Road signs in Belgium/F Direction and information signs

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F Direction and information signs

Sign Image Description Tags
F1 Belgian road sign F1.svg Start of built-up area

F1 is an old type of sign, no longer in use since 2015

Signs F1a and F1b may have the name of the built-up area on them

Unless another sign applies:

Built-up area in Flanders maxspeed=50, source:maxspeed=BE-VLG:urban

Built-up area in Wallonia maxspeed=50, source:maxspeed=BE-WAL:urban

Built-up area in Brussels maxspeed=30, source:maxspeed=BE-BRU:urban

F1a Belgian road sign F1bh.svg
F1b Belgian road sign F1bv.svg
F3 Belgian road sign F3.svg End of built-up area

F3 is an old type of sign, no longer in use since 2015

Signs F3a and F3b may have the name of the built-up area on them

Unless another sign applies:

Outside built-up area in Flanders maxspeed=70, source:maxspeed=BE-VLG:rural (historically also maxspeed:type=BE-VLG:rural)
Outside built-up area in Wallonia maxspeed=90, source:maxspeed=BE-WAL:rural (historically also maxspeed:type=BE-WAL:rural)
Outside built-up area in Brussels maxspeed=70

F3a Belgian road sign F3bh.svg
F3b Belgian road sign F3bv.svg
F4a Start of zone with speed limit 30km/h

If used to indicate a school zone, sign A23 is added above.

Belgian traffic sign IVMS1.png Sometimes, around schools for example, the sign can light up at certain times. Only then the speed is limited to 30 km/h.

If used to indicate a school zone, sign A23 is added above.

maxspeed=* (normal speed when extra speed restrictions don't apply, usually 50 km/h)


F4b End of zone with speed limit 30km/h Unless another sign applies:

Built-up area in Flanders maxspeed=50, source:maxspeed=BE-VLG:urban
Built-up area in Wallonia maxspeed=50, source:maxspeed=BE-WAL:urban
Outside built-up area in Flanders maxspeed=70, source:maxspeed=BE-VLG:rural
Outside built-up area in Wallonia maxspeed=90, source:maxspeed=BE-WAL:rural

F5 Belgian road sign F5.svg Start of motorway highway=motorway or highway=motorway_link, maxspeed=120, minspeed=70
F7 Belgian road sign F7.svg End of motorway
F8 Belgian road sign F8.svg Tunnel tunnel=yes, layer=-1
F9 Belgian road sign F9.svg Start of "autoweg"/"route pour automobiles" motorroad=yes. No other tags needed, as the access tags defined on the wiki page should automatically apply.
F11 Belgian road sign F11.svg End of "autoweg"/"route pour automobiles"
F12a Belgian road sign F12a.svg Start of "woonerf"/"zone résidentielle" or "erf"/"zone de rencontre" highway=living_street, foot=designated, maxspeed=20, source:maxspeed=BE:living_street (historically also maxspeed:type=BE:living_street)
F12b Belgian road sign F12b.svg End of "woonerf"/"zone résidentielle" or "erf"/"zone de rencontre" Unless another sign applies:

Built-up area in Flanders maxspeed=50, source:maxspeed=BE-VLG:urban
Built-up area in Wallonia maxspeed=50, source:maxspeed=BE-WAL:urban
Built-up area in Brussels maxspeed=30, source:maxspeed=BE-BRU:urban
Outside built-up area in Flanders maxspeed=70, source:maxspeed=BE-VLG:rural
Outside built-up area in Wallonia maxspeed=90, source:maxspeed=BE-WAL:rural
Outside built-up area in Brussels maxspeed=70

F13 Belgian road sign F13.svg Indicates choice of direction for different lanes at intersection If the way is oneway (for example split up in both directions), the you can add lanes=* and turn:lanes=*
F14 Belgian road sign F14.svg Area where cyclists and drivers of mopeds can wait at an intersection with traffic lights cycleway=asl

F15 Belgian road sign F15.svg Indicating the direction you're heading to if you follow the lanes below the arrows
F17 Belgium-trafficsign-f17.svg Indicating a lane reserved for buses If the way is oneway (for example split up in both directions), the you can add lanes=* and psv:lanes=designated
F18 Belgian road sign F18.svg Indicating lanes reserved for public transport vehicles
F19 Belgian road sign F19.svg Road with one-way traffic When the direction of the way is the same as the driving direction: oneway=yes

If the oneway restriction is in the opposite direction to the drawn way, the fix in most cases is to turn the way around ("reverse way" tool in the map editors) and apply oneway=yes. If in a (very) rare case, the direction of the way cannot be changed, you can instead tag it as oneway=-1

Also try to always tag oneway:bicycle=*, oneway:mofa=*, oneway:moped=* and oneway:speed_pedelec=* depending on the possible exception sign

F21 Belgian road sign F21.svg Allowed to pass the sign left or right
F23a Belgian road sign F23a.svg N-road number sign (national road) When the motorway has no E-number: ref=N3

When the motorway has an E-number: nat_ref=N3

F23b Belgian road sign F23b.svg A-road number sign (motorway) When the motorway has no E-number: ref=A54

When the motorway has an E-number: nat_ref=A54

F23c Belgian road sign F23c.svg E-road number sign (European motorway) ref=E40 int_ref=E 40
F23d Belgian road sign F23d.svg R-road number (ring road) When the motorway has no E-number: ref=R0

When the motorway has an E-number: nat_ref=R0

F25 Belgian road sign F25.svg Sign showing possible directions destination:forward=* or destination:backward=*, depending on the direction of the way.

F27 Belgian road sign F27.svg Sign showing possible directions
F29 Belgian road sign F29.svg Arrow indicating direction of a place (village, city...)
F31 Belgian road sign F31.svg Arrow indicating direction of a place. You'll have to follow a motorway.
F33a Belgian road sign F33a.svg Arrow indicating direction of a place (airport, port, industrial area...)
F33b Belgian road sign F33b.svg Arrow indicating direction of a touristic valley or waterway
F33c Belgian road sign F33c.svg Arrow indicating direction of a place (touristic location, sport centre...)
F34a Belgium-trafficsign-f34a.jpg Arrow indicating direction of a place (station, police, cemetery, post office...)
F34b1 Belgian road sign F34b1.svg Arrow indicating direction of a place for indicated categories of vehicles
F34b2 Belgian road sign F34b2.svg
F34c1 Belgian road sign F34c1.svg Arrow indicating direction of a touristic location for indicated categories of vehicles
F34c2 Belgian road sign F34c2.svg Arrow indicating direction of a touristic location for indicated categories of vehicles
F35 Belgian road sign F35.svg Arrow indicating direction of a touristic location
F37 Belgian road sign F37.svg Arrow indicating direction of a hotel, motel, youth hostel, camping terrain, restaurant...
F39 Belgian road sign F39.svg Sign announcing diversion
F41 Belgian road sign F41.svg Arrow indicating direction to follow for the diversion
F43 Belgian road sign F43.svg Municipality border
F45 Belgian road sign F45.svg No exit DO NOT use noexit=yes on the way itself. If you want, you could add noexit=yes on the last node of the way, as described on the tag page. Actually, it's only used to inform other mappers the road is really ending, and it's not a mapping mistake.
F45b Belgian road sign F45b.svg No exit, except pedestrians and bicycles DO NOT use noexit=yes on the way itself. If you want, you could add noexit=yes on the last node of the way, as described on the tag page. Actually, it's only used to inform other mappers the road is really ending, and it's not a mapping mistake.

You can add the correct access tags or highway type on the part of the road where pedestrians and bicycles can pass.

F47 Belgian road sign F47.svg End of road works
F49 Belgian road sign F49.svg Pedestrian crossing Add a node on the highway (it should be a part of the highway!) and tag it with highway=crossing and crossing_ref=zebra
F50 Belgian road sign F50.svg Bicycle and moped crossing highway=crossing and bicycle=yes
F50bis Belgian road sign F50bis.svg Vehicles that turn right cross a bicycle and moped crossing Different versions exist, showing signs A21, A25 or both A21 and A25
F51a Belgian road sign F51.svg Underground pedestrian crossing highway=steps, bridge=*

Belgium traffic sign F51b.png

Elevated pedestrian crossing

F52 Belgian road sign F52.svg Emergency exit in tunnels entrance=emergency or exit=emergency
F52bis Belgian road sign F52bis.svg Announcing nearest emergency exit in tunnels
F53 Belgium-trafficsign-f53.svg Nursing-home, hospital amenity=hospital
F55 Belgian road sign F55.svg Aid post
F56 Belgian road sign F56.svg Fire extinguisher emergency=fire_extinguisher
F57 Belgian road sign F57.svg Waterway
F59 Belgian road sign F59.svg Indicating parking Add a node or area on the place of the parking and tag it with amenity=parking
F60 Belgian road sign F60.svg Indicating roofed over parking Add a node or area on the place of the parking and tag it with amenity=parking followed by parking=multi-storey or parking=underground
F61 Belgian road sign F61.svg Telephone Add a node on the place of the telephone and tag it with amenity=telephone
F62 Belgian road sign F62.svg Emergency telephone Add a node on the place of the emergency telephone and tag it with emergency=phone
F63 Belgian road sign F63.svg Fuel Add a node or area on the place of the fuel station and tag it with amenity=fuel
F65 Belgian road sign F65.svg Hotel or motel Add a node or area on the place of the hotel/motel and tag it with tourism=hotel or tourism=motel
F67 Belgian road sign F67.svg Restaurant Add a node or area on the place of the restaurant and tag it with amenity=restaurant
F69 Belgian road sign F69.svg Place where you can drink something Add a node or area on the place of the amenity and tag it with amenity=cafe for coffee houses, tea rooms etc

(pubs (cafés in Dutch) are amenity=pub!)

F71 Belgian road sign F71.svg Camp site Add a node or area on the place of the camp site and tag it with tourism=camp_site
F73 Belgian road sign F73.svg Caravan site Add a node or area on the place of the caravan site and tag it with tourism=caravan_site
F75 Belgian road sign F75.svg Youth hostel Add a node or area on the place of the hostel and tag it with tourism=hostel
F77 Belgian road sign F77.svg Touristic information Add a node or area on the place of the information facility and tag it with tourism=information
F79 Belgian road sign F79.svg Temporary road works sign indicating lane decrease
F81 Belgian road sign F81.svg Temporary road works sign indicating lane deviation
F83 Belgian road sign F83.svg Temporary road works sign indicating crossing of median on dual carriageway
F85 Belgian road sign F85.svg Temporary road works sign indicating two-way traffic on road which is usually one-way only
F87 Belgian road sign F87.svg Speed bump Depending on the type of speed bump, add either traffic_calming=bump, traffic_calming=hump, traffic_calming=table or traffic_calming=cushion. See wiki for more details.

There is a maximum speed limit of 30 km/h on all kinds of traffic calming speed bumps, if they are indicated by signs A14 and F87, or if they are located on an intersection and indicated by sign A14. (law nl fr). Technically, it's not necesary to map this maxspeed=* as it's part of the the Belgian default relation.

F89 Belgian road sign F89.svg Announces rules or dangers on specific lanes only
F91 Belgian road sign F91.svg Indicates rules or dangers on specific lanes only See Lanes
F93 Belgian road sign F93.svg Indicates radio broadcasting service that gives traffic information
F95 Belgian road sign F95.svg "Noodstopstrook"/"Piste de détresse": emergency stop strip (where you can stop when brakes don't work during a descent) highway=escape
F97 Belgian road sign F97.svg Indicates lane decrease You can tag the number of lanes using lanes=*
F98 Belgian road sign F98.svg "Vluchthaven"/"Garage": where you can stop along the road in case of emergency highway=emergency_bay

Until recently, unofficial sign IF2 Belgian traffic sign IF2.png was also used to indicate emergency bays outside of tunnels. These are all being replaced with F98.


(wet 1, 2, loi 1, 2)

Belgian traffic sign F99a.svg Road reserved for pedestrians, speed pedelecs, bicycles, and horses (vehicles only have access by exception: emergency vehicles and vehicles with written permission) vehicle=no, foot=yes, speed_pedelec=yes, bicycle=yes, horse=yes, emergency=yes, maxspeed=30, access:conditional=yes @ permit
Belgian road sign F99a.svg Road reserved for pedestrians, bicycles, and horses (vehicles only have access by exception: emergency vehicles and vehicles with written permission) vehicle=no, foot=yes, bicycle=yes, horse=yes, emergency=yes, maxspeed=30, access:conditional=yes @ permit. Frequently used on RAVeL network.
Belgium-trafficsign-f99a foot bicycle.svg Road reserved for pedestrians and bicycles (vehicles only have access by exception: emergency vehicles and vehicles with written permission) vehicle=no, horse=no, foot=yes, bicycle=yes, emergency=yes, maxspeed=30, access:conditional=yes @ permit. Frequently used on RAVeL.
Belgium traffic sign F99a (speed pedelec and bicycle).png Road reserved for speed pedelecs and bicycles (vehicles only have access by exception: emergency vehicles and vehicles with written permission) vehicle=no, horse=no, foot=no, bicycle=yes, speed_pedelec=yes, emergency=yes, maxspeed=30, access:conditional=yes @ permit
Belgium-trafficsign-f99a foot.svg This variant on traffic sign F99a is not legal. Art.22quinquies mentions "categories of road users", so plural, meaning there needs to be more than one.

Road reserved for pedestrians (vehicles only have access by exception: emergency vehicles and vehicles with written permission)

vehicle=no, horse=no, foot=yes, emergency=yes, maxspeed=30, access:conditional=yes @ permit

(wet 1, 2, loi 1, 2)

Belgium-trafficsign-f99b foot bicycle.svg

Belgian road sign F99b.svg

Road reserved for pedestrian and bicycles on indicated part of the road (vehicles only have access by exception: emergency vehicles and vehicles with written permission)

Can be adapted according to different categories

vehicle=no, horse=no, foot=yes, bicycle=yes, emergency=yes, segregated=yes, maxspeed=30, access:conditional=yes @ permit

(wet 1, 2, loi 1, 2)

Belgian road sign F99c 1.svg Road reserved for agriculture vehicles, speed pedelecs, pedestrians, horses and bicycles (emergency vehicles and local traffic allowed). Can be adapted according to different categories. motor_vehicle=destination, agricultural=yes, speed_pedelec=yes, foot=yes, horse=yes, bicycle=yes, emergency=yes, maxspeed=30
Belgian road sign F99c.svg motor_vehicle=destination, agricultural=yes, foot=yes, horse=yes, bicycle=yes, emergency=yes, maxspeed=30

(wet 1, 2, loi 1, 2)

Belgian traffic sign F101c.svg

Belgian road sign F101a.svg
Belgium-trafficsign-f101a foot bicycle.svg
Belgium-trafficsign-f101a foot.svg

End of road reserved for pedestrians, bicycles and horses

Can be adapted according to different categories


(wet 1, 2, loi 1, 2)

Belgium-trafficsign-f101b foot bicycle.svg

Belgian road sign F101b.svg

End of road reserved for pedestrian and bicycles on indicated part of the road.

(wet 1, 2, loi 1, 2)

Belgian road sign F101c.svg

Belgian road sign F101c 1.svg

End of road reserved for agriculture vehicles, speed pedelecs, pedestrians, bicycles and horses.

F103 Belgian road sign F103.svg Pedestrian area.

Only pedestrians are allowed. If there is a bicycle on the sign, bicycles are also allowed. Permit holders are also allowed. Delivery vehicles and taxis may also be allowed when mentioned on the sign. Access to delivery vehicles, taxis and bicyclists may be restricted to certain time periods and days, as mentioned on the sign.

highway=pedestrian, vehicle=permit, foot=designated, emergency=yes, bus=yes

Examples of possible restrictions added to the sign:

  • Bicycles always allowed (sign has bicycle icon, without hour restriction): bicycle=yes
  • Bicycles allowed between 18h30 and 11h00: bicycle=yes @ (18:30-11:00) (adjust accordingly)
  • Loading/unloading always allowed: vehicle:conditional=yes @ delivery
  • Loading/unloading only allowed between 18h30 and 11h00: vehicle:conditional=delivery @ (18:30-11:00) (adjust accordingly)
  • Loading/unloading only allowed for vehicles less than 10 ton between 18h30 and 11h00: vehicle:conditional=delivery @ (18:30-11:00 AND weight<10) (adjust accordingly)
  • Taxis always allowed: taxi=destination
  • Taxis only allowed between 18h30 and 11h00: taxi:conditional=destination @ (18:30-11:00)

Other conditional restrictions might be possible

F105 Belgian road sign F105.svg End of pedestrian area
F107 Belgian road sign F107.svg Doesn't exist anymore
F109 Belgian road sign F109.svg Doesn't exist anymore
F111 Belgian road sign F111 fr.svg

Belgian road sign F111 nl.svg

Start of road dedicated to bicycle traffic untill sign F113 or until the next junction.

This sign was removed from the Wegcode on 1 April 2023. The signs have to be replaced by the ones below by 1 January 2035.

bicycle=designated, overtaking:motor_vehicle=no, maxspeed=30, cyclestreet=yes
Belgian traffic sign F111 rue cyclable.svgBelgian traffic sign F111 fietszone.svg Start of zone dedicated to bicycle traffic until sign F113.

This sign was added to the Wegcode on 1 April 2023 and replaces the F111 signs with text "Fietsstraat"/"Rue cyclable". The sign can still be kept untill 1 January 2035.

ZF111 Belgian traffic sign ZF111.svg Start of zone dedicated to bicycle traffic until sign F111/.

This sign was removed from the Wegcode on 1 April 2023. The signs can still be kept untill 1 January 2032.

bicycle=designated, overtaking:motor_vehicle=no, maxspeed=30, cyclestreet=yes
ZF111/ Belgian traffic sign ZF111 end.svg End of zone dedicated to bicycle traffic.

This sign was removed from the Wegcode on 1 April 2023. The signs can still be kept untill 1 January 2032.

Built-up area in Flanders maxspeed=50, source:maxspeed=BE-VLG:urban

Built-up area in Wallonia maxspeed=50, source:maxspeed=BE-WAL:urban
Built-up area in Brussels maxspeed=30, source:maxspeed=BE-BRU:urban
Outside built-up area in Flanders maxspeed=70, source:maxspeed=BE-VLG:rural
Outside built-up area in Wallonia maxspeed=90, source:maxspeed=BE-WAL:rural
Outside built-up area in Brussels maxspeed=70

F113 Belgian road sign F113 fr.svg

Belgian road sign F113 nl.svg

End of road dedicated to bicycle traffic

This sign was removed from the Wegcode on 1 August 2021, but got reintroduced on 1 October 2022. The sign was then removed again on 1 April 2023. The signs have to be replaced by the ones below by 1 January 2035.

Unless another sign applies:

Built-up area in Flanders maxspeed=50, source:maxspeed=BE-VLG:urban
Built-up area in Wallonia maxspeed=50, source:maxspeed=BE-WAL:urban
Built-up area in Brussels maxspeed=30, source:maxspeed=BE-BRU:urban
Outside built-up area in Flanders maxspeed=70, source:maxspeed=BE-VLG:rural
Outside built-up area in Wallonia maxspeed=90, source:maxspeed=BE-WAL:rural
Outside built-up area in Brussels maxspeed=70

Belgian traffic sign F113 rue cyclable.svgBelgian traffic sign F113 fietszone.svg End of a zone dedicated to bicycle traffic

This sign was added to the Wegcode on 1 April 2023 an replaces the F113 signs with text "Fietsstraat"/"Rue cyclable".

F117 Belgian traffic sign F117.svg Start of a Low Emission Zone (LEZ). A Low emission zone is defined in OSM by the tag boundary=low_emission_zone. Currently, the ones in Brussels, Antwerp and Ghent are already tagged. Please see this wiki page before adding any new.
F118 Belgian traffic sign F118.svg End of a Low Emission Zone (LEZ). A Low emission zone is defined in OSM by the tag boundary=low_emission_zone. Currently, the ones in Brussels, Antwerp and Ghent are already tagged. Please see this wiki page before adding any new.
F119 Start of an airport area.
F120 End of an airport area.