding skills.

  • Write useful bug reports when you find problems - see above
  • Improve the user documentation on this wiki
  • Develop custom MapCSS styles, and improve the ones we have (no compiling required)
  • Develop custom Preset files, and improve the ones we have (no compiling required)
  • Improve the developer API documentation
  • Expand our suite of unit tests
  • Hunt down and fix the bugs listed on trac
  • Add new features!

Potlatch 2 is written in ActionScript 3 using the open-source Flex framework. We'd love it if you were to get involved in development.

The source is stored in git, we no longer use svn. Subscribe to the potlatch-dev mailing list to get in touch with the developers.

Citeste more on the OpenGeoData blog post and see a presentation from WhereCamp.EU 2010.