Road signs in Belgium/Honourable Mentions

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Traffic signs can be special. Quite a lot of traffic signs used in the wild are actually illegal. Sometimes signs clearly conflict with each other. Sometimes the road authority meant to signpost something, but made mistakes.

Of course, we have a MapComplete theme on the subject! You can use the VerkeerdeBordenDatabank to see or add strange traffic signs in OSM. While this is mostly for fun, adding these signs helps other mappers to understand your choices when you are mapping their effects.

We use this data model:

  • Describe the issue in traffic_sign:issue=*
  • If a traffic sign should exist, but doesn't, use no:traffic_sign=*. The "no" means that the sign isn't there (competing prefix "not" implies that there is another sign, which isn't always the case)

Below some unique signs.

Unofficial traffic sign indicating a two-stage turn box for bicyclists turning left.
One-way traffic sign F19 with an extra sign M3 modified with arrows to look as an extra sign type M5. One-way traffic signs F19 can not legally be combined with extra signs of type M3.
Random collection of signs placed in Schilde. A special mention for the C3 sign that, using black tape, has been transformed into a C43 sign.
Random collection of signs placed in Schilde. The value of the C43 sign has been changed using black tape.
Traffic sign drawn with black permanent marker, placed on the bike path in Schilde. Its purpose is to allow cars to move into the bike path, to be able to cross the traffic coming from the other direction while there are works ongoing.