Road signs in Belgium/C Prohibitory signs

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C Prohibitory signs

Sign Image Description Tags
C1 Belgian traffic sign C1.svg Forbidden direction for all drivers. oneway=yes

make sure the direction of the way is the same as the driving direction

Belgian traffic sign C1.svg Belgian traffic sign M2.svg


Forbidden direction for all drivers, except bicycles

oneway=yes combined with oneway:bicycle=no

Belgian traffic sign C1.svg Belgian traffic sign M3.svg


Forbidden direction for all drivers, except bicycles and mofas (mopeds class A).

oneway=yes combined with oneway:bicycle=no and oneway:mofa=no

Belgian traffic sign C1.svg Belgian traffic sign M11.svg


Forbidden direction for all drivers, except bicycles and speed pedelec (mopeds class P).

oneway=yes combined with oneway:bicycle=no and oneway:speed_pedelec=no

Belgian traffic sign C1.svg Belgian traffic sign M12.svg


Forbidden direction for all drivers, except bicycles, mofas (mopeds class A) and speed pedelecs (mopeds class P).

oneway=yes combined with oneway:bicycle=no, oneway:mofa=no and oneway:speed_pedelec=no
C3 Belgian road sign C3.svg No entry, in both directions, for all drivers. vehicle=no and horse=no

Also try to add the necessary tag when there is an exception sign. Please see Key:access for exceptions not listed below.

Belgian road sign C3.svg Belgium-trafficsign-ob-iv-plaatselijkverkeer.svg Belgium-trafficsign-ob-iv-circulationlocale.svg

Only destination traffic allowed. Horses, bicycles, pedestrians and bus are always allowed. vehicle=destination, bicycle=yes, horse=yes, bus=yes and emergency=yes
Belgian road sign C3.svg


Only traffic of residents allowed (aangelanden) is a more strict limitation than destination traffic (plaatselijk verkeer / circulation locale), as it only allows people actually owning or renting property in that street, and not visitors or delivery traffic like with destination traffic. But at the moment, this difference is not yet expressed in OSM. Another difference with destination is that there are no exceptions defined (for example bicycle, horse,...) vehicle=destination, horse=destination
Belgian road sign C3.svg

Belgium-trafficsign-ob-iv-aangelanden toelatingen w&z rijwielen.png

Variation of the above sign, with exceptions for permit holders and bicycles. vehicle=destination, horse=destination, bicycle=yes

There is no consensus yet on how to tag access restriction based on permits. One way of tagging it would be by adding: vehicle:conditional=yes @ permit. Another way would be vehicle=no, vehicle:conditional=yes @ destination;yes @ (private AND private=permit). (and similar for horse access)

Belgian road sign C3.svg Only permit holders and delivery vehicles allowed. vehicle=no, horse=no, vehicle:conditional=yes @ permit; yes @ delivery, horse:conditional=yes @ permit; yes @ delivery
Belgian road sign C3.svg

Belgium-trafficsign-ob-speelstraat.svg Belgium-trafficsign-ob-ruereserveeaujeu.svg

A street that has been temporarily and partially closed to allow children to play on the streets As an example, a street that is closed during the summer holidays from 9 until 18:00:

access:conditional=destination @ (Jul-Aug 09:00-18:00)

maxspeed:conditional=5 @ (Jul-Aug 09:00-18:00)

Belgian road sign C3.svg

A street where a school is located. Limited access, making it safe for pedestrian and cyclists.

Only pedestrians, cyclists and speed pedelecs are allowed. Maximum speed is limited to 'walking speed'. Exception for permit holders (law nl schoolstraat fr rue scolaire)

vehicle=no, horse=no, bicycle=yes, speed_pedelec=yes, emergency=yes

maxspeed:conditional=5 @ (opening_hours school)

vehicle:conditional=yes @ permit;yes @ (opening_hours when there's no school);yes @ (SH) (adjust the "opening_hours when there's no school" in the tag above).

horse:conditional=yes @ permit;yes @ (opening_hours when there's no school);yes @ (SH) (adjust the "opening_hours when there's no school" in the tag above).

A new proposal for these situations is available here.

Belgian road sign C3.svg


A towpath, which has it's own set of laws. See Jaagpad page for more details. vehicle=no, horse=no, bicycle=yes, mofa=yes, maxspeed=30

There is no consensus yet on how to tag access restriction based on permits. One way of tagging it would be by adding: vehicle:conditional=yes @ permit. Another way would be vehicle=no, vehicle:conditional=yes @ destination;yes @ (private AND private=permit). (and similar for horse access)

Belgian road sign C3.svg Belgian traffic sign M2.svg


No entry, in both directions, for all drivers, except bicyles. Regularly used as alternative on cycleways

vehicle=no, horse=no, bicycle=yes

Belgian road sign C3.svg Belgian traffic sign M3.svg


No entry, in both directions, for all drivers, except bicycles and mofas (mopeds class A)

vehicle=no, horse=no, bicycle=yes, mofa=yes
Belgian road sign C3.svg

Belgian traffic sign M3bis.png


No entry, in both directions, for all drivers, except bicycles, mofas, mopeds and speed pedelecs.

vehicle=no, horse=no, bicycle=yes, mofa=yes, moped=yes and speed_pedelec=yes

Belgian road sign C3.svg Belgian traffic sign M11.svg


No entry, in both directions, for all drivers, except bicycles and speed pedelecs (mopeds class P)

vehicle=no, horse=no, bicycle=yes, speed_pedelec=yes

Belgian road sign C3.svg Belgian traffic sign M12.svg


No entry, in both directions, for all drivers, except bicycles, mofas (mopeds class A) and speed pedelecs (mopeds class P)

vehicle=no, horse=no, bicycle=yes, mofa=yes and speed_pedelec=yes
C5 Belgian road sign C5.svg

No entry for drivers of motor vehicles with more than two wheels and motorcycles with side-car

motor_vehicle=no, motorcycle=yes, mofa=yes, moped=yes and speed_pedelec=yes

Belgian road sign C5.svg

Belgian traffic sign GIV Uitgezonderd 2+.svg

No entry for drivers of motor vehicles with more than two wheels and motorcycles with side-car, except for those vehicles that have at least 2 or 3 occupants (depending on the indicated number) and public transport busses When used on a street:

motor_vehicle=no, hov=designated, hov:minimum=2, bus=yes, motorcycle=yes, mofa=yes, moped=yes, speed_pedelec=yes

When using on (a) lane(s):

Example: 3 lane motorway, with the 1st lane indicated with sign C5+"uitgezonderd 2+"/"excepté 2+"

highway=motorway, oneway=yes, lanes=3, motor_vehicle:lanes=yes|yes|no, bus:lanes=yes|yes|yes, hov:lanes=yes|yes|designated, hov:minimum=2

C6 Belgian road sign C6.svg No entry for drivers of motor vehicles with four wheels, constructed for unpaved surfaces, with an open body work, handlebars like a motorcycle and a seat. (For example ATVs...) atv=no
C7 Belgian road sign C7.svg No entry for drivers motorcycles motorcycle=no
C9 Belgian road sign C9.svg No entry for drivers of mopeds (and mofas) mofa=no, moped=no and speed_pedelec=no
C11 Belgian road sign C11.svg No entry for drivers of 'rijwielen'/'cycles'. (For example bicycles, tricycles ...) bicycle=no
C13 Belgian road sign C13.svg No entry for drivers of carriages carriage=no


Belgian road sign C15.svg No entry for horse riders horse=no
C17 Belgian road sign C17.svg No entry for drivers of hand-carts hand_cart=no
C19 Belgian road sign C19.svg No entry for pedestrians foot=no
C21 Belgian road sign C21.svg No entry for drivers of vehicles with more mass than indicated maxweight=5.5
Belgian road sign C21.svg
Belgian road sign GIV uitgezonderd plaatselijk verkeer.png
No entry for drivers of vehicles with more mass than indicated, except local traffic (which also includes public transport busses and emergency vehicles) maxweight=5.5 and maxweight:conditional=none @ destination
Belgian road sign C21.svg

Belgian traffic sign C21 maxweight uitgezonderd laden lossen, vergunning en bus autocar.png

No entry for drivers of vehicles with more mass than indicated, except delivery, permit holders, bus and tourist bus. maxweight=5.5

maxweight:conditional=none @ delivery; none @ permit



C22 Belgian road sign C22.svg

No entry for drivers of coaches (fr: autocars) (this sign doesn't prohibit buses used as public transport)

tourist_bus=no, coach=no (attention: bus=no is used to limit public-transport buses, and is not applicable here).
C23 Belgian road sign C23.svg No entry for drivers of motor vehicles and combination vehicles designed and constructed for the transport of goods. goods=no and hgv=no
Belgian road sign C23.svg

Belgian road sign GVIIa.jpg

No entry for drivers of motor vehicles and combination vehicles designed and constructed for the transport of goods above a specific weight. The maximum mass is indicated by a sign underneath.


Belgian road sign C23.svgBelgian road sign GVIIa.jpgBelgian road sign GIV uitgezonderd plaatselijk verkeer.png No entry for drivers of motor vehicles and combination vehicles designed and constructed for the transport of goods above a specific weight, except local traffic ("uitgezonderd plaatselijk verkeer"/"uitgezonderd plaatselijke bediening"/"excepté circulation locale"). The maximum mass and exceptions are indicated by one or more signs underneath.

(In case of an exception for delivery traffic ("uitgezonderd laden en lossen"), use maxweightrating:goods:conditional=none @ delivery and maxweightrating:hgv:conditional=none @ delivery.)



maxweightrating:goods:conditional=none @ destination

maxweightrating:hgv:conditional=none @ destination

C24a Belgian road sign C24a.svg No entry for drivers of vehicles transporting hazardous substances hazmat=no
Belgian road sign C24a.svgBelgian road sign GXII e.png No entry for drivers of vehicles transporting hazardous substances of category E or lower. The hazard category is indicated by the sign underneath.

(Other possible categories are B, C and D)

C24b Belgian road sign C24b.svg No entry for drivers of vehicles transporting inflammable or explosive substances access:explosives=no
C24c Belgian road sign C24c.svg No entry for drivers of vehicles transporting polluting substances hazmat:water=no
C25 Belgian road sign C25.svg No entry for drivers of vehicles or combination vehicles which are longer than indicated (including the cargo) maxlength=10
C27 Belgian road sign C27.svg No entry for drivers of vehicles which are wider than indicated (including the cargo) maxwidth=2.5
C29 Belgian road sign C29.svg No entry for drivers of vehicles which are higher than indicated (including the cargo) maxheight=3.5

Belgian road sign C31g.svg
Belgian road sign C31d.svg

No turn allowed in the direction inicated by the arrow at the next intersection

Relation:restriction with a restriction=*
C33 Belgian road sign C33.svg

No u-turn allowed until and including the next intersection

Relation:restriction with a restriction=*
C35 Belgian road sign C35.svg No overtaking of carriages and vehicles with more than two wheels until the next intersection overtaking=no if overtaking is not allowed in both directions.

overtaking=forward if overtaking is allowed when driving in the direction of the way but not in the other direction.

overtaking=backward if overtaking is allowed when driving against the direction of the way but not in the other direction.

C37 Belgian road sign C37.svg End of overtaking prohibition from sign C35 No specific tags needed, as overtaking=yes is assumed default
C39 Belgian road sign C39.svg No overtaking of carriages or vehicles with more than two wheels by drivers of vehicles or combination vehicles used for goods transport with maximum allowed mass over 3500kg until the next intersection overtaking:hgv=no, overtaking:hgv=forward or overtaking:hgv=backward
Belgian road sign C39.svgGV ma-vrij 5u-10u 15u-20u 900x600.svg No overtaking of carriages or vehicles with more than two wheels by drivers of vehicles or combination vehicles used for goods transport with maximum allowed mass over 3500kg until the next intersection, from monday to friday, from 5h00 to 10h00 and from 15h00 to 20h00 overtaking:hgv:conditional=no @ (Mo-Fr 05:00-10:00,15:00-20:00)
C41 Belgian road sign C41.svg End of overtaking prohibition from sign C39 No specific tags needed, as overtaking=yes is assumed default
C43 Belgian traffic sign C43 70.svg

Maximum speed is as indicated until the next intersection, or until another (zonal) C43 sign, or until the sign that indicates the start or end of a built up area, living street or pedestrian zone.
When the sign C43 indicates "30" and is put above a F1 sign, the maximum speed applies to the entire built-up area.

Belgian traffic sign C43 70.svg

Belgian road sign GVIIa.jpg

A sign with a maximum mass can be added so the maximum speed only applies to vehicles with maximum allowed mass higher than indicated maxspeed:conditional=70 @ (maxweightrating>2.0)
C45 Belgian traffic sign C45 50.svg End of speed limit from sign C43 Unless another sign applies: maxspeed=50 (within built-up areas in Flanders and Wallonia), maxspeed=30 (within built-up areas in Brussels), maxspeed=70 (outside built-up area in Flanders), maxspeed=90 (outside built-up area in Wallonia), or maxspeed=120 (on roads with at least two lanes in every direction and a central barrier)
C46 Belgian road sign C46.svg

End of all prohibitions imposed by other signs to all moving vehicles

No tag as this sign is the end of the restriction (Although in some cases a tag with value "yes" may be inserted)
C47 Belgium-trafficsign-c47.svg

Toll booths. No driving through without stopping


C48 Belgian road sign C48.svg

Not allowed to use cruise control until the next intersection
A sign with a maximum mass can be added so it only applies to vehicles with maximum allowed mass higher than indicated

This sign, together with sign C49, has been removed on 1 October 2022 and should not be placed anymore.
C49 Belgian road sign C49.svg

End of prohibition imposed by sign C48

This sign, together with sign C48, has been removed on 1 October 2022 and should not be placed anymore.

The signs C5, C6, C7, C9, C11, C13, C15, C17, C19, C22 and C23 can be combined into one sign (Up to maximum three signs are combined this way). These are some common combinations:

Sign Image Description Tags
C5 + C7 Belgium-trafficsign-C5-C7.svg No entry for vehicles with more than two wheels and motorcycles motor_vehicle=no, mofa=yes, moped=yes and speed_pedelec=yes
C5 + C7 + C9 Belgium-trafficsign-C5-C7-C9.svg No entry for vehicles with more than two wheels, motorcycles and mopeds (class A, B and P) motor_vehicle=no

Belgian traffic sign GIV uitgezonderd bus, taxi, gemeentelijke afvalophaling en prioritaire voertuigen.svg

No entry for vehicles with more than two wheels, motorcycles and mopeds (class A, B and P),

except busses, taxi's, communal waste collection services and emergency vehicles.

Frequently used in Ghent. There is no way to tag the access restriction for waste collection services.

motor_vehicle=no, bus=yes, taxi=yes and emergency=yes
C11 + C9 Belgium-trafficsign-C11-C9.svg No entry for 'rijwielen'/'cycles' and mopeds (class A, B and P) bicycle=no, mofa=no, moped=no and speed_pedelec=no